Jumping To Conclusions


can be a cunt however, often first instincts are correct.

We all do it from time to time. We all reach conclusions based on unwarranted, or insufficient information; what our American friends often term a ‘rush to judgment’.

I bet a lot of you out there in IsACland did just this when news of a vicious chemical attack in London began to break, with several people being injured when a corrosive substance was hurled at them.

‘Ah-ha!’ I bet you said. ‘Pound to a penny that the alleged perpetrator is named Mohammed, and he’s recently relocated from Shithouseistan!’. Well ha bloody ha, you’d have been wrong. Turns out that the individual with his name currently in the frame is not called Mohammed at all. It was later confirmed that his name is in fact (wait for it)… Abdul. Abdul Shokoor Ezedi to be precise. And no, he’s not just here from Shithouseistan either; in fact it appears that he came down from Noocassel to commit the act for which the Old Bill, at the time of writing, are still looking to feel his collar.

Why aye man. Turns out that after all, they’re hunting a local boy, with a bootiful British name. When they catch up with cunt (which they may or may not have done by the time this nom potentially gets posted) they should also add ‘having an offensive haircut on his person’ to the charge, the rat-faced fucker.

So that’ll learn yer. Don’t go jumping to conclusions about, well, you know who types.

Daily Mirror


It just gets worse. The cunt’s a nonce.

The Sun

Nominated by Ron knee.

109 thoughts on “Jumping To Conclusions

  1. Are there any more chickenshit cunts on earth more worthless and cowardly than muzzıe men?
    Specifically ones from Pakistan and Afghanistan.
    Even violent nıg-nogs wouldn’t (apart from maybe an individual case) resort to throwing acid in women’s faces.
    Let’s hope the acid he accidentally splashed on himself works its way through his skull and into his brain.

    • Agree, cowardly and most devious fuckers.
      I’m surprised Kevin (or Abdul) has the balls to do this on his own.

    • Weapon of choice in most of the Caribbean ghettos has been for years, obviously the higher ups use AKs and Uzis even Bren guns in Chris Cokes case. The poor as piss foot soldiers liked the acid.

  2. The authorities claim he converted to christianity yet those who knew him say he was a ‘good muslim’.

    A C of E priest vouched for him, but now the church says it’s down to the Home Office.

    The media initially claimed he was from Newcastle, but it turns out he is also from Iran.

    This is our country now.

    • Is there some reason why the press can’t describe him as an Iranian who lives in Newcastle?

      Anyone waiting the result of their asylum application, who commits a criminal offense no matter how minor, should be deported.

      We’ve got enough home grown criminals, thanks.

    • I hope that absolute cunt of a vicar is happy with himself. Bell end, needs a twatting.

      • I think the word gullible might be more appropriate.

        Anyway, they are denying any such letter of support.

        They say that although they assist with clothing, housing and feeding, they do not get involved with legal matters, such as asylum seekers.

        Yeah, right!

  3. Afghani I gather. Fell off the back of a lorry a few years back, then convicted of noncing in 2018.

    Asylum application refused a couple of times, then allowed to stay on the basis that his *cough* ‘conversion to Christianity’ would lead to persecution back in Raggieland.

    Heads should fucking roll over this, but of course they won’t. And this kind of shit will just keep coming down the pipe faster.

    It’s enough to make you weep.

    Afternoon all.

      • Don’t suppose it makes all that much difference to be honest CP.

        If the rozzers catch up with him, we’ll no doubt be stuck with the cunt, and Joe Taxpayer will be funding his halal bed and board for some considerable time.

      • Just go show what I meant about jumping to conclusions CP.

        When I first saw that the Plod was hunting ‘a male’ in connection with this attack, I immediately jumped to the conclusion that he’d be Mohammed from Pakistan. And he’s a Christian to boot. How judgmental of me.

  4. Just seen that his brother has urged him to turn himself in. Fucking hell, he’s here as well.

  5. I will jump to this conclusion, this country is doomed without a violent revolution, that’s ends with 650 self serving cunts, heads on pike’s.

    • Don’t forget the huge number of cunts in the Lords, they deserve everything that’s coming to them as well.

    • The thing is though, Barry, the cunts in the HoC are just figureheads and someone to hate.

      This country is run by the Civil Serpents, whose only interest is their final pension, and possibly a knighthood or some such, so they can continue to suck the tit until death.

      At the very least, a CBE, but Senior Serpents expect a CMG ( call me God) or a GCMG ( God calls me God) as well as a Sir or Lord in front of that.

      That’s the real enemy.

  6. There’s a touch of the Mongolian in the cunt. Don’t think they’ve caught him yurt. That’s the touch of the toon in me.

  7. Wherever the cunts from he’s still one step in front of the budding Sherlock’s in today’s police force.

    Day 3 , still no sign of a man with half his face eaten off by acid.

    Let’s hope he misgenders someone,
    He’ll be picked up within 5hrs and escorted to a cell by 10 officers, a interpreter and a cosmetic surgeon.

