Azeem Rafiq (4) – Two-Faced “Victim”

(The header pic showing his apology for antisemitic remarks back in 2011 – Day Admin)

Well, just as we had thought that we had heard the last of this‘apparent Jew hater’ he has made the BBC News Website again.

The appointment of a new CEO at near bankrupt Yorkshire CCC has upset our Rafiq chap. It would appear that the new CEO is the only person able to bring sufficient life lolly to the Yorkies but this is not enough for Rafiq. No, the new CEO will just encourage more racism in the club.

Well folks, make your own minds up but I do not want to hear any more pearls of wisdom from Azeem.

Sorry Admin but as ever I’d like a fellow cunter to provide a link.

Nominated by: Guzziguy

BBC News

With supporting link provided by Herman Jelmet and follows up with this

Just to add to this nom

Azeem Ragiq really is a repugnant little cunt isn’t he.

It would appear that Colin Graves apology doesn’t go far enough for poor Azeem.

Interestingly enough – in amongst Graves grovelling, he points out that any form of discrimination, based on race, ethnicity or any characteristic for that matter, is unacceptable.

BBC News 2

Maybe it’s time then that Rafiq himself was called out for his previous antisemitic remarks or on his fat shaming of young players.

He should pipe down and fuck off.

Howzat you carpet kissing trouble making little creep.

(Here’s more info on his Anti-Semitic rant/apology that the MSM aren’t too keen to dig up now – Day Admin)


50 thoughts on “Azeem Rafiq (4) – Two-Faced “Victim”

  1. Antisemitism is dead fashionable now!
    Film stars, celebs, footballers,
    All at it.

    No one’s sticking us for the Jews.

    We need a big pop concert to raise awareness.

    Guns n Noses
    Tight said Fred

    Bit of Hasid house?

  2. There are anti-semite fuckwits and then there is this cunt. Small wonder the BBC has taken up residence in his entitled arsehole.

  3. I thought this smelly, cousin fucker had fled this country in fear of his life?

    So what’s it got to do with this square headed racist who’s in charge of Yorkshire cricket.

    Let’s hope a camel tramples this prick to death.

  4. This from the BBC….
    Speaking to BBC Yorkshire, Rafiq said: “I’ve woken up this morning to a barrage of abuse – racist, Islamophobic – this is what [Graves’ return] empowers.
    As ever, the BBC offer no evidence of the abuse this vile cunt claims he’s received.
    He alleges it and they make no attempt to prove otherwise.
    He’ll have a fucking job getting Graves sacked now won’t he?
    At last, some good news.

  5. The two faced short arsed cunt didn’t realise we’d find his vile antisemitism, which is far worse than what he has to put up with.

  6. A lot of salt and Jeyes Fluid is needed to pour all over this oversized slug.

    Amazing, how all this fuss at YCCC was kicked up. Just because this slippery slimy oozing smear of slime has gone squealing. We only have his word for it that it actually happened, and I don’t think it did. And, even if it did? A bit of name calling? Banter? Kids who get bullied at school go through worse than that every day, and they handle it better. A grown man and a supposed professional doing the tell teacher routine? He’s a fucking blancmange and a dirty stinking despicable grass. An acidic filthy shit stirring nark.

    But, just because he’s a Dickie Daki, he gets automatically believed without question. This odious corrosive curried turd has caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people. And hopefully one day he will get what he deserves.

    • Only automatically believed by the brown eyed boy lovers at the BBC Norman, any far minded individual would have immediately smelled a rat.

      A similar stink to what they cook in those curries.

  7. YCCC was a club with lengthy, solid traditions and this little tanned fuck-wit wrecked all of that in a few years.
    Average player and a sneaky racist cunt. Fuck him and his interbred family.

    • MCC, that’s what happens when you start letting “others” into what was previously a Yorkshire man’s club.

      They don’t rise to your level of honesty, decency and fair play, they drag you down to their level of hypocritical behaviour, tarnishing all they touch.

  8. Rafiq is a cunt just like the rest of the P*ki scum.

    What a fucking mess this cunt caused over a bit of name calling, I wonder what he thinks about his Muslim brothers issuing death threats and calling for Jihad, oh yes, the Muslim code says you can’t criticise another Muslim.

    I see the AFD are causing a bit of mischief in Germany, deport the fucking lot seems a fairly sensible policy to me.

