Stephen Fry. Shows yet again that he’s a cunt for the ages.
What’s the tantruming petulant ‘I’ll kill myself’ fat duckie done now,?
Well, he is ‘demanding’ the guards ditch their bearskin buzbys.
So, centuries old military and national tradition has to change because one luvvie poofter throws his toys out of the pram for the thousandth time?
Also, Fry’s foot stomping about the guards has made BBC news headlines. Mind you, a phag breaking a fingernail is a national emergency to those cunts at the Beeb.?
Every cunt is entitled to their opinion (at least they should be, you leftie bastards). But when these spoiled privileged twats and celebrity knobheads think things and situations should change or be scrapped just because they say so is just laughable and beyond contempt.
Nominated by: Norman
He’s only stressing his opinion to be fur.
Or not in his case.
A big nosed shirt lifting bandit who thinks he is superior, cunt more like, morning all
Crooked at that.
That fat poofter was probably worried the hunters were targeting the black bears he procures to ream he’s cavernous arsehole.
I’d love one of the PETA type protesters to try and grab a bearskin off the guardsmen then get the stock of a rifle smashed into their teeth as a reward.
Kerbstomp the lot of em.
Other things that have/had centuries of tradition include:
Fox hunting
Shooting Bison to near-extinction
The crusades
Work camps
Child labour
Animals being used in circuses.
Stephen Fry is right. A suitable replacement can be used. The only people who should continue these practices are in remote areas where there is no alternative.
Using animal fur to decorate attire is archaic and wastes a perfectly decent animal.
Morning CP…I agree entirely.
There’s no excuse for not using fake fur.
Much as I dislike Stephen Fry for his tendencies toward much younger cissies, he’s got a very good point about the poor bears.
Fur enough, Thomas.
There again, synthetics are uncomfortable and itch. Real fur keep you warmer, especially this weather. That’s why bears wear them.
Synthetics are uncomfortable is not an excuse, and there is a world of other natural materials that can be used before resorting to furs.
Good Morning CP
I had always thought the Crusades were a good thing.
We should look to the future and where those abominations you have listed are still in existence we should make every effort, including exemplary punishments, to abolish them. I am thinking particularly of FGM and modern slavery, not something our indigenous population indulges in.
The Crusades did very little, and nothing at all to deter later Ottoman expansion into Europe.
Good points, C-P. All unecessary now.
It seems Fry is fur game.
Not to worry,they’ll all be wearing turbans soon.
Remember the first sikh Coldstreamer, headline news, guardsman in a turban?
Busted after a couple of months, been on the coke.
I think he’s right on this occasion, but he does seem to expect everything to change because he says so.
And of course the beeb will put it as a top priority news item. I bet they don’t show this guy telling Klaus Schwab to eff off at Davos-
Why isn’t the old git dead?
I like tradition.
Perhaps I would be more inclined to listen to the opinion of someone else other than this fat, smug knob jockey.
Bears are quite cuntish.
Only cuntish if you trespass in their habitat.
Unfortunately they regard your personal dustbin as being their territory.
Attacks on humans are common.
If humans build in areas populated by bears, attacks will happen.
I have to agree with him on this one.
I bet his bumhole looks like it’s been attacked by a bear.
…and I suspect it is bare quite often…
Does Mr Fry shit in the woods ?
Fry said it in passing and the beeb make a big song and dance about it.
In this day and age fake fur should be used. I agree with Fry and in this he’s not a cunt.
I must agree as well.
It would be much better to use a synthetic material made from chemicals and petroleum products manufactured in a plant powered by coal fired electricity.
In China !
No, Hampshire or Surrey would be better, perhaps Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire or Berkshire as well.
I might add to Trebecular’s in China’s remark…
…with child labor
Bearskins definitely belong on Bears..?
Muslims definitely belong in Pakistan..
They don’t belong within 1m miles of any civilized country. Pakistan is far too close. Mars would be my choice. No artificial habitat required.
Upon further reflection perhaps you could outsource its manufacture to our good friends in the Fourth Reich. They could call it…
Bayer Skin.
