A mother of all cuntings please for the Mother of All Cunts, Paula Vennels (no, I’m not putting that illegitimate CBE at the end of her name).
What she did to those poor postmasters is nothing short of fucking despicable, and something which even Blofeld would be sickened by.
She knew the software was faulty, yet STILL lied through her teeth and willingly ruined the lives of hundreds of people – thousands if you count their families – in order to preserve her own job.
She happily deprived children of mothers, fathers, and grandparents all because she didn’t want to face the consequences of her own incompetence. How dare she. How fucking dare she.
Nominated by: OpinionatedCunt
And on the same topic there’s this from Cuntstable Cuntbubble
The Met Police.
Ineffective generally but they do recognise a bandwagon when it needs jumping on.
”Post Office scandal: Met Police investigate potential fraud offences”
I have known about this for years. It has been around and in the public sphere for a decade. It should have been investigated then, but it takes a TV ‘dwama’ to finally get these timeserving cunts to act.
Perhaps there should be a ‘dwama’ about knife crime and criminality in fucking London to get them to act. It would also save producers from crowbarring black actors into historical dwamas because there would be plenty needed for actual realism.
And Guzziguy has his opinions on this Horizon disaster
Not sure where to start on the comprehensive clusterfuck that is the Post Office Horizon computer cockup. Installed in 1999 with doubts about it, a quarter of a century later we have the mother of all turd/fan interfaces.
Questions were raised by Private Eye , Computer Weekly and some MPs many years ago yet it took a fucking ITV drama to get the wretched business taken seriously by the powers that be- ie debated in Parliament at length.
Doubtless, Ed Davey, Keir Starmer and many others will claim that they were mislead but the fact remains that many ‘important’ heads must roll.
Can’t write too much on this without losing my shit.
However, I don’t care how long it takes, she has to go to jail . Just has to.
There are families which have been destroyed, innocent people jailed and those which have died or ended their own lives in the interim period will never be the recipients of justice.
And she fucking knew all along. Fuck her . If she thinks giving a piece of metal back is punishment she has another fucking thing coming
I’m glad it is election year as perhaps the cunts in charge might try and apply pressure as some sort of vote winner.
I’d imagine if it was the start of their term she’d get a gold watch and £100 million in compensation for hurts feelings on Twitter
As soon as the polling booths close any promises to push the matter forward will go straight out the window as Judges have previously ruled that election manifestos are not enforceable. There are far too many politicians & Whitehall mandarins still working in the corridors of power with potential careers in the private sector at risk if the whole truth ever comes out about who knew what and when. It’ll be allowed to slowly die a death again.
I’m afraid you’re almost certainly right Dickie. Inquiry will take long enough for all the guilty to have retired. Also the standard method is to spread the blame so thinly that no-one actually suffers any loss of money or reputation. Remember satanic abuse? Both doctors walked away unscathed, last I heard one of them was still practising.
This scandal has been rumbling on for some years.
Yes, it’s a pity that it took a TV program to really draw attention to it, but I have questions.
Why are those exonerated having to pay their own legal costs?
Why do victims have to ” come forward?”
Surely there are records of those who were caught up in this absolute fiasco?
Compensation is mentioned. Has the mythical missing money these people “re-imbursed” the Post Office been refunded to them, with interest?
Will the bunch of perjuring cunts be made bankrupt, as their assets are seized?
Will I feel sorry for any of them?
It all fucking stinks…just like every other govt debacle eh JP?
Yes, Unkle, indeed.
I’m watching the Baroness Mone scandal with interest.
But this is in a class of its own.
Oven – the fookin’ lot of them. Having had to work on a few military installations in the 80’s and 90’s I can only agree that anything government agencies are involved in generally end up being the mother of all fook ups. The shear incompetence is almost impossible to believe.
I remember a member of one of the Moon landing space missions being asked
“How will you feel, as you blast off?”
His reply?
“How would you feel, knowing every part had been supplied by the cheapest contractor?”
Which about sums up how I feel about local and national Government, oh, and pretty much anything.
That’s why people catch nasty things in NHS hospitals.
Because the (cheapest) cleaning contractors can’t/don’t/won’t clean the places bloody properly.☹☹
Once, they had floors you could eat your dinner off, with a fearsome and all seeing Matron kicking arses if need be.
Not any more though.
Further news indicates Fuji whatever is to pay compo. So they fucking should, and yet our Government, damn their eyes, continue to give this heap of shite contracts to provide systems.
Is it just me?
No.They are useless ?. Cronyism at its finest.
They do the star system in railway ticket offices as well.
Ronnie Biggs in his will, offered to pay the defiset, due to finding Paula Vennels a great fuck.
She seems to be a grade-A, chromium plated cunt.
Not just her but Post Office Limited as well.
Of course there were bugs in Horizon. It was reported. Any investigation should have asked:
1. How many short falls BEFORE the introduction of Horizon.
2. Why were there so many short falls AFTER the introduction of Horizon.
Why the difference?
I want to see the source code version control commits to see what bugs were fixed in various versions. If Fujitsu said they didn’t use version control they are liars. I also want to see the notes and test scripts from the TEST Teams at Fujitsu and QA at the Post Office and the name of the cunt who signed it off at the Post Office as “fit for purpose”.
Yes, I’m no Techno, but even I would have seen a pattern evolving of previously trustworthy folks apparently going rogue.
In your dreams Anton mate!
Paula Venal.
Paula Veneral.
Paula Venereal
She’s f##ked more people than Katie Price
Send them all to the gas chamber.Traitors.
That Stephen Bradshaw cunt. What a twat.
It’s like Billy Corkhill at the Nuremberg Trials.
‘Errrrr. I was only obeyin’ orders, like. Give us a blowjob, Sheila.’
Let’s hope that all this negative attention she has brought upon herself persuades her to visit her local hardware store to purchase a length of rope and a bucket.!
Years back as a freelancer I worked for ICL/Fujitsu and for the Post Office (not at the same time!)
None of what’s come out surprises me…
Wonder if there will be an enquiry about how those scum Cameron, Clegg, Duncan Smith and McVey treated the sick and mentally ill (there were deaths and suicides)?
A registered blind man being ordered to ‘see’ what work he could do is but one sordid example.
But don’t hold your breath. Unless ITV does a drama about it.