Waaah. Global warming.
Waaah. Icebergs melting.
Waaah. Energy waste.
Waaah. Fossil Fuels are bad.
It makes sensitive, caring people all so goshdarned GLOOMY ..
But wait a minute. Wasn’t the sale of turf banned two years ago? Aren’t new houses not permitted fireplaces/chimneys this past ten years? Isn’t a fuck-all infrastructure mandatory EV catastrophe imminent for the end of this decade, like they wanted?
Aw diddums … what MORE can we do to alleviate the snowflake stress for them?…
I know. Let’s leave city Xmas lights going for a superfluous near-4 weeks through the long January nights …
For fuck’s sake!
Nominated by: Cunt’emAll
……and the new years eve london fireworks. fucking shit loads of pollution, yet that cunt mayor charges us plebs to use an old car that has paid back its carbon footprint many times over. cant have it both ways you cunt
Should be forced to use candlelight instead.
I miss the smell of a rich gasoline mixture on a cold winter’s morning and using a manual choke.
Once in a while I will get to smell that wonderfully nostalgic smell from behind a classic auto that is carbureted.
Now days I have to watch a YouTube video on how to find the fucking battery in my modern tech laden vehicle.
I lift the hood and can’t even see the engine.
Time was MC when the handbook supplied by the manufacturer with the car contained detailed instructions on how to carry out routine maintenance, adjusting tappets, replacing points etc. We no longer have mechanical distributors and adjustable tappets but the handbook has sunk to a level where the assumption seems to be that the owner of the car barely has the wit to fill the tank. The service schedule on modern cars lists a whole load of stuff with which I’ve no patience. Checking bulbs and wipers work, tyres are inflated, doors close, seat belts work FFS? The only genuine service job left is changing the oil and filters. I do that myself at the saving of a couple of hundred pounds and do a more thorough job than most garages. Only other one from time to time is brake pads and discs, again piss-easy. I’m 72 now but I’d only use garages for big jobs, engine out etc.
The EU, encouraged by car manufacturers sought to ban the sale of engine oil in containers over one litre and get rid of engine oil drain plugs. This was an attempt to force owners to take their cars to a garage which could pump the oil out. Happily, this nonsense was not adopted.
Just today I gave my winter Honda scooter an oil change; a very therapeutic exercise and one that the bike seems to enjoy.
When I used to have money, I bought a used Maserati. The owners manual actually had a sentence something like “this vehicle has an Otto cycle engine”. Designed by engineers!
Wise words my friend, I bought a VW Passat diesel, (smack) from Greta. Lifted the bonnet closed it again Pass I didn’t know where anything of importance was.
Once labour get in and they go headlong into decarbonising the grid by 2030 all the lights will go out when the wind doesn’t blow, what’s not to like ?
It won’t effect the ruling class, they will all have backup battery power and/or their own generators
Beats being governed by Ghandi, the cunt couldn’t even manage to get elected by his own fucking party before becoming PM.
The ice age is coming, the suns zooming in…..
If they believed it they would be doing something about it but all they do is tax us and restrict us.
When Al Gote and Barry Obama stop buying beachfront properties maybe I’ll listen.
The only Island most of these cunts are worried about is Epstein island. Won’t be long until they start telling us CO2 is depleting the oxygen in the atmosphere.
Did you know Steven Hawkins was on Epstein island? Me neither till today, what the actual fuck!
Steve was a well known sex addict, the girls called him Hot Wheels.
Brilliant ?
These mental cunts haven’t thought it through at all..too busy lying in the road perhaps or sourcing lentils..
By their insane logic virtually all human activity would have to cease,no travel,no sport,no google,no phones etc etc
Even when there was a golden opportunity to whittle away some polluting humans back in 2020 they fucked that up by locking everyone in their houses.
Perhaps they’ll start the Third World War so the polar bears can sit on an iceberg for five extra minutes.
Who knows?who cares? It’ll just be a vehicle for taxation and the polar bears and squirrels can get fucked.
Immediate Oven.
Polar bears can always go back were they came from – Canada.
Besides, if a few die it saves animals I have much more fondness for- seals and Beluga whales.
