Shameless Britain

Inspired by this pearler or should that be curler, it got me thinking about the lack of shame and the unapologetic couldn’t give a fuck attitude of some people in the country. Like most things over recent decades, standards have fallen.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it and say Britain has always been polite and well-mannered etc but at least the country had standards and societal norms that the vast majority of people understood and adhered to.

Its more so the little things that you notice. Slobby cunts dropping their kids off to school in their onesies, eating smelly food on public transport, talking on the phone loudly, dropping litter, pushing in front of a queue, bikes on pavements…honestly I could probably write a fucking book.

The point is this behaviour has become tolerated and normalised with no hint of shame or guilt often seen as some kind of badge of honour to be celebrated on Tik Twat by the likes of the ghetto walrus above.

Maybe she was dialling the speaking plop.


Nominated: Liberal Liquidator

(We do have a scheduled nom regarding modern society in general. But can we focus on this nom with regards the scumbags, losers and chavs here. Thanks – Day Admin)

67 thoughts on “Shameless Britain

  1. I’m with Lee Anderson on this.’ I want my country back’.
    I know, it ain’t going to happen but i like the sentiment.

    • Alright, Steaming,

      I don’t know if you agree, but I when Lee Anderson said “I want my country back,” I feel that’s when the genie left the bottle for that sentiment.

      The establishment are in for one hell of a shock during the next years. I’ll bet my last on it!

  2. I can’t believe this is the same country that I grew up in (a 60’s child.) How the actual fuck do people in this day and age think their behaviour is normal. Dirty, disgusting fucking arse hole cunts?

      • What’s wrong with my language? It’s no different to what the rest of you are using. And yes, I’m female though I fail to see what this has got to do with anything.

    • I think the seeds of our destruction were sown back in the late 50s, and mass immigration has had a lot to do with it. Nobody ever asked us if we wanted it, of course.

      Plenty of white ‘trailer trash’ types about as well of course, littering, shooting up, vandalising and generally making an absolute shithouse for the rest of us.

      We’re fucked.

  3. Standards have dropped over the last 30 years, I can’t quite put my finger on the root of the problem..

    Answers on a brick..
    Hurled into any politician of the last 30 years face..

    Ps that dawn butler doesn’t care where she shits..

  4. ‘West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children’ – Diane Abbott

    ‘Obese, ugly, foul-mouthed West Indian munters will go into the phone box for a shit’ – Not Diane Abbott

    • They’ll go to the wall on which they’ll wipe their arses after they’ve shat out out their jerk chicken and Macdonalds, chaa.

  5. You really are a terrible complainer LL.

    So little Jaden and Bethany Rose are dropped off by mum stinking of cannabis in her pyjamas?

    She’s probably been up all night playing Nintendo.

    Maybe it’s dress down Monday at work?

    Don’t be so mean spirited.

    She probably smartens up a bit going down the food bank.

    • Fair point Mis.
      In fact, it’s got me thinking.
      Maybe the underclass have a secret etiquette we are unaware of.
      Perhaps Iqbal’s mini mart won’t serve them with scratch cards unless they’re in pyjamas, stink of weed and have a swarm of ankle biters with them.
      Just a thought.

    • Indeed Mis.

      Your average chavette will have spent all her dole money on 3″false nails, an outspan orange spray tan and false eyelash cumbrellas to go down to the food bank and plead poverty.

  6. As long as we remember chavs come in all colours, races and religions. In many parts of our green and overpopulated land chavs of the white type are slowly being replaced by speakers of weird languages and various toned skin.
    The standards of politeness and social conscience have been lowering year on year since the 1950’s. Unmannered, rude bastards who think they can act like cunts all the time; a plague on their fucking houses.

  7. The UK is a nation and especially England as a country where nobody has any respect.

    To fly the English flag is seen to be racist.

    No history of any relevance is taught, that which is taught is about the horrors of colonialism.
    History of other countries and continents take priority and is there just to shame the indigenous population.

