Are Cunts.
First time cunting, but this has fucked me off.
The ASA, Toyota, Youtube, and false heater adverts.
Apparently Toyota have had one of their ads pulled, as it showed off road vehicles, being driven off road, without ‘due respect for potential environmental damage’
At the same time, youtube is rammed with horseshit adverts about some mythical heater that can heat any size room in mere seconds, and you incur no significant electricity bill. what a load of wank.
Nominated by Eric Cuntman.
What a pity that some sad twat has nothing better to do with their time.
Good job I don’t work for the ASA, my response would have been fuck off, you whinging cunt.
Those heaters, EC, I wouldn’t have one as a gift, might as well have a skull and crossbones printed on the box with ” Fire Hazard” written in 3inch high letters beneath it.
One complaint, about off road capable vehicles being used off road?
Ad cancelled, the way of the modern world it would seem.
They needed more half breed quares in it methinks
You Tube is just one long continous commercial for tat that you don’t need or want.
Then don’t watch it.
Welcome, Eric. I have seen that “heater” advert where it is implied if you ut a candle under a terra cotta flowerpot………. load of horseshit. There is an even worse one where at the moment some obese Paki woman who talks though her nose like the late Clare Rayner tells her friend they will have to put a brand of teabag on the “family group chat” (what the fuck is that?), followed by a man with a long nose and idiot moustache gushing to his wife about the “new” teabag. Do advertising agencies really think the proletariat talks like that, about shit like that?.
There are some good “how to” videos by people who really know their stuff, but like ITV today, the owners don’t give a fuck what the content is about, they just want to turn it into a never ending advertising magazine.
There are a few good striptease acts on there though, which is the main thing.
Never seen the one with the big nose guy but I’m sick and tired of this stuff treating you like a midless shit heap who will buy anything.
I shit on their teabags and heaters sir.
New tea-bagging mr boggs?
Not been on porn hub again looking for Lisa nandys fun-bag.
Some good bushcrafters including this fine fella.
I am totally sick of adverts that are simply stuffed into the middle of something you are watching, with no warning. YouTube used to be great but it’s now a pile of shit and getting bigger and smellier all the time.
If you use an app called Smart Tube Beta, you’ll never see another and on YouTube.
You must’ve spotted throughout the day, it doesn’t happen to me. It would mean you watching similar to what I view.
The wankers who brought the complaint state ; Adfree Cities is a network of groups challenging corporate outdoor advertising and reclaiming public space for art, community and nature.
And they don’t like fossil fuels.
Jeez, the amount of ads I hate with good reason and they’d never take them down if I complained. E.g monkey whooping on Celebrations chocs ad.
Those mythical heaters are called fire place’s.
Great for getting rid of incriminating evidence and unwanted rubbish.
Like Carol singers and election canvassers.
YouTube is basically just adverts with occasional content.
Advertising appears to have new stringent rules.
There must be at least one sootie visibly present at all times
The advert must be pro Net carbon message
Use plenty of alphabet people.
Be loud/annoying
Be unfunny.
Patronise the potential customer.
Wonder if the Toyota ad was for a pickup?
I fell in love with a Toyota pickup parked outside the pub at weekend.
It was had a sensible brown paintwork not seen since the 1970s.
Big all terrain tyres❤️
Good first nom Eric ?
Morning MNC…was it Dick Fiddler in his Hilux?
Morning pal?
Don’t think so?
Didn’t have a gunrack in the cab.
YouTube are a bunch of coffee drinking, brown shoes wearing soi loving, virtue signalling tossers for sure. It’s a shame cos there is some good content among the crap, Mark Felton’s War Stories are excellent viewing.
I’ve noticed the option to ‘skip add’ button is disabled more and more these days, instead it is replaced with a helpful countdown bar, just so you know how long the ad has to run.
The worst adds are those with an AI generated voice that usual start with, ‘this device is taking the insurance/heating/cooking/car/clothes* industry by storm….
No it fucking isn’t you cunts, it just isn’t is it. It’s tat and no one is interested are they…
*delete as required.
And as I’ve said before, the biggest Cunt that advertises, Greg ‘let me tell you how I made a million, not by working 9 to 5, but for a few minutes at 5 to 9’ Secker, the millionaire currency trader. What a fucking dingbat with his home made videos shot on a mobile phone at arms length, or ‘discreetly’ in the general location of ‘somewhere he claims to be…. How do YouTube allow it????
that bloke is a very well known con man. just google his name. full of shit snake oil salesman
The way that ads should be made….