  8. As Solicitors representing Mr Abdul Ezedi we would like to point out that our client self-identifies as a Geordie and wishes to be known henceforth as ‘Wor Abdul’.

    Our client strongly denies the charges against him, which he expressed as follows: ‘Ah thowt wor lass wuz on fyah so ah hoyed sum wattor ower ah. Ah diddnt knaah it wuz summat alkalie.’

    To demonstrate his Geordieness, Wor Abdul races whippets (then eats them after Halal slaughter), grows exhibition leeks the size of saplings and ‘gans to the match shortless’ in December. His mental health has been severely affected by comments on social media implying that he may not be a Geordie at all, but in fact a violent Afghan sex offender and failed asylum seeker. Wor Abdul is therefore pleased that Northumbria Police are investigating these hate crimes against him.

    Mssrs Hadaway & Shite LLP,
    City Chambers,

    • Definitely getting ready to play the mental elf card I’m sure.

      You’ve got to be a paranoid schzio to hurl a corrisive liquid over someone. Stands to reason, innit.

      Put him somewhere comfortable and cosy like that cunt Calocane, where he can play with his Lego and watch the telly.

      • Lego and telly?

        I’m changing my name to Ezekiel-Prince Iqbal Hussein Rum Baba. Where’s my machete?

      • Becoming small and green would be a foolish. Were could you hide. Live in someone else’s pocket ?

  9. The Acid Survivors Trust is patently lying by saying attacks on women and children are unheard of.
    Katie Piper ring a bell?

    There’s been a spate of attacks on women by jealous exes and random nutters.

    To say it’s usually gang violence is not really true. Why do the ASTI own stats say 80% of victims of corrosive chemical assaults are women if it’s usually gang violence?

  10. Sometimes it’s hard not to jump to conclusions.
    Take the previous nom for example.
    About the black kid who drowned after being pushed in the river by another boy.
    The claim by the cunt mother about it being a racist incident had me assuming the perp and the other kids were white.
    But where’s the evidence for that?
    Not in the Mail report.
    Nowhere does it reveal the colour of any of the kids skins apart from that of the victim.
    So for all I know they could all be black.
    Probably are, come to think of it.
    But I jumped to the conclusion they were white.
    Fuck them.

    • Their work is complete then. They want you to believe that whites cause all the crime when we all know it’s usually the blacks that dunnit. They cry racist even when it’s black on black, presumably it’s the wrong type of black, probably a coconut.

  11. Damm shame he didn’t get half a pint of corrosive liquid over his bollocks. That would have been hilarious. Sheep, goats and white girls safe. Seems them vicars believe any old shite

  12. I conclude that lessons will be learned.

    “blah blah blah” ” mental health, racism, islamaphobia” “blah blah blah”

  13. Jumping to conclusions is a cunt.

    I expect when he committed a sex offence he jumped to the conclusion he was not going to get his asylum granted. Silly cunt eh, jumped to the wrong conclusion there didn’t he?

    I expect when he received thousands in legal aid to fight his asylum case he jumped to the conclusion his lawyers were wasting their time.

    I suspect his victim jumped to the conclusion he would be on his way home as soon as his sentence was completed.

    I expect the mother of a three year old didn’t expect that he would yank the child out of her car and lift it above his head and slam it to the pavement, she probably didn’t expect him to do it again!

    Apparently she was in a relationship with this animal. Where is the cunt now? Unless he’s topped himself in a secluded area it’s hard not to come to the conclusion he’s being hidden and looked after somewhere. You’d have to conclude by his own kind who don’t see a problem with his vile crimes.

    I’m going to try to avoid jumping to conclusions but I’m willing to jump in his head repeatedly until he’s unalive as they like to say nowadays.

  14. This case does beg the question as to how many more violent Muslim offenders have been spared deportation by ‘converting to Christianity’?
    Are vicars just naive, or are some knowingly providing cover for terrorists and other criminals to remain in the UK and continue to be a danger to the public?
    Someone needs to do some delving into this.

  15. It would make my day if this turd kills himself, save us a ton of money on a trial and then his enforced holiday courtesy of Big King Chas.!

    • If hasn’t already offed himself, at least the fucker must be hurting like hell.

      Somebody must be sheltering him surely.

      • Without doubt, James O’Brien is hiding him.
        Heard the useful idiot on the radio saying Abdul’s status as an asylum seeker is totally irrelevant to the issue.
        Disingenuous cunt.
        If the Home Office and other responsible authorities had done their job properly he’d have been out of here the first sign of trouble.

  16. I’m pretty sure you are all being a bit harsh on Abdul.

    I have it very very good authority that he was a backing dancer for Lkndisfarne’s Fog on the Tyne and that as we speak Gazza is hurtling to location of his last known sighting with some chicken, a fishing rod and some lager , because he knew Wor Abdul from the nightclubs back in the 80s

  17. Ironically, if he`d also thought to pack a bottle of acid he could have neutralized his facial injury and escaped without blemish.
    So, the Filth is looking for a Geordie without a chemistry `O`-level.

