Having read this remarkably selfish, childish, deeply ungenerous interview – and I know – for the groupies in the studio audience, is a god O’Sullivan who can do no wrong, I have to say what a deeply unpleasant little shit he is. Take this especially egregious quote:
“I’m just hanging around so people don’t get as good as a career as me,” he said.
“If I could stop [Mark] Selby winning a few, and Judd winning a few, and Ding and [Neil] Robertson winning a few – just ruin their careers a little bit – that would be great. Sometimes that’s just a nice motivation to play.”
There you have it – a man obviously despite his great wealth, hates real life – who still thinks he is a child to be humoured, and given into, who can´t stand losing, and, because he is unhappy himself wants to make others unhappy.
The man who constantly witters on about how much he dislikes snooker, Ronnie, the reluctant winner, Ronnie with his faux modesty, Ronnie the man who longs for retirement, Ronnie whose brooding presence and impassive disdain is clear when his opponent is scoring, Ronnie with his dreary bored voice. Ronnie the total arsehole.
If he really is as bored as he says, why doesn’t he do us all a favour and retire as he has been promising or threatening to do for the last decade. He isn´t a ¨sportsman¨, he is a boring little egomaniac.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs.
Snooker would be so much more entertaining if they played on rollerskates.
And playing on in a game you despise just to ruin their careers, seems like hard work.
Just go down the tonya harding route and bust a couple of elbows.
Considering how much money they earn, they all look so miserable.
Ronnie is easily the best snooker player there has ever been.
Steve Davis and Steven Hendry did not have the quality of opposition that Ronnie has had.
To be that good for so long takes a special type of distain for fellow competitors.
I quite like the cut of his jib.
I also like the way that he shows his obvious annoyance when having to co-present with a split arse that knows fuck all about the game.
Not a cunt, in my opinion.
He pisses of Barry Hearn who is the cunt, Barry Hearn who ruined Higgins and White. Barry Hearn is a nob head. Well done Ronnie. But I do see the accusations point. Ronnie is just looking for something and it’s hard to find for him. I’m glad he winds up Barry Hearn and Snooker. I’d love to see someone do a 147 in under 5mins. He hasn’t had a pleasant childhood and accomplish what he did without much help. He’s late forties now and you’re allowed to be a cunt by then.
At least he’s more entertaining than the usual sports automaton’s.
I’ll never forget the interview he gave loudly eating an apple, knowing it would drive the sound man mad.
I think he holds the media in healthy disdain more than his opposition.
He most probably is a cunt, but as long as he’s not lecturing on climate change, I’ll live with it.
@wcbogs, you forgot to mention the in your excellent cunting, Ronnie the dirty cunt who sits there picking his nose whilst waiting for his turn at the table. Disrespectful piece of shit.
Funny you should mention that Jill, I nearly did mention it. I actually doubt he really is the “greatest player ever”, but he is no gentleman like Mark Selby (who had a equally bad childhood to O’Sullivan). A friend of mine went to see him once when he was playing Judd Trump and on that occasion he was scratching his backside during the match. I am surprised he doesn’t get his adoring fans in the audience to do that for him.
Possibly the only person who both is and isn’t a cunt.
Anything he does to take down Selby (the modern day Peter Ebdon) is justfiable.
With his weird mannerisms and facial spacciness, is he not some sort of high functioning autistic?
He lived local to me until recently,seeing him driving around,I can assure you he’ll not be lecturing anybody on climate change any time soon.
Great player but does come across as a bit of a dick sometimes.I think these sports folk run out of things to say very quickly in interview.
Any cunter ever fucked a bird on a snooker table?? Just wondering?
I haven’t but one Sunday in the miners welfare during the strike a stripper gram turned up did her turn then let several lads pot the brown and screw back for the pink.
Yuk. I was in my 20 s and would not have gone near her for owt.AIDS had just become fashionable. Didn’t stop several in their 40s.
Ronnie. Best there has ever been. Cunt ? Probably!
“Any cunter ever fucked a bird on a snooker table??”
Sadly I have never met Angela Rayner. I am sure she would be up for it.
Men pay handsomely for her favours – you wouldn’t get much change from a fiver.
On a pool table, not a snooker table.
Was it Sarah Greene of Going Live! fame?
I never heard of that but Christ! I wish it had been.
I learned of it from somebody on here several months ago.
Having been in the audience during one episode of it’s successor, Live & Kicking in 1994, I can tell you I was simultaneously dismayed and aroused.
Ronnie Kray stuck a bayonet through a Maltese gangsters hand and pinned him to the table. Does that count?
I’ve just thought of something cunty…he’s totally in bed with the dog-eaters.
When I watch snooker, I don’t want to see some spotty 20 year old chınky. Like every other facet of life, fucking tiddly-winks are elbowing their way in to this most British of sports, the yellow bastards.
