This cunting is a simple one, ignoring all of Boris’s many past discretions and looking towards this corrupt piece of shit’s role in the Ukraine war.
Can you imagine how many Vodka-soaked pies he’s got his porky fingers stuck in?
This report makes for grim reading. Why’s he sticking his nose in? What’s in it for him?
But most cunty of all, during the current media ramp-up for subscription, where the “elite” want to, once again, send our sons off to be murdered by a Russkie or a raghead, this toff turd makes light of it here:
Even amongst the utter cuntiness of all politicians, BoJo reigns supreme.
Nominated by Thomas the cunt engine.
He’s just a fat pudding cunt with a wife who looks like an inbred horsey slapper.
And rich…..!
Unlike us puddings…!
You have to wonder what interests he has in prolonging slaughter. The world knows (and studiously ignores) the slimy US Biden/Kerry/Romney involvement in massive money corruption going back to the Obummer administration where Biden is on camera threatening Ukraine being withheld 1 billion dollars worth of loans unless they drop the state investigations into son, Hunter’s involvement on the board of oil and gas company, Burisma Holdings Inc.
They’re utterly immoral and shameless, still, it’s only the plebs blood being spilt so crack on, trebles all round, what what.
I despise BoZo almost as much as arch cunt B-liar, two cheeks of the same festering arse.
I’d personally kick the corpulent, charlatan cunt out of a plane over Avdiivka with a great sense of joy. Anyone else fancy piling in?
Was having a chat with my Tory-voting dad about Johnson recently. He reckons The Jellyfish has done more damage to his party than any other politician in history.
Good luck sorting out who the fuck all the cunts showering the fat fucker with cash are..
Boris was responsible for that ULEZ pisstake.
He’s a green, woke , EU loving fat blob of pale shite.
In Multicultural Britain?
Fuck me that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in years..
Who in their right mind would fight to keep Pakis free to child râpe,Afghans to commit sęx crimes and every other foreign looting Cunt in benefits ?
Nobody,let’s Vlad and his clapped out army crack on,I simply don’t give a fuck.
If you want anyone to fight for Britain then throw the scúm out first.
Fuck Off and excellent nom Thomas.
Spot on…..!
Lady Bamford must have a soft spot for the corpulent, incompetent, albino bellend. Fuck knows why so many people want to shower this cunt with cash.
And the galling thing? I bet he declares a fraction of this to the taxman, whilst plebs like us are squeezed until the fucking pips squeak. It makes sense to cunts like the rotund Johnson and the Elite to keep the plebs from earning too much as it keeps their abilities to hold cunts like this to account.
Johnson is only interested in those with sufficient money to help prop up his own empire.
Great cunting Thomas. This brings home who the true cunts of the UK are. Boris is right up there with Blair, Mangelbum and the “Royal” family. Gigantic cunts.
Boris would like nothing more than a conscript. It would reduce the number of young, working English speaking plebs whilst retaining what he considers to be a subservient underclass of ragheads, single-mothers, dooshka-dooshkas, gibbons, assorted primates, retards, fuckwits and the impoverished, half-dead.
Now there’s a snapshot of the future House of Lords if I ever heard one.
Let’s leave this stuttering albino to it and we’ll send a social worker round within the next decade or so, to see how he’s getting on. Hopefully we shan’t get an answer like normal.
Tucker Carlson should interview Putin to see what’s really going on. My first reaction when Russia invaded Ukraine was one of outrage. But given what’s happening with our media and governments, plus the obvious corruption and backhanders, I’m thinking a ceasefire would be best, and people like Boris can have his snout removed from the trough. Enough people have died for nothing.
The UK’s worst ever PM.
And that’s saying something.
A fat, compulsive lying, charlatan bastard.
Yeah, I’m sure that fat bumbling twat would be first in line to fight the Russians. More likely to be found balls deep in some Ukrainian whore than doing any actual fighting. That’s if the stupid cunt didn’t step on a landmine first.
Pure guff.
Not the cunting, Johnson’s piss-take of an article.
I say let all these ‘liberal’ neo-cons fight. All the cunts who want to keep selling arms to middle eastern and African despots, and go on ‘surgical strike’ missions to export democracy via Tomahawk missiles.
Weird how the labour governments of the fifties, and noughties under blair, wanted expensive wars and war machines, almost as if Britain still had imperial pretensions, but paid for with the Yank’s help.
Then there’s the Falklands, where we sent men to sea in thin-skinned aluminium ships through cost-cutting, and people mock the Russians for having cardboard tanks and rocket artillery on parade.
Then there’s the Eurofighter Typhoon, much trumpeted by BAE systems/MoD propaganda programne Top Gear, but found wanting in combat exercises against INDIAN Sukhoi 27s, and the RUSI report on our pathetic ammo supplies that would run out in a few days in open warfare with the Ivans.
Who needs ammo when you have a giant carrier, although it can’t get out of the Solent and has no battle group to protect it, unless the Yanks (again) are steaming through.
‘Uh, can I be in your battle group, Sam?’
‘Gahd dammit, you Limey. Grab yourself a couple of destroyers and missile cruisers, and try to keep up!’
‘Uhh.. we’ve run out of diesel..’.
‘Gahd dammit, Limey!’
Good show.
Boris to sign up to fight…
Only as a General Melchett type, getting everyone slaughtered with his bumbling incompetence..
He would be better used as a Barnes Wallis bouncing bomb..
With modern technology we can now scrutinise everyone and find out their faults for ridicule. How come we can’t find anyone of intellect to written the wrongdoings ?
