Everything is interrelated, everything plays a part in getting us where they need us to be; sick, compliant, servient, fearfull, weak, powerless, brainwashed, obedient, transhuman slaves.
Viruses, racial conflict, mass shootings, gender psyops, food shortages, vaccines, 5G, geoengineering, all of it is by design in order to get us a step closer to their ultimate goals.
Their agenda is so anti-human, anti-nature and anti-life that in order to get us there, they need to destroy our health, our will, our faith, our power and everything in our lives that has a positive impact: family, spirituality, human connection, unity, creativity and love. They must destroy all the things that make life worth living, because those are the things we will fight for.
That is why they divide us, they make us fight, they distract us, they brainwash us, and they indoctrinate us to think that wrong is right and right is wrong.
They confuse young people about their gender, they convince women killing their unborn child is a right, they call parents terrorists and terrorists democrats, they elevate people whose only achievement is to parade a fake butt, they promote pedophilia, they distribute crack pipes instead of helping addicts into rehab, they send arms to Nazis but won’t let you own a gun to defend yourself, they want you eating insects and won’t let you grow your own food, they stigmatise alternative medicine and promote Big Pharma’s drugs that never cure but make you a customer for life and they make you think we are weak, powerless beings in need of their protection when nothing could be further from the truth.
Nominated by Simmy Javile link by Jeezum Priest.
In a nutshell:
I was with this nomination up until the mention of 5G. I was in the Royal Signals so radio-tech principles and the use of EM radiation were my bread and butter.
In my trade course, we also did a module on Electronic Warfare so from what I can ascertain, unless everybody in the British Military who’s been trained in this stuff was trained incorrectly on purpose, the 5G conspiracy theory is complete bollocks.
I recently saw a documentary on youtube which was a tour around the US Air Force’s ‘Doomsday Plane’ (Boeing E-4) and all of its EM shielding measures.
@Cuntamus Prime
I would imagine the EM shielding is a contingency in the event of an upper atmospheric nuclear weapon detonation and the resultant EM pulse that would otherwise knock the plane out of the sky.
When I did a mobile mast tech training course, one of the 5 modules was in RF awareness, we were told we would be issued with Geiger Counters for working by the antenna. I never pursued with the training so cannot vouch for the veracity but it was part of the course so….
At close range, due to the inverse square law, any radiation is more densely concentrated than it would be at 10, 20, 100 or 1000 metres away.
When I was being trained on the HF/VHF Bowman Radio System, the det had what looked like a vertical exhaust pipe by the passenger door but was actually a wave guide to expel excess RF radiation in a concentrated narrow channel. We were told to never put any part of our body in front of it due to RF burns to the skin.
The main safety issue isn’t one of wavelength or frequency of the radiation, but of the power output so the use of Geiger counters and protective suits when working in close proximity to the masts is probably a harm mitigation measure in the event of an unexpected power surge.
The Geiger counter is to 5G masts what speedometers are to cars and the radiation suit is to 5G masts what seat belts are to cars. If you see your speedometer needle go up, you don’t assume you’re going to crash, just as you don’t assume you’re going to crash every time you apply your seat belt.
So you were Royal Signals eh, TITS? I used to have QSOs with your guys in Blandford Forum more than fifty years ago. God I’m old. I was on a BBC site in Evesham and your guys used the call sign G4RS. I was envious of the RS guys who could handle Morse at 40wpm with ease, send or receive, whilst us poor saps worked hard to achieve twelve for our post office Morse test. Happy days.
Yeah I was in between 2008 and 2012. I did my phase 2 at Blandford Forum in 2009/2010.
Sadly, we were never trained in Morse code because I guess they figured we’d never need it, which is ironic considering that one of the engineering maxims we were taught is to always have redundancy in any system…. knowing Morse Code seems like something that could come in useful at some point.
I used to work with a former Scaley Back RSM from Blandford. An absolute cunt who thought he was the Cats whiskers. Absolutely piss weak and ran like a fucking homo!!
@Foghorn Truthsayer
When was he Balndford RSM? I’m wondering if I was their when he was.
I can sympathise with the idea of a deep state ruining everybody’s fun, but in reality there seems a loose aliance of buffoons from the traitor class – managers, civil servants, journos, lawyers, NGO types, Common purpose grads -a lot of whom are former communists in their university days.
The BBC have ties with both the Foreign office and intelligence services through BBC monitoring and personnel assessment.
I wouldnt go so far as soe of the other stuff like 5G.
There is some truth in this nom, which at first looks conspiracy theory twaddle. Whoever you vote for you get the same. The “Deep State”, or lets call it vested interests and a liberal globalist world view, always comes out tops, no matter who you vote for or what the electorate wants.
Isac- may contain nuts
Get away….!
Most of the nuts have been expelled, but now it looks like we’re working up to a bumper crop again.
No, I’m sure there are no nuts on Isac any more. Just remember not to step on the joints between the flag stones and you’ll be OK.
Surely you mean ‘May contain cunts’ Mis?
ISAC theme tune
IsAC; The Movie has already been made, Crazy People (1990)
Considering the recent complaining that has gone on regarding nominations on here being “boring” , “repetitive” too often being about “dinghies” “trannies” or the “Labour Party” here we have a more left field nomination which is met with more than a few howls of derision and low brow insults.
