Yes, ALL of them. They’re not particularly great at the best of times but fucking hell they’ve ramped it up a gear recently.
- Norfolk Police have referred themselves to the watchdog after that family died.
- Lincolnshire police have referred themselves to the watchdog after the Bronson Battersby case.
- West Murcia police have referred themselves to the watchdog after Alfie Steele’s death.
Police forces in general are ‘misusing’ bodycams, and deleting/failing to record footage which makes them look bad. The incident which prompted me to write this cunting, however, involved Thames Valley Police mocking a woman who had a seizure.
If ever evidence was needed that they don’t give a shit about us, there it is. They sit there and laugh at us and all the while they protect their little club. They don’t want to protect and serve; rather, they want to protect themselves and themselves alone, and they will stoop to any level – including corruption – in pursuit of that goal.
And the worst part? They’re allowed to get away with it. Sack the lot of them and hold them criminally liable for all crimes and incidents which could’ve been prevented without their negligence
Nominated by opinionated cunt.
I don’t like The Police either.
Especially Sting.
I thought you were Sting.
As I’ve mentioned here before, I was at school with Gordon Sumner and his nickname was Lurch. So no Sam, I’m definitely not Sting/Lurch.
I’m Pugsley.
What fucking police?? Leftwing Stasi cunts.
Cue the Benny Hill music..
Fucking embarrassing..
Surely a fireman unit was available ; one warning then start shooting.
Fireman? FFS firearms !
If I had a gun I’d shoot this fucking phone.
Don’t know guzzi, you might of been right first time a fire axe in the back would be effective..
The cunts should be sacked for employing someone called Faisal (real name Abdul)
Your fuckin nicked me old beauty!!
Up against the wall motherfucker.
Don’t hear that anymore.
‘You can’t pray here or sing hymns it’s against section 12 of the public order act”
Some 4ft 6in splitarse will tell some bible basher.
Easy targets only.
Theyll allow Abdullah to screech in Speakers corner about killing Jews though.
That’s cultural differences.
You can’t arrest them.
Fuckin woke cunts.
And that is exactly why I will never help the police. All they do is pick on people they know won’t cut their head off in the street. Those numbers are decreasing rapidly. It’ll get to the point there’ll be nobody to arrest but criminals at which point they’ll all go on the sick with mental elf problems. Useless cunts with more power than brains.
They do a fantastic job in difficult circumstances taking the knee and celebrating pride month.
Too many of them take the knee then can’t get up.
the minute they lowered the entrance exam criteria, the height and weight criteria was the time the police started going downhill.
thick, short and fat who otherwise wouldnt have even been considered for the exam in the past.
how can you have respect for anyone in authority who only got the job by making it easier to get in?
my brother tried for both police and prison officer exams within a week of each other….this was 35 years ago. he is fit, 6ft 1″ and not thick, but he failed his first police entrance exam on the answer to ONE question. he was invited to re sit the exam as they knew he would be a good candidate, but in the meantime the entrance exam to the prison came through and he passed so ended up for 25 years in the prison service.
now, you only need to be 5ft something, overweight and be able to use social media and you are in the police. the scruffy one size fits all uniform and down with the kids swat team baseball caps doesnt help the image either.
i used to respect the police as it was a service that only took some of the elite…not it just takes the kind of people they used to arrest.
It helps if you’re a lezza or better still a peaceful.
Indeed. Our police offer great career opps to lezzas;
Not forgetting the Robo Cop utility belts packed with all sorts of crime fighting stuff, only used on white people of course.
Short fat lezzas and bearded midgets are now a common sight.
Is there a country on earth with a more pathetic police “service”.
Obviously, pigs in other countries are cunts, but at least they command respect.
Mouth off to a Spanish pig and you’ll get a kicking.
Mouth off to an American pig and they’ll bump you off.
Mouth off to a British pig and they’ll stand there and take it like the spineless chicken-shit bitches they are.
Powerless, corrupt, lying, cowardly, friendless, out-of-shape, needle dicked losers to a man.
