Lord Justice Cuntface Simon Brown (appointed in 1984 by then Labour Minister Cunting Jack Straw when he was Lord Chancellor of Cunts) held that refugees did not have to claim asylum in countries through which they pass to reach safety in order to be protected by Article 31:
“… I am persuaded by the applicants’ contrary submission, drawing as it does on the travaux préparatoires, various Conclusions adopted by UNHCR’s Executive Committee (‘ExCom’), and the writings of well-respected academics and commentators (most notably Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill, Atle Grahl-Madsen, Professor James Hathaway, & Dr Paul Weis), that some element of choice is indeed open to refugees as to where they may properly claim asylum“.
Cuntface Brown died in July last year. I did not lament his death and considered his “element of choice” judgment to be traitorous to the well-being of the native inhabitants of this country. I would like to nominate him, along with the holy grail of self-serving cunts, namely the Devil’s wankstain, Blair, and his even more cunting wife. These cunts have fatally damaged this cuntry beyond repair. Cunts.
R v Uxbridge Magistrates Court (ex parte Adimi) [1999] Imm AR 560:
Nominated by: Botched Circumcision
With supporting link courtesy of Barry zuckercunt
Well he can’t do any harm now – unless he is advising St Peter on rearranging the harp section to ensure they only include muslims and poofters – the Labour party’s preferred type.
If I may…
I think he is advising Satan…
Give him the Cromwell treatment.
Dig him up.
Hang his rotting corpse.
Behead him.
Display his head at the Old Bailey.
Perhaps it will dissuade future traitorous cunts from making similar rulings.
Well Said, General! From the header pic., he did appear to be a rotting corpse whilst he was still alive…
Lefties just smell that way.
General, would you be interested in relocating to a London based role, free accommodation in Whitehall, keys to an only slightly defective nuclear weapons system?
Hey Dave,
I don’t think the Biden will let me out of the country.
And if he does, I don’t think Fishy will let me in.
Of course I could go to Frogland and take a dinghy.
Poor old Cromwell. I wish we could reincarnate him. He didn’t take any shite.
The irony is that as a Jewboy, the ‘refugees’ would have had him at the top of their hit list.
With a name like Brown I assumed he was a Briton but his Jewishness explains a lot I guess, all part of the Deep State infiltration.
The biggest giveaway from wiki?
“He decided to take his first long summer vacation in New York, stacking shelves in the basement of a 5th Avenue department store in the day and mixing with the “great and the good” of New York in the evenings”
Yeah, drinking the blood of Christian children and studying the protocols no doubt!
Oh good. The Labourites have weighed in.
We must be looking at a different Wiki page:
Hahaha ?
You think there’s Labour voters on ISAC?
Your gullibility astounds me.
Morning Mis. I’ve been accused by the good General of being a ‘Biden-lover’ before but nothing as low as a Labourite until now.
Morning Mickey lad?
Doubt he was trying to slander you,
Just gets a bit confused.
Like his president ?
NOTE: Click the link.
In the first box click the link “search for Simon Brown…”
Next page click the link with his pic Simon Brown , Baron Brown of Eaton under Heywood
That will take you to the article I saw.
Same picture…same cunt?
Or just use this link ;
Your link works and mine didn’t? They are the same?
It also appears there may be different texts? One English and one American?
That’s odd.
The difference was a mere hyphen. In any case, his biography reads as typically entitled Oxbridge cunt.
@Mickey Blue Eyes
Sorry to be an uppity did, but just a few clarifications.
1. British Jews are just that – British. Many have fought for their country and would do so again if required.
2. Jews do not control the “deep state”.
3. Jews do not drink Christian blood.
4. Jews do not read the Protocols of the elders of Zion, a notorious anti-semetic forgery.
5. Brown LJ may (or may not be) a cunt. But if he’s a cunt, it’s because he’s a cunt not because he’s Jewish. Cunts come in all races and creeds.
Sorry MMCM, I know all of the above.
I was just having a cheeky dig at a previous nomination about the “Deep State”, for a bit of craic.
I appreciate it could have been clearer, there are all sorts on IsAC.
Jews work in unison to promote mass immigration from Africa/Middle East to all developed nations
I meant sorry to be an uppity yid, not “did” ffs.
No worries. I’m a sensitive soul !
Mickey was taking the piss MCMM.
Was firmly tongue in cheek.
How’s tricks ?
The world of astronomy overcome with antisemitism yet?
Or a bastion of common sense?
Don’t worry about being uppity. You made the point I was alluding to.
The Labour Party strikes me as very anti-Jewish. Obviously Corby is the prototype.
It seems to me they are also Hamas apologists and pro-Palestine.
The Jewish conspiracy is textbook anti-Jew rhetoric.
Tying the fictitious Jewish conspiracy to the real life Deep State (which I don’t think Labour acknowledges) was to me a cheap shop at the Jews and illustrates how divorced from reality some cunters are.
Hence my reference to the anti-Jewish remarks coming from Labourites. Some cunters may have got it but it sailed right over the head of the insular provincial types.
For such treason I find the Chinese imperial punishment appropriate and a deterrent to others of his ilk. In that for three generations his family (his, his siblings, his cousins, their children and grandchildren) are and visibly marked as pariahs with no rights or protection from the state and with assistance from good citizens to be forbidden upon pain of like punishment. Sheltered posh cunt.