    White people are irrelevant. Black and Asians are all that matter.

    To declare that you are proud to be English is to declare that you are racist.

    Given the circumstances I am surprised that government buildings are not being burnt to the ground, so the British do have some sense of restraint.

    Or maybe they are now pussy whipped into complacency.

    Either way, the drop in standards is a direct result of the loss of pride in my opinion.

    • Indeed AC.

      We always hear that politicians are working for the people.

      Unfortunately none are decent white British.

    • I passed 2 government buildings yesterday (county council office and a college). Not one flew a Union flag. Instead: on one the flag of Ukraine, the other 2 gay pride flags. Says it all really. I want my country back.

    • It will get a fucking sight worse when Bridget Phillipson and Dame Kweer get their arses on the seats of power.

  8. Why do chav kids have two forenames?

    And the parents always use both names to refer to them.

    ” Our Stacey Mercedes has got nits”

    ” Our Chayse Jordan as gone into care , he got Mackenzie Lee pregnant and stole her tracksuit”

    Underclass dole reliant cunts.

    • ‘C’m’ere Kylie-Anne…’

      Heard in supermarkets and McDonalds everywhere during the 90s and 00s.

    • Alright MNC,

      You and yours well?

      Good point this, actually. They also tend to name their spawn things they would consider exotic, whilst the rest of us think it’s tacky shite – you know stuff like Mercedes, Gucci, Tia Maria, etc etc.

      You can bet there’s a kid out there called iPhone 15 Pro Max.

  9. Great Britain has become a muddled up cesspit.

    Even the nicer parts of the country have been infiltrated by dirty thick cunts.

    We need to get our quality control sorted..

    By Oven.

  10. Great header pic admin..

    Is that the episode of the inbetwenners when briefcase wanker will, witnesses a full chimp out frenzy..

  11. The trouble with Um-bongo is that they don’t oiss it out in the Congo, as theyve usually hit the beaches of Kent by then.

  12. Admin, is that a photo of the Crystal Palace swuad after another telling-off from Roy?

  13. Standards falling are directly proportional to the increasing number of undesirables who have invaded the country in the last 60 years.

    Middle Eastern filth

    Remove the above and the country would improve overnight

    Note. We can’t demonise all Muslims, the ones back in their own countries are fine by me.

    • Indeed when they are in their shithole countries they are much easier to carpet bomb.


  14. When you need security guards on the doors of McDonalds, sports direct is the preferred outfitters for all clothing, and vape shops and nail bars take over shops that previously housed the likes of marks and spencer and Next you know we are regressing back to neanderthal man.

    The 50’s was the best of Britain imo

    • Loved to have seen a Vaping shop with a Willpower neighbour next door and an opening soon sign in its window.

  15. I’d loved to have seen the telephone box covered in masking, by piccaninnies running round it whilst she’s wiping her arse.

  16. I’d loved to have seen the telephone box covered in masking, by police running round it whilst she’s wiping her arse.

  17. The amount of fucking litter on the sides of our roads, is a fucking disgrace. I recently went to France, hardly a piece to be seen. Get off the ferry in England, and fuck me. The place looks like a toilet! It’s the same shit too, Mc Donald’s, star bucks, fucked up tyres, bottles of piss. The majority of this comes from kids throwing it out the window.
    I lived in rural Suffolk for a time, miles from any of the aforementioned shit establishments. Even the country lanes where full of it. It’s as if these vermin go out of the way to throw it in the middle of the countryside.
    This is made worse by the local councils, who fucking lawn mower over it all. It’s very much broken window syndrome in this country. As things get worse, so the spiral down keeps on going. The lack of giving a fuck shown in society is frightening. Then we have our betters from the third world to contend with! I could rant for hours about it, but I won’t.

