Paula Vennels, the Met Police and the Post Office Scandal

A mother of all cuntings please for the Mother of All Cunts, Paula Vennels (no, I’m not putting that illegitimate CBE at the end of her name).

What she did to those poor postmasters is nothing short of fucking despicable, and something which even Blofeld would be sickened by.

She knew the software was faulty, yet STILL lied through her teeth and willingly ruined the lives of hundreds of people – thousands if you count their families – in order to preserve her own job.

She happily deprived children of mothers, fathers, and grandparents all because she didn’t want to face the consequences of her own incompetence. How dare she. How fucking dare she.

Sky News

Nominated by: OpinionatedCunt

And on the same topic there’s this from Cuntstable Cuntbubble

The Met Police.

Ineffective generally but they do recognise a bandwagon when it needs jumping on.

BBC News

”Post Office scandal: Met Police investigate potential fraud offences”

I have known about this for years. It has been around and in the public sphere for a decade. It should have been investigated then, but it takes a TV ‘dwama’ to finally get these timeserving cunts to act.

Perhaps there should be a ‘dwama’ about knife crime and criminality in fucking London to get them to act. It would also save producers from crowbarring black actors into historical dwamas because there would be plenty needed for actual realism.

And Guzziguy has his opinions on this Horizon disaster

Not sure where to start on the comprehensive clusterfuck that is the Post Office Horizon computer cockup. Installed in 1999 with doubts about it, a quarter of a century later we have the mother of all turd/fan interfaces.

Questions were raised by Private Eye , Computer Weekly and some MPs many years ago yet it took a fucking ITV drama to get the wretched business taken seriously by the powers that be- ie debated in Parliament at length.

Doubtless, Ed Davey, Keir Starmer and many others will claim that they were mislead but the fact remains that many ‘important’ heads must roll.

99 thoughts on “Paula Vennels, the Met Police and the Post Office Scandal

  1. Old Paula looks like a frustrated virgin. That’s why she did it. Wouldn’t even lick a stamp.

    • That old bag, according to Wireless 4 yesterday, was in the final three to become Bishop of London in 2014. A female God botherer who is also an unmitigated liar. A pity she didn´t get the job and wreck the C of E instead of the Post Office.

      • Possibly the reason she didn’t pursue the religious track, was Jesus touching her minge and sealed it up.

      • The C of E is already wrecked before this bitch put her oar in.
        Muslims and the likes of Justin Welby have seen to that.

      • No SS. It didn’t seal up, it parted like the Red Sea Old Testament (Exodus 14: 19-31).

        When the Israelites reached the Red Sea Moses stretched out his hand and Paula Vennells meaty flaps divided, allowing his followers safe passage. The Egyptians followed them but God again commanded Moses to stretch out his hand and her fishy minge juice engulfed the army.

  2. A superb example of how to finally and totally destroy any public confidence in British Officialdom.

    Central and local govt have burnt through countless billions installing shite software sold to unaccountable,condescending arseholes across every department by multinational corporations for decades.

    The difference this time is this particular heap of shit lead directly to innocent people being financially ruined and imprisoned.

    The whole rotten mess stinks of corruption at the highest level,organised criminal activity by staff allowed to waltz off with huge bonuses and pensions at our expense and routine,profound arse covering bureaucratic chicanery.

    Now there will be a vastly prolonged cover up called an official enquiry where precisely nobody is convicted of serious organised crime and no steaming from the management of the Post Office involved in this disaster going to prison.

    To cap it all Fujitsu haven’t paid a penny toward any of the compensation and their shoddy products are still readily gobbled up by the govt even now.

    British justice and fair play?

    A big fucking lie by a gang of cunts who need hanging.

    • steaming from the management…

      No idea what went on there..did I buy this phone from the post office HQ?


    • It took a TV drama to finally put this front and centre in the spotlight.

      They must of been aware by now it was a fuck up?

      It’s looking for a scapegoat to blame, but seems to me loads were complicated in this.

      Goofy ginger Paula
      Ed Davis
      Kier Starmer
      Gareth Jenkins.

      Those bunch of cunts should face criminal prosecution.

      I think the white postmasters are innocent.
      The park key ones ….
      No smoke without fire…?

