Richard has some unusual opinions.
Of which one is that the Manchester arena bombing was a gov’mint hoax,
And no one was really hurt or killed. The children were actors in cahoots with the Shadowy elites.
This is quite offensive to grieving families,
But it’s a free country.
What’s not allowed is for Richard to stalk the victims hoping to prove them liars.
Especially since most are in wheelchairs or/and suffering deep emotional issues,
Which is understandable if you’ve been blown up at a pop concert by a terrorist.
Now the victims are suing Richard.
I hope he understands the harm his crackpot bullshit has caused.
Nominated by: Miserable northern cunt
He ought to be sentenced to have the shit kicked out of him by a few of the parents of those poor murdered kiddies.
No, punch the vile cretins face out the back of it’s head.
Looks like someone has already started doing that! What an ugly cuntfuck.
To what extent would staging a terrorist attack achieve for the government?
Maybe a clampdown on Muslims?
Yeah like that would ever happen..
I take Mr hall is fucking puddled..
I hope they get the shirt off his back, nasty little prick..
I don’t understand wtf this man and his ilk get out of this.
I agree with Thomas, a good kicking, and Barry, bankrupt the cunt.
We can then all tell him it didn’t really happen.
This cunty nutter is a similar sort of strain to those moon hoax crackpots who turn up to the addresses of retired astronauts to harass them or turn up at the addresses of people who share a striking resemblance to retired astronauts and harass them except this fucker is even more vile.
But they couldn’t have gone to the moon, Two. According to a bloke down the pub, They couldn’t have got through the Van Allen Belt without frying the astronauts.
@Ron Knee
If memory serves, Richard Van Allen said publicly a few years ago that the radiation belt would not kill those who travel through it and yet the conspiratards insist on continuing to spout that nonsense.
I guess James Van Allen can’t be believed because “they” got to him.
Conspiracy nuts are like creationists. They believe in things already debunked because they need to.
I draw the line at astrology as I can just about tolerate that bollocks if it leads to access to fanny, usually hirsute.
I crave enlightenment CP. How does astrology lead to access to a lushly endowed fanny?
Tolerance of some woo is necessary when it comes to some birds, and those who pursue the new age philosophy and have big tits will often have a bramble patch between their legs.
Demi Moore is a keen follower of a ‘new age’ version of the Kabbalah, as is evidenced by this pic;
Now I see the connection.
Bruce was a lucky boy. Sadly for him, he probably can no longer remember.
Similar too, to those conspiracy theory cunts re October 7th
We recently done some work for a woman who’s daughter was at that Ariana Grande concert.
Wee lass has been traumatised by it ever since. Riddled with anxiety and PTSD as you’d probably expect.
This fella obviously has a very vivid imagination.
I forgot about this nom.
Just remember I thought this daft tinfoil twat didn’t realise the genuine hurt he was causing parents who’s children were killed.
He voiced that idea in any pub in the NorthWest of England he’d get battered to fuck.
A true fantasist and a dangerous one at that.
Get your nut looked at Mr Hall
RiP to those who died
Best wishes to those who survived.
Second that Mis.
Afternoon Mis, everyone.
I doubt he’s going to peddle this filth in a pub in the North West or anywhere else. However someone must know where he lives. I would urge anyone who has such information to post his address all over the net.
I’ve got an open mind on most things and have been viewed as being of a “conspiratorial” mindset.
The Covid narrative and the supposed cure/prevention that very quickly and dubiously accompanied it for example.
The very weird 2020 election in the US of A and the contentious installation of an establishment warmonger as president, being another.
However, a lot of theories, such as the accusations of this silly twat in the nom, are just plainly absurd.
My wife thinks I’m a conspiracy nut because I think Oswald shot Kennedy.
Evening Herman ?
I think there’s a big difference between healthy suspicion of the government,
Everybody on here has that,
And stalking wounded kids calling them liars!!
Richard goes too far.
He’s not just a bit tinfoil
He’s a full Ziggy Stardust
He needs to get another hobby.
Stay at home and make Tracy Island out of his own shit and toenail clippings.
And the elite and msm like to call everyone who goes against their narrative as a Conspiracy Theorist. By doing this, they get Joe Public to lump us in with sick loonies like this one.
Shithouse Cunt.
Setting aside the dirty North African cunt that committed the atrocity and the national disgrace that the cunts family have not been destroyed in their lair in Libya by the S.A.S,this crackpot twat isn’t entitled to make up his stories and harass the survivors.
A parent should put the despicable cunt in a wheelchair for life.
The publishers of his lies?
Full Oven.
He went full Alex Jones.
I remember that daft cunt Rufus Hound going on about the Reichstag fire and false flags in connection to the Manchester Arena bombing.
Don’t see him on TV very often nowadays.
Rufus got sent to the pound and got euthanized..
Even Alex Jones never went full Alex Jones: he recanted his Sandyhook allegations years ago.
I doubt we’ll get a recantation from this cunt though unless it’s being video recorded while he’s tied up in a basement with a rusty blade to his nut sack.
Hall does look like a God-bothering, insomniac
nutcase/edgelordsigma male I recall who used to troll the Facebook page of Prof. Brian Cox and had a YouTube channel about occult and religious arcana as well as Matrix-level philosophical gibberings.8
Fucking wanker, give him to the parents to kick seven shades of shit out of him. Oh did I not call him a cunt too.