Ironically, a YouTube link.
HF.Our last,true comedy genius.
YouTube is indeed a cunt
The adverts on there are piss boiling to put it mildly.
The comments sections are increasingly full of AI bots as well (unless I’m just a paranoid cunt)
YouTube also closed my account once over because they obviously didn’t like the type of comments I was making.
That’s why places such as Is a Cunt are such a welcome safe haven for my bigotry.
However – it’s thanks to YouTube that I can watch all the old classic boxing matches and a lot of old football content.
Also things such as the Rod Steiger 1970 Waterloo are on there in HD (which I watched ad free through my telly recently) amongst some other old classic films from that era.
So YouTube is a cunt in a lot of ways but not as big a cunt as Gary Lineker or Owen Jones or Sir Lenny Henry.
Welcome aboard the good ship ‘Is a Cunt’ Eric Cuntman
Morning Herman, unless you count little Owen Jones YouTube channel and a company owed by Lineker produces The Rest is Politics with Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart.
Double cunt.
A happy belated Owen Jones is a Wanker Day to you.
It’s like the Boxing Day equivalent of ‘Owen Jones is a wanker day’
We celebrate ‘Owen Jones is a wanker day’ everyday in the Jelmet household.
Morning LL
They better remove all the agricultural content on YouTube as well then, with all those earth raping fuckers off roading with 400hp tractors and disrespecting the land by sticking a fucking great plough in it.
The lunatics are finally running the nut house.
If you beg my pardon for not trying to offend you. Adverts only occur if you watch shite. Obscure films and symphonic music don’t get interrupted. Its nothing to do with intelligence, l just like things of intellect. These subjects don’t get interfered with.
You make a good point sir. Can’t deny it.
However they will come for you eventually. To the Leftwaffe, everyone and thing is a target.
If they are gunning for me, they’re taking their time about it. An army of ants can be trodden on. I may have already done so without realising it.
If only this were true.
Videos of Prokofiev and Schoenberg both have adverts attached, as does Derek Jarman’s Wittgenstein.
That was only after 2 minutes’ search.
It doesn’t happen that quickly, you would’ve had to have stopped viewing shite for sometime before getting rid of adverts.
Define ‘shite’, or better still, what are YouTube’s criteria for ‘shite’?
Shite is something I don’t watch.
You must start watching sophisticated programmes for a long period of time before YouTwat realise you’re serious about what you view and then they might think about whether you’re reliable to leave you to think for yourself.
‘Shite is something I don’t watch.’
Another courtier’s reply.
Hopefully, the obscure French film noir remake of “Seven Brides for Seven,Brothers”, called “Seven Lesbian Munchers for Seven Anal Probes” will remain ad-free!
Not true Sammy, I was watching a symphony when an advert barged in with no warning; happened several times before I just gave up.
You have to listen to it more often, than the adverts will dry up.
My Headmaster particularly liked little ‘things of intellect’ and he definitely interfered with them, the dirty old sadist. Thankfully he died a painful death…
It’s owned by Google who have ruined it,of course.
The money mad lying cunts use enough electricity every minute to run Africa for a fucking month.
Fuck the cunts and fuck the brain melting deluge of arse piss they claim are adverts.
The hamshank biscuits want dunking in acid. The fucking annoying twats !!!
I find going off the beaten path, you get less interfered with. If watching the occasional youtwat shite, I get pleasure from an advert beginning and immediately stop it. Then allowed to watch what was intended, will appear. Sometimes it might take a few subliminal shite advert blocks from me, until they give in, knowing you’re not interested and will allow you to watch what was intended.
My job involves training apprentices and YouTube always had some helpful and informative videos.
Not any more.
Imagine trying to keep a room full of weed soaked teenagers engaged when fucking ads pop up randomly every couple of minutes.
And now most of the videos are accompanied by an auto generated voice with all the appeal of Cilla Black singing Nesun Dorma.
Well done lads. YouFuckedit!
If everyone stopped watching things that feed the gormless for one day, the YouTwat disease might go away.