  3. The fucking Government is only interested in this absolute disgrace now because there is an election coming up.

    The reliance on digital systems and AI rather than actual people is the inevitable road to societal collapse as more and more cunts shirk any corporate responsibility and hide behind software systems. GPs have almost entirely disappeared, as have most Government workers, the utilities, financial services, even the fucking emergency services.

    Getting to speak to a real person will soon require a fucking medium. ‘Is anybody there?’

    Good morning, everyone.

    • ‘even the fucking emergency services.’

      Care to explain, because from what I see and experience, we’ve not disapeared. The only thing that has disapeared is common sense from the majority of dull cunts that call us.

      • Cheers, Twenty. Trouble is, there’s not an infinite supply of ambulances, and, if we’re queuing outside hospitals because there’re no beds they can move pts out of ED to due to a lack of social care, for example and the increasing volume of calls, a lot due to people not taking responsibility for themselves and calling 999 for bullshit, you know, ‘just in case’, staff shortages due to a lack of doctors/nurses, we’re not available for other calls. Cunts that should call their GP, whining ‘You can’t get an appointment’, that we call and make them an appointment on the same number that they’d ring. I go to jobs that are 12 plus hrs old. If you can wait 12 hrs, you didn’t need an ambulance in the first place, in most cases. The service, along with a lot of the NHS, is broken.

        Mind you, when it works, it works well. Ask the woman in cardiac arrest we saved on Boxing Day.

      • Monday in work i started to get chest pains and my left arm was going numb. The district nurses at the clinic i was working at did an ECG and phoned for an ambulance. They told the dispatcher it was a suspected heart attack. 6 fucking hours later still no sign of an ambulance. I jammed half a dozen aspirins down my throat and took a good suck on my GTN spray and fucking drove myself to A&E.
        It wasnt a heart attack but probably an angina episode.(not had one before) im back in work today. after spending a night in hospital and a day wasted waiting for a scan.(yesterday)
        i found out off the girls today that the ambulance turned up 3hours after i drove to A&E, thats 9 fucking hours total. 9 fucking hours for a suspected heart attack. Do yourselves a favor. Dont call an ambulance, get a fucking taxi or drive to the hospital yourself, you might get to live longer.

    • Well observed. The party of business must, occasionally and whilst concealing it’s reluctance, be seen to dish out a kicking to heartless corporate Britain in order to secure the votes of the little people, those whose lives and opinions count only once every five years. The other lot do the same by loosening the benefits purse strings once in a while. Complete and utter cunts, the lot of them. You’re also spot on over creeping dehumanisation. There’ll be a cull of humans one day prioritised along Nazi-like eugenic lines. The future’s frightening, the machines and big money have won.

  4. These utter cunts with these highly paid ahem jobs? The morals of rats all of them welby included. Its time to take our country back and run it by the people for the people. Cross, no fucking cross in dorset.

  5. I bet the auld wytch doesn’t lose her pension, eh?
    Vennels will get the slightest of tellings off, if that.

    If there was any real justice, Vennels would be in a rugmunchers prison, where she was slave to a Joan Ferguson type screw.

  6. I bet the BBC refused to even consider turning this into a drama.

    Not enough treeswingers, woofters and bolshy wimmin involved.

    Had the Beebscum made it though, every victim or wronged person in it would have been black.

  7. To quote RTC; “This country is finished.”

    Vote at the forthcoming election? Don’t make me laugh.

  8. This is why ITV are lesser cunts than the BBC.

    OK, both are woke and both show loads of shit. But ITV still pull the odd white rabbit out of the hat on occasion. ITV rumbled Savile, when the BBC had no intention of doing so (even though they knew). And then there’s this Post Office drama that’s done some good. Also, not everything ITV put out is a woke lecture. Whereas on the BBC, even the testcard and colour bars have a ‘messge’ in them.

      • How are yer Sammy.?

        Cunts getting giddy about that Wigan game. I was far from impressed. Uinspiring team, uninspiring manager. Man United should blow Wigan away about 5,6 or 7-0. But Rashford couldn’t score in Hamburg with ten grand up his arse, and Bruno Fernandes is a shithouse. Once it was Byrne, Law, Buchan, Wilkins, Robson, Bruce, Cantona. Now we’ve got a crybaby diving dago as captain.

      • Fine thanks Norman

        It looks like the only chance of reaching the final, is playing all the lower league clubs.

