Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF)

A smoke and mirrors cunting for SAF (recycled and refined chip oil) and we may as well throw in Virgin for good measure.

Today the first transatlantic flight has taken off using SAF (Sustainable aviation fuels), the flight is jolly for a selected bunch of cunts including Mark Harper, so not even a true commercial flight, in other words pointless.

SAF has 80% net zero over its lifecycle, the plants absorb CO2 and after refining and transport burning the fuel emits the same amount of CO2 as was absorbed by the plants.
Maybe just put plants/trees in the ground that will continue absorbing CO2 for years/decades and burn fossil fuels that cost less than half the cost of SAF.

Why Virgin, well who else other that Richard Branson would waste expensive fuel on a fucking jolly for his mates.

BBC News Link.

IATA Link.

Nominated by : Sick of it

47 thoughts on “Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF)


    Sorry to jump in so quick, but this is rather urgent.

    If you’re using Google Chrome as your web browser on any of your devices, make sure it is up to date as there are some potentially dangerous exploits leading to ransomware attacks in older versions.

    To find out what version you’re using, click the 3 vertical ellipsis at the top right of your browser; click Help and then click “About Google Chrome”

    From here it will tell you the current version. You need to be on at least “120.0.6099.130”. (Usually as soon you get to this page Google will automatically update your version followed by a “Relaunch” prompt)


    • I support the move towards chip fat used in commercial airlines and will be showing my support by going the chippy more often.

      The Green party suggestion of using windup clockwork to power aircraft also needs looking into.

      • I believe the Green Party policy is that aircraft should only be used in emergencies, such as ferrying Caroline Lucas between Britain and Australia to visit her relatives.

      • Agree 100% CM. Don’t apologise for looking out for us Techno. I doubt anyone will complain. If they do they can fuck off.

  2. Were the trolley dollies serving cod and chips cooked in the fuel tanks?
    Or perhaps it was fuelled by Branson’s jizz, squeezed out whenever he remembers he pays no tax on his millions.

  3. I can only imagine the inside of the plane was chock full of oily characters spouting bollocks about the environment.

    So the benefits of the exercise was nullified..

  4. I’m waiting for the battery planes to fall out the sky….cunts.

    Gimme loads of pistons, noise and oily smells any day. EV’s are for sheeple cunts who believe cunts

      • Agree Chuff. Surely the point of F1 is the spectacle an important component of which is the noise. Who wants to listen to big sewing machine motors being quietly thrashed?

        If you fancy flying behind a piston engine these days you should give light aircraft a go. Unpressurised, no power assistance and the engine thrashing away just in front of you. Like your car instant throttle response, much more fun than the six or seven seconds delay with a jet. Incidentally, if you have an older car i.e. one without a catalytic converter you can run it on the petrol light aircraft burn. It’s labelled 100LL and is 100 octane leaded. In your non-cat car your engine will start more easily, run more smoothly, develop more power and have improved fuel consumption. Also your exhaust valves will live much longer! Unfortunately it will poison a cat in short order. Only other point is that it doesn’t go well with synthetic lubricants. Gums the rings in the pistons so stick to old fashioned mineral oil.

  5. They can make them fly on methane if they want but if the Climate Crisis is real and not just another way to tax and subjugate the masses then surely travelling by aircraft needs to be immediately banned for everyone.

    Plus all non essential human activity that is wasteful and energy intensive,so all sports,Internet activity,television,holidays,cars etc also need banning at once.

    No? too much?

    But what about the polar bears and elves then?

    Yes I see,it’s all just virtue signalling bullshit by total cunts.

    Stick your chip fat tanker up your hoop.

      • Miserable pair of self-pitying bastards … shut the fuck up & book your flights, or just shut up.

        Your ‘sacrifices’ (yawn) are making, and ultimatrly WILL make … no difference whatsoever.

        What. So. Ever.

        You disappear individually “into the rounding” on a planet where several billion others aren’t quite the heroes (you think) you are.

        Also your whinging ways remind me of the following lyrics…

        ‘A job well done is not enough without a front page photograph” (Tiny Ugly World, Alice Donut, 1990)

      • How do people become such boring, spineless, pathetic bastards at such an early age Gloria? They want fucking with the rag man’s trumpet. No patience. Leading candidates for mockery and derision in my book.

      • 90.5 tones per person? The shit cunts can’t even get the facts right. The site they use say it’s 311kg each way. Not even a mistake in decimal points. They need fucking checking for this bull shit, brain washing shit!