Also, this;
Well I for one live a exemplary eco.lifestyle.
No aviation fuel has polluted the air on my account.
The eggs in the kitchen are local
The honey in the kitchen from a local beekeeper.
The chutney in.the kitchen is from.fruit from my beautiful garden with a tastefully painted gate.
I’m greener than that cunt Thunberg.
So as I say to all eco zealots.
Don’t lecture me….
Follow me.?
Follow you ?
What colour should they paint their gates?
OOOH that MNC is off again, nurse tranquilliser for MNC.
Ochre? Or woad?
Either is eco friendly.
Just not country cream.
That’s exclusive.
I’m in a similar boat Mis’.
No air miles.
Eggs from Uncle’s chickens.
Vegetables from Uncle’s farm
Preserves from aunt.
Never owned a vehicle with an engine larger than 2.2 litres
Work within 30 miles of home 90% of the time.
Use shower over bath.
Shower CP?
I save rain water in a barrel which I use to wash my nether regions in a tin bath .
I’m not particularly concerned about the fate of the planet,
But I am incredibly tight fisted.
I ‘ve always preferred showers Mis’. In and out, ten minutes max.
I’m not concerned about the planet, either. Not regarding climate change. All this bollocks about ‘the planet’ is projection by self-important humans who think the planet is somehow as fragile as human civilisation. I think we should be mindful when it comes to our pollinating insects, but not the planet.
The planet can wipe us out with a geological pimple pop.
It’s fucking laughable.
Years ago we were advised to take a shower rather than a bath on grounds of economy. That advice has been reversed in recent times. My belief is that this is down to the growth of the fashion for power showers. The pumps use relatively little electrical power, though some I believe run 600 watts or more, but the real cost is the rate at which the hot water is depleted. In our house I have raised the header tank in the loft some four feet and this considerably improves the flow rate on the showers which are on the first floor. No pump to install, run and maintain and Thames Water don’t charge me any more for pumping the water higher. Also all the hot taps in the house have a much greater flow rate so win win.
I once had a conversation with a Thames Water employee in which he mentioned that our mains water pressure is nominally 2.5 bar. I replied, so about a 75′ head. He scowled a bit and tapped keys on his device and then said with a smug smile; “No mate, it’s 22 metres.”
Before I immigrated to the UK they trialled electric donkeys in my homeland, without much success, as they did not appreciate AA batteries up their bottoms for long. Plus the fact they were just plain dangerous. We had several explode.?
Mind you, come to think of it, one or two of the more fruitier quadrupeds may have detonated in ecstasy.
I was watching a you tube short of some mad tart from the WEF calling for farming and fishing to be made eco crimes? What we supposed to eat then? Long pig?
They are deluded in ze WEF.They all want shooting at dawn.
Maybe eat pussy…,!
Pick fruit from the bushes, maaannnn.
There was some dumb bird who reckoned you can exist on sunlight.
She was a fruitarian, eating only freshly picked fruit.
She must of splattered all over Armitage Shanks with that diet,
But the existing of sunlight?
Well it worked till she starved to.death.
One born every minute..
Who gives a fuck about polar bears anyway?
I am happy to bet that if there was one in my living room right this moment that it would fucking kill and eat me, which isn’t a very nice thing to do.
So I don’t care about them
Are you sure it wouldn’t just spread out and watch reality TV?
You’ve been listening to too much anti polar bear propaganda,they’re just big white puppies really…a packet of McVities finest and they’re your pal for the rest of your life (i.e. until the biscuit supply runs out).
Polar bears
They eat Etonians.
I was in Svalbard many moons ago. They used to hand out rifles for those tourist inclined to go walkies.
Bars on the hotel windows to stop the big furry bastards from stealing the free soap or maybe it was the trouser-press.
All bit of a blur; Norweigan booze is murderously expensive but Svalbard is a tax free zone. Cognac for breakfast
I think Thomas the Cunt Engine paid a visit to the Svalbard seed vault and trashed it, then replaced the plant seeds with his own, so that even women in the far-future will be carrying his progeny.
Yes they are utter cunts.
Best thing for them is to turn them in to fireside (loads of coal) rugs for your Gentlmen’s library. ?❄️?☠️
Why do the people of Dublin need cheering up?