As the old man says, they have no mates outside work, because no cunt trusts them.
You see a lot of them in the paper or local news for killing or beating up wives and girlfriends as well.
A special type of weirdo.
Good nom. Our modem police are fat, useless wankers who now only protect certain demographics of society.
A politicised left wing arm of the establishment who’s members amble along, gaining weight, until they can enjoy retirement at 50 with a top of the range pension, with a lengthy interlude being off with stress thrown in for good measure.
I used to have a certain respect for coppers, although there’s always been a few wrong uns, but we’ve reached the point where you’d never tell your kids to approach a policeman if they were lost.
All trust has been eroded.
Especially if they’re called Wayne.
Add Darren, Liam and Ryan to the mix.
That’s Police Constable Faisal Abdul Ali Akhbar Bin Lyin’
The female officer was Allegra Van Dyke
The tutor was Trevor Chavlington Smyth-Smyth
The bright side for you British cunters is that in America the cops have guns and just blow you away.
I’ve heard that if a SWAT team is called on a person’s house, they will immediately destroy the family pet, regardless of whether the raid is at the right address or the suspect is innocent.
Standard Operating Procedure is to immediately shoot any dog(s) as they are generally protective of their owners and property.
No questions asked. Shoot the dog.
Oh, we’re at the wrong house? Sorry you can’t sue us because of Qualified Immunity.
Qualified Immunity is the doctrine under which police are “immune” from damages when said damages are caused when police are perceived to be in the course of their police duties.
Destroy your house? Kill an innocent person? Sorry…just doing our job.
How many pigs in ‘murica get taken out for killing a pet?
Hey moggie,
Would be if I was a victim of that crap. Kill my pet, pay the fucking price. Not now but at some stage.
Just dogs?
Where do the draw the line? parakeets?
Never forget, the police will act as the boot boys for the government.
What they did to the miners at Orgreave was a ambush,
A direct attack on ordinary working men.
Ordered by that cunt Thatcher.
A utter disgrace.
But not the first time the police, who are sworn to protect and serve attacked the British public on orders from the Westminster rats.
1819 Manchester, the police charged a peacefully protesting crowd with sabers drawn,
Killing 18
Wounding approx 700.
Walking wounded everywhere.
The dirty cunts.
This might make me seem like I’m a leftie defund the police type.
I believe in law and order.
I believe we need a police force.
But turning on your own people is repellent.
Never forget who they really serve.
I remember the miners’ strike well. I lived in Sheffield back then. Plod pulled all kinds of nasty tricks if they suspected you were a miner. Breaking car windshields was one, if 4 blokes in a car were suspected of travelling to a protest. There’s a famous photo of a friend of mine.
‘Twas there. We might have lost the war but won a few battles. Cop car of local plod turned upside down with the cunts in it. Oh yes. Could stand behind a wall on the right going up oregreave road and brick the fuckers. Horses couldn’t jump that wall.
They are not there to protect us. Never were, never will be. They are there to protect the state and institutions from us.
They will never be held to account in any way above tokenism as that might reveal the truth with enough clarity for even the most gullible to see it. That’s why grannys who don’t pay their BBC tax rot in jail while Bliar walks free with a squad of state funded goons looking after him.
Understand the nature of them and all becomes clear.
Corporate baliffs in essence.Enforcing Maritime/statute law rather than Common-Law.This shit gets deep.
I’ve never had any trouble from them, due to me being a good boy. I’ve even had favours from them after missing the last bus and they giving me a lift home. Even remember in the sixties when my hair was trailing down my back and one policeman said to me did it hurt. Puzzled, I said what, he replied not so funnily that he was stood on it. My reply was funnier when I asked did his head reach the top of his helmet. All he could say was, touché my lad, touché.
My biggest worry is the suffering the policewomen receive from their male colleagues, of sexual harassment and rape, leaving them no alternative but to give up the job. Could go into much more detail, but what I’ve already mentioned is enough and it doesn’t get dealt with.
