Mark Drakefuck is a complete cunt,
This useless cock womble is defending one of his many bad decisions, this one in particular is the one that has made this wizened, dusty old fuck the most hated man in Wales.
20mph speed limits, what the fuck did he expect, now that rather than being given his marching orders by the voters, he has decided to try and slither away like the fucking trouser snake he is.
How do these retards find themselves in potions where they can make important decisions, Drakefuck should be sat by the sunny window with his Crayola collection and a colouring book, bet the useless oxygen thief couldn’t even stay inside the lines.
Good riddence I say, the fuck knuckle won’t be missed, fuck off and stay retired….
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
However in the interests of balance, here’s an uncunting for Drakeford courtesy of Sam Beau
I have had the misfortune to visit local A&E over the last few years (through no fault of my own), and this is absolutely the case. Scratters and scrotes treat hospitals as their personal B&Bs
That`s it.
“Time is something you don’t have as first minister… if there’s anything I think a first minister needs it’s more time to do thinking, rather than constantly acting,” he said.
So by this silly cunt’s own admission, he doesn’t think about things too much before he acts.
Poor soul.
Still, he’ll soon have more time to spend with his family.
Speaking of which, is his cunt of a son still banged up?
Weapons grade cunt I’d say, looks like a turtle with no shell.
And his sons a nonce.
That is all…
Bang on GC , thats exactly what he looks like
Good baby-sitting material.
He is a cunt for being the most boring man on the planet.
His only saving grace is that he was the last white man standing.
‘How do these retards find themselves in potions where they can make important decisions, ‘
Fuckwits who vote for colours not people, that’s how.
The UK public are 100% responsible for putting these cunts into positions where they can fuck us over. Next time you vote look at the man not the rosette. Has the cunt ever even run so much as a fucking shoe shine stall before you trust him with 60 trillion quid of everyone’s hard earned? Come the next election forget Labour, Tory, Liberals and vote for someone fucker who has some clue what the fuck they are doing. Vote for chimps, get chimps.
They are chosen and not by the public. If you’re not bribeable with a history of kid diddling you won’t even get the chance to stand at a local election for an established party…obvious isn’t it. All cunts
A gold plated, blue ribbon cunt of the first water. The Welsh version of Sad-dick Khunt
What’s Ken Barlow’s impotent brother banging on about?
You can meet any targets if you exclude people from it..
Ban sick people and the NHS would run perfectly..
Or hypochondriacs at least …
One man’s ‘2’ is another cunts ‘8’ etc.
True, yanks have done it, don’t arrest anyone except Trump and the crime stats prove there is no crime at all under Biden’s regime…. just step over the murdered bodies and be armed at all time around sooties
A stain on humanity. Fire her up UT.
Someone who introduces a 20mph speed limit is worse than Hitler.
The speed limit should be 110mph. Minimum.
110 and extra points for flipping a black taff over a hedge, start with that soot they’ve got now who’s given himself a taff’s name vaughan goblin or some such shite, expect no less from a country who chose a vegetable for a national flower
I don’t know why people find him so dull. He’s actually Tom Jones in disguise and has a collection of 3000 pairs of women’s knickers to prove it.
Or did he just steal them from clothes lines?
It’s not unusual in Wales, Geordie.
Oh very good LL, you Sexbomb you.
Imagine being Tom Jones and being paid a fortune to have women throw their knickers at you. The jammy cunt.
I’d do it for nothing.
Wes Streeting would rather have Kweer Charmer’s jockstraps thrown at him – after the game of course, when it’s all manky
Ron, surely that would depend on the knicker thrower?
Now imagine Diane Abbott hurling her unmentionables at you.
I bet you`re feeling all nostalgic for the previous faecal nomination, aren`t you. ? ?
Even worse, Anal Ease Dodds flinging her well matured, fetid knickers at your face mid song. The Cunt targeted would be dead in seconds.
I reckon they smell of out of date anchovies and pine- fresh mixed with sweat! Bloody lovely!!
Surely in a darkened room with spotlights in your eyes you wouldn’t be able to see who was throwing her G-string at you.
Anyway, I bet that’s Magic Grandpa’s excuse.
G-string, GT?
I fear it would be a length of baling wire enough to repulse an onslaught by Gerry in WW1.
In my sweet dreams, the audience always consists of the likes of Salma Hayek, Julia H-B, Susanna Reid, Gillian Anderson, Penny Mordaunt, Esther Krakue and Emily Carver. A panty sniffer’s paradise.
In my darkest nightmares, it consists of the likes of Flabbott the Hutt, Miriam Margogargoyle, Emily Thornberry, Jo Brand and Whoopi Goldberg.
Ron, have you seen Salma’s old man?
