Vincent Kennedy McMahon – Former CEO of WWE

A cunting please for one Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

For those who don’t know, this weapons grade cunt is the bloke who founded the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) in its current form, and was, until recently, its CEO.

I say until recently because he has resigned due to allegations of sex trafficking. Allegations which are now being investigated by Federal authorities.

Regardless of whether the allegations are true or not, the cunt has history.

He was investigated back in 2022 for sexual assault allegations, but was subsequently cleared (the fact it was an internal investigation may have had something to do with that, allegedly).

He has been accused by multiple women of alleged sexual assault dating back to the 1980s, including the WWE’s first female referee, Rita Chatterworth, and is known to be a serial womaniser.

He’s also been known to put women in humiliating storylines and scenarios, including one where a woman was scripted to bark like a dog.

There are other scandals, including the ring boys scandal in the 1980s, where he didn’t necessarily have direct involvement but where people close to him did, and it’s hard to imagine he wasn’t aware.

All in all, the guy is a truly loathsome cunt and the very epitome of the billionaire who thinks they can get away with everything, and it’s satisfying to see that the net may finally be closing in on him.

The Sun


Nominated by: OpinionatedCunt

56 thoughts on “Vincent Kennedy McMahon – Former CEO of WWE

  1. A billionaire American businessman accused of sexual assault by a woman.

    Who would have thought?

  2. Wait until hulk hogan finds out about this, vince will need the services of a undertaker..
    Vince thinks he is a stone cold macho man..

    I’m done..

  3. Many year’s ago I was moderately successful in various jobs.
    Nothing to brag about but from my early 20’s I was ‘The Boss’ for a handful of companies.

    I was also a prolific pork swordsman due to the number of female staff that made it clear that they were up for some ‘how’s your father’.

    Now, many year’s later any of those women could claim that I sexually assaulted them.

    Of course there would be no witnesses and no proof.
    Just their word for it.

    Other women would come forward and claim the exact same thing.
    A pattern of abuse would emerge.

    But I am confident that it will not happen.

    I’m not a billionaire.

  4. Hardly surprising there’s sexual abuse in wrestling, seeing as it’s the third gayest thing a man can participate in.

    The top five homosexual activities:
    5) fashion
    4) theatre
    3) wrestling
    2) rugby
    1) actual bumming

    • Good morning Thomas. You forgot singing. There has been a collosal number of homosexualists in singing/bumming/AIDS scandals, for example;

      Jimmy Somerville (Small-town rimming)
      Andy Bell (AIDS)
      Holly Johnson (AIDS)
      Elton John (super injunction, heaven knows)
      Marc Almond (sperm cocktail)
      Sam Smith (destined for oven)
      Bronski Beat (routine bum hole factory)
      Johnny Mathis (chocolate logs)

      • Morning PM.
        Not forgetting (fag-etting?) Freddie Mercury. Not that moustaches are in any way super bent.
        My moustache is bigger than Freddie Mercury’s…
        I was hoovering at work a few weeks ago and some cheeky scampster started singing “I want to break free”!

      • Not forgetting

        George Michael (that stuff in the bogs, and picking up random truck drivers)

        Boy George (imprisoning another poove)

        Rock Hudson (AIDS rocks Hollywwod)

        Laurence Olivier (had every gay luvvie cunt on both sides of the Atlantic)

        Marlon Brando (same as Sir Laurence)

        James Dean (another one)

        Divine (a dissgusting creature. Too much shit to mention)

        Lord Frederick Lucan of Mercury (debauched poofery tnat would rival Borgia and Caligula)

        The most hated ex-Prime Minister ever (cottaging, say no more)

    • My cousin Fontaine is a hairdresser that’s still a manly profession isn’t it Thomas?

      • Well that has shattered a childhood hero, I will never look at Giant Gaystacks the same way again.

      • Morning MNC…presumably the only barbers in England who tap pussy are Turkish barbers and those young ladies are taken directly from the children’s home by Mo Iqbal the taxi driver.

    • Morning Thomas. My own gay, bushy horseshoe moustache is for all to see on my LinkedIn profile. I put the Leatherman from Village People to shame.

      I’ve since shaved it off as the Mrs had a fit.

