Before Gove bans all criticism of our nation’s institutions (a tacit admission of how fucked this country is, perhaps?), i would like to nominate the DWP, or DWWPWP (Don’t Worry, White People Will Pay).
Seems as though a decade after sending the disabled to their doom during the recession, the DWP are in crisis, understaffed through the sheer malice the staff are being told to demonstrate, leaving to depression, sickness and resignations. in Oxford’s own jobcentre 15 out of 23 staff quit in year, unable to cope with a sudden surge in cases. (That’s Oxford, not Middlesbrough, Southend or Newport.)
What is it that is causing this crisis with our social security apparatus? The left claim its cuts and staff wages falling far behind the cost of living?
Perhaps its the general increase in ailments due to lockdown and recurrent respiratory infections and excess heart problems across society?
Perhaps it’s – i don’t know – boats and those carried in them?
Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime
The turnover of staff in all government departments is worrying as it is the bright(er) ones who leave.
I am sure that many of us have had tortuous dealings with clueless buggers at HMRC. I had to get my MP involved last year after not hearing back from HMRC after making a formal complaint. Their response was that they did not realise that I was making a formal complaint despite me sending the letter to their complaints department!
Okeydoke pig in a pokey!
Now then job seekers have you all got your pens?
Today’s restart will be about motivation.
Motivation, hardwork, punctuality,
All assets that we at the Department of work and pensions know fuck all about.
I’ll be working from home the rest of the month so you’ll have to sanction your own benefits.
“Now, we’re all going to do job searches and make CVS on computers, which are machines filled with micro chips. No, not the sort you have for your tea every night.”
I’m impressed that you got assistance from your MP Guzzi. Round here our MP in common with our local councillors doesn’t even acknowledge receipt of any communications from the plebs. I guess that’s what we get for living in a safe seat.
Even the DWP know work doesn’t pay..
Get on the bennie train to lazy town.
This country is a basket case..
People my age (51) and younger have jack shit hope of any kind of state pension, despite decades of paying in.
What’s the betting that the government will start pilfering private pensions to pay for sponging immos?
That dour one eyed Scottish cunt brown already did that to private pensions in 1997.
Pretty much ending final salary pensions.
The jock cunts first budget, slipped in under the radar nobody noticed.
The pension committee’s of trade unions did and warned it would kill final salary pensions.
They were ignored..
Carry on working, sucker’s….?
A very animated woman told me all the immigrants coming over were mostly men of fighting age who were coming here to act as sleeper agents, whose purpose was to fight those who opposed the government. I felt this was quite far fetched, but it can’t be any more far fetched than what the two headed monster / Britannia’s next deadbeat boyfriend comes out with these days…
There is a miracle cure, it’s simple, cut fucking benefits and increase the personal allowance to £20K
The long term sick would be back in work within a week and the lazy bastards who chose not to work would be dusting off their CV
2024 will see arise in inflation because the fucking rag heads are causing trouble with commercial shipping in the Red Sea, don’t worry the UK are going to get tough, just like they have with the small boats. ?
The freezing of the personal allowance is a scandal. Figures from the IFS show that in 1991 3% of workers were on the higher tax rate, this year it will be 11% and the estimate for 2028 is 14%.
Brought to you by a Conservative government.
Socialist disguised as Conservative ?
I have right wing tendancies but am generally middle of the road. Compared to this fucking government I am the BBC definition of far right.
Of course it’s totally fucked,when the politicos decide its time for a “crackdown” on the uncontrolled spending on welfare and the immense additional costs of an army of pen pushers all they do is add more complexity to a bureaucracy of galactic proportions.
It’s been growing without restraint since the 50s and the benefits system is a serious disaster..nobody has the guts to target the money on those genuinely ill so it’s a free for all.
I know people while worked there and it’s a toxic environment,most managers are only interested in gaining promotion onto the corporate ladder with made up jobs whilst the staff dealing with the “rules” get hammered,it’s like an Indian call centre on steroids.
Anyhow it’s going to bankrupt the country,unless Liebor can find another way quicker.
Nest of Cunts.
The numbers of fucking lazy, sponging, bennies addicted cunts are, apparently, due to rise at a ate of over 900 per day for the next two fucking years!! No doubt exacerbated by the infinite numbers of immie scum washing up from the deserts. Later this year, we will be expected to vote for four more years of the same. Fuck off.
Good afternoon, everyone.
Half of whom will have washed up on the shore like rotten flotsam, bringing their filthy shitskin tribalist violence and grasping claws with them.
I receive 3 separate pensions related to the DWP. I’d give them all up tomorrow if it meant sending all the fucking riff-raff that’s landed on our island to their doom !
The fucking shower of shite ! The fucking bastards ! See what it turns you into.
I’ll work till I either drop dead or sickness stops me.
My private pension isn’t going to be anything to shout about,
Just what I can ferret away from prying eyes .
It’s a fuckin dogs life
And I feel very sorry for myself.
Oh well never had a pot to piss in my whole life should be fairly used to it,
But one does like to complain,
Ive still got that.
An a massive winky.
Cock of the North and COTY 2023
Doubtless you can’t wait to have that engraved on your tombstone.
In Neon and big gothic letters ?
