(Just when you think you’ve herd it all! (see what I did there?) – Day Admin)
A cunting, if you please, admin. for degenerate prevert, Liam Brown.
You’ve got to be some really sick, fucked up cunt, to carry out these kind of depraved shenanigans.
It’s a pity he didn’t get trampled to death. He’s lucky I wasn’t the farmer. I’d have kicked him to fuck, the dirty warped bastard.
Still lives with his mum, ( Who’d have thunk it ? ) and has a ‘ very supportive girlfriend ‘. Hah ! I’d wager that he’s never had a girlfriend, or sex. Other than with dumb animals.
Not only is he a cunt, but so is his mother. Who should have disowned him, thrown his baggage into the street and told him to FUCK OFF.
The judge is also a cunt, for not putting him on the sex offenders register for life.
I wouldn’t trust this cunt near kids and if it had been down to me, I’d have had his balls nipped off with red hot pincers.
What a fucking pathetic excuse for a man.
Nominated by: Jack The Cunter
This story doesn’t say much for the women of Bournemouth but, thankfully I know how comely they can be.
£600 is an insult. the farmer should be fully compensated for the loss of the animals and the cunt jailed.
Once again animal cruelty is simply dismissed.
Pathetic defendant, pathetic legal system.
This nomination reminds me of a cow I once owned.
Not for having sex with, I hasten to add!
Far from it.
We was in the Super Snipe one time, goin’ down Toussaint way.
But my wife and I felt sick along the way, so we had to stop,
Asked our travelling companions if it would be alright if we were sick.
“Be sick in my wife’s mouth,” said Dave.
“Be sick in my auntie’s mouth,” said Dave’s wife.
So my wife, she was sick in Dave’s wife’s auntie’s mouth.
I was sick in Dave’s wife’s mouth.
Got back in the Snipe feeling a whole lot better!
Some time later we were driving down to Cleethorpes on a Sunday afternoon.
We had a cow in the back, brought along in lieu of snacks.
We stopped for a sick, got out the car and told the cow to open its mouth.
My wife was sick in that cow’s mouth.
I was sick in its mouth.
We were all sick in its mouth.
The cow got fatter, fatter, fatter, FATTER, till… BLAM!
It exploded all over the road.
Pig come along in a Z Car, said:
“What’s this cow doing all over the road?”
My wife gave him 2d to buy himself some gob-stoppers.
She was very careful about bribing the law.
I were more direct:
I told him I was Edward Heath, the Prime Minister.
He apologised for any inconvenience caused
And waved us on our way.
I’ve never herd such a moo vin story.
I cud go on .
But I’m on a steak out with the udder leaders in the field .
That’s an interesting story.
I think I would need to be on the liberty caps to fully appreciate it.
Fined for causing unnecessary suffering? He was strangling them with a belt! He should have been charged with aggravated rape of a minor.
I know his girlfriend doesn’t look too good, not just because he’d rather shag a farm animal but also because she’s going to stand by him.
Wasn’t the belt for restraining it by the legs…..you don’t want to be kicked in the knackers whilst you’re porking it surely?
This is an assumption btw….I have zero insider knowledge of this offender or (and most importantly) this type of offence. Thank you
So that’s what’s meant by “cow poke”..All those westerns of my youth now besmirched by the image of some fucking deviant back scuttling Daisy. This cunt needs serious treatment. Just had a thought did he have his own shag box to stand on or is he unnaturally tall !
Calves, BB, baby cows.
Disgusting, makes me want to heave.
And set about Liam with a lump hammer.
Same JP.
Cruel cunt needs a tap with a brick.
Types like him who hurt animals move on to children.
When I first read the story I immediately thought that I’d never trust this cunt around kids.
He’s a sick fuck who should be castrated.
Then strung up.
His girlfriend must have been a really, really shit fuck.
Sure you’re not holding anything back ?
Come on.
You can tell us.
You’re amongst friends…… LOL
That was for CC.
Normal for Dorset.
Enough of this dirty bugger…here’s a proper bird drinking milk the correct way:
I’d definitely tickle her arse with a feather….?
Will the alphabet cunts have to embrace another category of sub-human/sicko-freaks (and add a second ‘b’ for bestiality?)
I would sponsor someone to do away with this nommed cunt, if that were an option.
Don’t mind me … checking something with this …
I blame the cows for looking at him in a suggestive manner
OT. BBC Sports Personality of the Year…
I think it’s safe to say that a man will never win it again.
Unless they are a sambeau or a poof (or both).
But seriously, Mary Earps?
Funny how Gordon Banks, Pat Jennings, Nevile Southall, David Harvey, and Ray Clemence never won it. But this below average at best wimmins ‘goalie’ has?
Please pick me up off the fucking floor!
Is he from Texas by any chance?
Does his girlfriend happen to be called Pat Brown and steaming about him fucking a cow.
I guess this is the woman that got him off. How she can sleep at night is beyond me. https://www.3pb.co.uk/olivia-mcgonigle-secures-unanimous-acquittal-of-a-client/
Morning Fortress, everyone. Lawyers generally are low life. Tell us something we don’t know.
Did the dirty cow-buggerer have the common decency to rim the hapless beast first as foreplay?
The biggest insult is the Mail saying Brown is from Bournemouth.
Boscombe, please!
Awful people.
A ginger who fucks cows… Halfwit and me-again?
To be fair, I’ve fucked a few cows in my time…