The lack of NHS Dentists


and the increasing demand on those that are full???

I will leave cunters to make up their own minds as to why we cannot see a doctor, hospitals are overflowing and why you can’t get to see an NHS dentist. The government (and those that refuse open their eyes) will have you believe these demands on our once great nhs services have fuck all to do with immigration.

However, I bed to differ. Having spotted a story on the BBC homepage yesterday about the queues of people wishing to register with a new NHS dentist in Bristol, I thought I would have a read

And this is the link to the article:


Now, look at those in the queue and tell me the NHS is a breaking point NOT because of immigration?


Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

74 thoughts on “The lack of NHS Dentists

  1. My dentist is a sihk.

    As I lay in the dental chair I get nostalgic for ‘ it ain’t alf hot mum’

    I’m NHS referral so I pay but it’s pretty cheap.

    I feel sorry for him.
    He’s fighting a losing battle with me.

    All his private customers have big white pearly smiles.

    My teeth are like Johnny Rottens.

    Full of character and cavities,
    One at the front is loose and ready to drop out giving me a Terry Thomas smile.

    But I’m not arsed about my choppers.
    I’m not vain.
    I’m a Englishman with English toofypegs.

  2. I had to pay £2,000 last year for private dentistry which would have cost £200 on the NHS. A rubber boat arrival gets teeth fixed for free. Does no one in authority realise that this is an absolutely unacceptable situation?
    Yesterday, as the general election looms, it was announced that migrants claiming to be dentists will not have their qualifications checked in an effort to fast tracked them into NHS dentistry. Well, that is not going to end well is it.

  3. Quickly pull all of the cunts in that queue’s teeth out with industrial pliers and make fancy necklaces out of them.

    Sell em as trinkets on the Bristol market.

    A boost to the local economy and a long term reduction in dentist waiting lists.

    Problem solved.

  4. The one I use is private but it’s £25 for a checkup and was around £90 for my filling when I had it done before Christmas. Not bad value tbh.

  5. Part of the problem is the lure of private practice where it’s market forces and a Hollywood smile that set the price..

    Dentist can choose..make his own price or spend hours filling in NHS paperwork..

    Makes me wonder if all the regulations were put in place because of the number of dentists on the fiddle.

    Open wide,it’s Broken Britain.

    • The paperwork is a real problem . In 2008 my then dentist (a 50 year old English man) told me that he was retiring due to the absurd amount of paperwork that he was forced to do by the NHS. It really seems to me that the high up decision makers have been fucking up every aspect of life for ordinary people for decades.

      • NHS managers are a special breed. I’ve encountered one. Complete bureaucrat and utterly useless while being condescending to the point i wanted to punch him in the mouth.

  6. I’m reasonably lucky that I have an NHS dentist near me so I won’t grumble.

    However what I would say is I’ve not seen the same dentist twice in a row in I don’t know how many years. Decades even.

    They tell you different things and give you different advice etc.

    There’s zero personal touch, familiarity or care, especially when compared to the old days when you’d see the same fella every appointment.

    Same experience with GP’s these days.

    • Same here Herman, although with hospitals rather than dentists.

      Had a number of appointments and was in the AMU last July. Very little continuity and almost no interdepartmental communication, even within the same trust. Different doctors, some of whom can barely speak English. Trying to get information through to a department via dense receptionists is a task, when they already have your notes on file. A lot of assumptions are made; go along to the appointment as the hospital will have your notes.
      After a 50 min drive i walked halfway around QAH in Portsmouth and they didn’t have my my notes or scans, as -duh! – it’s a different trust.

      Only my renal doc has been ‘in the loop’ and moved stuff along, otherwise dealing with and chasing up departments has been very stressful the past 9 months

      Must be terrible for the elderly and easily confused.

      Fucking awful.

  7. I’m courting fate here but I’ve given up on NHS dentists, they’re all full. I do make ‘toothpaste’ out of sea salt and bicarb with essential oil for flavour and more antiseptic properties, that and a sea salt gargle/mouthwash has worked thus far.
    Swill many times a day and brush after eating, avoid fruit juices but if you do drink them, avoid brushing for an hour, you’ll brush the acid into the tooth.
    Dr Snaggletoof.

  8. Fortunately living in an area from the distant past with fewer people, nothing’s changed on that front. Being considered elderly, I’m on the concerned list from both NHS Dentistry and General Practitioners and its they who get in touch with me.

