Nella Rose – A Celeb Apparently


A ‘where’s my foot? Oh it’s in my mouth’ cunting for ‘personality’ and ‘influencer’ Nella ‘the Elephant’ Rose. Fat gobshite Rose has just been booted off ‘I’m A Sleb Get Me Out Of Here’, much to my satisfaction.

Now let me state straight off that I’m no afficionado of this show, particularly as it’s hosted by those simpering, talent-free morons Ant ‘Half Man Half Klignon’ McPartlin and Dec Donnelly. Nevertheless the furore surrounding the presence of race-baiting simpleton Rose on the show hasn’t escaped my notice, given the amount of meeja coverage that it’s generated.

Clearly Rose is clued up on Nigel Farage’s views on immigration, as this extract from their exchange on the subject shows;

The Elephant; ‘you’re anti-immigration’
Farage; ‘who told you that?’
The Elephant; ‘er, the internet’

Fucking genius. What an intellect. They’ll be inviting her onto ‘Celebrity Mastermind’ next. I for one can’t wait.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

69 thoughts on “Nella Rose – A Celeb Apparently

  1. What is she influencing diabetes? Or abortion?

    Celebrity, the bottom of the barrel has been scraped so hard, it’s fallen out.

  2. People like this thick (easily influenced herself) cunt will be running this country (it seems they are already) soon…… only have to see the news homepage of the BBC nowadays and the stories as you scroll down resemble something from OK magazine.

    Blairs fault……easier and cheaper to bring everyone down to the lowest common denominator that it would be to pull people up from it.

  3. Let’s decant the pair of cunts for a start. Now for the main lunatic. With me only using sound when interested, I hear the shrieking of a chimpanzee in my head and this thing doesn’t know whether to have a shit, or a haircut.

  4. She’s influenced me into becoming more convinced that’s she is actually as thick as pig shit.

      • The weak minded and those that are the product of the state education system since 1997 Ron, I assume they must be as no right thinking individual would be influenced by these race baiters, grifters and chancers.

      • I can’t imagine this cunt influencing anybody about anything, other than not going anywhere near it.

  5. Let’s “decant” the pair of cunts for a start. Now for the main lunatic. With me only using sound when interested, I hear the shrieking of a chimpanzee in my head and this thing doesn’t know whether to have a shit, or a haircut.

      • Programmes such as these aren’t in my curriculum. They are thrust upon me due to YouTube and isacunt. Glad I don’t use sound, due to visuals being sickening enough for comment.

  6. They put her in there purely to wind up Nigel.
    But he wouldn’t take the bait.
    Acted like an officer and gentleman at all times.
    She got booted out early.
    Nigel had the last laugh, plus £1.5million.
    Fuck them.

  7. Where are the crocodiles that the aussies make such a fuss about when you need them?

    I’d watch an anaconda squeeze the tar out of it.

    Other than that,just another Mills creating a mess,as per.


    • Not sure that there’s a anaconda big enough to squeeze Nella the elephant down to a small enough size to swallow.
      Nothing but an uneducated racist, but that’s ok if you are black. Nigel try to have a conversation that it was about the pure number of immigrants and how the country could cope, but she reverted to the don’t listen and shout louder tactic.
      Thankfully the British public could see through that, proving the bulk of them don’t follow the work agenda.
      Evidently just makes us racist.
      Thick, ignorant, fat and loud. What’s not to like?

      • As an antidote, watch Ricky Gervais: “Armageddon'” on Netflix; he should be made an honorary CUNTER as he decimates every facet of the Woky Cunts’ agenda.

    • She’s scared everything off.
      Even the Huntsman spiders are asking ,’strewth, what’ve they brought over this year? Better head back to Naaracoort on the back of the ute!’
      ‘you’re terrible, Muriel!’

  8. “Internet says you’re rascist”. The quality of debate these days. Don’t bother using the Internet to find out the facts. Oven

    • I seem to recall reading that she also said something to Farage along the lines of ‘you should stay out of London’.

      A fucking immigrant to a native Englishman.

      Fat cunt.

  9. She’s lucky that gorillas aren’t native to Australia or Nigel could’ve bumped her off, legitimately claiming that he thought the camp was under attack by Mighty Joe Young.
    Then he could use his machete to fashion a nice new ashtray from one of Nella’s paws.

    • That thing is a Bunyip. I’m surprised that it didn’t eat the cast, crew, every native and crocodile within 50 kilometres. Imagine the state of the long drop after she’s had her morning dump. Nigel more than earned his £1.5 million.

  10. Isn’t this the same silverback that wanted to know what exactly Nigel Farage “had been doing in South London?”

    I didn’t realise we were at the stage where a white gentleman may need permission from ‘da communidee innit’ before venturing into certain parts of England.

    This woman is the exact type who accuses everybody and everything of being racist while wearing her own ‘ethnicity’ on her sleeve like a badge of honour.

    Like a lot of these fucking arseholes – if she’s so pro immigration – she can take a load of young dinghy men into her gaff.

    What a horror. She could be the poster child of Sir Kier Bendy knee Starmer’s next election campaign.

    • It’s partly ‘our’ lame-ass honky faults for allowing darkıes their “rights”.
      By which I mean cyclists, electric milkfloat enthusiasts, fans of Ed Sheeran, Jamie Oliver, Guardian readers, Channel 4 supporters. You know the type.
      All have their part to play in allowing Planet of the Apes to form right in front of our horrified eyes and we’re (decent Englishmen) probably almost as guilty for not standing up for our once-great England.

