Apologies Admin – I don’t have a link to an article
Just a brief ‘ WHAT THE FUCK ! ‘ nomination.
I recently used the cashpoint machine at my local Asda.
I was greeted by a screen filled with Arabic text – advertising some Muslim bank.
I really no longer live in the United Kingdom.
It’s already started resembling downtown Iran
If I had the means and anyone (other than the British Government) would accept me, I would leave my home and country of birth, Tomorrow.
I no longer recognise my surroundings nor feel Safe.
Alas for my poor country …..
هو العضو التناسلي النسوي = Is a Cunt
Nominated by: Lord of the Rings
(Disclaimer – If this was a national thing it would reach the media or social media, but at present it hasn’t. Moreover, Asda has no control over ATMs and is therefore not responsible for its on-screen imagery or money dispensed – Day Admin)
well Asda is owned by a pair of Muslims, so no surprise really?
Afternoon Jill, before long the cash machine will ask you if you want to include a donation for the bastards in Gaza or to help with contributions to build your local mosque.
Don’t be silly. It won’t ask, it’ll just take 10% of your withdrawal.
Hello Thomas ? They can just fuck right off then! The dirty stinky cunts?
Shopping in Asda tells you a lot about yourself. I did it once, I bought a sandwich for lunch, it would have been OK if there had been some filling.
Politics paki style…!
Welcome to the brave new world..
‘Menacing’ midnight visitor forces Kirklees councillor to call 999
He’s Saddan Hussain’s love child, and I claim my £5 Asda voucher.
He looks like a parking stanley Hercule Poirot.
These are the people who “own” Asda..
Not bad from humble petrol station beginnings. ( funny how no other cunt can make them pay)
What’s funnier is that they’ve fallen out because one of them has left his wife for some totty.
Christian totty…?
Same all over really.
Everything official gets printed in about thirty different languages.
As Frank Carson would have said,.
And there’s more..!
Instead of the old smack on the arse Asda style, this deserves a punch in the throat.
I’ve heard they’re updating their ads to feature a taxi drivers hand patting a 12 year old girls arse.
Much more marketable for their demographic.
It’s all getting in line for the caliphate, the army of Islam is being bolstered every fucking day with the invasion across the channel.
Our army is too small, once these cunts get their hands on weapons it will be like the Taliban takeover, here is one cunt who should be swiftly removed.
Any cunt with a refugees welcome placard should be shot, anyone on the pro Palestine marches should be shot.
And shot again for extra punishment
Already happened Sick of it.
There won’t be any adverts saying, ‘That’s Asda price’ and a hand tapping a pocket on a cute arse. Now it’ll be, ‘Get that Asda price feeling’ with a hand hitting a burqua-clad woman’s head.
At least, I think it’s a woman.
Or a cup of acid being thrown in a woman’s face.
Afternoon Cap’n.
Afternoon Thomas.
I’m reminded of the joke:
Interviewer: You wife wears a burqua, a full black burqua, as well as your three daughters. Doesn’t it sometimes become confusing?
Mohammit: Yes, of course. Last week, I went upstairs and accidentally had sex with my wife.
Ouch Cap’n!
Fookin’ classic.
The solution is our own hands. It may seem remarkable considering the way that the MSM and the television gaslight us but we are still in the vast majority. Don’t deal with them. Don’t shop at Asda. Don’t buy your petrol at EG stations. Don’t buy any services you need from them. Don’t communicate with them.
It’s amazing they still sell bacon and sausages eh, arfur?
I humbly suggest the word hypocrisy is a better fit than amazing Tom. Trust you’re well?
Bloody great thanks. Yourself?
I’ll be even better later on because Susan Boyle and Michelle McManus are coming round for tea and are going to take turns sitting on my face whilst the other attempts to play ‘Mull of Kintyre’ on the accordian.
Enough to loosen any red-blooded man’s seed.
Wonder who’ll have the least repulsive clopper?
They do hypocrisy quite well Thomas.
By rights, Khan and Useless should be calling for all gay and trans people to be beheaded.
After all, it’s what their religion stipulates.
They’ll do anything for a few Bob, these park keys.
Stopped shopping at asda when the smelly cunts took it over, I’d rather go without something than put money in their pockets.
حفنة من البلهاء مضغ السجاد
Part of that translation is ‘carpet chewers’!
Which suggests to me a sort of porn I’ve never seen: muzzie lesbians. There must be some.
That don’t look like yesterday afternoon’s Dobbie-esque nom.
Part of that translation is ‘carpet chewers’!
Which suggests to me a sort of porn I’ve never seen: mụżzıe lesbıans. There must be some.
That don’t look like yesterday afternoon’s Dobbie-esque nom.
Carpet chewers take it up the arse ?
