North face or should that be north farce..
The company that brought you the summer of pride with a drag queen.
Now go further with a promise of 20 percent off, if you own your white privilege..
Go online and listen to a hour long lecture, of why it’s your fault ethnics don’t go to the countryside..
Pass a quick quiz and that discount will be yours..
Personally I would rather don a black sack than one of their overpriced jackets..
So keep digging north face, the bottom can’t be to far..
Nominated by: Barry zuckercunt
I cannot for the life of me understand what North Face hope to achieve by this.
It surely must piss off white people and is condescending towards others.
Did they learn nothing at all from the Bud fiasco, men modelling women’s bathing suits and, most recently, unisex underwear ( that bloke looked a proper cunt in the bralet).
They’ve all got panned by the general population, seen sales fall and share prices tank. Yet still, they do it.
Yet another brand added to the ‘don’t buy’ list.
Going to have to put my NF jacket in the bin. What a stupid bunch of cunts given that I’d imagine 60% to 70% of their customer base is white
What the fuck is white guilt? My fucking brain is in pain
That’s because you’re a biscuit.
guilty for what? guilty for not being dogshit….nah no such thing
You’re unconsciously biased, buy my product. Total rubbish.
Now I am approaching middle age and have a few quid I am strictly a Barbour and Belstaff man. North face used to be decent, but its sold in JD now. Fuck them.
lend us a tenner, there’s a begging sooty in town and i want to burn a tenner under its wide nose
North Face is more common in a city than a mountain. Chav wear.
It’s actually beyond offensive to even make the suggestion that because you’re White you are privileged.
This is nasty pernicious made
up victim blaming shit that’s making its way over the Atlantic along with all the other West Coast diatribe.
In the U.K. today it’s your fucking class that denotes your privilege, probably always has been but possibly from the 70’s to the 2000’s your skin colour definitely affected your life chances.
Most ‘council’ estates I know of in the North West are predominantly white and it doesn’t appear to me that those residents are enjoying any privilege because of their skin colour.
This bollocks needs to be challenged by simple facts and I’m so fucking incensed by the subject of this nom I’m genuinely thinking of doing so.
But then I’ll have to sit through an hour of putrid made up shite to make sure I’m coming from a position of strength but then that’s an hour of my life I’ll never get back.
Totally OT, for which I apologise, but just a reminder that we lost Sabine Schmitz three years ago today.
That’s alright arfur, I’m bored of this nomination..
North face be gone..
Small faces appear.
Whats frightening is I knew all the words, so I could sing along.
I did a Dad dance too, and scared the dog.
She was a lovely lady. Rip
Why doesn’t the fucking reply go to the right place?
You’ll always be lazy bastards. No need to lock up. You might as well leave the front doors open all night, even your own won’t find anything worthwhile nicking.
keep hoping a gang of sambos will break in and leave me something cos nothing worth nicking here, i’m toooo privileged to own much, knowing my luck they’d only give me fleas and lice
I have a North Face jacket. I got it years ago.
It’s a good jacket and I got it for last time I went to Canada.
The main reason I stopped wearing it is that North Face seems to have been appropriated by Chavs and wannabe Rappers/Road men.
This has happened a few times with clothing brands I like.
I used to like surfer/skater type hoodies back as a teenager/20 something.
To be fair I still like skater type jackets and hoodies but being a 40 something now it all feels a bit wrong and mid-life crisis.
Can’t see any of them wearing a Dokken t-shirt though.
Speaking of which
Harold that’s probably the gayest rock band I’ve ever seen.
Heres how it should be done
No MNC this is the gayest rock band
Good grief.
Barbie Bros.
How about some Viking metal?
I liked that Icelandic rock band someone posted not so long ago.
I found the subtitles intriguing, and strangely soothing.
I suppose in my own way I’m trying to fill in for Cunt Engine but more like a substitute teacher who’s like a lamb to slaughter with you reprobates.
Anyone think his house has been raided and they’re checking his browsing history?
Hehehe ?
Naw, I’m thinking he’s found a bird.
He told me he was a bit lonely,
Hoping he’s found a decent girl who enjoys travelling in the boot of a car while gagged and bound.
Hope he’s ok
He’s my favourite sexual deviant.
Proper music
Was it as gay as this MNC?
That Sam Smith video makes the village people look straight
Poodle rock.?
“The poodle bites, the poodle chews it…”
Well who’d have thunk it.
North Face were ‘helped’ which translates to commissioned a U.K. based consultancy called ‘Mor Diversity’
Now when you hire a Turkey as a Consultant on the subject of Christmas you know what the outcome its report will be.
Looking at the questions on the 1 hour long indoctrination about racial segregation created by ‘Mor Diversity’ that looks to be a single employee entity from that bastion of Whiteness, Scotland the question is posed……(sic)
Customers are told the outdoors is for everyone.
As customers progress through the course their walker climbs higher up the mountain to each module before reaching the summit.
