India Willoughby (3)


India Willoughby’s a bit of a twat.

For those of you who may not know, Presenter and ‘celebrity’ Willoughby is a biological male who has had the full nip and tuck, and now lives as a female.

Fair enough I say, not really anybody else’s business. The trouble is, Willoughby keeps making it our business by going on and on about it. The latest is that following a soshull meeja kerfuffle, Willoughby has reported Jo ‘Jugs’ Rowling to the Hurty Wurty Feelings Police for ‘hate crime’, as ‘Jugs’ refuses to acknowledge that Willoughby is a woman.

‘I’m legally a woman’ bleats Willoughby. Well so fucking what? That’s fine by me, and society has gone a long way towards accommodating your aspiration. But that’s not enough, is it? Because YOU believe that you’re a woman, everybody else has to fall in line and believe it too.

Well I’m afraid that the world doesn’t work like that. Jesus was born in a stable; that didn’t make him a donkey. The fact is that you’re becoming a crashing bore on the subject. Just remember; ‘oh the gift that God would give us, to see ourselves as others see us’.

I’m fed up of hearing about it, so pipe down, there’s a good chap, er lass, whatever…

Daily Record

Nominated by Ron Knee.

Additional link by Sam Beau.


130 thoughts on “India Willoughby (3)

  1. A bloke who likes dressing in frocks and taking it up the Khyber.

    It’s nothing new.

    What is new is the operation to remove the tackle is paid for by the poor bloody taxpayer.

    While the waiting lists for meaningful operations grow by the day.

    Personally, I’d keep the creepy cunt away from kids whilst arrangements are made to have it gassed.

    Get To Fuck.

  2. If anything it goes to prove the theory that you can never be woke enough.

    I would disagree with JK Rowling on almost everything aside from this.

    She was a luvvie darling. Had all the right on BBC approved opinions over Brexit, refugees, gays, feminism, climate change etc but misgendering these cunts is like the tranny version of a cartoon of Mohammed.

    They would probably like to cut your head off too but will settle for destroying your career and reputation. Luckily JK Rowling is too big and successful to cancel but is persona non grata in north London.

  3. Phillip Schofield is confused by India Willoughby, Holly did nothing for him but he’s got strange feelings for India.

    According to one headline: ‘ Phillip Schofield cuts off India Willoughby’

    Didn’t know he was a surgeon.

  4. This twat only wants to cause an argument. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction. Let him think he’s a woman, where we know different.

  5. I am a man of constant sorrow
    All I see is trans and queens and gays
    So I think mine own self lucky
    To be straight for all my days

    Sung to the tune of ‘a man of constant sorrow’

  6. Could India Willoughby have a use in society by being farmed out to confused folk like Philly Scoffacock, who doesn’t know if he likes cock or fanny or a bit of both in the same body?

    Old Phil could have a messy splosh on India’s hairy dick and balls and then play with its tits with a bit of baby oil. Sounds like a winner, but just keep that fucking mutant away from any female changing rooms.

  7. A passage to India..

    India in the ‘ bloke’ pic looks like 80s “comedian” Tony Slattery.

    I used to have a pathological hatred of Mr Slattery.

    Fuckin loathed the cunt.

    Remember that nom of Ron’s?
    Smug cunts?

    Exactly that.
    He made a joke he’d look round beaming at the audience waiting for applause.
    I couldn’t watch him on telly I’d get so irritated by him.

    I’ve since learnt that in 1996 he had a complete meltdown.
    Became a recluse,
    Didn’t even wash!

    A friend broke his door down and he was taken to hospital where he was diagnosed as bi- polar (puddled).

    It was then I got the joke?

  8. So who is the better fantasy writer?

    JK and her series of wizard books.
    Or indiana moans and its story of being a women..

    Answers on a communication owl..

  9. The freak could always get a job in a Thailand bar as a ladyboy. No one cares over there.

    •, I am no ‘expert’ on these things, but doesn’t a ladyboy have to have tits AND a cock and balls? Unlike this cunt in the nom.

    • Actually, the lady boys out here are pretty bloody convincing, and still have the original plumbing! That thing in the pic appear to be a double bagger!

  10. No doubt ‘she’ will be a presenter on Radio 4 soon.

    All topical subjects now discussed on my once favourite station MUST include one or more of the following:

    Mental Health
    Womens inequality

    Anyone who knows ‘modern’ radio 4, knows all that above to be accurate

    • Does he sound like a woman though? Normal folk thinking it’s a bloke, so it has to keep saying that it’s a woman.

    • It would be really great if someone would interview India about her first period, how she coped with menstrual cramps, if she ever leaked too much blood and it ruined her clothing, whether she’s planning on getting pregnant sometime soon and if she’s worried it will be ectopic? Oh well if India doesn’t have her own experiences to share on those topics, perhaps she has some concerns on whether she’ll get ovarian or breast cancer or even osteoporosis….

      • Perhaps they could ask if she also gets her prostate checked regularly.

        She must have to think about it.

      • He also must’ve thought he’d be getting multiple orgasms. After handing over the money for the operation, it was then they told him they were pulling his pisser.

  11. India Willoughby says he’s a woman. He is not. He is a mentally ill man.

    As JK Rowling (and anyone else with more than half a brain) has pointed out, all the surgery in the world can’t alter the fact that people CANNOT change their sex.

    Unless this freak has made the greatest breakthrough in science forever, which seems unlikely, he was born a male and will die a male (the sooner the better as far as I’m concerned).

    For example: I could have my monstrous member transplanted to my forehead and go around claiming to be Dumbo the Elephant with the biglyest trunk in the world, and would no doubt I’d attract many an admiring glance, I don’t think anyone would believe I was anything but a rampaging nutter – and they’d be quite correct.

    India Willoughby can falsely claim to be a woman, though he expects be treated with respect and seriousness? How fucking bizarre. What’s so wrong with pointing out that Willoughby and his ilk are mentally ill? Thing is: nutters invariably refuse to accept they’re insane.

    For their own good they should be sectioned, not indulged. I suspect 98% of these attention-seeking weirdos would quickly “man-up” if faced with electric-shock treatment.

    People who are screaming for JK Rowling to be cancelled are obsessed with themselves and how others perceive them. She is not. That is why their hateful screeching has failed to have any impact on her. In the fantasy world they live in, anything but universal acceptance and applause is a fate worse than death, and anything but total support for their delusions is a crime against humanity.

    Meanwhile, the average person doesn’t give a shit and never will.

    The highly vocal and violent minority that have tried and failed to ruin JK Rowling’s career are, by and large, the dross of society, laughed at and ignored by ordinary people. They have nothing but “feelings” and have discovered how worthless those feelings are outside of the Twitter-sphere.

    When applied to a person who has enormous wealth, prestige and success, they can be totally ignored.

    As far as I’m aware there is no such crime as “misgendering” in English law. It is a meaningless word and certainly not a criminal offence… Yet. But it appears the Scotch Nazi Party (in collaboration with the Green tallibannies) are poised to change all that, and the incoming Labour UK Labour government are set to follow their lead.

    When speech and opinion are criminalised we go down a very steep slope to authoritarian Left/Right oppression – the last time that philosophy took hold it cost many millions of lives before humanity was able to recover.

    Apologies for rambling, I’ve had a few…

  12. be honest that ugly little mincing cunt was never going to get a fuck dressed as a fella, look at it, but as a transformer tart some drunk might try to have a go, wonder if it has a …oh never mind

    • Surgeons can fashion one from bits of left over dick apparently, but there’s a fair chance it won’t work because the tissue tends to die.

      What a chance to take to become a ‘real’ woman.

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