A quick one of the wrist cunting for one of IsAC’s favourite sons.
I’m sure there were horse-laughs all round when it transpired that the Half-wit Prince had failed in his High Court challenge concerning the downgrading of his security level when in the UK. Apparently he seems hell bent on throwing good money after bad, and intends to appeal the decision.
What really gets my neck up however is the revelation in the court papers that the cunt wanted to know who within the Home Office had taken the decision, and actually demanded to be told the person’s name. Just what, one might ask, was he intending to do next with such information; try to pursue some kind of legal vendetta against the person concerned? Try to ‘name and shame’?
Has there ever been a more arrogant, unlikeable, entitled little prick than this? Let’s hope that he gets his appeal and loses that too, landing himself with an even more gigantic legal bill. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving case.
The house proposes a motion; ‘Prince Harold the Herbert is a National Cunt’. All in favour say ‘aye’.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
He wanted to know the person’s name so he could chase them through a tunnel. The fucking arse hole cunt.
I’d really like to know just what he thought he was going to do if he got a name or names.
His arrogance and sense of entitlement are off the scale, him and his cunt of an uncle both.
The header pic says it all. Kiss and Tell cunt and then stabs them in the back.
Entitled shitbag, just wish he ends up in a Parisian tunnel with a drunk driver.
Dear Mr knee,
Don’t talk about that loser Harry… you should be talking about ME! ME! ME!
Love, love, love,
MeGain xxx
Considering just how full of shit she is, I’m surprised she’s not darker.
She’s so self-effacing.
I’m filled with admiration for her.
How long do we have to go on suffering with this privileged prince of published pricks.
Is there a more unlikeable couple on planet earth? Wish they’d take their mental health issues and their authenticity and go and live behind a rock on a pacific island and not come back.
Can’t believe this supercunt has only 20 noms.
They’re ‘re-launching’ again.
We’re so lucky to have them enhancing our poor, miserable lives.
I can hardly contain my excitement.
( to be said in a monotone with a dead pan face)
Tone and cherie…
The ultimate mega-cunts..
Hewitt must be so ashamed of the grifting little cunt.
I’m actually a British/English Republican so am all for abolishing the Monarchy (peacefully and without beheadings of course) but this little cunt actually boils my piss.
My Mum is obsessed with the Royal Family and is the only reason I know anything about this shit-show. She hates this little prick and despised Me-Again Markle even more (she’s basically obsessed about this couple due to social media, but social media is another cunting altogether).
Harry might be a toffee-nosed little shit but at least he gained some working-class man-points for being a bit rebellious in his youth and serving in the Army but then he went off the rails.
He seems to have thrown his own blood…. his own kith and kin under the bus – that makes him a massive cunt as far as I’m concerned. There is nothing more important than family. Fuck the cunt.
He will always be remembered for wearing that Nazi insignia at some toff’s party when he was a young privileged twatstain.
All forgotten of course. If it had been anyone else doing that they would have been admonished and cancelled. But because its Prince Harry of Wokedom, he gets a pass.
I look forward to the day Sparkletits divorces him, takes most of his estate and assets, and tells him to “fuck off outta my country, you white racist cunt!”
Imagine him begging to return home to Charles and Cuntmilla, begging for forgiveness!
If it ever happens, the meeja will have one monumental collective orgasm.
Spoilt little half-breed. He spent the previous part of his life showing off to Royal flunkies when he didn’t get his own way.
Cunt will learn that life outside the cosy fold of Sax Coburg is going to get a whole load more tricky for him. Wait until the Witch tires of his ginger tedium. She’ll drop him like a freshly baked shit.
His name and connections are her meal ticket though, the viperous little cow.
Unless some daft cunt in Hollywood gives her a decent part in something or other. If she could get her foot in the door, she’d probably be off I reckon.
DNA test.
Disown the ginger cunt.
Disrespect his late, simpering mother.
Ridicule his cretin step-father.
Then get rid of the lot of them.
Job done.
I’d guess that if this cunt could generate enough brain power to have a thought it might along the lines of ‘how the fuck did I get into this?’ I can’t see William ever wanting this thick twat back in the UK, along with a good chunk of the population.
I also read his veteran chums have seen though his cuntery and started booing him.
Enough problems without this fake creep grabbing headlines.
I presume that he didn’t become known as ‘Bunker Harry’ for nothing
‘Harry ‘as a roller with a shooter in the boot, killing is his living, it’s how he gets his loot.’
Not this Harry though, he’s a fucking tool!
Remember when you were the popular one Harry? Respected for your military service and the invictus games? Like any other squaddie you got a bit boisterous every so often.
But then you traded it all in for a bit part Hollywood bike and got a dose of woke? Wonder if you’ve been pegged so hard your brain fell out of your ear?
‘Arry, arry, arry may…..’
Brilliant tune, that was a while ago.
I blame the Queen.
If Liz had swallowed, Yacht Girl would still be sailing the High Seas…on her knees.
Now there’s a thought for us all to ponder on General!
Can’t we investigate this cunt instead of the five SAS soldiers for war crimes..
Didn’t dirty harry gun down 25 taliban insurgents? Or was that on call of duty.
Either way hand him over to the goat botherers..
Call Of Duty ?
That’s what he boasted. Don’t believe a word of it.
One minute he’s a valiant war hero, the next he’s gibbering wreck because his brother shoved him onto a dog bowl and broke his necklace.