In a portion of the course, participants are told to ask themselves: “How many people of colour do you see on the slopes, the hills and the trails?”
Fuck me the outdoors are free, free for everyone, there’s no entry fee or test to see if you’re suitable.
You either want to go outdoors and enjoy it or you don’t.
How fucked has the world become when a business that’s based on solid hard graft and understood its customer base has become so far detached from reality.
Fuck me this is pissing me off
Kudos to you for listening to at least some of this pile of wank, Cunty.
As we all suspected, it’s a pile of wank.
And we’ll all be getting 90% of North Face, as it goes into liquidation.
Interesting though Jeez that they only value being Schooled in such an important issue that it’s only worth a 20% discount.
If I do decide to have a gone at these shit cunts I think that will be my attack line.
According to, North Face apparently have all their stupidly branded clothing made in, wait for it, China and India. They also manufacture in Guatemala, El Salvador, Jordan, Mexico, and Cambodia. I notice on North Face’s website they are noticeably silent on where their shite is made but have a page with idiot level infographics about how they care about ‘sustainability’. A likely tale.
Like they actually give a shit about poor neighbourhoods in the US, actual race relations, black on black crime, the divide between rich or poor or anything. All it cares about is bottom dollar and what corporation, such as VF Corporation who owns the brand, wouldn’t care about bottom dollar.
What a sham of a sham of sham and using that awful critical race theory to sell their wares made by presumably cheap labour is just appallingly hypocritical. This brand sucks Satan’s cock, hard and fast.
First class synopsis Mrs C.
I’ll tell you why non-white people don’t go into the country.
Apart from a fear of pigs, or anything that isn’t an XL bully, the paths fuck up the suspension on their BMWs.
Walk? Go for a hike? Don’t make me laugh!
I think it’s a bit of genetic memory, JP. Back in the day, all the green stuff is jungle, and that’s were the Lions and Tiger prey on the n*gnog! That’s why you never see the cunts at a zoo, unless they’re stealing something.
It’s not as memorable as that advert where they zipped a spy up in one of their holdalls
It’s a great scam this ‘unconscious bias’. Like being tied up and shut down with invisible rope. You can’t complain, you can’t discuss, just surrender or ‘youz a wayyyy-ciist’. In the old days, they had to battle and breach castle walls; now you defeat your enemy by guilt-tripping them with nonsense phrases.
Or we could simply ignore tham, Captain, and don’t buy their products.
Do you mean Sam Smith JP?
Typo correct for tham.
I’ve been dealt an unbeatable hand, in life.
It’s the hand that people the world over, are jealous of.
The hand that automatically makes others feel inferior.
Because they are.
The hand has two cards.
Being white.
And being British ??
I hold both.
And I fucking love it. ?
See my White British Privilege and weep.
You multicoloured foreign cunts.
I wear it as a badge of honour.
Rule Britannia ! ??????
And fuck North Face.
Good evening. ?
Hear hear, enough to bring a tear to the eye!
Fucking spot on….!
The world only hates the British, because we are the best…..!
Just think, a small island in the middle of the north sea ruled the world.
Where did it all go wrong.
Rhetorical question, fighting the fucking Germans in two wars buggered us up.
Absolutely, Arch. We should never have gotten involved in that malarkey. There was fuck all in it for us, and Germany had much more to offer in an alliance. Plus, their Hugo Boss made uniforms were so much smarter.
We wouldve then been annihilated by America and Russia.
Sorry, off topic but a Saturday night tune.
North Face is like Superdry. Overrated overpriced sweatshop made shite.
Dark ‘uns don’t go to the countryside?
Well, at least one place they haven’t infested.
You know, it’s just occured to me that all the fucking n*gnogs braying on and on about ancestors being forcefully removed from their homeland, I’ve never seen any of them demanding to be repatriated! As he cycles 5 miles every morning to get water, I bet little Umboko Mwengweh is gutted that his weren’t taken to the new world. Probably accuses the white man of discrimination for that.
I doubt their ‘original’ cuntries(!) would take them back…
A digression this late shouldn’t be worth bothering about, never mind being pathetically pedantic about the remaining cup matches I’ve always called correctly, the 6th round of the FA Cup and not the quarterfinals, which always makes them sound they are being played on neutral grounds like the semifinals. Now I’ve got that off my chest, I can now sleep soundly in my bed.
It’s bud light all over again.
It’s as if they want to wreck their products.
Fuk NF.
With some posts on here you’d think the NF was popular.
You seem a little unsure of yourself?
We are pure as the driven snow
They are smelly as the steaming shite.
Actually I’m thinking of introducing a new brand of outdoor clothing and call it National Front – will use a stylistic representation of an oven as the logo.
I don”t remember ever having owned anything by North Face, so i won’t bother taking their raslcist test.
That’s me over with North Fuck Face, and I hope everyone else who is lucky enough to be White. Watch your sales plummet as any Black customer will, has you have seen recently just help themselves to racks of your gear.! Good luck with receivership.!