Was thinking the same. I’m sure after a few more years of intense training they’ll be dominating the game. They’ll get shot if they don’t
I haven’t bothered watching snooker in over a decade probably because a lot of it has moved over to Sky and I can’t be arsed with that or the diversity or the wank commentators/pundits.
As for Ronnie. He’s a bit of a cunt I suppose, but I guess he’s bored out of his mind with his “job”, has reached the top, become No. 1, won trophies, earned millions and has plenty of adoring fans and media attention.
With all that in mind I guess he is just going through the motions now, and perhaps like to throw in a bit of controversy in order to spice things up a bit and stir some shit within the inner sanctum of the snooker community.
He’s a fick cunt. If he dunt do snooker, wot will ‘e do? The Stupid Likkle fick Cunt is so fick he can hadly speak.
Snooker and darts…. fucking boring cunts. Fuck off.
not convinced as to this cunting.
he is taking the piss out of the wpbsa and barry hearne and made it clear he wont be one of their puppets. for a guy at his age to still be world number one after 30 years and they still need him to draw the crowds rather than him needing them tells you how poor the rest of the competition are.
yes, there may be better ways of wording what he says, but the only way to get rid of him is to beat him….and they cant at the moment at least
yeah, when he was reported as saying that he wanted to ruin other player’s careers I assumed automatically that he was just taking the piss. It is such a ludicrous thing to say, I’m sure he had a twinkle in his old gyppo’s eye.
It appears some people have had a sense of humour bypass.
Pub games on the telly? Shove halfpenny would be an exciting addition. Then there could be that thing where you flick as many beer mats up off the table and catch them. Fucking brilliant; but would have to be streamed live to allow the audience of drunken twats to use their betting apps. Fucking oil sheikhs would soon be investing in giant beer mat flicking arenas. Cunts at the BBC would only show fucking highlights because they couldn’t afford live coverage.
Good morning, everyone.
Didn’t you see Indoor League on the telly in the 70s with Freddie Trueman ?
R. O’Sullivan. Now I know why he hasn’t shaved between the eyes. He’s got a Moroccan girlfriend, who go in for that kind of hairy stuff.
Can’t decide which is more boring – Golf or Snooker. ?
Michaela used to brighten things up a
She could chalk my cue anytime
Morning all
And polish your balls ?
Not half:
Classic milf
Oh dear me yes!
And those black gloves are a thing! ?
floG is the most boring of the two. How many miles of elastic is there wound up for that shit ?
They ought to wrap the plastic around a lump of concrete, that would make it more interesting. The shafts on the clubs would have to be made of 1″ diameter solid steel.
I’d say golf wins that one Cuntalugs. All sport is boring but way out in front must be cricket. Now there’s a game which will put you in a mood to slash you wrists in no time.
Good morning cunters.
Hmmm… think you could be right Arfur, unless of course it’s Crazy golf
Michaela is indeed a classic milf.
On my milf top ten list, along with Salma, Julia H-B, Polly Walker, Susanna Reid and Ann Widdecombe.
Pot the pink or the brown?
Ann Widdecombe ?????????
Good call on Polly Walker Ron. Looked great tackled up in Patriot Games.
He just became the youngest and oldest player to win the UK championship
He does come across as a bit nasty, I doubt he is a bad bloke but it’s his style I guess but his snooker record is incredible, longevity like Williams and Higgins.
Steve Davis made the point that he and Hendry did their thing over a decade, these guys have been at the top for 30 years.
One of my gripes with O’Sullivan is that he intimidates other players with his sniffy looks (and indeed sniffy noises) and the angry looks and stares whenever he isn’t at the table. Never a smile, or a gesture like Judd, the two Marks, or even Higgins give on occasions. Loathsome little man.
I remember snooker when Ray Reardon was Dracula and was coming to the end of his peak career.
At 90 he recently had a century break, he was and is a gentleman. Never really followed any snooker since the 80’s, I’m aware of Sullivan’s success and a little of his background story but I think deep down he knows hitting balls with a stick only carries so much weight outside the game.
Ray still with us at 90 ! Goes to show, poking red balls with a stick must get the blood racing.
‘I think deep down he knows hitting balls with a stick only carries so much weight outside the game.’
If only Polo players had that level of awareness.
Who the fuck plays polo that isn’t related to everyone else on the field, the audience and at least one of the horses?
A couple of school ‘chums’. (they were twats).
We’ll just have to wait for Ron going down the other side of the hill, before laughing our bollocks off. Would love to see the place smashed up after missing an easy pink.
I don’t know anything about snooker or Ronnie.
But he looks deeply Irish.
The sort who would play penny whistle in the Pogues or leave a unattended sports bag in a packed pub in the 80s.
Billiards is a proper game.
Great-uncle Fiddler once one won half of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan in 1925 following a game of billiards.