  9. If ever there was a finer example of ‘computer says no’ I would love to see it.

    When prosecutions of postmasters started to rise over and above the normal rate (probably P*ki ones) in previous years there should have been a lightbulb moment, what has changed, oh yes the software.

    Listening to some of the reporting on this scandal it seems that the post office used ‘computer’ to prove the guilt and the poor cunts in the dock didn’t have the resources to get experts to challenge the cunts.
    When the penny did finally drop the PO still carried on taking the poor fuckers to court.

    Ed Davey says he was lied to by the PO, Bates wrote to the cunt 5 times but obviously he couldn’t be arsed to get at least one second opinion from anyone else, too busy grinning like a cunt and demanding people resign.

    The Post Office know they are fucking untouchable, in may places now they are the only source of banking thanks to the banks closing branches

  10. I can’t wait to see the TV drama about the Rwanda deportation fiasco.

    Vennells is an Uber slag and need to be serving jail time.

  11. Anyone at the top of the pile who knew and allowed these peoples lives to be ruined need to go to prison!!!

    • There’s Corporate Manslaughter legislation that might well be invoked over this travesty. Let’s hope so and that all responsible do time.

      • I doubt it, this has been known for years and the government did nothing. There’s a string of possible crimes including perjury that should have been investigated long ago and the government has sided with the corporation.

        This needs an open government inquiry up to ministererial level.

  12. The fuckers are lining up, politicians, civil servants and the rest of the reptiles – Nothing to do with me.

    Scum. London based of course.

    • There will be a few others along side Vennels who will face the music but we all know that there will be plenty who will wriggle out of the fiasco, mainly politicians as all three major parties bear responsibility.
      Which US president had a sign on his desk ‘The Buck Stops Here’ ?

  13. Just watching PMQs and Lee Anderson has just said in relation to the PO scandal

    The leader of the Lib Dems should take his own advice (about people resigning) clear his diary, clear his desk and clear off.


    • Lee Anderson also said that the British taxpayers should foot the bill for compensation for these people.

      Why doesn’t Fujitsu fuckin pay it?!

      • Err why? Fuck off, Lee Anderson.

        We didn’t tell dirty great lies and sell innocent people down the Irwell. So, get stuffed Lee Anderson, you cunt trombone.

      • Well, the British government will buy japcrap.

        Better off getting a computer off Arfur Daley or Del Boy.

      • Agreed, and Venables can hand her £5 millions back as should all other execs/senior employees who received bonuses or performance payments arising from this criminal injustice. Not only at the PO but also at Fujitsu and all other connected parties.

      • It was the government, in the guise of the PO (which is wholly government owned), that committed this miscarriage of justice, so only right that they should be responsible for paying the compensation.
        They should then sue Fujitsu for damages (amounting to whatever is eventually paid out in the form of compensation.)

  14. Just shows what the so called elite think of us plebs. False accusations, lives ruined or lost.
    Not bothered as it didn’t affect their pensions. Fire up the oven UT, or is it on permanently like a steel furnace?

    • It’s becoming a full time National Institution…just like climbing aboard the Gravy Train in Londonistan.

      Just ask that Vennels cunt.

  15. If your a outright cunt you’ll be on the honours list.

    Baroness Moan.
    PPE ripoff merchant, filled her pockets with 60million of taxpayer money during a period of panic and confusion over the chink flu.


    This Paula vennell allows nearly 800 people to have their careers and lives destroyed, people to commit suicide,
    And the pink eyed little vicar looking cunt…


    Who’s on the honours list next year?

    Baby PJ’s parents?
    Ian Huntley?
    Abu Hamza?

    • That ugly raisin eyed slag Maxine Carr aided that monster Huntley. Lied for him and hindered a double child murder investigation.

      But, it got a new name, got married (who the fuck would marry that?!), everything paid for, probably doesn’t have to work, in clover for the rest of its natural.

      There’s nothing to say about such a warped system, is there?☹

  16. I was halfway through a withdrawal transaction in one of these small post office, come shops, when the owner fucked off to serve another customer buying something. Should’ve reported the black bastard.

  17. The cunt at Fujitsu, Gareth Jenkins, who built the Horizon software wants immunity to appear at at a public enquiry, the cheeky cunt. The whole stinking lot of them should be publicly flogged, jailed and bankrupted.