You must’ve noticed if you watch certain items on yacunt. Similar shite will appear for your pleasure. Then the adverts will be falling over themselves to annoy you. Stop doing it. Educate yourself. This is going to get me into bother, but I’m just typing to help, I say sarcastically.
Why are making the same point over and over?
Your idea may have been quite correct a year or so ago but the adverts do crop up on the more high-brow and obscure subjects. It’s a bit hit and miss but they’re on there.
Probably better to invest in the hard copies than hoping an ad doesnt ruin your viewing and listening.
The heater that is taking the world by storm. 250 Watts just enough to heat a wardrobe.
Rest of the shit is on offer at higher prices than Amazon.
The only truth about it, is us getting hot under the collar about the lying bastards.
They may be cunts? but I love it watch what the fuck I want for as long as I want Music, films clips of films best bits. I hate wasting time with the boring bits. Cunts falling over into the sea or river. Nature storms, tidal waves wild fires. Fit birds doing something called shuffle dancing.. Brill that is. Moaning cunts funny cunts old sit coms. Honestly the list is endless.
And the best bit is I don’t pay the Bastard bollocks corp and single penny..
PS most Ads can be scrapped after 5 fucking seconds.
I normally go independent and ask the goggleyed cunt for permission on individual items and they oblige.
And not and. Treacherous bastard of a phone.
Advert you bastard.
I wouldn’t mind breaking into people’s houses to find out what they’d just been watching on ya’twat. That can tell you more about a person than the old fashioned third-degree down at the cop shop.
I don’t appease any fucker.
Sammy Scheidt of the Vinyl Justice Squad.
(didn’t have an advert, either – must be good)
Similar to the Bottom Inspectors. I like them.
I’ve seen all over the media the same old shite about a tiny plug-in heater that warms an entire room in no time. Bollocks. The advertising slime balls are obviously aware of the decades long fall in standards of British education and that these days most people haven’t got even a basic understanding of thermodynamics. That Miserable Northern Cunt must be well up on it though, in winter, wearing only a thin vest and shorts delivering used utility furniture all over High Peak in a wagon with no heater.
Those fucking mini heater ads are a cunt. By all accounts the things are fucking useless and a fire hazard to boot.
The thing about Ytube is that it’s actually a treasure trove of watchable stuff; films, classic shows and concerts, progs about history, science, art, music and whathaveyou.
Just have to endure the ads.
Morning all.
Can you imagine if it had porn on it? Your at the vinegar strokes and then an advert with Diane Abbott advertising chocolate fudge comes on.
The problem for YT is that they have to earn money in order to pay their most popular channel owners.
I don’t know how much money changes hands and on what basis (number of followers?) But the money has to come from somewhere and hence the annoying ads.
Personally I just subscribe to a particular channel I like and download their playlists using an called 4K Video Downloader. The clever thing with that app is that it strips out all the annoying ads during the download process.
The alternative is to do a Google and search for ways to block out YT ads – there’s a wide choice of vids showing you how to do it.
This the same fucking youtube that had/has no problem with gormless-looking ‘super influencer’ (christ what a species) mr beast putting a Lamborghini through an industrial shredder for popularity & views – 143M as I type (ergo more money for him & them)?
It looks (thumbnail) like a new car (I will not ever watch anything as fucking low brow as such ‘whoop whoop posse’ cuntage but am unfortunately aware of it existing) ; maybe it was a mechanical write-off beforehand, but when I typed it in their search bar to confirm I didn’t dream the ludicrous thing, … I see in the results apparently the cunt crushed another one in a hydraulic press… and even were they condemned cars, I’m sure there are less harmful or wasteful ways of processing them.
Nope. Whinge about the environment to appease the gormless, until there’s money to be generated *not* following your own ‘save the planet ‘ diktat…
Double standards and hypocrisy. Just another day ….
I listen to ralph vaughan williams ‘lark ascending’ or i listen to holsts ‘The planets’ on youtube with headphones whilst the wife snore her fucking head off, never had a problem before with Ads but they are slowly creeping in! luckily i use free ad block and don’t get bothered with them anymore great stuff!! did i mention that youtube are utter cunts.
Jyst search for
Paste in the URL and download a local copy to your own device.
Removes ads and it’s yours forever
Just keep an eye on the pop up ads in y2mate.
YT can go and get knotted.