Not the most important of noms but it tweaked my nipples.
Advert for some kids show,
Batman and Robin,
But now….
Robins fuckin black!!!
I’ve never fully trusted the caped crusader of Gotham.
A billionaire who hangs about in caves with a young lad wearing masks and undercrackers?
Nowt weird about that!!!!
Anyway when did Robin turn mudflap?
He didn’t used to be but if you want Robin then suppose black youths the way to go.
Nominated by: Miserable northern cunt
What about the Black Hand Gang whilst we’re at it.
Alright, SS?
Weren’t they a SerboCroat terrorist organisation?
Fuck knows, CC.
Not my Division.
Batty boy? ?
Proposed plot for final episode:
A rosewood dining bat-table, at which Batman has previously been eating, suddenly disappears behind a bigly bat-bush, along with his vegan bat-chops, bat-cabbage, and dairy-free chocolate bat-mousse dessert.
Returning from the bat-lavatory with a nice clean bat-bottom, Batman’s bat-senses tell him that the bat-table and bat-meal have gone!
At first he thinks that Superman has played a super trick on him, but then remembers that Superman has absolutely no sense of humour and it would have taken a right crafty cunt to pull off this caper.
Speeding off in the electric batmobile he drives to Gotham City Police HQ and reports the theft.
Following a lot of bat-banter with Commissioner Gordon he returns to the batcave to sleep in the bat-bed.
Next morning he is rudely awoken by the bat-phone which he answers immediately after having a bat-breakfast consisting of bat-flakes and soy milk.
“Hi Batman, it’s Black Robin here,” says Black Robin. “I’m in jail for stealing the bat-stuff. I found it outside in the bat-garden last night so I put it behind a large bat-bush so no-one could see it.”
“Bat-fuck off bat-cunt!” says Batman.
Slamming down the bat-phone he throws a bat-fit, recovers, and dies.
The End.
The new Robin needs to pass a couple of tests.
• can he steal a bicycle
• can he steal a TV
• can he steal a smartphone
Can he ride the bike, blaaber on the phone and hold the TV at the same time while dressed in his fake Canada Goose coat?
Robin da Hood.
The final change from the aware gang. Blackman and Rook.
Well, it gets worse.
The actual Robin in the Batman comic books for the past 30 plus years has now been turned into a poofter. Tim Drake (that’s his name) has been about since 1989. But now DC have made the character bisexual.
Oh, and the character The Catwoman is now known officially as ‘The Cat’.
This is because the word ‘woman’ might offend some trans freak. Straight up, DC is as woke and as disgusting as the BBC.
The character Robin was murdered in spectacular style in 1988’s ‘A Death In The Family..But he character should have been retired for good then. The Death In The Famly story was ace. Robin gets brutally offed, the Joker teams up with Ayatollah Khomeni, and Batman punches Superman. Proper entertaining comic stuff.
Just shows how much DC has changed. In 1988 they showed the Joker battering the little cunt to near death with a crowbar and then blowing him up. Now, all their characters are woke and every story is a lecture about issues and inclusiveness.×2732/1200×0/filters:focal(0x0:1777×2732):no_upscale()/
Here’s Khomeini in Batman 428.
And the cover of 428 was brilliant too,,,
oven the lot
How very dare they link a PoC with robbin’.
Time for some retail liberation.
Why not have a black Hitler and nazi state being as they want to be represented anywhere they don’t belong!