Laurence Fox

Laurence Fox is a stupid cunt.

Yes, he talks a lot of sense, but calling a drag artist (no matter how much of a cunt they are) a P-word publicly was totally daft. These types are favoured enough as it is, and when he/she/it labelled Fox ‘racist’, he should have got his lawyers onto it and them.

Not unlike his remarks about not shagging that misandrist gobshite, Fox has only made it worse for himself, played into woke hands, triggered loads of loonies, and given them ammo to fire at him.

Sky News

Nominated by: Norman

83 thoughts on “Laurence Fox

  1. He ought to go the whole hog and offer to pay for Eddie Izzard’s cock-reversal surgery.
    Come on Eddie, get it done, you coward!

    • Eddie can do it himself. All he needs is razorblades at the ready after getting a hard on from staring at a hairy arsed musclebound pillock, then cut down the sides of his little mushroomed cock, peeling away the skin and take the innards out throwing it away. Then tuck the loose skin inside. Voila ! A cunt as big as himself.

  2. A cunt to to himself maybe but as he’s saying what the rest of us think I’m not going to call him
    a cunt.

    The majority in politics won’t say what they actually think, must of the public are similarly silent through fear of repercussions.

    Self censorship is the most powerful form of censorship and fear of being cancelled has stopped many from speaking out. Because we all remain silent the insanity is taking over.

    • I’m with you on this Six. I like and admire Fox for speaking out. The problem is that his tongue’s got a tendency to run away with itself, and land him in the doo.

      He’s effectively cunted himself. I hope that he wins, but fear that he’s on a loser.

      Morning all.

      • If everyone that thought like him spoke up it would not be so easy to isolate him and destroy him Ron.

        He says what we think and then we call him a cunt for it. I thought he’d shot himself in the foot when he made the ‘wouldn’t shag’ comment. He’s far from perfect, trouble is the so called centre right is actually the very left extreme of right wing voices, say anything that’s actually conservative and they get cancelled.

        If our so called professional politicians were not self serving cowards people like Lawrence could get on with their day jobs.

    • I agree.
      He knows he’ll get shit for it, but he has the balls to be honest about his opinions.
      I am the same way. I say what I think, if people dont like it, tough shit!

      Non-binary doesn’t exist.
      Sex/gender is not a spectrum, there are only 2.
      Israel have a right to defend themselves against Terrorists.
      A woman is an adult human female.
      Only women menstruate. PERIOD!
      Men can NOT get pregnant!

    • I agree.
      He knows he’ll get shit for it, but he has the balls to be honest about his opinions.
      I am the same way. I say what I think, if people dont like it, tough shit!

      Non-binary doesn’t exist.
      Sex/gender is not a spectrum, there are only 2.
      Israel have a right to defend themselves against Terrorists.
      A woman is an adult human female.
      Only women menstruate. PERIOD!
      Men can NOT get pregnant!

  3. I don’t mind him but pissing about in the shitshow that is the “news” or on social media is only going to make everything in that rotten bubble worse.

    A total waste of time and energy.

    I’m waiting for a political party that isn’t full of lies,bullshit,weasel words,flip flopping,clipboard carrying cunts..

    Looks like I’m in for a fucking long the mean time perhaps the whole caper will crash and burn..from the ashes will come a right cunt to sweep away all the Quisling rubbish and foreign dung.

    Good show.

    • I like to think of Fox and his ilk as SOE type infiltrators when they trigger the woke in their perceived safe spaces like twitter or the grauniads comments section.

      Attack from within as it were to destabilise the mongs and morons.

  4. Maybe stupid but not a cunt..

    I make him right on sainsbury’s and there simian safe spaces.
    Where’s my safe space from the violent stabby cunts, and the backward exploding peacefuls?

    And drag queen cunts strange obsession with educating “yeah right” young children..

    This country is chock full of cunts, so he gets a pass from me..

  5. It wasn’t wise to call them peter files, but I disagree on the point about Ava Evans, as Douglas Murray said something similar about Sam Smith and barely caused a ripple -‘ would you shag it?’

    The outrage over Fox was manufactured by media and political personalities who don’t want GB news on air. Even Gordon Brown had to be resurrected for the howling session. Ava Evans played the cry-bully, as all good feminists are prone to, despite her rather nasty history on Twitter which the media simply ignored.

  6. Well done Sir. Hope a lot more follow suit. I’m alright, I don’t have a career to loose. I’ve continued in the same vein regardless. If they don’t like it, tough titty.

  7. Thank Fox for being our cannon fodder. Hope more will come out and this time it’s nothing to be ashamed about.

  8. Mister Fox is not a cunt. He is spot on. Call the cunts out. Only tranny wankers will support the ‘artist’. Let the whole cavalcade of strident mongs line up for us to laugh at. Fucking cunts dressed up as women so they can fondle tiny ones are filth, whatever the marxist bastards and Harriet Harman might say.

    Good morning, everyone.

  9. Not a cunt.

    Double down, don’t apologise, good on the Fox.

    The ‘woke’ are offended. Good.

    They need a dose of reality.

    Just a dose actually.

  10. Fox is many things, but one thing he isn’t and that’s a cunt.

    He speaks for the Silent Majority, and inevitably that will make him an easy target for the wet liberals and the touchy-feely MSM.