If anyone gunned those Talibannies down it was probably his nanny.
Or maybe they were detainees who shot themselves after being made to listen to him whinging and moaning on and on for hours about how terrible his life was.
the problems in his life.
This site is becoming more and more like Greatest Hits Radio.
Yes, the nominations are more than worthy as cunts themselves, but it’s becoming ever so repetitive seeing the same names put forward.
If cunts would stop being cunts they wouldn’t have to be cunted.
I’m sure you aware that each and everyone of us has an inner cunt and that occasionally we are all a cunt.
The cunts who get nominated on this revered site are the people who go above and beyond with an isolated act of cuntishness or the Grand Master cunts.
Harry is a b grade cunt. Harry can’t even be a top cunt, fucking hell Harry, if you’re going to swim in the ocean of cunts then go large!
Harry may indeed be a Grade B cunt but he definitely has higher aspirations.
He’s got a long way to go to catch his galaxy class cunt of a wife.
Then our work here would be done, Herr ObersturmführerOberführerVonGeneralMeister.
… And we would have nowhere else to go.
Monsieur Beau,
As I am a Brevet Major General, my equivalent SS rank would simply be Gruppenfuhrer.
If I were in the Wehrmacht it would be Generalleutnant.
Apologies General.
Got carried away with rank & entitlements.
A bit like Hitler.
By the way, it`s Madame Beau.
I forgive your indiscretion, sir.
Monsieur Beau,
Why do I get the impression that you think I’m a racist?
I can assure you nothing could be further from the truth.
I hate all races with equal vigor…with a little extra vigor reserved for the Irish.
EDIT: Madame Beau.
NOTE: Now I’m in trouble for mis-gendering.
General, If cunts stopped being cunts, what would we do then?
Do you Americans not have tunnels for half wit and his Mrs to drive in? It would of course be rather unfortunate if a tragic accident happened in said tunnel and these pair of cunts snuffed it.
Hey Mort,
We do indeed have tunnels…and bridges and cliffs and all manner of road hazards. But we don’t have Prince Phil or MI7 or 8 to coordinate an “accident.”
But take heart, there is a story circulating in the American Press about how loathed and despised the Markle-Hewitts are with the Hollywood elite.
This is not the first time such a story has hit the press. But the main points are a little different.
This one focuses on how they insist on having “iron fisted control” over their story.
The Duke and Duchess…She insists on being referred to as Meghan the Duchess of Sussex…maintain complete and total control of their bullshit narrative. Harry, the wronged Prince, turned War Hero, orphaned by the evil press and despite his dysfunctional upbringing is the world’s greatest dad.
Meghan, feminist, humanitarian, activist, social justice advocate, brain surgeon, molecular biologist, all around intellectual giant and Hollywood tour de force is the world’s most devoted mom.
Together, the Royal couple, work tirelessly to improve the flawed nature of an institutionally racist world.
As the Valley Girls used to say; OMG! Show me to a barfitorium!
Maybe someone from the dark underbelly of Hollwood…perhaps even the Scientologists…will conspire to rid La La Land of these evil grifters who besmirch the righteous and give a bad name to celebretards everywhere.
I do strive, CP, to introduce a little variety, and fair play to the Admins, I do get published occasionally.
Maybe you could have a go, too?
I’m more than a regular contributor JP (unlike Jim the barista) and avoid the usual cunts like the plague.
As cunty as our current set of politicians, royals and bbc presenters are, they are slso incredibly dull.
Someone please push these pair of airheads off a high rise tower block
He didn’t want to be a Royal, to take part in events where he would have to turn up and wave. All too inconvenient, he and his wife had better things to do, and a better country to live in.
Hang on though, he still wants the title, and all the privileges, he just doesn’t want to ‘work’ for them. Spoilt little twat.
Spot on.
I think they really craved the ‘half in, half out’, or ‘pick ‘n’ mix’ option (the Viper especially); State banquet red carpet glamour do’s absolutely. Opening a new hospital wing in Leeds on a rainy Wednesday no fucking way.
What a pair of absolute cunts.
Spoilt ginger twat….
He’s plain thick. He’s just too stupid to realise.
This is the problem when you’re a spoilt little cunt and your missus is a professional victim. Not used to being told no so they’ve got to blame someone else for their shit.
Do something useful and fuck off and die. And do it again, just to make sure.
Ths sad part is that he is not even a Royal on his real fathers side of the family. The mongol should be in a high rise mental institution for his own safety.
The sooner he joins his slag mother sucking cocks in Hell the better.
We should also remember he was recently appointed as a “legend of aviation”
Clearly the people who decided this were watching too many old home videos of young harry riding those fairground planes that go round and round and round.
Talk about devaluing an award.
Leg End.
Bell End.
As my old nana used to say, ‘You can put a ribbon around a turd, you can paint it gold, you can even give it a title. But – at the end of the day – it’s still a turd.’
And that’s what he is. Harry Hewiit is trash and he married trash.
Trailer trash
I spent a few mins yesterday in target practice at somebody called Gina on the NY Post site. I fired back at her inanities about Testicularly Challenged and the mattress singing Happy Birthday to a Uvalde victim.
DNA test required,
Problem solved….
He is a massive case of dontyaknowhowiam syndrome without ever hearing the answer of Wanker!
This cunt and his baldy sickly looking cunt of a half brother are parasites that we have to put up with, fund in millions and tug our forelocks to. Arent we lucky.