At uni (1981) I got arrested for drunk and disorderly walking back to the halls of residence. Shouting at a police van that passed a group of us, none of us noticed the one behind it. Coppers get out, one talks to me, I say ‘hello sailor”, get on tiptoes and kiss him on the nose. I was pissed and I’d broken my glasses headbanging at a gig (my head going down met another coming up). Thrown in a cell for an hour, released and the copper I’d kissed took me home, he was fine with it, just wanted to make me aware how dangerous it could be. Like he said “I could have been anybody, wanting to do you harm”. Now? Wouldn’t piss on one on fire.
While I can’t speak to the nature of British policing I can see parallels with their American counterparts.
Support for the police is a very polarizing issue in the States. The Abolish the Police movement is a real force among the libtard left and the perpetual victim/criminal classes. Their mantra, All Cops are Bastards, manifests itself in the visual ACB spray painted in ghettos and universities all across the country.
On the other side is the law and order crowd and their Back the Blue dogma. They believe all cops are heroes. Any questions of police misconduct is justified by their need to make “split second” life saving decisions and all the blame is misdirected at the perceived first cause, the criminals.
It is sad truth that the police are all that stand between society and anarchy. It’s also a sad truth that most police are just bullies and thugs on the other side of the badge.
Afternoon General.
You’ve probably seen this. There are thousands like them on Youtube, from both sides of the pond, and Oz.
I find these recordings fascinating and abhorrent in equal measure. Growing up, I had regard and respect for the police. Now I regard them as a necessary evil; wouldn’t have any contact whatsoever with them unless absolutely no other choice. I don’t see them as allies or friends.
Hey Ron,
We are in complete agreement.
Top cunting, OC.
300 fatsos reported for tape in past 5 years. 500 fatsos reported for sexual assault. A fatso accused of rape every week. 173 (Met fatsos under investigation for domestic abuse)….Bacon butties all round.
173 (Met fatsos under investigation for domestic abuse)
There seems to be a huge amount of that across the country. Some copper shooting his missus and kids or beating her up.
As Lezzas already have high rates of DV I wonder what it’s like to live with a police lezza. Like walking on egg shells i’ll bet.
My sister dated one for a while. To call her unstable would be an understatement. Thankfully she’s now in a good relationship (my sister that is not the psycho cop).
Let’s not forget the massive cover-up by the Met Police and most of the so-called independent watchdogs over the shooting of Brazilian, Jean Charles de Menezes in July 2005, 2 weeks after the London Bus Bombings, which killed 52.
Hardly anyone in charge was to blame, and the government couldn’t give a shit. Not one copper ended up in prison. And if memory serves former Met Police boss, Cressida Dick, was involved in the shooting, but again escaped any direct blame and went on to be the totally useless cunt as boss!
I heard Starmer was giving legal top-cover for the pig brass in that affair ?
‘Rape’ not ‘tape’, although the gaffer might have been involved!
Charlton Heston had a word to say about the British bobby:
The IOPC are useless cunts as well. Letting off officers who should be fired for gross misconduct with a slap on the wrist or a friendly chat with a senior officer where they draw a line under it, then down to the kebab emporium.
No wonder they’re so arrogant even on body cam/ phone footage, they know the IOPC will either send them on a course or at worst suspend them on full pay.
Channel 4 is still useful for something…
Makes a change to Jamie Theakston sucking their dicks.
I’ve been battered off the police in the past.
Deserved it like.
They didn’t pull their punches ?
But I’d rather have that than them lecture me about equality and diversity.
I stay away from them.
They pull me over on the road, I’m politeness itself.
A regular little David Niven.
I want as little as possible to do with them.
Same here Mis’. I’m not keen on them but will be polite to avoid bother and get on with my day.
You do get the cunts trying to goad them into an argument while filming them, like the yank in London who decided to teach the Met about British laws, and ended up looking a prat on his own video.
Then there’s the ‘auditors’ of course, trying their luck at protected installations and buildings, behaving like wankers to get a reaction.