I should think there must be loads of muzzie lesbians considering the unfeeling, clumsy, repressed, unempathetic men they have available.
I was walking around the Souks of Bradford the other day, saw someone having their hand sewn back on. It was nice to see they’d won their appeal.
I see the useful idiots are out again in Londonstan protesting.Send them all to the desert.
I lived and worked in London for fifteen years, never much liked it, but it was always tolerable.
Went back recently after about five years away for a short visit to take the missus to the docs, sat outside waiting for her. Fucking crawling with pavement apes and dakis all of whom seemed intent on asserting their ownership of the streets. Told her she needed to change her doctors, drove down the ‘23, resigned to the fact I shall never again return.
Allan’s Snackbar ??? I despair at our “shit hole” country.Down the ???.
What have we learned today ladies and gents?
Asda is the carpet riders supermarket of choice, so everything will be geared up to suit them.
I can’t stand the fucking place. Not because of any snobbery or anything.
I just find the thought of mixing with park keys, dark keys, obese benefit claiming single mothers and their oddly coloured offspring a bit off putting.
And every penny spent there goes towards the Alan’s Snackbar brothers and their hairy employees.
Fuck that.
The dry-roasted ocelot`s noses are nice though.
I really keep on thinking, I must try those noses!
Not to be sniffed at JP.
Bugger Asda. Full of scummy chav cunts.
You know, like Angela Rayner.
It’s like a playground for gy-ppó kids. Not long before they allow people to wear burquas on the tills.
Arab cash points?
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your undercrackers!
I’ve not seen that yet,
But the urinals in Asdas toilets are Arabic.
Says ” sheikh it before leaving”.
insha’Allah ✊?
May his name be shat upon.
Pakıs really are the ugliest race, by a country mile.
Look at these faces of these disgusting pakı scum:
Flamethrower them all ???
After lopping off the meat and two veg. CUNTS.
That’s their wives surely?
Would you rather live next to a family from Paxtan or a family of Poiii-keys?
Difficult choice, Captain.
The answer is no.
The Muslim banking system doesn’t allow the charging of interest on loans. Given the about of Muslims in the UK a Muslim bank should do well here.
I’m less worried about an Islamic bank in the UK than the bankers who’ve always loved mass immigration because it suppresses labour costs and increases profits, more people more profitable. More people, more government borrowing, more profit. More wars, more government borrowing, more profits.
To cap their schemes off nicely, when national finances go tits up the banks take the assets they’ve been charging interest on and sell them again for more interest.
I ain’t no fan of Islam but banking is literally filth piled upon misery. Next time you’re looking at the amount of tax you’ve paid remember a chunk of that is going direct to bankers in interest payments.
‘Debt interest spending reached a post-war high of £111.5 billion in 2022-23, or 4.4 per of GDP’
We only have millions of Muslims here because of our own fucking bankers.
Good point that. I’ve always thought it was strange that the most ruthless face of exploitative capitalism, banking, should have been at the forefront of corporate wokeism.
Natwest and its “values” debanked Nigel because he was allied to the movement that was exposing their evil. And it is literally evil.
Putting a choke on demand would help. Cheap labour is here (mostly) for shit services people don’t really need.
Deliver Whateverthefuck
Grocery deliveries
Albanian car-wash
Just Eat
Coffee Bastards
Those are the ones I can think of. There’s probably hundreds more.
Well that’s a surprise..
I’m amazed you can draw actual money out of a bank.
Especially as it isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on..
As this doormat of a country is broker than angela rayner’s back doors.
<,︻╦╤─ ҉ – ▬
oozypoos everyone !
Copilot: make an image of Ahmed on a flying carpet.
Absolutely ?
Filthy fucking sandboys can’t even write. Those squiggles could be anything.
Even worse than a doctors signature
It was a fucking tragedy when they bombed Saddam’s library in the second Gulf war. Burnt both his books.
Fucking furious he was apparently. Only just finished colouring in one of them.
I wonder who will decide enough is enough?
I suspect that the ATM had just been used by a sandal-wearer, who had picked the language of his choice to withdraw a portion of his benefit money, and the poor machine was so shell-shocked, it hadn’t managed to reset.
Jesuss I loath this wriggly worm arabic script and now one of the cunts at ISAAC has considered it funny to plaster it all over the site. Nay say fookin’ foony if you were around in the years this site was targeted by a moron who hacked it and kept turning text into wrigglys. Simple fix was to turn the browser language back to English UK until el cunto hacked it again. Cunt would not be warned off and legend has it – which I am not able to confirm or deny – that a certain persuasive visitation had to be made. At the time that the late Anna Raccoon was being given grief.
Admin do stop wanking and sort it out. it is just tedious.
If you get caught shoplifting in Asda (Piss be upon Him), are you for the chop?
Just askin’ for a friend…