    • Add to that dancing, hence that Roger’s Profanosaurus euphemism, ‘first on the dance floor’.

  5. “According to Celebrity Net Worth, McMahon’s riches are estimated to be $3.2 billion, as of 2024”
    Fucking astonishing that so much money can be made from such shite.

    • For another example see J.K. Rowling, although i’d let her sexually abuse me.

      Not the defecation though.

  6. I just hope Big Daddy isn’t involved,I couldn’t bear it.

    Kendo Nagasaki on the other hand..

    My Nan never liked him you know.

    • Mick Macmanus and Steve Logan were my favourites. Fuck me showing my age now…..
      Pouring of rain again, the cunt.

      • Bring back Kent Walton on Saturday afternoons, happy days. Mick McManus use to shop in my local Sainsburys.

    • Kendo Nagasaki was one of the few wrestlers that could actually see his cock without the aid of a gut hoist and a mirror.

      So it wouldn’t surprise me.

      I imagine that a prostrate exam on Big Daddy or Giant Haystack would look like the doctor was trying to birth a cow.

    • A s a boy I was lucky enough to see Pat Roach and meet him after the show.

      He was huge, but he was also absolutely fucked.

    • Don’t know anything about yank wrestling.
      But as a kid in the 70s I’d go to Belle Vue with family and watch Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks, Rollerball Rocco, ironfist Clive Myers, catweazle, Mick McManus etc

      My grandad got a bit too excited by it and would offer out the’. baddies ‘
      He’d scream abuse and try and twat them with his walking stick.?

      Wrestling is fake, ok but you can’t have pensioners hit players in modern premiership football can you?
      Great family entertainment.

      • Harvey Price would make a good wrestler. Enormous, strong and mong.
        Like a carrot being dangled in front of a donkey, a mask made from a pair of his mother’s sticky, oozing knickers stuck to his face would power him to the win, with the promise of ice cream and a 69 from the fragrant Katie in the dressing room after the match.

  7. Wrestling is massive money,,,!!
    If you make it.

    The Rock launched a film career.
    Seems a decent bloke? Good for him.

    So like any big industry you’ll have your sharks swimming about.
    Unscrupulous types.

    In America they go fuckin nuts for it,
    Merchandise generates countless millions..

    Stands to reason you’ll get people like Vincent McMahon.

  8. Ah, this poorly acceptable excuse for sport. Something I gave a try until you realised even at a young age that they were pretending to hurt each other in a badly arranged ballet. Remembering only the women being taken in by this wool over the eyes racket. It was an embarrassment. Won’t even bother going any further on the matter.

    • Easy! Easy! Easy!

      I blame Big Daddy for my jingoism.

      They’d blast out music and he’d enter in a union jack tophat and robe.
      Like a Far Right weight watchers contest.

      All the kids present would accompany him to the ring.

      This was great mind manipulation by World of Sport.

      And never be allowed nowadays due to overt patriotism.

      Flag waving, chanting, stamping your feet,
      A Nazi salute away from a 1936 Berlin rally.

      Heady stuff.

      I still regard Shirley Crabtree as a better fuhrer than Mr Hitler.

      • Aaah, World of Sport…wonderful stuff.
        Hosted by my fellow moustache enthusiast Dickie Davis, who was insistent that the first two rows of “grapple fans” must be moist, nubile young Down’s Syndrome ladies, for some innocent reason.

    • Forgotten to mention this taking place at Belle Vue, where all my growing up for entertainment, from early zoo visits with my parents, through to speedway, wrestling, eventually to dancing and drinking. Now all sadly gone, to something they call progress.

      • Belle Vue was great wasn’t it Sammy?
        I remember it fondly.

        The zoo, fairground, wrestling, dog racing , speedway.

        As a kid I thought it was the centre of all civilization.

        An I was right.

      • Forgot to mention the dog racing, Mis. Maybe psychologically because I lost money. My mate would sometimes place the bets whilst I looked after our seats and would sometimes change my bet on a dog that lost, leaving him having to pay the difference due to his stupidity.