It’s the monobrow, Mis – dead giveaway
Fiddlers gone mate, let it go ffs.
We are here till three. Get Terry Griffiths out on the top table to bore us to tears.
Snooker has a lot to answer for, from the appalling chas and dave snooker loopy song. To boring cunts Davis and hendry droning on.
Should be banned for racist overtones, that white ball smacking the black,brown and yellow about..
I think that’s why I’ve always loved it Baz
Surprised the wokey loons haven’t picked up on it yet.
Give em time HJ, they are working their way through the alphabet..
A quick question are there any black pro players?
@barry, rory mc cloud, useless cunt that he is!
According to Black History Month, Alex Higgins was the last black person to win the World Snooker Championship. Cliff Thorburn was the other one, but he didn’t win.
Not sure about this one.
Personally I love the game of snooker and players like O’Sullivan are the reason why.
He follows in the line of Higgins and White as being a flawed character yet an incredible natural talent.
I can understand why people don’t like the fella because of the constant biting of the hand that feeds him.
I think it annoys him that the winners cheque for a snooker world title is the same as a weeks wage for an average premier League footballer. Especially when you consider the level of ability and consistency that he has shown for 30 odd years.
But I suppose that’s like comparing apples and oranges in the modern day of grotesque football excess.
Ronnie has always been very unsure of himself and his old man being a massive cunt and being banged up is probably more than just a bit to do with how he’s turned our as an adult.
There’s a good documentary out at the moment which digs a bit deeper into his state of mind and maybe helps explain some of his cuntish behaviour.
Judd Trump is the heir apparent so it would seem but he seems to lack the big game temperament of a Ronnie O’Sullivan at this point in his career.
I hope O’Sullivan sticks around for a good while longer, wins another world title and knocks Stephen Hendry off his perch.
Ronnie O’Sullivan – a bit of a cunt at times but generally not a cunt.
Good morning
Trump has massively underachieved given his talent. Yes, I know he’s won 26 majors but a player of his ability really should have a few more Triple Crowns.
I think Trump is a bit of a bottler.
Incredible player on his day – possibly as talented or more talented than anybody who’s ever picked up a cue.
But he just seems to switch off when it matters most.
The polar opposite of a Stephen Hendry or Steve Davis.
Exactly this HJ. He’s as talented as Ronnie but he doesn’t seem to have the ability to handle the pressure on the biggest stages that him, Selby, Robertson etc have. With the talent he has he should have 3-4 Triple Crown titles each. He does seem to have done better on that front recently though so hopefully the mental side of his game is improving.
Bends over a table for money.
I would say he’s less a cunt and more just honest. Of course you don’t want your fellow players to catch up to you.
Not sure about this one.
He’s clearly a talented player of the game, but with that surname I guess he’s a little oirish and I think lives in Essex. I also recall he either had a run in with, or maybe encouraged members of the travelling cummunidy…
Also, doesn’t his old man have a bit or a record? Apple, trees and all that. Allegedly of course.
As for snooker, it’ll be better if played by young ladies wearing netball kit.
zRonnie strikes .e as a bit of a bully, annd a big fish in a miniscule pond.
Anything that can be played in a pub is a game, really.
Sport also demands a certain level of physical exertion.
For this reason, all I care to know about snooker is;
It’s only a game, so/ put up a real good fight.
I’m gonna be snookering you tonight.
I’m famed for my aim, so/ you better believe I’m right.
I’m gonna be snookering you, snookering you tonight.
Ronnie O’Sullivan is probably the fittest and healthiest player that has played the game interestingly enough.
He took up distance running a number of years ago in his battle against mental health demons.
I would imagine his physical exercise routine has helped keep him in good stead as he nears 50.
When you consider Steve Davis was finished as a top player at 30 odd years old – it’s a remarkable achievement to still be the best in the world at 48.
Given his well-documented issues with bipolar disorder it’s remarkable that he’s won as much as he has. At the same time though he’d probably be nudging 15 world titles if those issues weren’t there.
I used to like watching Pot Black on the tv, Perrie Mans smashing the balls all over the place. Now it’s just boring.
If O’Sullivan wants people to think he’s a cunt, it won’t be difficult. And if he needs to convince the gayboys that he’s ready to suck cock, he should carry on pulling his face like in the picture.
Steady Eddie was a right boring cunt.
Tbf snooker requires an insane amount of skill and mental concentration. I’ve played a couple times before and fucking hell, it’s hard.
Even then, I still preferred Bullseye
I’d rather watch a snuff film of my own kids than watch snooker.
You into snuff films, are you?
You’re into the idea of snuff films starring your own children?
Who needs the 1985 black ball final when you can watch that instead.
I like the cut of his jib, being surrounded by cunts I’ll do whatever I can think of to fuck up their day, no matter how small.
It’s a beautiful feeling.