
Earlier today I put a comment on the latest Lineker cunting, saying just how insufferably smug the jug-eared cunt is. I hope you’ll indulge me as it’s set me off on one about Smug Bastards in general, or ‘smuggies’ as I call them.

You’ll all have encountered them on your journey through life; those pricks with a conceited, inflated sense of their own worth and importance, and who aren’t afraid to let you know it.

Not unexpectedly, these self-regarding twats have an eye for any hint of the limelight, which is why the world of ‘celebrity’ and ‘personality’ teems with them. By way of easy illustration, I offer a few examples from my own extensive list of Smug Cunts I’d Like To Punch Repeatedly.

Let me see now… there’s Stephen Fry, Madonna, Owen Jones, Justin Welby and Ian Hislop. They all ooze smugness, and their heads are so far up their own arseholes that they must love the smell of their own farts. To this cast of extreme undesirables I’ll add ‘Doctor’ Tessa Dunlop, James O’Brien, ‘Shouty Shola’, Yasmin Alibaba-Brown and Emma Thompson. They can’t resist condescending to give us their opinions on anything under the sun from their little corner in the public eye, whether we actually asked for them or not.

Needless to say I could cunt on for pages on this theme, but you get the idea. I’m not over-fond of arrogant, self-righteous airheads. On the basis that a picture’s worth a thousand words, I’ll close with some images of the Duchess Of Smug herself, the one, the only Meghan Snarkle. Here she is bless her, preening away embarrassingly in front of the cameras at some event, resisting attempts by the organisers to get her to shift out of the way. To paraphrase the ghastly Rachel Zegler, ‘smug, smug!’

Oh well, at least they give us a few laughs at their expense in this miserable world. It’s not all bad.

You Tube

Nominated by: Ron Knee

82 thoughts on “Smuggies

    • That Matthew Perry from Friends,
      The one just died in a hot tub,
      He was smug as fuck.

      He thought he was the funniest one in the show.

      I despised the cunt.

      But kudos to him,
      I’m laughing now?

      • I’ve had more laughs getting a colonoscopy than I ever had watching ‘Friends’. It was about as much fun as a torn banjo string.

  1. Malcolm Muggeridge. A smug bastard of quantum proportions. Hes known and loathed as a smug cunt in at least 47 alternate universes. Hated the smug cunt.

  2. Mention of Emma Thompson… Time has not been kind to her; she looks like a donkey’s scrote. . There is a picture of her on the net, picking up some awaed, that looks like a gold-sprayed turd (Woofta? Bafta?). Apparently, the ceremony was invaded by some dark quay, who is said to be an “internet prankster” (wankster?). I had assumed it was her “escort” for the night. Silly old tart.

  3. If we’re counting YouTube figures Sargon of Akkad and Black Pigeon Speaks need to be mentioned too. As well as all the cunts who run the Majority Report channel (even the name radiates smugness).

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