can be a cunt however, often first instincts are correct.
We all do it from time to time. We all reach conclusions based on unwarranted, or insufficient information; what our American friends often term a ‘rush to judgment’.
I bet a lot of you out there in IsACland did just this when news of a vicious chemical attack in London began to break, with several people being injured when a corrosive substance was hurled at them.
‘Ah-ha!’ I bet you said. ‘Pound to a penny that the alleged perpetrator is named Mohammed, and he’s recently relocated from Shithouseistan!’. Well ha bloody ha, you’d have been wrong. Turns out that the individual with his name currently in the frame is not called Mohammed at all. It was later confirmed that his name is in fact (wait for it)… Abdul. Abdul Shokoor Ezedi to be precise. And no, he’s not just here from Shithouseistan either; in fact it appears that he came down from Noocassel to commit the act for which the Old Bill, at the time of writing, are still looking to feel his collar.
Why aye man. Turns out that after all, they’re hunting a local boy, with a bootiful British name. When they catch up with cunt (which they may or may not have done by the time this nom potentially gets posted) they should also add ‘having an offensive haircut on his person’ to the charge, the rat-faced fucker.
So that’ll learn yer. Don’t go jumping to conclusions about, well, you know who types.
It just gets worse. The cunt’s a nonce.
Nominated by Ron knee.
Fucking Geordies! At least scousers just play the victim.
But don’t they do it well.
He’s about as geordie as bin laden.
Hope the wee cunt is in a ditch as fox food.
Either that or he’s been smuggled out and is now halfway back to Raggiestan, the bastard.
This is what’s needed..
Problem would be, can you imagine the Blair creature’s use of such power..
Why the fuck would you want that?
Turkey voting for Christmas.
Yeah…errrm..well…I’m not really keen on giving the police the power to “unalive” unarmed members of the public. That hasn’t really ended well has it? Like the Jean Charles De Menezes incident.
It’s all a little bit 1930s Germany SS for my liking.
Sounds like you’re actually wanting a rabid, unaccountable, bullying heavy handed police force.
Drag the dirty little cunt out in trafalgar square for a stoning.
We’re a soft pile of shit country thats a shadow of its former self. I’ve already applied for a gun licence and bought a repeating crossbow to add to my world war 1 bayonets (collectors items, of course) for the wars to come with these fuckers.
The radical preachers claim they will turn the UK into a caliphate once they have the numbers (2050 by current figures) and go door to door giving everyone the chance to convert to islam or be eliminated. This is just the start.
The day his ilk turn up at my doorstep is the day Wacko gets replaced in the history books.
Another sandfilth turd.
Ugly fucker and all. I bet Ghengis Khan looked like that….
Genghis was a couple thousand miles further east.
*2800 miles
That cozzer on the TV news….
‘Abdul, do the right thing and hand yourelf in.’
Typical modern Cressidaesque bogies soft arsed response. Referring to the piece of shit by its name for a start. A turd shouldn’t have a name. It should have been more Gene Hunt or Jack Regan style.
‘Listen, you greasy cross eyed slag. We will hunt you down. And when we collar you, you will get the hiding of your fucking life.’
They might as well have said “come home to mummy son, that’s a good little boy.”
“Abdul, do the right thing, and ritually disembowel yourself”.
‘But… But the attacker might not be a muslim. Have you ever thought of that?’
Yeah right and fuck off.?
I would throw him in a bath of acid. Seen as though he likes it so much.
Just his hands and feet, and see how he gets on.
George Dubya and Satan Blair invaded the wrong shithole.
They should have left Iraq and bombed the shite out of Iran.
Iran has been trouble and a malign influence ever since Khomeini took over.
And now they are at it again. But that benchmark in senility Biden won’t have the bottle to give them what they have had coming for decades.
This is a case for our very own ‘Lesbian Nana’ to take on, just imagine the ignominy of being arrested by a rug munching Doris.
You can have your 72 year old virgin later
Have they not collared this fucker yet? He’s probably dingyed out by now and is on his way to Gaza or somewhere.
Morning all.
Dwayne Dibley still not been caught then?
Funny how on all these celebrity “hunted” programmes they can find the contestants in a matter of days. But not that master of escapology and evasion Dwayne eh?!
What a load of old cock