  9. “Allegations”, “accusations”, “not directly involved”, “once made a bird bark”


    Never heard of the bloke and he may or may not be the biggest cunt ever to walk the earth. He’s never been convicted of anything other than running a shite wrestling show, and there’s quite enough of this guilty because some woman says so going on. Very amusing until you’re on the wrong end of it and the media pile on starts with the BBC publicly cunting you.
    Never in such a hurry to front page you after you’re found not guilty and your career is over and your reputation is fucked. Don’t do the BBCs job for them, they need no help being cunts.

    • I agree that false allegations are common, but this case seems to have credibility behind it. There’s a lot of allegations from a lot of unconnected women plus the federal authorities have launched their own investigation as well. Plus one of his closest associates has come out with the ‘yes it happened but he made me go along with it’ comment.We’ll have to see how it plays out but it isn’t looking good.

  10. Nothing wrong with two large semi-naked sweaty men grappling with each other in greasy homo-erotic poses in ways which God did not intend.
    I`m rather moist now.?

  11. A brash successful yank with loads of cash?
    I bet there’s plenty of people want to assume he’s guilty purely on that basis.
    But don’t forget, this is America we’re talking about. A place where it’s no longer safe to be rich and powerful.
    Not that it’s any safer over here.
    Take Russell Brand as an example. Now I can’t stand the cunt, but he’s faced months and months of allegations and not a single charge has be brought.
    Is that a police failure? Or the likely hood that old bill suspect the wimminz involved are all band wagon jumpers, but haven’t got the balls to let it go?
    If found properly guilty with due diligence, I’ll happily dance on their graves.
    Until such time, I’ll keep a very open mind.

    • Way I see it ,
      Vince is a billionaire!

      He wants to curl out a turd on some woman’s head ?
      Let him.

      She sounds a bit of a moaner?
      Use shampoo and cheer the fuck up.

  12. Powerful man in his arena snd an alpha male, got to be some very toxic masculinity going on. Guilty as fucking charged, no trial needed.

    Wait till Caitlyn Jenner reveals Bruce used to touch her inappropriately when she was a teenager……….

    Maybe FBI informant reverend Al Sharpton can fill in the blanks?

  13. Rumour has it that after Vince curled off a length of brown cable onto the poor lasses head, he then suplexed her onto a foldaway table, rammed her head through some steel steps before pinning her for a 3 count.

    Good Morning.

  14. In the US some sports are sneered at by liberals.
    Noo yawk intellectual types and Hollyweird duckies.

    Wrestling, monster truck, NASCAR,
    Are seen as fodder for hillbillies.

    But I see the appeal.
    Better than fuckin basketball!

    I also approve of ladies mud wrestling .

    • Loads of women wrestling these days Mis.

      Whenever I flick through the telly channels and see the wrestling’s on it’s always women.

      Lots of sweaty grappling and arse slapping.

      Can’t say the same about women boxing. I can’t stand it. Makes me feel uncomfortable.

    • You’ve set me off again Mis, on the septics. Their two main sports are rounders and netball, of which our ladies love to partake. Do you think Siegfried is tormenting the dragon ?

  15. ‘Ah my gahd it’s KANE!’

    I say wait for the evidence. Steroids make people do strange things.

    I remember some of the silly stuff from when McMahon Jr ran things. He wanted to make it edgy, throwing his own daughter into proceedings.

    Like I’ve said before, we have panto season, the yanks have wrestling.

    French philosopher and critic Roland Barthes loved wrestling and the ‘carnivalesque’. He wrote an essay about it. He also had an action figure of Ted DiBiase.

    • Another reminder of yank stupidity and being personally offensive. If someone is behind you, the stupid septics turn it into sexual abuse and they are in back of you. Grammatically crude also comes to mind.

  16. Is this shit still going?!

    I think the last time I watched this one a VHS tape of a Royal Rumble from a mate back in 1993 and it was bollocks then.

    I bet this wrestler kept the Columbian economy going during the 80s and 90s

    Surprised Hulk Hogan is still alive really. Might be a good future deadpool pick

  17. Only time I ever showed interest in this shite was when Sable and Torrie Wilson had a grudge match wearing dental floss bikinis.

  18. I remember Steve McMahon.

    Tasty player, but a dirty little bastard.

    I remember Norman Whiteside taking him out at Anfield, Easter Monday 1988.

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