    • Yeah, I came back from Estonia last year. It’s frighteningly clean there compared to here, even in the “shit bits” with all the commie blocks and alky types who didn’t fuck off back to Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

      The drive home from Manchester airport was a very long and solemn one that day…

  18. True story. Last Saturday the n!g nog who lives next door to me asked me if he could borrow my saw ro remove some branches from a tree in his front garden. I have nothing against him, so I did so. I was just on my way out. When I returned three hours later the crafty old bastard had thrown all the branches into my garden and a large branch had fallen on my prize rose bush. I went to remonstrate with him. Not only did I have to ask him for my saw back, but he gave me that piccinini watermelon smile, as Boris would put it, and he told me he didn’t have anywhere to store the offcuts, and he “thought it would be alright”. He is at least 20 years younger than me and has a dope smoking son to help him, probably skulking in his pit at one in the afternoon. as his garden is in the main a car park. He either couldn’t see, or pretended not to understand that what he had done was wrong on so many levels. Are they really as thick as pig shit or do they take lessons?.

  19. When you look at the old local photos from the not too distant past and see how men and women were dressed for a day out in town, that in itself is perhaps a clue as to how far general standards have slipped down the shitter.

    • I’m surprised that there isn’t a government department responsible for editing all the old photos and adding lots of people from the third world. Department Of Truth.

  20. I reiterate to mention I’m glad to have moved away from where I once lived, to a less populated quiet area by the sea. It reminds me of the childhood I once had in the forties. Obviously I’ll end my days here hoping the place isn’t found by this generation of idiots from foreign lands.

  21. The only thing we produce now is a larger underclass. Not satisfied with that we import everyone else’s trash.

  22. Every time I fly back to dear old Blighty I know I made the right move in leaving. Thankfully my town is closing down everything so the fucking n*gnogs stay away as there’s nothing to steal. However, the social level of fucking scratters seems to be descending into Neanderthal levels. The incident that occured a few years ago and I may have told on here springs to mind. Picture this. I’m walking through the High Street and approaching Greggs when I see this creature that resembles Mrs 8 Ace out of VIZ, complete with scratter kids. Without removing her cigarette from her scabbed lips she bellows at them “Fuckin’ gerrin ‘ere yah little bastods and chose yer brekkie” Stunned and a little amazed I stopped and looked at her. Before I could say anything she smiled a toothless smile and said “Well, you’ve gorra be a bit tuff on ‘em ain’t yer”. I gave her my best Edward Fox accent and replied “Well, indeed you do madam, indeed….you….do”. With that she added “I’m only ‘ard on ‘em ‘cos I dernt want ‘em growing up like the cunts next door to us”. Mind blowing!

  23. Same in this country ,it is going backwards real quick with all the dirty sting pakis and indians here and not to mention the muslin cunts.

  24. Standards have dropped.Welcome to the toilet bowl of the world.National service is required for these one brain celled chumps.

  25. As the great Gene Hunt said,

    ‘The scum de la scum. You name it, they’ve raped it, robbed it, killed it.’

  26. Remember when there was a covid lockdown in 2020? It was supposd to be serious shit, and everyone was supposed to stay inside.

    Yet, we got some cracking weather. And Bournemouth was teeming with hordes of britscum. People dropping like flies, and the chavs only gave a fuck about shanting it up in the sun. There really is some vermin here in poor old Blighty…

  27. My tbeory? The selfish, dopey “turn on, tune in, drop dead (sorry, out)” generation just couldn’t be arsed to parent properly, what with their vacuous self absorption.

    That unparented generation grew up, and had their own kids. With the role model they had of parenting, it’s hardly a shock that they did a p*ss poor job of it.

    And now the feral rat children of that great social experiment are perpetuating the problem into tbe 4th generation.

    Nothing to be done now. We just have to get used to the rude, selfish, oblivious little f*ck*rs. It’s not the meek inheriting the Earth. It’s the feckless and self obsessed

    God help us all.

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