  11. Nigel Farages fee for I’m a celebrity was one an half million.

    Nella secured a deal for a bowl of fresh fruit and a tractor tyre swing erected at home.

    Your worth what your worth…

    Right turn Clyde.

  12. I’m impressed she can even use the internet.

    Just a shame it’s become so accessible, given what we see from TikTok etc.. I’d like it to be reserved for those with an IQ one standard deviation higher than the mean.

  13. Pity the Mills & Boon couldn’t have found one of these.!&&p=4c55ebee739202a6JmltdHM9MTcwMzYzNTIwMCZpZ3VpZD0zODg0NGY3YS0yYjg1LTZmNjEtMmIxNy01ZDFmMmFiZDZlM2QmaW5zaWQ9NTIwNQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=38844f7a-2b85-6f61-2b17-5d1f2abd6e3d&psq=most+toxic+australian+snake&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXVzdHJhbGlhbmdlb2dyYXBoaWMuY29tLmF1L3RvcGljcy93aWxkbGlmZS8yMDEyLzA3L2F1c3RyYWxpYXMtMTAtbW9zdC1kYW5nZXJvdXMtc25ha2VzLw&ntb=1

  14. Sorry for going OT (again!) but this word “Gerrit”, can anyone tell me where it’s from and what the fuck it means? Thanks all.

  15. I’ve only seen this baboon in stills and obviously no sound and she’s talked about a lot on here. What’s the fascination with this nonentity ? Do people enjoy getting annoyed. I don’t understand.

    I do know people for some reason leave the television on, even though they’re not watching it. I had to put up with it once after visiting relatives over a year and a half ago. We’re still not speaking to this day. I live alone and still don’t need it for comfort like some do. I enjoy not having the tv on when not watching it, it a pleasure when I do, its like bringing the cinema home.

  16. I thought she was really good in that film where she was sat on top of the empire state building, swatting at biplanes.

    Nice to see her back in her natural environment.

  17. No idea who she is, and I don’t bother watching the “show”

    However, it seems programmes such as this, and many other besides, enables Z-list nobodies to grab some 15 minutes worth of attention by baiting/grifting /whinging while playing the victim.

    These morons are so devoid of intelligence that going for the woke hotspots is all they can bring to the table. And they do so because its a trending bandwagon to be seen to be on. And if you call them out they play the usual cards and bleat on social media about how unfair the world is and blah blah blah.

    Ask them a really in-depth question such as why does modern day slavery still exist in many parts of Africa and the Middle East; or ask why Muslim women in the Middle East are treated like shit; or ask them about the history behind the Ukraine/Russia or Israel/Gaza conflicts, and they wouldn’t have a fucking clue beyond a sentence or two.

    Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones, starred in a pretty lame comedy film in 1985 called “Morons from Outer Space”. Well clearly those morons have landed and have assimilated an awful lot of people and turned them into thick cunts!

  18. Oh ! Look at the header pic, heehee ?

    It’s saying Dominohoohoo !! ??

    Oh no ! Stop it ! Hahaha !!! ???

    That monkey’s funny.

    Does it shit in phone boxes ?

    Get To Fuck.

  19. Went to the game yesterday, Ron.
    It was a good one, Nice to see Rasmus break his duck, and Villa played well.

    Still hate Ten Twat though.

    • A bit disappointed, but not unexpected. As I said on here yesterday, Old Trafford’s been a nightmare for Villa for yonks.

      The bad news for you is that it means Ten Twat will probably hang around for a bit longer.

      It’ll be interesting to see if Villa can stay the pace for a CL spot. Unai’s worked a miracle in just over a year, but there’s a lingering sense for me that he’s a couple of pieces of the puzzle short as yet.

      We’ll see.

  20. Partially off topic, partially not but just watching the magnificent Dambusters on c5 and apparently Guy Gibson had a dog called Trigger? FFS. Also a quick google search suggests that said canine had his headstone replaced at RAF Scampton in 2020. Discuss.
    Innit blud.
    I is proud to be brittish bruv..

      • It’s the thing, these days, changing history to suit some modern day narrative?

        I don’t know if Mastermind is still on TV, but I’d make my chosen subject ” The Real Dambusters”, but I bet one of the questions wouldn’t be ” what was Guy Gibson dog called?”

      • If you want to see TV programmes or listen to radio programmes as they were in the days before wokeism, discs are widely available on the net with the original unexpurgated recordings. Pull your finger out though because I wouldn’t give high odds on how long it will be before the powers that be put a stop them. We have recordings of an original radio programme from the (BBC!) series “I’m sorry I’ll read that again” which has a lengthy sketch on “How to speak Sambo.” We also have on disc the original series of “Fawlty Towers” including the episode where the major explains the difference between the gingers and the wigs. We have a set of books which Mrs Brain’s father was given as part of the syllabus in learning to read where blicks are described as lazy and stupid as if it’s as obvious as the fact that the sun rises in the east.

  21. She is thick even by MunKey standards, also who the Fuck could she influence? Obviously only members of her tribe.!

  22. I look at the header picture, and that song from the original Jungle Book cartoon film springs to mind.

    Take it away, King Louise!

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