That would mak Bayer Leverkusen’s logo interesting
I detest this Luvvie in chief. However, killing bears for pointless dressing up to honour the royal parasites is not defensible.
A ridiculous cunt.
Black bears are quite cunt, if a little cuntish.
However, you wouldn’t want one on every street corner as they have a tendency to attack and kill people.
Also, if left to breed uncontrollably they will eradicate other species.
So it is perfectly legal to control the numbers by hunting.
It is even encouraged.
I don’t like to see any part of an animal go to waste.
Make a hat.
They probably taste quite nice too.
*quite cute.
The trouble with this logic is that they don’t live on street corners.
The trouble is that they do CP.
They go anywhere for an easy meal and have learned that humans are a good source.
They live on the outskirts of small towns and they venture in, usually at night, on the scrounge for anything left around.
They are dangerous and in no way endangered.
They can breed year round and their numbers have to be controlled.
That’s only down to humans building infrastructure in the bear’s natural habitat, and the numbers can be controlled in far more humane ways than crossbow bolts.
Like chicken i hear.
Perhaps they should skin royalty and make hats out of them..
Parasite hat’s…..!
You could use Charles’ ears as umbrellas.
Alternatively stop making soldiers ponce around in stupid hats because it looks good for the tourists.
Of course being a man of the man love persuasion ‘bear’ has a different meaning for Stephen. Has anyone checked that he’s not confused about which kind of bear these hats are made from?
Its a barefaced lie said Fry. Someone else had cooked up this story.
Pompous, pseudo-intellectual, luvvie bloater. I’d genuinely never get tired of punching that bollock-like face.
About as funny as piles, too.
Oh, did I mention he’s a cunt?
Much as I hate this Remoaning, pseudo-intellectual luvvy cunt, on this matter I’m forced to agree with him.
Morning all.
I don’t agree with him, I simply happen to have the same opinion.
It’s unecessary to kill bears for these hats. Nonetheless, Fry is a woeful cunt. I nominated him only last September when the “national treasure” was moaning Brexit, probably because he couldn’t fly to an EU shit-hole and snaffle cocks so easily.
The wokes will probably want the Armed Forces not to be allowed Machine Guns, instead they will want our Soldiers to shout “Maaaaattteeee” when up against a Russkie or Dink with an AK47.
There are actually people on this site who believe using animal fur is acceptable… deary me.
They could be pimps. It’s doubtful though.
I bet the same people who use animal fur actually eat meat as well.
Meat is necessary for human health.
For the Fry-bashers, here is Peter Hitchens account of their encounter at the elder Hitchens’ funeral.
One criticism I have of Fry is he never really butts heads with serious opponents (unless you count Anne Widdecombe), it’s all a bit twee and cosy, like Radio 4’s This Cultural Life, which, despite the highfalutin name and genesis, is less revealing and interesting than an episode of Hot Ones with that Moby lookalike.
‘National Treasure’? Such things are for children – David Starkey
Hitchens or Fry? That’s like choosing to die by drowning or by being burned alive.
Quite a few who have spoken out about their dislike for Fry aren’t winning popularity contests themselves,and aren’t the sort who seem to mind.
I just chuckle and think what expression his partners parents must have had when old Stephen came bouncing up the driveway on his first visit with his husband/ wife at his side. Thirty years older fucking child catcher
Right or wrong, didn’t say it or did.
I don’t care.
Everytime Stephen Fry is mentioned, this image of a huge, slimy slug flashes in front of my eyes.
Pompous cunt. You only need to hear him on that sainsburies radio ads proclaiming ‘good food for all of us’
Cunt. Anything he utter needs to be ignored. As for the bears couldn’t give a shit. It’s tradition going back years when old Blighty meant something. If people are so concerned about animal rights why not campaign against ritual slaughter in the name of religion. No?!?!? Why’s that then….. its a tradition we’ve imported and could do with eradicating.
One is a tradition that needs eradicating
One is a tradition that goes back years.
Surely the first disqualifies the second, and supports my earlier point that because something is a tradition, that doesn’t make it right.