They used to be reasonably proficient,possibly even from the same area, certainly no politically correct shite..
Now I treat them with utmost suspicion and would never volunteer information to them at all..
Furthermore their conduct “policing” the Hamas terrorist marches has been nothing short of a complete fucking disgrace.
I see no way back as it stands for “Law and Order”.
Britain is not tidy.
I got stopped on the A13 about 30 year’s ago for speeding.
Cunts in an unmarked car.
The fat cunt who gave me a ticket seemed more interested in my ethentisity than anything else.
He had a whole list……
“Are you white western European, white eastern European, white British?”
Tomorrow is Sunday and this is what I can expect on my drive north to see Spanish customers.
No unmarked cars.
The police here use them but only for certain work, not for nicking motorists by stealth.
Police and Guardia Civil cars have their blue lights on all of the time.
There will be at least one roundabout which will be narrowed to a one lane approach.
Tráfico (arm of the Guardia Civil) will be stopping every car, just to see who they consider as ‘dodgy’.
They will target certain races of people who they know commit the majority of crimes.
Other cars will be waved through with a cheerful “Buenos días” from the heavily armed officers.
Even the drivers and passengers of the cars pulled over for further investigation will be treated with total respect unless you give the police reason not to.
Stop exactly where they tell you to.
Sit with your engine running until they tell you to turn it off.
Don’t get out of your car and certainly don’t reach for any documents until told to.
You will be shouted at and probably have several guns pointed at you.
Address the police (man) as “Cabellero” or at the very least “Señor”.
Police women as “Señorita”.
Never try to drive off, they have other cars farther down the road and they will have stinger strips at the check point anyway.
Don’t get stroppy. They will beat you up.
There might also be a closure on a motorway.
All the traffic will be diverted up a slip road and checked over.
Tráfico will be looking for drivers still over the limit from last night’s drinking or perhaps under the influence of drugs.
Everyone else will be waved through.
On motorways there are signs above the lanes warning of speed cameras.
These are placed perhaps a kilometer in advance.
Often the gantry signs will tell you that there is a Tráfico helicopter monitoring speed.
Tráfico are there to keep the roads safe for everyone.
They are not there to criminalise people by issuing fines by stealth.
The UK police…….
Fat, useless, woke cunts that hide behind bushes with hand held speed cameras at the bottom of hills or exits of motorways where they know that cars might be travelling a little too fast.
Then they post you your fine and put some points on your licence.
Just saying.?
I was wondering why it didn’t come up on predictive text.
But there again, the predictive text on my mobile is a right Cynthia.
White British = White European.
Thick dago pigs.
Had some dealings with Guardia Civil in my euro-trucking days.Follow you for miles waiting for the slightest mistake so they can ‘have a good drink’ (few notes tucked in the passport) or a hefty fine.? Portugese l found as bad.if not worse.
‘Beeg problem senor’ as they concoct some shinola from the tachograph readings,exploiting the subtle ambiguities of byzantine EC regulations.I got rinsed in most euro countries and nearly bankrupted by the Belgian cunt at Lille border booths.The weasly moustachioed git.
Install the Keystone Cops instead.
Now come on, the fatso’s having been working hard today in London, being personal security for smelly hate-mongers..
And they are a lot of fast food places, the tubsters probably haven’t tried out yet..
So glad I pay taxes..
Lesbian Nana.
That sums the coppers up now.
The only section of society that has anything to fear from the police nowadays is the white, indigenous, law abiding community.
Us white indigenous should really be worried. We are the enemy in our own country. You came on a dinghy? You are now our overlords.
When the muzzıes take over, one wonders what they’ll do about blacks.
Will they join forces against the cowering honkies?
They’ll think twice if the blacks start sneakily eating them.
Does a savage cannibal only eat white longpig or will they extend their palates to caramel longpig too?
According to Mrs Cunter, and she knows about these things, any Muslims that would dare spouting off their shit in any Caribbean country would be chopped up on the street with machetes.