Britain stopped making those in 1940.
I’d like to see the fat twat riding Skim Pickens’ style on a Cruise Missile heading for the Donbas.
A great image.
Slim Pickens not Skim, you twat phone.
I just really fucking HATE this CUNT………..
Let’s not forget the Golden Rule chaps..
If a Westminster Cunt tells you something is an excellent idea that requires our full support then you know its a steaming pile of shit we should keep well out of.
Letting former Eastern Bloc countries join NATO to play silly fucking games with Russia was a stupid idea 30 years ago and it’s not aged well.
More fool the West for thinking it was party time when the USSR fell and everyone thought the Cold War had been won.
Does anyone think the U.S would allow an expansion of a belligerent alliance to press against its borders in increasing numbers without it retaliating?
NATO can fuck off,we should leave.
Why ?
Excellent Unkle T.
There’s no way on this earth that the US of A would allow itself to be surrounded, prodded and poked by malevolent forces that wish it harm.
It has its problems with its own southern border but that’s a deliberate and a predominantly Democrat party problem.
It will take decades for the Tory party to rid itself of the stench of Boris Johnson and his degenerate cronies.
Loathsome chancers, one and all.
The wait and see what is coming, you cunts will be pleading to having Boris back.
Had my daily dose of watching Orcs incinerated and blown to pieces, fucking love it.
Do you really think Starmer is that different to Mavis, Johnson or Sunak?
Starmer is not that different from Mavis or Sunak.
Johnson, on the other hand, is unparalleled in his toxicity.
MJB dead on , Johnson , what an utter Cunt…….
Alas you only get politicians the calibre of Churchill and Thatcher once in a blue moon until the next one comes along get used to being bent over and reamed till your arse catches light.
Not until someone who actually puts the country and Indigenous people above their own self serving ego will we rise from the fetid cesspit this place is becoming
I dont understand what the bumbling, lying buffoon has done to deserve this cunting.
He’s a cunt, like the rest of us ???
Sheriff Teasle
” what on earth possessed God in heaven to make a man like Boris?!”
Stanley Johnson
” God didn’t make Boris.
I made him.”
Boris first blood.
So he wants us to go kill russians?
Well no russian ever taxed me so hard the pips screamed.
No russian stopped me working with a lockdown.
No russian allowed millions of 3rd world shite country.
Fuck him.the toff cunt.
Id be happier taking up arms against the Westminster rats.
They’re the real enemy.
Like that massive cunt Thatcher said about the miners. She got it wrong…
It’s her kind that are the ENEMY WITHIN..
No arguing that Johnson is a cunt , but his story comes from one of the most left wing, anti British, anti American, Jew hating, terrorist loving media outlets that exist.
And it pretty much boils down to our reporter heard from someone down the pub that Johnson said…
Fat odious toad.Stick his fat bulbous head on Traitors gate.
I’ll never forgive the idiot for presiding over the insufferably long ‘over reaction’.
This cunting and it’s source are all over the place.
Boris is a cunt for 1001 reasons but Ukraine isn’t one of them.
Forgive me for not accepting the word of a leftie rag (seriously, I thought cunters hated the left) reporting unverified Ukrainian stories based on ‘anonymous sources’ claiming ‘insider knowledge etc.
Wheels within wheels, rumour upon hearsay. It just isn’t very credible.
I know this because I’ve heard the Ukrainian president say that there will be no negotiation until Russia withdraws from Ukrainian territory. At their most bullish, they even included Crimea
This whole story sounds like bollocks to me.
File under ‘Pravda psyop’
Except of course this bit;
“It is very hard to see how the Ukrainians can negotiate with Putin now given his manifest lack of good faith,” Johnson said
That’s actually true.
Spot on Mickey!
Lazy, a simple browser search I just applied by typing “Johnson scuppers peace deal Ukraine” gave multiple sources.
Some of you are stuck in Mcarthyism all day long. In case you hadn’t noticed, Communism is what is slowly being implemented here in the West.
The Ivans aren’t our problem.
The “insiders” at Westminster are at fault
Fair enough, I did a quick search and did find multiple random, untrustworthy sources such as ‘European Conservative’ (Hungarian-based, ha!) that repeated this rather ridiculous framing of events.
Nothing remotely credible, except a Ukrainian journalist saying that it was bollocks to suggest the UK scuppered any deal.
Russia seeds these silly arguments at the same time as launching missiles into shopping centres. Forgive me for no longer listening to them.
You bunch of meanies,
Take no notice of these horrible lot,Boris.
You’re welcome round at my place anytime,message me and I’ll send you my address.
In fact,why don’t you bring a few mates along.
Maybe Matt and Michael,Sajid and Chris ?
Have no fear Boris will be right behind you….1,500 miles behind you to be precise. Most likely be hiding in a fridge.
I won’t be going to fight thank you very much.
I’ll be a conscientious objector.
It’s not that I’m not brave. Far from it.
It’s more that I’m not going to be a part of some rich hooray Henry’s proxy war.
Nobody’s buying what you’re trying to sell BoJ.
Just like those shit heating pumps that don’t work.
Just like your “oven ready brexit” that was more like one of those rotten turkeys.
He reminds me of Nanny from Count Duckula.
Here’s a song for you BoJ
Fat, albino, Turk and traitor.
Bury him alive, dig him up after a month and sell his head on eBay.
Blair vs Bojo is a nude bare-knuckle fight to the death. Winner eats the loser.
I don’t like him very much.
He would be useful as a sand bag in a conflict, or perhaps bayonet practice.