Nothing to do with the media gaslighting the public over riots being caused by the ‘far-right’, when it was a response to incompetent and complacent authorities allowing ‘Irish citizens’ to stab children?…
The people of Dublin don’t need much to Cheer up,
A baked potato
A bottle of stout
Some diddlydiddly music
Happy as a sootie in a melon patch.
Not having their kids stabbed and the authorities trying to say it was done by an ‘Irish citizen’.
Mental cunts.
My local council declared to all and sundry a ‘climate emergency’ a while ago. Mainly due to local floods, due actually to their ineptitude in maintaining and clearing road drains, ditches and watercourses, or taking farmers to task when they leave hedge cuttings to block drains or the tractor tyres breakdown the verges and soil the gutters.
Meanwhile the town centre and key sites within it remain derelict as they have for many years and in dire need of a major redevelopment. Despite numerous approaches by local residents, taxpayers, voters – Will they do anything about it. Nope. Nada, Natch, fuk all.
However a greenfield site on the edge of town, farmland that could be used to grow food, crops etc and sustain plants, birds, animals etc etc was fenced up and contractors moved in just before Christmas with earth moving equipment and diggers, to commence work on changing it into an (not needed as we already have plenty of them) industrial park…..
Climate emergency my fucking arse.
Spot on.
Fully agree ?
Does anyone know where fellow Sussex boy Fenton Fistula went?
Maybe he’s with Liberal Liquidator who’s also disappeared CP?
We’ve lost some great cunters of late,
Poor DCI can’t post till he’s been through moderation,
It really is beyond the pale.
Don’t understand that about DCI Mis. I can’t remember him posting stuff that was particularly incendiary, not compared to many of us on here anyway.
(Regrettably, he forgot the First Rule of ISAC Club… – Day Admin)
He’s in his own words ” on the naughty step”.
He’s never said anything I didn’t agree with.
Although some weepy types might object.
Fuck em
Freddie the Frog
Captain Quimson
To name but two.
Cuntybollocks as well. He just disappeared?
Yeah now you mention FF and LL plus Freddie.
Come back fellas
Aye they were and are outstanding and solid contributors..
But who knows why valiant members “go dark”..
Many are the fallen but on we must go,lest the piss boil over.
Heartfelt thanks to all those who contribute to this great fuckumall.
I see our favourite Swedish goblin is in the UK, protesting about a proposed expansion to Farnborough airport and calling for a ban on private planes.
How did Greta get here?
Pedalo from Malmo?
She arrived via Unicorn ?
You know where she can stick it’s horn
ACFAS@ Speaking of horn……..
I love the smell of Debbie in the evening.
She wrote this about me.
I broke her heart ❤️
When I was seeing Debbie I was young an foolish and had a dalliance with Stevie Nicks before she porked up.
Here’s a song she wrote about my winky.
That’s her nickname for me….
Debbie reminds me of the 70s and 80s porn actress Seka.
A prime Seka could have turned Jimmy Somerville straight.
Sweden calling: keep the bitch, we don’t want her back.
What with the attack on farmers in Europe and rubbish UK farming policies, time to buy Meals Ready to Eat, tins of stuff as well grow whatever you can then preserve it.
You will eat the bugs and be happy seems to a plan in motion!
I’ve been locked out of ISAC for 4 days again , does anyone know why , are my comments really that cuntish ?
(Nothing went into our MQ or spam filter. And your IP isn’t blocked. All good here, mate. – Day Admin)
It’s probably the Syrians or the Iranians or the Lebanese or the Houthis
Or some other filthy rabble that need gassing.
Good evening.
Thank you
Those daft ‘protesting’ slags who threw soup at the Mona Lisa…
It’s covered with bulletproof glass, you fucking mongs.
Apparently they were protesting about food poverty, so they wasted perfectly good food.
Of course, the irony just passed them by.
Twats.Send them back to their rubber room.
Shame on me … I insensitively referred to ‘Xmas lights’ in the nom, when the article states the stupid cunts left the WINTER lights on (?) pointlessly for hundreds of hours, .. I can be such a cunt! …