Bit of a potato head if you ask me, wonder what he’s got that you haven’t??
@ Cunta;
What’s he got that I haven’t? A billion quid in the bank. Oh and the goddess Salma obviously.
Sweet Lord in heaven, just look at those mamas.
Oh my, yes?
The ladies love an ugly French bloke.
The crust on Flabbott’s drawers must be like concrete by now, reckon you could build a rockery with her undies
They’ve all got a touch of the tar brush in wales, closed communities for years up there in the valleys, look at Shirley Bassey, terrific voice but still looks like her house hasn’t got running water, grubby looking…odd how Jones went from sex symbol to Rolf Harris impersonator
The covid con really brought to us how these lefty cunts absolutely love the sheer adrenaline rush of telling us what do. All in the guise of it being for our own good ofcourse.
Anyway he looks more like a tranny than most trannies do the fugly cunt.
A bad Thora Hird impersonator.
We have had Varadkar, Wee Jimmy Sturgeon and now this old woman all resign in the last year.
If they can convince Mavis May to join them when she steps down they could become the worlds shittiest ABBA tribute act.
Would ‘Legohead’ be Bjorn or Benny?
Benny from Crossroads?
Send them on a world tour..
Kabul and Mogadishu springs to mind..
If you are going to dismiss the people that are drunk from hospital waiting times then it stands to reason that their votes should be dismissed at election times too.
Along with the votes from anyone who is stupid, ignorant or who are claiming any sort of benefits.
Let’s see if these cunts still get elected.
National IQ test needed, less than 100 score you get smothered with a wet pillow, that’ll get rid all the carpet sniffers and yam eaters
No votes for anyone with an IQ over one standard deviation below the mean.
Remember this clip of Drakeford during lockdown, hoping the plebs don’t realise that “guidance” is not the same thing as “law”?
Slippery little jamrag vendor.
I never liked the boring little cunt.
Because he looked like Thora Hird.
And he was racist against us Englishmen.
And his son couldn’t be trusted babysitting.
Fuck him.
Mark Drakeford.?
At the moment I am mostly on my high horse about farmers.
British farmers and their mistreatment by the fuckin Tory scum .
Told to get rid of food crops and plant wildflowers if they want subsidies.
It’s food not flowers we need!
Stupid Westminster green twats?
Planting wild flowers.
Somebody bunked off horticultural college that day.
Valerian would like quite nice growing in place of rapeseed, though I suspect Yvette Cooper would rather be raped by Abdul than rewilded. Why do you think she hangs around kebab shops and mini cab firms in her old school uniform, flashing her bloomers?
I saw something recently about new houses. They said for new builds, developers can offset the co2 by planting up land with ‘green spaces’. As a result huge corporations are buying farm land and making the land into wetlands, woods ect ect. They are obviously getting paid handsomely by our cunt government. Now I’m all for green spaces, I love the countryside. However we are already royally fucked when it comes to food. We clearly haven’t learnt anything over the last few years. This will make us more vulnerable to shit hole counties fleecing us. I’m struggling to think of any positive changes that have happened in our country over the last 20 years. All this eco bollocks will destroy this country, that and mass migration.
The one consolation I can find in the cunts from 3rd world shitholes taking us over is that this country will shortly be even worse than the shitholes they’re coming from. Fuck ’em.
Thank goodness we took back control of our borders, our laws and our money, protecting our economy, security, and our United Kingdom!
Imagine the pickle we’d now be in if we’d remained in the EU.
Just think of all the immigrants that the poor farmers need though.
famine coming, all by design, i’m stocking up on hobnobs
I’m troughing choccie biccies so that I can reach about 50 stone, it’ll take a while to starve.
Welsh = cunt
Labour = cunt
Druggie son = cunt
Thick = cunt
Gormless looking = cunt.
20mph = cunt
Diversity = cunt
Overall total CUNT
Drakeford’s political epitaph
Sorry OT but do Ireland know the bloke they elected is white?
Surely that’s racist..
He better not be straight as well.
I think on ISAC we tend to be quite negative.
So I would just like to praise the brilliant Russian police for the handling of the 4 terror suspects they caught.
One had his eye plucked out during questioning,
One his ear hacked off and crammed in his mouth.
All got a right kicking,
And one ended up in a wheelchair.
Well done sirs!?
Here they would have been tortured by renditions of
‘dont look back in anger’
And maybe had their playstation priveleges stopped for a week.
I don’t normally praise foreigners
Especially square headed, cabbage eaters like fuckin russians
But today I was very impressed.
Keep up the good work.
How’s the war going?
Looked a right mess didn’t they?
The BBC were wetting themselves that Russia might reinstate the death penalty but even if they are fucked off to a Siberian penal colony they will never be heard of again unless some enterprising cunter picks them for the Dead Pool.
