Stephen Fry. Shows yet again that he’s a cunt for the ages.
What’s the tantruming petulant ‘I’ll kill myself’ fat duckie done now,?
Well, he is ‘demanding’ the guards ditch their bearskin buzbys.
So, centuries old military and national tradition has to change because one luvvie poofter throws his toys out of the pram for the thousandth time?
Also, Fry’s foot stomping about the guards has made BBC news headlines. Mind you, a phag breaking a fingernail is a national emergency to those cunts at the Beeb.?
Every cunt is entitled to their opinion (at least they should be, you leftie bastards). But when these spoiled privileged twats and celebrity knobheads think things and situations should change or be scrapped just because they say so is just laughable and beyond contempt.
Nominated by: Norman
He did such a fantastic job directing “Bright Young Things.” Why fucking mess it up with this fucking virtue signalling. We understand he’s friends w/The King, but for fuck’s sake sit down shut the fuck up cunt your money and lose some fucking weight you fat poof!
He’s a pederast.