    • Speaking of Chemistry, I suggest he ignites a stick of nitroglcerine inserted up his back alley.
      Surely it would be worth it for 72 virgins.

  18. Jumping to conclusions is something we’re quite accurate at here on isac.
    Let’s face it, in cases like these we aren’t often wrong.
    I’ve begun to treat it as a kind of challenge, a sport even.
    “Teenager stabbed in south London” I bet he’s black.
    “Teenager arrested over south London stabbing”. I bet he’s black.
    “Stab death mum’s heartbreak”. I bet she says he was an aspiring rapper with the morals of mother Theresa.
    “Police refuse to speculate over the man’s identity “ I fucking guarantee he’s Muslim, black or both.
    And 99.999999% of cases I’m fucking spot on.
    If only Paddy Power would give me some odds, I’d be fucking minted
    They could get Ray Winstone and ‘Arry Redknapp to advertise it.
    “In murder betting” or something like that.

    • You’re spot on. If ever I hear about some wanker throwing a right strop in a shop or a restaurant, I always assume it’s a tranny having a meltdown over being mis-gendered.

      • He looks dead sad in the header pic ☹️

        Cheer up Lloyd you soft twat!

        You’ve got everything going for you.

        In the land of milk and honey and benefits

        Lost your virginity while here ( albeit forced)

        You’ve got a cool Manchester haircut like your a member of the inspiral.carpets,

        And your harder to catch than sickle cell.

        Alright you’re half a face down.
        Grow a fringe like Phil Oakley in Human League!

        And as Phil asked

        ” Don’t you want me?”

        The answers No you cunt despite what the Home Office say.

  19. WTF is happening to this country. There’s no way back now.

    Hoo-eee, what an Illeagl cunt.

  20. After reading this nomination I jumped to the conclusion that this cunt needs to be thrown into the oven.

    • Send Skyraiders loaded with napalm after him, whilst they are at it, hit Central Londonstan.
      Just like the “good old daze”.

    • Yes, General.

      If only the Police could find him.

      I reckon he went to what he thought was a safe place.
      He’s probably been jointed and rendered down as we speak.
      He’s become a liability, they don’t do liability as it affects their stability.

  21. Or gender-cheating at sports : always males trouncing females.. ‘cos I’m not going to look it up, but without doing so I can recall ten plus cases of men hijacking women’s sports swimming/running/weightlifting/cycling and fighting with the (shame on the western world!) gender nonsense, .. but not one case of the opposite ; women wrecking men’s sports.

  22. * THAT ^ was supposed to go under Ron Knee’s 4:25pm bit about misgendered (but not really misgendered in the real world) cunts throwing wobblers…

  23. Mr “History Debunked” on that cunt Youtube(by the way I fully recommend another app called Smartube,which replaces Ytube and blocks all ads in smart tellys) has an excellent ongoing game called “Guess the Ethnicity”..

    By jumping to conclusions that turn out to be almost unfailingly accurate we can know what type of fucking dreadful foreign cunt has committed the latest appalling crime..

    Just ask the poor cunts in Paris if today’s stabber was from Mali or not..

    Just ask the relatives of the Manchester Bombing atrocity if the “asylum seeker” cunt was from Libya..

    And so on,with the conclusion that the asylum system,courts and every other mechanism are completely hopeless at doing what they should do,protect the British population.

    So we can conclude emphatically that our institutions are rotten to the core,our elected representatives are simply dung,our country is overrun by foreign lunatics and appeasing this fetid shower will eventually fetch a new British Hitler.

    I’m going to jump to the conclusion that it’s going to get bloody.

    Bring it on you soy cunts.

      • It could be a new IsAC game.

        After every instance of the latest cultural enrichment, we get to pick where they are really from.

  24. I always jump to conclusions,
    I never regret it .

    Jumping to Conclusions is what made this country great.

    It’s how scientists work after all.

    You wouldn’t have meteorology without jumping to Conclusions and hence no Climate change panic!

    And where would we be then?

  25. When they catch this cunt they want to cancel the treatment bit and just fast forward to the sending the cunt up to Alan’s snackbar CUNT.

  26. Open your eyes and look around
    It’s just a conclusion

    (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ah-ah) conclusion
    (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ah-ah) conclusion

  27. When I heard that this fucking ape had thrown a corrosive substance into the face of a mother and child, I immediately assumed it was acid.

    Turns out it was an alkali, so that shows me not to jump to conclusions.

  28. When he is caught, does his time, he will be free to roam the streets of the UK, can’t deport the cunt, he is a Christian.

    What is needed in this country is a very secret police FORCE, who pull these cunts off the street never to be seen again, well not unless the tide washes his carcass up from the North Sea.

    Can’t deport, ok just deposit outside the 12 mile limit.

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