There would be no arrests.
So I very much doubt that there would be an alliance.
I really wonder what will happen in a few years when the peaceful contingent will be in total power. The people pushing it will suddenly realise how it’s going to be. It’ll take a machete to teach them, but whatever.
I’ve mentioned my best mate on here before who had an horrendous last 5 years service because of a Death in Custody that occurred a number of hours after he’d clocked off but as he’d accepted her custody he was held responsible.
It’s a horrific story from start to finish with the so fucking called IOPC ultimately making sure a head rolled because of bastard human rights lawyers who wouldn’t let it go because it was a massive payday for them and I’m talking millions.
He was in some was lucky because he was actually suffering from PTSD and had the diagnosis from one of the top Pro’s in the country so was able to be pensioned off 6 weeks before the horrendous so called Gross Misconduct Office.
If you actually read the rules of a GM it harks back to the 1800’s where workers had fuck all rights and I mean fuck all.
They would be ripped apart if they were allowed to stand in general employment but as the cops work for the Crown they are not subject to normal employment law.
A GM hearing is held with the sole intention of protecting the reputation of the Force in question and the officer being ‘tried’ is assumed guilty at the outset.
That’s correct, assumed guilty.
Then if found guilty they actually lose their pension.
So you could be in for 29 years and you lose everything the state has put in and only keep your own contributions (15% of salary) so about £150k over 30 years and lose the other £350-£400k.
In no other employment would that be legal and rightly so.
The 2 Met officers who were recently asked for stopping a black athlete who’s boyfriend was driving like a dick were sacked because they said after stopping them they thought they could smell cannabis and that was miraculously proved to be untrue so they committed misconduct in public office which is the standard – I wonder why Politicians aren’t held to that same account.
Only the day before a young Black male (probably a budding rapper or architect) was viciously murdered by a mob of…..yes you guessed it a gang of young black males.
I have it on good authority via my now retired ex cop mate that that morning Met Officers received a briefing to go out on the streets heavy handed and break up any potential trouble and to use every tactic in the book, I can smell cannabis is a key strategy as it gives the legal right to then search the car or whatever.
So under instruction that’s what they did and with about 30 years between them were sacked without notice.
It’s not the front line cops that are the problem it’s the weak bastards that run the show.
Chief Cuntstables are moved on every couple of years so that when the next scandal breaks it’s fine because that was in the past and not down to us.
And here’s something else that’s a disgrace.
If you’re one of those members of the top club 12 months before you retire you get promoted to the next level so when you draw your pension you draw it based on the salary you finish on and get an enhanced golden good bye.
So if you’re a Sergeant you’re golden goodbye is around £165k and an inspector around £240k as things stand.
But this practice happens further up the chain so those numbers go much much higher.
Because of my 30 year friendship I know so much about the inner workings of the cops and it’s horrendous.
The risk of being sacked at the slightest misdemeanour is ever present because since Wayne Cousins there’s been a press and Lawyer led witch hunt and the weak bastards at the top will guarantee you will be thrown under the bus immediately to avoid any scrutiny of themselves and ‘the force’.
I genuinely to feel for cops on the front line today, respect towards them is zero from the scum that they deal with almost daily because they ‘know their rights’ and some bastard piece of shit no win no fee lawyer will somehow get them off with a slapped wrist at best.
As my mate said we are heading for drive by policing and when that happens everyone is the loser.
Very interesting post, CMC.
Being a clever criminal in this shithole of a country must be a right laugh…just do as you please and, as long as you’re careful and not unlucky, operate with glorious impunity.
Careful, lucky and part of the DIE (sic) quota.
Mate of mine was in the US for a while,
He’s a musician,
He said this yank mate of his took him to this bar,
A cop bar where the LAPD hang out.
He said they were scary as fuck.
Big meathead bodybuilder types full of pent up rage.
He said you could feel the pent up aggression looking for a outlet.
Bet it’s not like that in the Metropolitan police latte shop.