Over the years I have found that the whole week between Christmas and New year to be one long bore fest of over eating left overs. Fuck all to do outdoors because of the weather and lack of day light. Rehashed shite on the telly. (fortunately I gave that up a while ago). And the urge, ( this must be avoided ), to visit friends and distant relatives that you haven’t seen for a while. There is a good reason you haven’t seen them it’s because they are cunts.
So why the 30th of December in particular?
It seems to be all of those things above but magnified 10 times.
Most of the left overs are not fit to eat even the dog turns his nose up at them.
TV schedules have run out of shite to put on by now you’d be lucky to watch some old black and white b movie.
The shops are full of Half priced cheese boards, Christmas puddings, selection boxes, turkey crowns, booze that no sane person would want to drink eg cherry brandy babycham egg flip and unsold bottles of Prosecco. Loons walk around putting this crap into their baskets.
Many restaurants are close awaiting the big night the following day as are many decent take aways that seem to be closed also on this day?
I and maybe many are fed up to the back teeth with it all by now and can’t wait for more “normal”, usual life to start again.
For me personally this day is the biggest cunt of a day out of the entire calendar. Too make matters worse This year I’ve a fucking date with the hospital.
The 30th of December is a cunt.
Nominated by Everyones a cunt.
It was my Mum’s birthday, woe betide me if I ever forgot. As a Scotswoman she always had a wooden spoon within reach.
Did she smack you on the todger with it when you got excited looking at a lady?
Only if she was a Papist or Sassenach.
Went to the shops yesterday for some essentials, bog roll, bread and some fresh cod. Sick of meat. Shelves were stacked high with selection boxes egg flip (does anyone actually drink this muck?) cheese and festive savouries. All reduced. Loads filling their trollies Stupid cunts.
Hope your trip to the hospital isn’t too serious, mate.
Be prepared to wait for hours on end while doctors concentrate on more “deserving£ cases seeing to all our newly arrived friends from the Kent coast!
Thanks pal. No more looking into my hearing vertigo.
Will be my 6 time at the hospital on top of 4 visits to the quacks
Honestly most of the time they just look and go hmmm
To be honest, I’m all over the place with the days this time of year.
Doesn’t feel like a Saturday today and everything’s messed up with some shops closed and others open and wheelie bin collections put back a few days and … I dunno, with the weather being shit and dark doesn’t help matters.
And then we have January just round the corner and people struggling to get back into their routines, while also waiting for their latest credit card statements to drop into their inbox and they shriek “HOW MUCH!!!????” as they realise how much plastic they have bent just to celebrate ONE DAY!!
The only good thing is re-watching “The Good Life” and Felicity Kendall’s fantastic arse and pert tits (especially those hard nipples in tight tops)
Back in 20 minutes….
Yum yum:
What an arse that girl had
Especially the episode when Kendall has a sore throat making love to the plants, would only have you away for 5 minutes.
If only 30th December was like 30th February, which just breezes past so fast I never even notice it.
Anybody really depressed on December 30th, if they are in hailing distance of Soho should head on down to the Steaming Pussycat Striptease Club, because it is family weekend. Today and tomorrow lovely Lisa Nandy will be holding afternoon masterclasses in tassel twirling, and the Steaming Pussycat will be holding open auditions for new talent, so if you or your wives or girlfriends have at least a 38 DD bust get down there. Lisa, of course will be topping the bill each evening and will drop the lot.
Fun for all the family. Retired artistes will be signing autographs for all those customers who remember them from their 1950s and 1960s – Margaret Beckett will be there on Saturday and Ann Widdicome on Sunday. For the kiddies, they will be invited to motorboat Lady Nugee.
Lord Mandleson will be patrolling the mens lavatories and Eddie Izzard the ladies.
Music from the hot violin of Hilary Benn and Dominic Grieve’s Striptet.
The good news is admission is absolutely FREE.
It will, however, cost you 50 pounds to get out
Could be worse everyone’s, rasputin had a nightmare 30th of December.
Poisoned, shot, and then drowned.
Probably got the emperor a terrible Christmas present, socks I imagine.
Still he got a lovely send off..