  9. A million pounds this cunt laughs his greasy head off about the shitshow he created when he’s sat in the mosque with his fellow vermin.

    A perfect example of the disaster that is immigration,grasping savages turn the country into a wretched cesspit.

    Cricket bat softening then Oven.

    Repeat until til Britain tidy again.

  10. I’ve been in Jewish houses an I’ve been in Pakistani houses.

    Jewish houses don’t stink.

    Jewish houses have this little thing on the door called a Mezuzah.
    It brings a blessing/ good luck or something?

    But it’s a bad idea in today’s climate.
    If I know it’s a sign of a Jewish household…
    So will their enemies.

  11. A poisonous slanderous shit stirring paki turd.

    That’s what my old auntie May said about him, and she was right.

  12. Slimy, oily little cunt. Cant make the first team so possibly remembers a hurty word from a decade ago.

  13. Oh for the day when the indigenous English man turn on these cunts.

    We need a British version of the AFD.


    • I’m in Arch!
      Incidentally did your spirit happen to notice which way that slippery cunt, Tuco went?
      I could do with them bags of gold for my own self.

    • Wasn’t that the EDL?
      Britain First?
      National Front?
      That new one focused on Ethno-nstionalism the zBBC and Guardian are is so much dissonance over?

      ‘ they’re dangerous and pathetic at the same time… hahaha… Being racist and yet eating fried chicken with their grubby families… is that them at the door, Fenella?… How did they find Guildford?.. hide the Bovril’

  14. Push him out of an RAF transport plane over the desert(lead shoes and no parachute). Silly sand rat.

  15. Reckon I could fill Unkle Terry’s oven many times over on a daily basis.
    Right chaps, we need diggers trees and railway track!

  16. ” Victim”, hah!

    Don’t be a gobshite cunt, then no-one will ” victimise” you, you thick twat.

  17. Even if I knew nothing about Israel just the people who support the Palestinian cause would convince me to support Israel.

    Awful cunts, either lefties or the pyjama community.

    You can know someone by their enemies,
    Well done Israel ??

    • They poked Wallace in the ear, with a horses-head handle.

      Unsurprisingly, he didn’t like it!

  18. Being a fan of the great game of leather and willow, I saw that the appointment of Graves had this obnoxious horrid little cunt crawling out of whatever hole he was in.

    Of course, the race-baiting cheerleaders at the fucking BBC were all over it like a rash for all the wrong reasons as far as they are concerned.

    Shame they didn’t delve so deeply when investigating the original ‘claims’ most of those players and coaches that were ‘charged’ told the ECB to fuck off as there was no case o answer and some successfully sued for unfair dismissal.

    Still, I’ve got Radio 5dead on now, they are banging on about racist chanting at Coventry and in Italy this weekend at footballl games and now there’s a wimmins on having a go about Joey Barton and how she left the country.

    Right, let’s go find some American Football. There’s a way to spend a windy Sunday evening.

    • A few things have come to light about Eni Akulo.
      Daughter of a Nigerian MP who studied law in the UK but decided to put that career on hold while having a bit of a kickabout. Who could afford to do that?

      Also thought people shouldn’t have been furloughed during the pandemic.

      It’s okay if daddy can pay for you to kick a ball about but not if your business is shut down and you need help.

      Defintely one of the new breed of our out-of-touch establishment: clueless brat, regardless of race-gender-sexuality. Went to study Law but completely innumerate. Now whats to bring legal proceedings against Mr Barton.

      It’s not what you know…

      • I am no fan of Phil Neville, but the trouble that Eluko caused him…

        With or without Joey Barton or anybody else, Eluko is trouble with a capital T. A chippy ‘the world owes me’ cunt who will play the race and sympathy card whenever she doesn’t get her way.

        And, if she’s so proud to be black, why didn’t the cunt choose to play for Nigeria?

  19. Is this an Afgan cunt or a Pakîstankî cunt? I can’t tell, but even his photograph stinks of shit.

    • Indeed Captain our Great Leaders have allowed the third world’s drains to be emptied into our country.

      It’ll be no surprise when they get a new Hitler as a response.

  20. I loathe how the BBC refer to the slug Rafiq as a ‘whistle blower.’

    Like he is some kind of daring, risk taking spy from a Le Carre novel.

    When, in reality, he is a dirty sneaky snide little grass.
    A poison dripping, manipulative stirring piece of shit.

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