Rochdale By-Election Result (2)

An emergency cunting for the Rochdale by-election result purlease!

The turd that you cannot flush away George Galloway won by a 6000 majority.

“This is a victory for Gaza” – no it’s not! You are elected to serve the people of Rochdale and the returning officer should have interrupted him and reminded him of that or declared his nomination and null and void.

Do you think the people of Gaza have heard of Rochdale? No! Fuck off you single issue, self serving, pointless cunt.

It used to be that an MP needed a house in the constituency where they serve. Galloway must have about 6 houses for the number of constituencies in which he has served.

Labour would have done better if they had dug up Gracie Fields and reanimated her.

BBC News

Nominated by: Anton Pillar

90 thoughts on “Rochdale By-Election Result (2)

    • I was awoken by the need for a beer piss at 3am today. Couldn’t go back to sleep.

      Ended up reading George Galloway’s background, and bullets are too good for the Carpet Kissing cunt.

      Putin apologist? Check.
      Saddam Hussein apologist? Check.
      Anti-semite? Check.
      Muslim? Check.

      Give this piece from Politico in the link below a read. It was written by one of its Jewish journos and covers Galloway’s Bradistan election run.

      The article’s from 2015 but it’s fucking terrifying – especially the bit about ‘Clan Voting’ which is essentially Peacefuls ballot stuffing through their networks.

      “Democracy” and Islam. Coming to your town soon.

      Vote Reform. Vote BNP.

      • Vote Spoiled Ballot Paper Party ✖️

        Unless you’re like the 61% of Rochdale electorate who were too lazy get up off their fat arses, thereby handed Galloway and his Islamist mates the seat on a plate.

      • rather vote monster raving, at least they got my dog a passport, vote any old thing that takes a vote away from these jihadies in labour and tory

  1. Rochdale. A shithole represented by a shithouse. You fucking deserve one another.

  2. Why does ‘Gorgeous’ George Gallstone wear a sort of Jewish hat already? The silly old cunt.

    • thats his mudslime smuggling hat, he can get five 6 year old brides in the crown with 4 more disguised under the burka brim

    • Goes to show just how fucking unenlightened he is …
      When I woke up to see this result, the first thing on my mind was to check the demographics of Rochdale –
      A population of just over 100k
      Estimated that 30k of them are rag-heads.
      It may have been only 40% turnout, but you can bet your ass most of them were of the goat-shagging fraternity.
      Enjoy it while you can George, the greater population of Rochdale will hopefully have fucking woken up by then …

  3. Vote Starmer, get Galloway and rampant Islam.

    Don’t vote, as I said in the other nom, it encourages them to think they have legitimacy.

    Sunak is a cunt as well.

    • Morning, Leonardo,

      Ex-Tory voter here. Was gonna vote Labour as a fuck ’em as they’re no longer the party I recognised, but I physically can’t bring myself to do it after this cunt got elected. Even though he’s not in the party, for me, this is a very worrying sign.

      Through gritted teeth and very possibly pissed in the voting booth, it’s looking to be a vote for Reform.

      That said, I was doing a bit of work this morning and found out the BNP is still in business. Their website and policies are batshit fucking mental, but still in business nonetheless!

      • Morning CC, I’d natural be a Tory voter, in another life, but probably labelled ‘far right’ nowadays.

        Despite my dear old grandad saying I should always vote, as he saw his good mates blood spilled in North Africa and Italy when fighting the Hun to retain our right to do so, I suspect nowadays he’d be of the same opinion and weep at the state the UK is in.

        I really think voting for any of the mainstream uni-parties just makes them think they have legitimacy.

        With the current setup they wouldn’t let us vote if it made a difference, they are still taking smelling salts over the Brexit vote, and have been punishing the indigenous populace ever since over that one.

  4. Hopefully he will be getting a visit from Mossad shorty. This is for Gaza ? What a cunt ??

    • yeah i hear jeffo epstiein is well pissed and not happy lounging in his tel-aviv mansion, jihadi george better watch his step

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