He’s probably being funded by the British Mosques to spout this crap, although I wouldn’t go near any shit-smelling cash from those terrorist training centres. The stench of faeces on the notes would be grotesque.
Some conspiracy theories are harmless.
Or so ridiculous and far out they’re funny.
Some are harmful and dangerous.
Lots about Jimmy Hoffa the US union bloke who disappeared.
Fairly harmless (although I doubt his family see the humour?)
But he was a corrupt, mafia schmoozing piece of shite ,
So fuck him.
When it comes to stuff like Richard Hall does,
Then it’s way too far.
Reminds me of that cunt who used to lurk around here telling anyone who would listen that 7/7 was staged by crisis actors and that everything was the fault of the red sea pedestrians.
Stupid fucking pricks, the pair of them.
Gives proper Bacofoil beret wearers a bad name.
“Psssstt. Know that 9/11?”
Looks around dramatically behind him in case CIA agents are listening in.
” Well it was staged. Yeah! Actors and holograms”.
Looks smug at his arcane secret.
I don’t know why such groundbreaking news is in the hands of Kevin a unemployed bloke who’s wife left him?
I thought things like that are usually marked ‘ TOP SECRET ‘ and in the hands of government agency top brass?
But no.
You can find out state secrets and international coverups in Job seekers .
Or wetherspoons.
These conspiracy nuts give the government/powers to be far to much credit.. these are the incompetents that can’t fill potholes or empty bins once a week.
But can stage a show that would make marvel studios gasp in awe.
The simple reason most conspiracy theories are unbelievable is exactly as Mr Zuckercunt says. The government cunts who would have to commit these atrocities and hide their involvement could not find their arse with both hands. They are invariably as thick as pig shit and are in government jobs because the cunts are too stupid to do anything else that pays an MP size salary.
People have a big problem identifying and blaming those really responsible for this despicable atrocity.
I sensed society had veered from being stupid to evil when this attack occurred. I remember having an argument with some white lefty cunt, the force of which from my side was it’s high time people with moral courage stood up and denounced the murderous presence in our midst – the one and only religion of peace. I pointed to the fact that this piece of shit who committed this slaughter was carrying out the injunctions of his faith – look up the Koran / Hadith scriptural mandates for murder and violence against the infidel and the apostate in pursuit of the holy caliphate – and I was told I was the ignorant fascist and I didn’t know what I was talking about and how dare I victimise the poor Muzzies. Some smug cunt even said to me “the LITERAL translation into English may be slice your enemies in half and kill all who hate Allah, but that’s not the true meaning, for the true meaning you have to be able to read it in the original Arabic”. When I asked him what the original Arabic said then, he slunked off and called me an ignorant bigot.
That’s where we’ve got to. White, bleeding heart liberal scum, excusing the murder of innocents to protect the homocidal filth in our midst. These cunts actually care more for the feelings of the candidate suicide bombers than they do the children blown up by them. If ever there were a bunch of evil scum ripe for the oven, it’s the pieces of shit that make excuses for the peacefuls; straightforward accessories to murder.
OT but not completely I think. It is reported that when Israeli special forces rescued two hostages the other day collateral damage included 70 muzzies slotted and more wounded. Win win eh?
Not being one for conspiracies and most of that silliness; however, the moon landings.
If anyone actually believes the American government that the moon landings really happened, I’ve got some magic beans to sell them.
The more you look into it, the more it’s revealed as total nonsense.
I’m a highly-qualified aerospace engineer and, in my real life away from the peřveřse imaginitive wonders of this fine sight, not given to flights of fancy.
You should be comfortable with the piece of shit being cunted.
what are you saying then?
So you actually believe in the moon?
Good nom.
The best conspiracy theorists are very crafty.
They always stick in enough facts to entice us mugs into thinking the rest of their drivel could be true.
Usually it depends how much we want to believe their drivel.
Not the amount of water their theories actually hold.
They go a long way pandering to vulnerable people’s fears and prejudices.
Waste of time applying rational argument.
Goal-posts move on the turn of a sixpence.
Fuck them.
If he means government hoax insofar as the stupid cunts sent the Royal Navy to bring him here out of Libya , when he should never been here , then yeah absolutely he’s right
Truly bizarre scenes in the House of Commons Cunts this evening.
MPs on all sides going doolally over how best to virtue signal about fucking Gaza!
Speaker Lindsay Hoyle in tears, poor lamb.
Unbelievably pathetic.
So glad I haven’t seen that .
How about focus on what is going on here and not some fly ridden shit hole where some terrorists and Stone Age barbarians are getting the dry fucking they so truly deserve
Now, there’s an interesting point!
This is what happens when you suck Islamist cock.
Word of warning: don’t go near bottled water. The Ruskies and Chinks have been spiking it with woke virus for decades. Fact.
I’m rather surprised that Hoyle isn’t running amok with an AK47.
A girl from Sheffield got killed there that night, I know her cousin and her best friend. I have seen the wider damage that these cunts bring.
Fucking tyres petrol and a match, job done.
The conspiracy theory that’s really boiling my urine is why does my old Ducati not start?