      • (following on from Country Cunt)….

        90.5 tonnes is suspiciously close to the *total* fuel capacity of a (I picked at random)Boeing 777 (92 tonnes) … at risk of repeating myself, .. these cunts – all of them – jso, insulate Britain all the rest – they haven’t a fucking CLUE about anything except the banner of choice. Not an inkling of insight nor the capability (nor interest) to check facts for themselves… as long as they can get their useless selves 5 minutes of … fame (?) .. no, … notice … on the fleeting, worthless entity that is : the Internet.

        Let ’em. The short term attention of a million vacuous cunts doesn’t add up to much.

        I personally have done a few numbers this afternoon & can report that I’ve used up enough motor & aviation fuel combined in my lifetime to get to the MOON & back … and have made nary a difference on a global scale, .. and the galaxy, letalone the Universe …. they’re doing just fine too.

        Cunts like the 2 in the article just have no understanding of their insignificance on any scale.

  6. Surely large amounts of helium balloons attached to the wings of aircraft would provide a Net zero option to getting flights into the air?

    We could bring in Venetian gondola oarsmen as necessary migrants to steer us through the clouds!

    Green, low cost and offers those aboard the chance to have a ice cream and a singsong?

    ” Just one Cornetto
    Give it to me!”

  7. Horseshit. Burning fucking chip fat no different to kerosene. Utter green bollocks.

  8. I’ve always thought Phileas Fogg a truer visionary than the Wright Brothers.

    Huge zeppelins and dirigibles floating slowly above is much more eco friendly and aesthetically pleasing than those noisy Fokkers that Freddie Laker was so fond of.

      • Can’t make a omelette without breaking a few eggs.

        The Hindenburg was just a case of bad gas,
        German indigestion.

      • Besides.
        One incident.
        The Hindenburg.

        How about Lockerbie and 9/11?

        The pilots must of been pissed up flying like that.

  9. “Follow the science” is what these cunts will say to their detractors. But I would argue what science?

    We all know that science can be easily fucked about with to suit a particular narrative, as we saw during the Covid circus. And this climate change bollocks is no different, except that the genuine scientists with the genuine data to suggest CC in the West is utter bollocks, are being cancelled, told to STFU or belittled by lesser scientists more interested in a few brown envelopes stuffed in their pockets than do what they’re supposed to be doing!

    • They don’t need to. Branson has got an island of his own.

      If I had my own island I’d hire someone to say “de plane! de plane Mr Rourke!” every time someone visited.

  10. Scaling up the old balsa planes powered by a rubber band could be worth exploring, especially for frequent flyers

  11. Bollocks to all of them.

    Tonight we’re off to the local boozer for a big meal, dessert, a good helping of booze and lots of merriment with the locals.

    Fuck all these global virtue signalling cunts. I was hoping Branson would have fucked off into outer space with his previous half-baked projects.

    Anyway, it’s almost Christmas, and the wife wants to dress up as Little Red Riding Hood. And we want to watch a reboot of “Debbie Does Dallas” called “Angie Does Westminster”

    See you later, cunts (oh and don’t forget to update Google Chrome. Oh and be weary of anything to do with AI. I’ll go into detail about that in another nom come the new year.)

    • AI?

      If you’ll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal.

      I can call you Betty and Betty, when you call me you can call me Al.

      Is that what you mean??

    • No, it’s full-on jet fuel. They have the raw materials gushing up from their back gardens. They don’t give a fuck about emissions.

      They’ll be flying the Chinese tourists around the world and we’ll see their navigation lights as we fight in the community allotment for the last potato.

  12. Virginia on the rediculous.
    Decided to tick the Daytona 500 off my bucket list.
    Virginia 747 to Orlando packed with screaming kids and chav parents going for the Disney experience(more cunts).
    Why the fucking little brats weren’t at school….
    Fuck em.

    • ‘Disney Experience’ in Orlando?

      Plastic tat.

      My brother went with a mate when he was twelve.

      I’ve got a castle down the road from me, and there’s no performing arts gimp on peanuts with an oversized foam head saying ‘gawsh!’ and ‘shucks’.

      Fuck off, Disney.

      • Are you possibly the Critical Drinker CP?

        I know you aren’t exactly going to admit that you are and out yourself. But………..?

        As C+C Music factory once said – things that make you go hmmm.?

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