Liam Brown – Fucks Cows!

(Just when you think you’ve herd it all! (see what I did there?) – Day Admin) 

A cunting, if you please, admin. for degenerate prevert, Liam Brown.

You’ve got to be some really sick, fucked up cunt, to carry out these kind of depraved shenanigans.

It’s a pity he didn’t get trampled to death. He’s lucky I wasn’t the farmer. I’d have kicked him to fuck, the dirty warped bastard.

Still lives with his mum, ( Who’d have thunk it ? ) and has a ‘ very supportive girlfriend ‘. Hah ! I’d wager that he’s never had a girlfriend, or sex. Other than with dumb animals.

Not only is he a cunt, but so is his mother. Who should have disowned him, thrown his baggage into the street and told him to FUCK OFF.

The judge is also a cunt, for not putting him on the sex offenders register for life.

I wouldn’t trust this cunt near kids and if it had been down to me, I’d have had his balls nipped off with red hot pincers.

What a fucking pathetic excuse for a man.

Daily Mail

Nominated by: Jack The Cunter

87 thoughts on “Liam Brown – Fucks Cows!

    • And yet, little is said of those sucking on the Kanga’s penis, chewing the arse hole of a pig and sucking the juice out of the Baboons bollocks on that “Celebrity” shit show.

  1. Bless him he’s a legend in the cow rogering world.

    I see Foxy Noxy is back in the news again….smashing.

    • Its a cheap way of getting the full arm done. You’ve just not to wash it, that’s all.

  2. Imagine having to fill out official forms or job applications and a question asks “Have you a criminal record?”

    “Yeah, I fuck cows!”

    This would still qualify to work in the civil service I suppose.

    • He’s only one step away from David Cameron, pig fucker extraordinaire.
      Who also happens to be the Foreign secretary.

      He should join the conservatives. Clearly, great things await.

    • A full fat sex weirdo.

      Creamline dairies are up in arms!

      That farmer should of fed him to the pigs Harold

  3. Filthy prevert. What’s wrong with sheep, like a normal person.

    Unmoderated version.

  4. Bet the world didn’t moooove for the poor old cow, spoilt for choice for a nipple grab wasn’t he. Dozey cunt was lucky he didn’t get a stream of liquid grass all down his front and a good kicking from the cow,if you’ve seen the length of a bulls pizzle bet she didn’t even know his little Swan Vesta cock was in her . Weirdo wanker, wonder if his girlfriends got foot and mouth yet.

  5. I think we’ve milked this cow joke as far as it can go.

    Time to churn the other cheek.

    Just a few more days to go and it will be Moo Year’s Day!

  6. He’s having to fuck the cow because he can’t hit a cows arse with a banjo at football.

  7. Apparently this bloke has been signed up by Hollywood to appear in the latest remakes:-

    One Moo Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
    Udders of the Lost Ark
    Silence of the Cows
    The French Cownection
    Fistful of Udders

  8. I hope he wasn’t a selfish lover and took the time to engage in some gentle foreplay and not go at it like a bull in a china shop.

  9. The sexual proclivities of the human race never cease to amaze me. This story would actually be hilarious but for the distress caused to the poor animals.

    He looks just the type to do this if the pic up top is anything to go by; a right weedy, sad little fucker.

    The cow’s gorgeous mind.

      • Aye up Thomas.

        Nah, I reckon he was just too mean to shell out at his local massage parlour, which is what any upstanding citizen would do when in search of a bit of recreation.

      • Good afternoon RK…”shelling out” is the phrase that pẹrvọs like Liam Brown use for when they move from mammals to reptiles and bum a poor tortoise so hard it flies out of its shell.

  10. Pansexuals are a thing. They have sex with all sorts. Animal, vegetable, mineral. Anything with a hole.

    • I thought “P” had already been taken in the LGBTetc alphabet soup that represents those alternatively inclined, as it were, but I can get on board with “P” = pansexual, as long as I’m allowed to hit any that make my skin crawl with a lump hammer.

      Calling Liam Brown, the doctor will see you now, you disgusting, stomach turning pervert.

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