Nothing brings a smile to my face like a badly battered Stanley LL.?
Don’t be naive mis..
We still wouldn’t have caught them.
No description, be on the lookout for 4 men.
2 weeks later they would be voting for khan in the mayoral election..
Not that I’m condoning torturing terror suspects,
But the Russians should consider also chopping noses off.
You can’t wear glasses without a nose.
And seeing as plastic surgery has come on leaps and bounds in the last 40yrs,
You ever see a prosthetic nose?
Like something from a 70s joke shop.
Like Mr Potato head or something.
Anyway, just a idea for our Russian friends….
Doesn’t that Danielle Westbrook have a prosthetic nose?
State of her face lately, she should ask for a refund.
She looks like she should be hanging off the corner of some cathedral rampart.
She’s fighting a losing battle there.
Get a burka luv.
can’t decide if the one in the wheelchair is dead or pretending to be, i was staring at his throat for ages and he never breathed, not that i care but his mate’s mouth fell open when they wheeled him in like he’d he’d had a cremation at Legacy.
Those cunts should not have been taken alive…they are in for some rather rough treatment..
Probably involving them being beaten to death with hammers..if they are lucky.
Fuck them,burn their villages to ashes and cart their families off to the gulag.
You forget the one who ended up with his genitals wired to a car battery. With a nice policeman standing on him to stop him flopping around.
One imagines the massed ranks of crazy rag heads will be even more enraged than they normally are and will no doubt be paying a visit to another of Ivan’s cultural spaces before too long. Might have been better to take the miscreants around the back of the chemical sheds and off them with a discrete bullet to the base of the skull Uncle Joe Stalin style. Certainly don’t bloody advertise it.
The Slavs aren’t complete pussies, unlike the anglo saxons these days.
Russia’s population has been psycholically brutalised for centuries, and have a paranoia about foreign invasion. They are not woke, and not part of the multiculti one world globohomo wet dream the eest has bought into. Russia has nothing to fear from Ragheads.
Both he and his corrupt replacement will be laughing after the next erection sorry election, Welsh Labour will get an increase majority. Hitler was elected….
Send the sheep botherer to the gulag.
Devolved government?
Total fucking shit.
How long would this faģģot and his chums have lasted without our money?
Immediate Oven.
Not long Unkle
How come Wales got this fucking revolting shit scraping for its First Minister, while Jockland got the sizzling hot sex Nazi, Nicola?
Nicola always looked like she was wearing a crash helmet.
That worked in her favour.
Dynamic like a race car driver.
Nicki Louder
Before the fire.
We all know who we have to thank for devolution and the fucking cunts that it brought to power.
Don’t we ?
Satan Blair and his Disunited Kingdom agenda.
And the fucking half wit Gordon Brown.
The man who sold the gold, when it was at its bottom.
It’s now over £1700 an ounce.
We’ve lost billions.
Bunch of wankers / wankettes.
Good evening.
Immediate microwave oven these halfwits
Don’t forget that uneducated Cunt Prescott.
The fat cunt played a big part in devolution and his office oversaw the splitting of England into ‘regions’ as recognised by the EU and UN.
And people say Maggie Thatcher was a witch. The damage Satan Bliar and his cabinet of demons was far far worse.
I was working in Corwen when this shit was getting trialed and got to work on the bus but even I, as a passenger, was getting road rage… now imagine how drivers feel Mark Drakeford you simple cunt!
No one should forget what this leftist cunt Drakeford and his ilk tried to impose during the Convid.
Constipated Sir Kweer and her lot would have done the same in England.
Never forgive, never forget.
Cunt with a capital ‘C’
People who work in the public sector or clergy their whole lives have a habit of raising wrong’uns.
Drakeford and Diane Abbott are two exsmples.
Never told them no, now their kids are crackers.
Is that Waynetta “I’m avin a fag?” in the photo, by the dressing gown I’m thinking she’s waiting for a taxi to run up the school and pick up little Frogmella Rothmans.
It looks like Caroline Quentin, but I didn’t realise she lived in Oldham.
A pair of Country Cream gates?
On the second part of this nom, talking about A+E waiting times, we had to take our youngest to A+E last year and waited 6 hours before getting up and going home at which point it was 11pmn and the kids had school the next day.
I think we were the only people waiting who spoke proper Kings English, the rest were clearly dinghy dwellers, niggy nogs (who were shouting abuse) or dakis, eating their curry (yes and proper smelly curry) for dinner in the waiting room.
I felt dirty for a few hours and needed a good scrub when I got home.
Then I got thinking, is it only immigrants who need A+E – the ones who are least likely to pay in, use it the most.
Oh, the irony.