For my Grinch self it isn’t even just about the 30th of December – it’s about the week before Christmas when all the Johnny-Come-Lately chucklefucks are doing their Christmas shopping lastminute.com style, walking under-feet and clogging up supermarkets, department stores and high streets.
Then there are the loud, loutish, lightweight drunk blokes who never drink except for special occasions like the office work night out so can’t hold their booze, then end up having a loud, early-morning street fight outside my house at 2 in the morning because neither of them managed to pull the office slag and they need to work off some testosterone.
Then all of a sudden at 11:59pm on the 25th of December…. it’s over; and what an anti-climax it always is, was and will be. But wait……. there’s more…… in the limbo which exists between Crimbo and New Years Eve, some people are bored senseless because they work in an industry which shuts down over this period, and then you have the retail, leisure and catering lackeys who have to work the whole way through.
But fear not – for on the evening of the 31st of December, factory workers, office workers and retail monkeys alike will gather together in pubs, bars, restaurants, hotels and houses to celebrate the passing of a dog shit year, seemingly oblivious to the fact that next year will likely be just as dog shit, if not more dog shit. Still though, at least 2023 wasn’t as wank as 2021.
The thing however that aggrieves me the most is the fact that for over a week, the country essentially stops functioning for no good reason and 3 out of these 8 days are bank holidays. The loss of productivity and inconvenience is a massive ball ache for those of us who don’t buy into such pointless, over-hyped, commercialised bullshit (at least not anymore).
Shit, this was a cunting all in itself: I probably should have posted it on the Nominations Page.
Good nom, but pros and cons to the 30th of December…
The fucking dustmen came early this morning – instead of the usual weekday. Bloody racket went on for so long that I decided to get up despite it still being dark.
Had the turkey buffet, the turkey sandwiches, the turkey pie. Mercifully. Mrs Twenty is putting the rest (yes, the rest ffs!) in the freezer for a nice turkey stew some time in January.
Now busy washing guest’s bed linen. Sheets and towels everywhere.
Soon be time to take down the decorations – which took bloody ages to go up and will take even longer to pack away. Maybe next year we will spend Christmas somewhere away, in the sun. However, we have been saying that for decades and never done it…
Still got beer left over, which is a bonus.
Rishi Sunak was on telly yesterday evening. Apparently he “supports” Southampton. What a massive cunt. Still, his desperation to show he is one of the people means the election can’t be too far off. He can go piss up a rope if he thinks I will be voting for his ‘party of all the cunts’. Wish I could vote for The Donald!
Good morning, everyone.
Off topic fellow cunters.
I don’t comment much on here, I get my entertainment by reading others opinions.
We lost my mum on the 28th due to respiratory illness, she was in agony on a resus ward but feisty as fuck to the end. Her comment to hearing her pious sister was coming to visit “naaah, I’m a bit tired” class lady she was.
But this site proper keeps me going through the grief and dark days ahead to the funeral. I do some proper laughing out loud to some on here. Keep it up troops, you really are greater than the sum of your parts.
Sorry for your loss Talbot ?
Cheers Mis, don’t ever stop cunting.
What Mis said mate.
Sorry for your loss, been there myself.
Cheers SDV, carry on cunting, this site is proper helping put a smile back on my face. My mum would have loved this site.
Sorry to hear of your loss Sir Buxomley.
Its tough at anytime of the year but Christmas is even shittier.
Chin up bud.
Cheers LL
My condolences, Sir Talbot. Losing Mum is as tough as it gets in my book.
Thanks for the commendation. It is good to hear that we are greater than the sum of our pants!
Cheers Twenty
My condolences too, Sir Buxomley. I lost a good friend just before Christmas, the funeral was on 27th this week. Not the best Christmas ever.
Thanks Paul. This site is ace.
Sorry for your loss
Condolences mate.
Losing a loved one, esp. at this time of year, is a bastard and no mistake.
Hang in there.
Thanks Ron, will do
Sorry to hear about that Sir Talbot.
My mum is the central figure in my extended family. Without her the rest of us would drift further apart.
This time of year is quite bad for the immune system; less sunlight,, less vitamin D.
Thanks CP
I don’t like it either.
Dreading NY eve as always,
The turkeys all gone
So are the nice biscuits and trifle.