    • Good point by CC, why did it take a drama on television to get something done about all this? They’ve known for years what went on. She shouldn’t just lose her gong, she should be prosecuted, along with everyone else who participated in the cover-up.

  18. Anyone to be prosecuted and held accountable IN Government for the £37 BILLION wasted on Track and Trace which didn’t work? Thought not.

  19. 1. Vennells insisted the Horizon system was “robust”, defending the technology and her organisation’s actions to a committee of MPs.

    2. As chief executive, she chose to fight lengthy and expensive legal battles against sub-postmasters seeking redress.

    3. When more than 500 sub-postmasters won a civil court case against the Post Office in December 2020, the judge said that under her leadership the actions of the Post Office had been “both cruel and incompetent”.

    For those three reasons above, I hereby declare that Vennells is a thoroughly nasty piece of work, and undoubtedly a cuntishly pious one who feels “God is on their side” despite what chicanery she gets involved in for her own preservation. We know another uber-cunt with a similar MO who ended up taking us into an illegal war with Iraq.

    I hope she suffers varicose eczema of her powdery old cuntflaps. Not that she looks the type to have used her minge for recreational purposes.

    Fuck off.

  20. I’ve followed this story for years, and what is particularly alarming is that very little of the post office’s conduct and failure of the legal system surprised me; corruption and incompetence in these big organisations is normal behaviour, just as it was with the establishment throwing a tantrum and deciding to sabotage its own Brexit negotiations.

    BBC and Foreign Office types in tears, MPs throwing their dummies out of the pram. All those who pay lip service to ‘parliamentary democracy’ but hate the people who vote.
    They’d now have to look for a cleaner they’d have to pay more than table scraps.

    Doesn’t bode well for this country’s future when the clerical/managerial class is made of feeble nd petulant cunts, who continue to stamp their ffeet everytime a cabinet minister tries tacking immigration, the education sector, NHS or crime.

  21. Here’s an interesting clip from Wikipedia:
    As of 28 April 2021, Vennells is no longer listed as a member of the Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group on which she had previously served.
    Fucking ethical investments. ethics and this contemptible cunt aren’t easy bedfellows.

  22. At least she as shown “some” remorse, Crozier and Davey should be burnt at the stake.
    And what does the kneeling cunt know about it…

  23. It’s not just her, it was going on through the tenure of several CEOs and ministers. The whole gaggle of cunts need banging up but it won’t happen.

    Of those 700 it’s probably safe to say some were bang to rights but since the evidence is so unreliable it’s better a few get away with it than hundreds of reputations are left ruined.

  24. Maybe the Archbishop of Cunterbury will donate his recent 2.4 million inheritance to the compensation fund.

    Cromwell would have had a field day with this lot.

    And so would I.

    Hang the bastards.

  25. I look forward to an ITV docu-drama series about the pakistani rape gangs in northern English towns …

    Queer Starmageddon looked the other way as DPP when that all first came to light, too. And this pile of shite is likely to be our next PM?! Gawd help us

  26. A number of politicians should at the very least be sacked for incompetence in this affair and there are people in Fujitsu and Post Office management who should serve lengthy jail sentences.

    The companies who hold these big government IT contracts are known by everyone in the IT industry to be scammers and wide boys, not to say out-and-out criminals with virtually no exceptions.

    I can’t get exercised about someone being given a gong. For many years now a gong has been the badge of an arsehole.

    A phrase addressed to one of the victims struck me; “No-one else is having a problem with this, it’s just you.” In my working life of 53 years I couldn’t count how many times I have heard a manager say this. On almost every occasion it was a bare faced lie. Other stock phrases in the same category include, from politicians typically:
    “What I think is important is…” Translation; “I am not going to answer your question.”
    “Some experts say…” Translation; “I am about to state as fact something in a range from conjecture to an outright lie.”

  27. Vennells and the rest should be tied to the mussel of a cannon and the cannon fired. Sir Ed Davey can be on first. Just so they know the English are fucking annoyed with them all. CUNTS.

      • Quite right boyo,
        Quite right.

        Vennells was in line for bishop of London!!

        Bet the collective plate would of been a bit light…

  28. OT: US and UK navies repel largest Houthi attack on Red Sea shipping

    Pity our navy doesn’t make the same effort with the dinghy vermin in the channel.

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