Diversity and Racist Car Insurance

Ignoring the obvious, diversity is a cunt.

If this is true (which you have to question, if it’s reported by these peaceful / sambo loving bastards) then you know, before long our premiums will go up, to subside the fuckers.

The increased premiums are for a reason, why will no one, look at the demographics, and say “elephant jockeys, it’s going to cost you to have a motor car ”

Last year I drove through Bradford, on my motorbike a couple of times, on my way to the dales. It was like death race 2000.

Fuck knows what it’s like on a Friday or Saturday night.

BBC News

Nominated by: The cunt man of Alcatraz

53 thoughts on “Diversity and Racist Car Insurance

  1. We have the same problem here in Aussie. One licence does last for about 200 of the filthy camel fuckers.

  2. Pay the “cash for crash” game Sabu and this is what happens..!

    Oh dear what a fucking shame.

  3. Fuck me.

    What’s next I wonder. Whatever I think it could be I bet I’m wrong.

    It wasn’t that long ago that our unelected masters in Brussels decreed that car insurance discriminated on the basis of gender.

    That’s right. Women statistically were and are safer drivers than men although I guess they couldn’t quantify the amount of crashes caused by women holding up the traffic and just being shit.

    So what happened?

    Premiums for females were on average 30% cheaper than those for males with the exact same demographic.

    Did premiums reduce for males or did premiums increase for females?

    That’s right premiums increased for females.

    What an utterly fucked up world we live in, laws passed and decisions taken based on the tiniest minority who can shout the loudest supported by an unelected bunch of shit stains nobody has ever heard of.

    I can’t wait for those gender fluid non binary head cases to get in on the act.

    Ho Ho Ho. They reap what they sow.

  4. Agreed in Cardiff assuming it’s not some cunt in an Audi, the worst driving by far is perpetrated by various shades of cunts.
    This is to the point of having to ask, do these colour chips have to take a test or are the examiners to scared to fail the donkey/camel driving fuckwits for fear of being called wwwaaaaayyyysists.
    The only time you see Brit driving/parking that badly is if they are in the aforementioned 4 rings of ass because 1 ring isn’t enough…

  5. No fucking wonder the bradistan and the like postcodes are getting “rightly” walloped by insurance companies, the female versions of the carpet kissing cunts are driving in increased numbers.

    Now they are bleeding dangerous…?

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