Now it’s bills, taxes,and trips to the tip.
I want to get out back to work.
Still, soon be Easter.
Easter!! You just triggered me…… the 2 benders with the cream egg….. need a shot of navy strength rum.
Tesco already have Easter eggs on sale.
I kid you not.
… so has ASDA.
Sometimes I wish I was back in the dark continent.
I blame Geldof.
There were hot cross buns all over the place in Sainsburys today, and sodding chocolate rabbits and Creme Eggs – no one has time to fart before the next thing is being shoved at you.
Easter eggs out already ?
Alright, MNC,
I’ve been back since the 27th.
Given me muvva ruined Christmas by reverting to being the self-centred old soak she is deep down from the 24th – 26th, getting back to the Peaks on the 27th and opening my laptop to crack on was one of the three highpoints of this fucking “festive” period.
The other was seeing my best mate yesterday after second months. The third was deciding to quit boozing.
Hope you and yours had a good one!
I started again at the beginning of this month after 18 months off. Didn’t feel any different, didn’t lose any weight, not got any more money, wondered why I’d bothered.
It’s a dirty grey cunt all right.
I don’t even like mince pies..
And “New Years Eve” can fuck right off n’all..
Just another day, do with it what you will, don’t let the calendar dictate.
Me, I’m just going to treat it like any other day.
Same here, xmas, new years eve and Jan 1st are just any other day to me.
Cheer up, all!
Don’t forget, you’ve got the 13 week month that is January to look forward to!
Bah, humbug to it all.
Morning JP,
I’ve hardly touched my Christmas drinks.
I’m going to save it for later.
Got a few bottles of Newky Brown, cans of Boddingtons, and a unopened bottle of Jack Daniels!!
I’ve been quite restrained this Christmas ?
I’m hoping tomorrow brings heavy snow or a Stalybridge tornado to keep the noisy cunts indoors.
That’ll distract them from fireworks!
Nowt like your roof blown off to focus the mind
Off topic –
We have sent a naval warship out to calm the situation in Guyana,
President of Venezuela Nicola Maduro warned the UK not to mess with Venezuela!!!
Look you cunt,
Flexing your muscles you Bob Carolgees looking motherfucker.
We will do what we want.
We’re the British Navy.
We used to rule the seas.
We aren’t scared of you or your shithole country.
Bunch of lisping tight underpant wearing south American puffs.
We should shell the coastline for his impertinence!
Carpet bomb the cunts.
Then see if Argentina want a go.
Comes to something when a D list bunch of cunts like Venezuela square up to us.
They are nearly as broke as us!
That Maduro is the image of Saddam Hussein, executed 30th December 2006, so not such a bad date after all. Ok, he might have kept the extremists in check, but he was still a cunt anyway.
With only Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice having any truth above them and possibly Guy Fawkes night, all the other made up events should follow each other in a weeks worth of daily shuffling along, to get them over and done with.
King Jugears “honours list” is out.A joke.Handing them out as if they are sweets.Chyck him in the festive oven please Unkle.
Chuck.Stupid keyboard.
I have more respect for those who turn down such shite (John Cleese and David Bowie come to mind).
Exactly ?
Michael Eavis is getting a knighthood. Shows you just how anti-establishment that wankfest is.
Today is just one part of the waiting game days between the buffoonery that’s just gone, before it commences again this weekend. That’s why I’d prefer all made shite to be clamped together and have it all done and dusted in one fell swoop.
Christmas is alright, but I fucking hate New Year, and all the mawkish sentimentality it generates.
Can’t be over soon enough for me.
Morning all.
I’m normally in bed by 9 trying to avoid listening to the fucking fireworks. Some round here are still letting the bastards off at 2am, the pissed up cunts.
Same as me.Noisy shite hawks.
I’ve been back at work since the 27th – even at the weekend I’ve got a few bits for various people to finish.
I hate this sitting around being a vegetable period. If I have no physical or mental exercise for more than three days, I get really fucking weird.
Plus I can whack ’em with a great big invoice for overtime on Jan 2nd! ?
I can watch the New Year fireworks display from my bedroom window, but can’t be arsed. At least I didn’t have to use earplugs during Covid.