  9. Shouldn’t be to difficult to re-train all the doctors and scientists massing on the French coast into dentists.

  10. Not to worry, the lunatics running the NHS asylum are going to let foreign dentists practice without taking a test. What could possibly go wrong?

    Anyway, I’m currently on a course of melanin tablets and next week I’m opening my surgery and practicing as Mr Julius Halitosis, graduate of Lagos University School of Dentistry and Joinery. I’ve got a chair that tips up, a Black and Dekker, a pair of pliers and some Polyfilla, so I’m fully kitted out. And if anyone wants an anaesthetic I’ll tell them to take a couple of paracetamols. Sorted.

  11. It’s from the ‘Bangkok Smile’ Dental Surgery and Sauna in Digbeth.

    You can get a filling on the NHS, but a happy ending is a strictly private arrangement between you and the nurse.

  12. Poor little Hussain Iqbal. He’s fled horrible atrocities to travel here, having paid a people-trafficker and ignoredcall the safe countries he sniffed at to reach Britain. All he wants is a half decent hotel room and free food while he sells drugs and eyes up 13-year-olds. Now the natives are giving him a hard time because he is seen instantly by dentists. What next? Pay for his dentistry? Pay for his laptop and phone? Pay for his education?

    • never understood why these immigrants pay people traffickers if they are supposedly genuine asylum seekers?

      i mean, 3k to a dodgy cunt to put you in a rubber dinghy to cross the channel or 50 quid to get here on eurotunnel.

      i think if you have to pay a people smuggler then by definition you are an illegal immigrant and all those cunts coming across the channel should be treated as such unless they prove otherwise. unlike the british campaigners for these cunts who assume the exact opposite. wish someone would ask a human rights cunts, why if they are genuine asylum seekers do they pay to come over illegally?

      • Watch the fun a UK citizen has at immigration if they lose their passport on holiday. My advice? Get in a fucking dinghy, no questions asked.

  13. Another balanced report from the truly outstanding BBC website.
    Just look at those poor, oppressed people, heartlessly cast aside by those nasty tories.
    Only dark keys and sand pike keys struggle to get the NHS treatment they deserve, according to the BBC.
    Anything they report, be it about education, cancer treatment, the cost of living, benefits, maternity care, unaffordable housing, all include

    Another wonderfully balanced report from those lovely people on the outstanding BBC website.
    They don’t get irony though do they?
    Portraying dark keys and sand pikeys as the victims of a nasty, Tory governed racist shit hole, they fail to realise that the people they interview are the cause of the problem.
    I don’t care what generation immigrant they are, they have, and still, perpetuate the problem.
    It’s a bit like asking Adolf Hitler for his opinion on the Berlin housing shortage in 1945.
    But the BBC can’t report on how things affect the indigenous population, they only view these things through the prism of white Tory oppression.
    And I bet not one of those featured pay the fucking licence fee.


  14. Off topic a little, but I see that the boss of Taylor Wimpey suggests that we need to build 4.5 million new homes.

    (Yes, she would say that, but…)

    4,500,000 houses x 2.2 people per house = 9,900,000 people
    Population of Worcester is about 105000 people
    So that’s about 94 Worcesters.


    Everything is a numbers problem.

    Meanwhile, letting anyone who says they’re a dentist have a bash won’t end well. They’ll end up in front of the General Dental Council and be struck off in no time at all, so it won’t help.

    • Don’t you mean x peacefuls per household? 6 wives + 18 kids + 48 ‘close’ relatives (ie from the same continent) + 200 underage, white schoolgirls, drugged and/or pissed for, errrr, reading practice.

  15. I’m lucky enough to be on an NHS patient at a dentists who also do private work.
    In September I was told a tooth needed root canal and a crown, which would have cost me in excess of £300. The only alternative was to have it taken out. Having already had the experience of root canal, and also a crown which cost me £200 and kept coming loose, I decided extraction was my best move.
    I had to wait a month for the appointment and when I attended the surgery the dentist told me she wasn’t going to take it out because it was next to an implant and she didn’t have the necessary equipment. She was going to refer me to a place where they specialize in these procedures.
    Two weeks ago, having heard nothing for four months, I contacted the surgery and was told to ring the local hospital as they should have contacted me in October. To cut a long story short, I eventually was told that I should expect to wait six or seven months for a ‘routine’ appointment.

  16. Never mind the next dingy that lands on the Kent cost will no doubt be full of dental technicians

  17. And there’s me thinking darkies have fantastic white teeth! ???
    I have been corrected of that illusion by the pics in the nom link.