Ok – this subject matter clearly triggers some folk but at the end of the day, it’s a slightly different cunting and a break from the norm.
Seems there’s no pleasing some people though.
You sound a little triggered yourself there Herman??
Yes I find the same old shite
Meghan Markle
Harry Hewitt etc
Boring and repetitive.
That doesn’t mean I’ve got to do cartwheels for some paranoid conspiracy shite.
We all have a voice.
I air mine.
If it upsets anyone?
Fuck em.
It’s called free speech.
We all support that.
Mis, no worry’s, put on a Konks album and rest easy in old swinging England, keep the faith mucker.
I applaud a whacky cunting now and again. That’s why I miss Miles sometimes.
The ‘Report Abuse’ button, Mis?
Nail in the coffin.
Yep, shame eh DCI?
Hope you are well pal ?
Your point is well taken.
Any madcap conspiracy bollocks you HAVEN’T followed General?
Ignore that. It’s just a tactic to discredit you.
They can’t refute what you say so they belittle it:
“Your whinging, crying, too emotional, stop before you make a fool of yourself. Put on your tin foil hat you nutter.”
The truth is that many of the things they object to are simply beyond the scope of their insular and provincial outlook.
But if the neighbors dog shits in their yard…or the Town Council doesn’t fill a pothole…
You daft twat.
And throw him to the floor, Sir?
My case in point.
The prosecution rests.
@ Miserable
I wasn’t taking aim at you.
I was just exercising my freedom of speech.
Evening Herman,
But it was me who complained about repetitive nominations.
I’m not arsed if it was aimed at me Herman,
But I stand by what I said.
I don’t like repetitive noms
And I’m no fan of this 5G, Jews drink blood of babies, Atlantis, type stuff.
If others are? fine.
But Im not and will say so.
Not having a pop at you pal just standing my ground,
Only one I’ve a issue with is a yank shit stirrer.
Careful MNC.
We wouldn’t want him to have another of his legendary meltdowns. ?
I would.?
I love it when he cries!
My winky goes hard and I sleep better.
We all know you love stories about Atlantis, Mis’
Doug McClure was in Warlords of Atlantis, after all (one of the very first films i remember seeing on TV)
Evening again Mis.
Opinionated Cunt has probably been the most vocal about repetitive nominations if I was to name anybody in particular yet he was the first to completely dismiss this particular nomination.
@ Opinionated Cunt – I’m not having a pop either – it’s just an observation.
I stand by what I said this morning that this is a well written and thought provoking nomination. That’s it.
As I said recently, some conspiracy stuff is very interesting where as some of it is plainly absurd (such as the recent nom about the fella who tried to say those kids weren’t really killed in Manchester arena for example)
Anything conspiratorial, anti Israel or left leaning seems to provoke the biggest reaction on here so I say more of it please.
Hey Herman,
Except for an excitable few, nobody believes you are having a “pop” at anyone.
Your posts and observations in this nomination have been spot on…including this one.
As you so correctly put it, some “conspiracy theories” are “plainly absurd.”
But the Deep State, Build Back Better, Davos, The Great Reset and others in the same vein are well documented, regularly demonstrated and in some cases not disputed by the perpetrators.
Reaction is good when it results in intelligent discourse. It is bad when it results in derision.
You must be used to it by now?
Any cuntings that I feel are repetitive or simply not of interest I remain silent on.
I don’t have much interest in Gary Lineker or his views, so I usually avoid posting on those cuntings.
Same with local councils etc. unless they are local to me.
The West seemed to have ‘signed up’ to:
let tens of thousands through their borders
borrow tons of money
squander as much money as possible
slip through more controlling laws
condone the de-humanisation of males and females
teach de-humanisation to little children
allow divisive groups to regress the progress made by the Civil Rights Movement
tell us climate change is our fault
Then there’s the things we know they want to do, like stick us in 15 minute cities, enforce vaccination and make us carry vaccination ‘cards’ (last I read, the EU are still horny for that!) In California, where the madness is rife, the crazies at the university are talking about putting vaccines in your lettuce!
The WEF make no secret what they are about and that they have infiltrated every institution they can. Combine the messages of the WEF with politicians, Hollywood, films and pop music, is it any wonder people think there is a Deep State pumping out The Message and cancel anyone who doesn’t adhere to it. I hear it loud and clear. I just don’t hear through 5g or see Lizard people.
This seems to be the strangest time I have ever witnessed. Things seem to be being perverted upside down for the sake of it, almost satanic in its design and purpose.
The oft quoted claims of incompetence are a diversion, you don’t get to the top of the political ladder by being incompetent unless you’re installed there by higher authority. Gove and Hunt are defo wrong ‘uns.
I reckon there’s a few Leftists on here and maybe a champagne socialist or two, such is the mix of life I suppose.
It’s the powers behind the public images that pull the strings, I refer you back to the Tony Benn clip I posted earlier, this disarray is not a fucking ‘theory’.
I disagree with you somewhat, Pooter – you only get to the top of the political ladder by being competent at politics, nothing else (exhibit A; Lizz Truss).
Being good at avoiding controversial statements, trading votes, keeping or dishing the dirt as the situation arises etc. prepares you in no way whatsoever to manage something like a pandemic or the invasion of one country by another.