Brown, who has died aged 86 of cancer, later told the House of Lords: “I have few boasts to my name by way of legal achievement, few jewels in my judicial crown, but I can … boast of being the first judge in this jurisdiction … to rule that a husband is not permitted in law to have intercourse with his wife quite simply whenever he chooses.”
Said the man who has helped oversee the daily mass illegal importation of potential rapists and acid throwers.
Stupid old cunt.
Good Morning.
Simon Brown deceased is nothing new.
They’re all like him.
Pro mass migration.
Doesn’t matter the party
(They went the same schools)
Doesn’t matter what they say
( They’ve been known to tell lies)
They want mass migration.
You only have to pick up a newspaper
Turn on the TV
It’s there!
Rwanda kicked about in the Lords
Dinghies keep landing on the South Coast,
” It’ll be a deterrent!”
Say the Tories
” Boats landing are down by a third”
All smoke and mirrors.
“decisions should depend on proper administration and control rather than criminal activity ” who the fuck but a smart arse member of the administrative class would think that’s a good idea, seems like a game to these insular cunts.
And I am persuaded by the evidence that he should never have been born.
How many lives would have been saved?
Should dance on his grave. Looks like a pathetic, privileged mealy mouthed cunt. I bet he never had any risk to him from his shelter’s existence.
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”
As the great Thomas Sowell wrote.
It appears we have some common ground after all.
We agree on the greatness of Thomas Sowell.
Indeed GC, it is a fucking tragedy that political discourse is shaped by the shallow activism of the Afua Hirsch and Eddo-Lodge types rather than somebody who has experience, insight and impeccable research.
I can forgive him being a die-hard capitalist.
Or those who write for The Root.
Their old slogan; “Niggas Who Read” has been replaced with; “Black News and Black Views with a Whole Lot of Attitude.”
Dance on his grave?
I want to curl one down on it.
Probably best get in the queue now before the pile gets too high.
Give him a macintosh and a filthy trilby and you got the archetypal Peeping Tom..
Another demented rotter shitting over this country.
Yet another decrepit, piss-stinking, chin-stroking, leftie academic. We need more of his ilk like a goldfish needs a Harley Davidson.
Silly auld cunt.
Im mindful of Pol Pot’s solutions when dealing with academic’s and their sanctuaries.
The biggest problem is the chasm of disconnect between some ridiculous pampered fossil pouring over legal texts to curl another pompous turd of an opinion out and the real world results of this idiotic legalese wordsoup.
Fucking asylum seekers are lying looters and no more than a handful should ever have been allowed to step foot in our country,anyone conspiring in any way to change that should have hanged as a traitor.
All those toff cunts hide under a pile of red tape and sob stories.
Aye Cromwell the lot.
Here’s some good news for Tuesday morning..
How is that good news? The survivors will be invited to settle over here.
Imagine wearing flip flops and pyjamas in that weather.
It’s climate change. All our fault.
The invoice for reparations is on its way.
Point of Order for Admin – Should we have a special section for dead cunt noms?
I am sure RTC would have raised this had he still been around. If we are going to permit dead cunts then I am off to nominate Gracie Fields.
Good morning, everyone.
Dear old Gracie Fields, David Niven’s best shag, at least that is what he said when Prince Rainier of Monaco ?? asked him who he is best shag was after a liquid dinner and he found himself saying Grace****?
Just be a little pedantic this morning but I seem to remember the blessed lady was in charge in 1984 and it is unlikely she would have had Jack Straw as her Lord Chancellor.
That cunt Blair has so much to answer for what is happening to this beloved country in the 2020’s.
Interesting point Twenty.
I’ll be putting up Cilla Black and Michael Winner.
Morning all.
What a cunt truffl.May his eternity involved burning in hells fire pits.
Saw the news last night about Rwanda bill.
These decrepid doubley incontinent old Cunts in the HOL made me want to puke.
I would Gibbet the fucking lot of the unelected sponging cunts.
Fuckin ‘Lords’! This is the 21st century not the Middle-fucking-Ages.
Rant over! ?
Morning all.
The Rwanda bill is just a smokescreen to give the illusion that the government is doing something about immigration when in fact it is doing the exact opposite. Unfortunately it’s also a very expensive smokescreen, so far costing the taxpayer £400million and counting. That’s £2million per fucking illegal! Doesn’t matter what the Lords say or do, it was never going to work anyway. Illegals have more chance of winning first prize in the national the lottery than being sent to Rwanda.
Exactly that.
A smoke screen.
Our real problem is legal immigration and cunts coming over on student visas and then bringing the whole tribe over.
I saw a bit about the RNLI being 200 years old yesterday, I bet they didn’t envisage they would be helping in the invasion of their own country.
Guy Fawkes needs to return to blow up these old farts ???
Scaphism is the only way to deal with the Hols and Bliar of course.
Let me hear it for the ‘Judas-Cradle’ ?https://allthatsinteresting.com/judas-cradle#:~:text=It%20was%20placed%20in%20the,it%20ripped%20through%20their%20pelvis.
He’ll be sorely missed.