It goes with the territory Mis. Big man big dick. But remember, little man all dick.
Meet the new head of the DWP.
He will get the lazy vermin back to work.
He he!
Evolution in action!
Saw this vid some while back, nearly fuckin died laughing….stupid fekkin kaffirs
I hate those DWP dole Cunts.
Right little nazi sadistic fucks.
Power corrupts and a little power corrupts little Cunts.
Once went to see the missus at work.
Her company had rented some office space off the DWP till the new offices were built.
I walked in and was all these doleys sat miserable and a woman behind a big desk.
MNC “Hiya, I’m here…”
DWP ” take a seat.”
MNC ” sorry, I’m not here for”…
DWP ” I’ve just told you.
Take a seat and wait”.
” Who the fuck do you think your talking to?
I’m not on the dole.
I earn fuckin double what you earn.
I’m here to see my missus!”
The cunt went purple with embarrassment much to the doleys amusement.
How the fuck does that attitude help the unemployed?
Pauline Campbell Jones was based on the various Job centre workers League of Gents’ Reece Shearsmith had to deal with when he was on the dole.
Its incredible how many women,in the UK in particular, look like comedians in drag.
Bravo Mis, just the sort of talk those cunts need. The last time I had to apply, I was told I didn’t have enough contributions. I’m sorry from 1974 to 2019 is more than 35 years. Or records show you do not have enough contributions. One phone call to the DWP and a like minded lady said you have 41 years in. Can you send an e mail to the job centre? Yes no problem, sweet as sugar next time. CUNTS
when i got made redundant from the coal mine that Margaret Thatcher (the bitch) shut down. i came out of my house to go and sign on, my next door neighbour came out of his house at same time, he said he was going to sign on so i offered him a lift, we arrived at the dole office and waited. When they called my name i went to the woman behind the desk who informed me they had got me a job, when i asked where they said it was in a local factory, i said i am a coal miner and this is my first time here i dont want to work in a factory, i said give the job to my neighbour who has never had a job, to which she replied ho no we know Mr ********* he is unemployable. I then walked out gobsmacked.
Exactly CuntyMort.
You treat a man like shite for long enough he’ll start to believe its true.
Not everyone who steps through the door will be a benefit sponge.
Men who’ve been made redundant,
Skilled men with something to offer,
Men who took pride in their profession and work.
There through no fault of their own.
No need to treat a man like that.
Thought I’d let you know Mis, that the DWP consist of, weekly retirement pension. You get more for working hard like me. DLA a monthly disable living allowance for life. WFP, annual winter fuel pension of only £500. Plus I have a private pension for life. No love on the dole for me, unless a lady wants to come and spend it with me.
The public sector is a fucking farce. I spent 10 years in it. Sick days for fun. Work from home. Timescales in months that would be days in the private sector. No proper management or accountability. Bullet proof pensions. And to cap it all, a knighthood for whichever timeserving incompetent cunt heads the dept. And the DWP is far from the worst case.
I see one the DWP higher-ups is getting a gong this year.
Another case of failing upwards.
From today, I’ve decided never to see another black face as long as I live. Were I live is easy. There aren’t any. Its the fucking telly l have the problem with.
Afternoon SS…you’re moving to Bradford? No black faces there…plenty of scummy brown ones though.
Hi Thomas,
Used to live in Bradford, Manchester before any blacks appear anywhere. The ones you saw were the working white man covered in coal dust, after a hard days work down the pit shaft.
Fuck me, it is the first day of 2024 and fuck all as changed.
No shit Sherlock…….
Stop Press. They’ve sent all the illegals back. We can always dream.
when i got made redundant from the coal mine that Margaret Thatcher (the bitch) shut down. i came out of my house to go and sign on, my next door neighbour came out of his house at same time, he said he was going to sign on so i offered him a lift, we arrived at the dole office and waited. When they called my name i went to the woman behind the desk who informed me they had got me a job, when i asked where they said it was in a local factory, i said i am a coal miner and this is my first time here i dont want to work in a factory, i said give the job to my neighbour who has never had a job, to which she replied ho no we know Mr ********* he is unemployable. I then walked out gobsmacked.
I worked at DWP for a fixed term contract back in 2009/10, in the tail end of the Brown government and the start of Cameron’s. Shittest job I’ve ever done. We were given 5 minutes to run through a customer’s job search, with no gap in between – so that’s 5 minutes to call out the name of the person being seen, wait for them to come over, check they’re the right person, find them on the system, check what jobs they’ve looked for since their last time, do a job search for them, and record it all. It’s not long enough to give them any real help or service. We were under constant pressure to find ways to exclude them from being paid – anything from faulting their job search attempts, to them being late for their appointments (even though we were frequently behind ourselves in seeing them), which then riles the customers up so that abuse against frontline staff is commonplace. Everything was measured against ever shifting targets, and management were fucking useless and lazy – really couldn’t figure out what any of them did. My last day there was the happiest of the whole experience.
In my opinion, you could improve the Civil Service by slashing management positions by 75%. For ever frontline person in the CS, there’s about 8 management levels above. The CS is basically run for it’s own benefit at this stage, and desperately needs an overhaul.
That target culture gets everywhere, and has never worked.