Apparently, “white gaze” (yet another pernicious import from America) is the assumption that the default reader or observer is coming from a perspective of someone who identifies as white, or that people of colour sometimes feel need to take into account the white reader or observer’s reaction.
Various authors of colour describe it as a voice in their heads that reminds them that their writing, characters, and plot choices are going to be judged by white readers, and that the reader or viewer, by default, is white.
Err… if you say so…. In other words, black racism.
Or, in the context of this nomination, the banning of white people from attending a theatre in the West End of London on certain nights. Apartheid anyone?
From the article:
Playwright Jeremy O Harris told BBC Sounds yesterday he was ‘so excited’ to put on nights in the West End where tickets were only sold to people who identified as black.
‘One of the things we have to remember is that people have to be radically invited into a space to know that they belong there and in most places in the west, poor people and black people have been told that they do not belong inside the theatre. For me, as someone who wants and yearns for black and brown people to be in the theatre, who comes from a working class environment, who wants people who do not make six figures to feel like theatre is a place for them, it is a necessity to radically invite them in with initiatives that say “you’re invited”. Specifically you.”’
Asked if it didn’t make him uncomfortable that in turn it was telling white people they weren’t allowed in the space, he responded: ‘There are a litany of places in our country that are generally only inhabited by white people, and nobody is questioning that, and nobody is saying that by inviting black audiences here you are uninvited.’
(Bollocks. There are no places in the UK where black people are banned. More’s the pity some would say.)
One senior Tory MP, who did not want to be named, raised questions over the decision to bar white people from the show, telling MailOnline: ‘I understand the subject matter of the show may have particular resonance for some but I would simply question the legality of this? In other circles it would be illegal and racial discrimination. I don’t understand why this isn’t.’
Nominated by: Shit Cake Baker
And on a similar note, there’s this from Balsamic Dave
I don’t know if this one has already been nom’d, but the producers of race-baiting theatre production “Slave Play” have declared their intention to hold two performances for black-only audiences so that those assembled can enjoy the production “free from the white gaze”.
Now let’s indulge a brief thought experiment. Let’s reverse the scenario and have a play devoted to the theme of being white; shall we call it “Hard Working Play”. Let’s have two evenings where we have white-only audiences, this initiative devised to allow an all white audience to enjoy the spectacle “free from the black gaze”. That’d go down just fine, wouldn’t it everyone?
This preposterous “blacks only” restriction also demands the question who does and does not qualify as “black”? Will one half of a mixed race couple have to stay at home? Will someone born of one white and one black parent only be allowed to stay until half time? Can Gary Lineker tag along? Would Michael Jackson be shown the door?
I’d say this lot more than deserve to take a bow for being the bunch of cunts they so clearly are.
White gaze, it’s white wrath the cunts should be afraid of….?
Jeremy O Harris would look more at home on a jam jar.
A good friend of mine collects Gollywogs. His collection is only shown to a select few likeminded individuals.
Nice little hobby, innit?
Divisive and dangerous drivel.
It is, indeed.
No one benefits.
It annoys white people and is actually patronising black people, in so much as they feel they have to have a ‘black only’ space. Well, no!
Evening all.
Can’t see the problem, myself.
I’m taking Mrs Bottler to the theatre next month.
Along with some friends.
A birthday treat.
Booked a whites only box.
No problems.
Stands to reason.
Good nom SCB, BD.
Fuck them.
And the Moon Crickets wonder why we don’t like ’em, the fucking smoothbrained simians.
Netflix now has a ‘Black Stories’ section. I was very disappointed to not find ‘Love Thy Neighbour’ or ‘The Mississippi Burning’ there.
I’ve now cancelled Netflix.
I checked my Netflix and don’t see the likes of THAT amongst my choices. Is it because you’ve dabbled in the likes of ?
4 planet of the apes movies are there, they love those wakanda films
The company I used to work for had a brilliant CEO. He built the company from scratch, it’s now a multi-billion business.
Anyhow…he was being interviewed on one of the business channels in the US and he was asked the question, ‘what are your views on diversity and hiring.’ His reply, ‘best person gets the job.’ Do you have a Diversity and Inclusion policy? Don’t need one.’
We were pounced upon my all sorts of chimped-up organisations, they were appalled, disgusted etc etc.
Ended up we were FORCED to hire two symbolic ‘ethnics’ at EO level.
Within a couple of years these two goons had poisoned a great company. There are very few tree-swimgers in Tech for a reason, it’s just not their thing.
We all quit and started a new company and now avoid being interviewed. Lessons learned ?
That’s both extremely saddening and incredibly emboldening. Good on you lot for not giving in to the DEI mob, MCC.
Similarly, in my line of work, we have hardly any Tree Swingers irrespective of how many ‘commishuns’ Lewis Hamilton sets up – STEM subjects just don’t seem to be their thing, which is why they’re “under represented.”
A friend of mine was forced to make a diversity hire in October/November last year. On top of a £65,000 salary, they also threw in a relocation package. The cunt was in the job for a fortnight before resigning.
I feel for you!
One of our two goons even wrote her ‘diversity’ emails in ebonics. No one had a clue WTF she was harping-on about.
Mind boggling incompetence.
No matter, I am a free man now.
Is it because I’m black , no it’s because you’re a cunt
…and black!
And there was me thinking all cunts were pink…
Utter bollocks.Stop the world I’ve seen enough ☹️
Maybe someone can explain why we need to do intellectual and cultural contortions to please people who come here because it’s better than their own countries?
Don’t like it don’t come!
How many black authors give a fuck how white people perceive their writing? How the fuck does the written word mean something different dependant on the colour of your skin?
Once again the lunatic left display who really are the racists. They define everything on race, tells me they believe skin colour dictates intellect.
Dress it up as cultural sensitivity but what they are actually doing is race separation. Tell me how I’m wrong about that?
It’s out racist that paper is white and ink is black?
Al Jolson identified as black, would they let him in?
Black, white, brown, yellowish.
Which one would you prefer to be..?
We bring a lot to the table.
In fact we built the table too.
We invented the table, the roof over it & the chairs around it. They need a sharp lesson marched to a ship and sent back to sitting on a mud floor in their huts eating monkey spunk on a stick again.
Apartheid? HELL fuck yeah….NOW PLEASE
Presumably if all black people are downtrodden poor folk, the ticket prices will be reduced for these two performances?
No? Thought not…