Plaid Cymru and Carmen Smith

(We have an extra nom set for 5pm today – Day Admin)

It’s that time to board the house of Lords gravy train as its peerage time..

The political kraken that is plaid cymru have announced the replacement of their current peer, who is said to be retiring..

So the party had a vote, Elfyn Llwyd polled
180, Carmen Smith 70. Well done Mr llwyd.
Whoops that’s not right, so let’s overrule the decision. How democratic of you..

So arise lady Smith.. who believes like her party that the Lords should be scrapped..
Something we can agree on.

Still it’s nice to see democracy and integrity still flourish in this country.

Well enjoy your 332 pound a day and I hope you like the smell of cabbage farts you fucking hypocrite..


Nominated by: Barry zuckercunt

19 thoughts on “Plaid Cymru and Carmen Smith

    • Only did one year of her degree course at Uni.
      ‘Worked’ in a number of non-jobs for the NUS and Plaid Cymru.
      27-years-old and never had a real job.
      Only got this one because she’s a woman.

      But yes, she deserves it.

    • Is she going to be on a L’oreal advert next then?
      Because she’s worth it?

      Where’s Thomas btw?

  1. If you believe it should be scrapped.( the Lords ), that includes the holding of a title too. So why fucking accept the title you gaunt unfuckable dork ?

  2. It will burn down along with the other place, hopefully sooner rather than later ?

    That silly old tart in commons with purple hair is a fucking disgrace, always fucking crying over summat.

  3. Plaid Cymru?..
    Oh! The woolly back Marxists.

    Look Velma you foureyed frumpy twat, nobody outside of the valleys takes you seriously.

    Your the political equivalent of a milk monitor.

  4. It could be worse I suppose. There have been whispers for months that that fat fuck Ian ‘Bloater’ Blackford is looking to be ‘elevated’.

    I’d elevate the cunt- on the end of my boot.

  5. Not to worry, when the Muslims are in control all that red robe and ermine bollocks will be flushed down the Kasi.

    They’ll either be facing east and praying to some paedophile god, or thrown of the top of big Ben..

    No fucking women will be allowed either…?

    Might not be that bad after all….!

    FFS, what was I thinking, of course it will be bad.

    Just look at any Muslim country, even rich ones, it’s shite….!

  6. Whoopee, another useless parasite. Somebody push this cunt under a steamroller and augment her hair colour.

  7. Hahaha. Good nom. Just another reason not to take any of the cunts seriously or abide by any ‘law’ they have ‘passed’.

    Don’t vote, it just encourages them to think they have ‘legitimacy’ over us.

    my liquid shit has more integrity after a day on the cider.

  8. I see this sheepshagger wants a separate Wales, good luck to that.

    Have your independence and will we take it back the next day you silly tart.

  9. Fucking hell, you could not make it up.
    Welsh politics, starting with Mogadon Man, is even more dishonest than the Scottish lot.
    I am really beginning to think we should dissolve the Union.

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