  18. Yet another cunting that brings me back round to my Ukrainian staff.

    In our employ is a haggard old crone with dentition that would horrify Elizabeth the First, breath straight out of a French motorway service station toilet.

    She gets an abscess resulting from a rotten tooth. Within 24hrs the NHS have dealt with the abscess in hospital, and a week later an NHS dentist has removed the offending tooth.

    Her reaction? Apparently the fucking NHS are all butchers and in the Ukraine they could have somehow fixed the ossified shard of dogshit masquerading as a tooth that she had just had dealt with courtesy of the British tax payer. The most piss boiling exhibition of ingratitude I have ever witnessed – and the country is full of these fuckers, helping themselves to the priveleges we pay for but can’t access, all the time complaining how it’s not good enough.

    In any decent world Unkle Terry’s oven would be packed solid and keeping the rest of us toasty warm for many winters to come.

    • I’m starting to doubt you know anybody from Ukraine – are you sure they’re not some kind of Albanian chancery?

      • Nope these are Ukrainians I’ve been dealing with alright – does it trouble your idea of them as a nation that they have plenty of scumbags like we do?

      • Not at all, for starters I think all the men should be over there fighting for their country.

        It is just everything you write (and I genuinely can’t recall you writing about anything else) bears the hallmark of scammers of the Albanian variety.

        It wouldn’t surprise me if, as with the height of the Syrian refugee crisis, there were more than a handful of forgetful people who lost their passport on the way over.

      • Oh I see. Well I’ve literally only been posting for a couple of weeks, was a reader right up to the point when I couldn’t hold my peace over that Sheku specimen trying to have Rule Britannia struck off the Proms.

        All the Ukrainians we’ve employed have been women to be fair, so it may be most of the men are indeed doing the honourable thing back home, although the group I talked about that trashed our customer’s house included the male of the family.

        Anyway, you’d be right that the majority of my posts have come back round to the subject of the Ukrainians, and I suppose it’s only because we’ve such very recent experience of some pretty shocking episodes in terms of the way they’ve been conducting themselves. However, I’m also getting bored of winding myself up over it so will look for fresh subject matter or keep quiet!

  19. The brilliant initiative to cut queues for dental treatment by not bothering to check on qualifications from overseas seems so obvious. Speeds things up dunnit? What can possibly go wrong? Architecture will cease to be the profession of choice. We will have at least one dentist each. Machetes will be the instruments of choice. Dentistry Diplomas are already available from from the Duvalier University for a few thousand Gourde. Fuck off.

  20. What lack of NHS dentists? We’ve got boatloads of the fuckers arriving every day according to our BBC – Black Bullshitting Corporation. Doctors, engineers, you name it. Only dentists? Why the next Elon Musk or Bill Gates is just waiting to be plucked from these Nobel prize winners. I’m sure the government has it all well in hand.

  21. I wonder if all these woke shitbags who bang on about the benefits of immigration, now find themselves waiting for months for a NHS dental appointment due to a huge waiting list caused by those very same migrants getting priority over everyone!

    Of course they won’t admit it publicly, but secretly they’ll be as pissed off as us mere ignorant plebs

  22. I have no problem with these uncertified (in the UK) dentists practicing, as long as they only take migrants as patients.

  23. We can all look forward to our teeth dropping out and a full set of dentures. Who needs a dentist then?!

    Invest in dental labs that make prosthetics ££

  24. I find that a product called Toofypegs is really good for sorting loose crowns. My top R side no. 2 has a habit of falling out, but Toofypegs once kept it in for 4 years. It was only a cherry stone in jam on toast that buggered it.
    Superglue (Cyano-acrylate) is not recommended, but I am wondering if epoxy resin is a possibility? Clove oil is good for toothache. .

  25. I’ve been lucky with my dentists. The one I had for the first 25 years of my life was a good mate of my old man, so despite being a Painless Parker type he went the extra mile to care for my gnashers. That said, he nearly made me lose consciousness once while struggling to extract an especially recalcitrant molar! When he retired the chap who took over was brilliant! But a couple of years ago he went fully private*, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Waiting room used to be chock-a-block with cunts and noisy foreigners and their brats, often had to wait 30+ minutes past my appointment time. But these days only the occasional patient (white) in the waiting room, am usually in the chair within 3 minutes of arriving! Well worth the £25 a month I pay; the wife pays £20 because her fangs are in better nick than mine.

    *Dentist reluctantly went fully private citing NHS bureaucracy a fucking nightmare.

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