    The hypocrisy of the Left knows no bounds – they talk about freedom of speech, but only on their terms and their rules. Fox bends both and doesn’t seem to give a fuck. It;s just a shame that no one will back him up.

    • The trouble is many on the Left will simply not tolerate anybody on the right, no matter how centrist and educated they are.

      A good example would be Prof. Niall Ferguson. Many years ago I mentioned that was reading a book of his and a friend immediately groaned and said ‘Gohhdd, he is so right wing!’.

      • I’ll be 65 in February. Things have become so polarised, so politically divisive, and I blame the media and social media. The thing is, this divisiveness is manufactured for clicks. Does anybody honestly know anybody who is going to scream at you for not using the correct pronouns, or telling them you thought Teresa May weren’t that bad?
        Over here we have Donald fucking Trump on trial and the ‘news’ tells us he’s ahead in the polls ahead of Biden? Jesus Christ on a pedo bike, WTF????????

      • Does anybody honestly know anybody who is going to scream at you for not using the correct pronouns, or telling them you thought Teresa May weren’t that bad?’

        Perhaps not scresming, but they do act dismayed/stroppy/excitable.
        A bloke ive eorked with did get screamed at for pulling a bar stool out for a woman in Brighton (the San Fran/Portland of GB).Luckily the bar staff were sensible enough to see she was a lunatic and escorted her out.
        As ive said to other cunters, this isn’t sl invented by the media – it came from academia and is being supported by the state.

      • Well, if it was a bar in Brighton, she was probably a psychotic tuppence flicker.

        And our national public service broadcaster peddles this excrement. That ubiquitous and repulsive trans creature lecturing the Daki fancying Poof Doctor about the ‘pronouns’ of a white furry space monster. The amount of taxpayers’ money used to make this steaming shit.

  11. The thing is.

    Truth hurts, unfortunately these days every cunt is so easily offended.

    Not that long ago it would have been ” get to fuck” but now everything has an “ism” attached to it…!

    Mine is fuck off you soft twatism’s….?

  12. Way off topic but interesting. Looking at the BBC News Website and listening to Radio 4 News at noon the main story is Sunak’s migrant bill , second story is the death of illegal migrant on the barge in Portland. The third report is three teenagers killed in a road traffic incident and two more with life threatening injuries.
    It would appear that one illegal is more important than three indigenous citizens.

    • The BBC and usual suspects are pushing the Rwanda bill bollox for all its worth, as if the suntan kid loses the vote, they will be screaming from the rooftops for him to resign and call a GE.

      Was the road traffic incident in Wales, home of the 20min zone?

      As for the dead benefits scrounging enricher… one down…

    • That will be one that Rishi can claim has been processed, rejected and will not be allowed to stay ?

      • Committed suicide apparently.

        Must have been the terrible food we are always hearing about or maybe he didn’t get his own room.

  13. It’s is coming to a point where I really don’t give a shit what happens to this government, or this country in fact.

    Another 20 years, perhaps even less the way the NHS is going, and I’ll be a pile of ashes. Let the Zoomers, the Alphas and the Betas sort out the state of this country that they so want to change. They will soon come to realise what a huge fucking mistake it was to suck up to multiculturalism and all that woke nonsense when they find Sharia Law is now the de facto law of the land.

    • I’ve been thinking this for a couple of years now. The very people that should be looking after this country, because they’ll be the ones affected by the shit that’s happening here, are the very ones allowing, and even encouraging, the shit in the first place. Since the cunts are so thick, fuck ’em, the planet’s better off without them.

      • Well I hope there’s an ISAC up in Heaven, although the likes of MNC. CC and LL will probably have to rough it in Hell.

      • Hot, loud, and full of criminals, Hell sounds a lot like Magaluf .

        I wouldn’t be seen dead in Hell.

      • There’ll hardly any cunt left in northern europe in 50 years. Overpopulation is a myth; look at the demographics and you’ll see generation Z is both a smaller generation than millennials and is not reproducing. Socially they are fucking backwards; no dates, no sex, no kids. Many are being convinced they’re quare. Come the latter half of this century, Jamal and Iqbal will be keen to give these ‘old queens’ flying lessons from. what used to be called The Shard.
        Let’s hope London Bridge station is underwater by then.

  14. It’s really annoying that calling some names seems to be forbidden but others not.

    Calling someone Peter with a file is wrong but throwing out Racist and Nazi is fine, racist is a strange one because it covers everything form of criticism over ridiculous statements ‘safe spaces’ to immigration and even a ‘person of colour’ for something not related to race.
    Nazi is the loaded one, everyone knows what the Nazis did and stood for so using that has zero misunderstanding.

    I hope he wins his case, yes he is a bit of a dick but not a cunt, I am sure most people broadly agree with what he says, Sainsbury were cunted when they came out with the ‘if you don’t like it, fuck off and shop somewhere else’ and the thing with the tranny flag was absolutely on the money, ‘if you see a TERF smash her in the face’, not quite Berlin 1933 though ?

    I still cannot understand how that fat cunt Lammy got away with calling the ERG worse than Nazis, just think, this twat will be Foreign Secretary next year. I hope the clips of him using the N word will come back to bite him.

    • I think he’s a silly posh cunt.

      With his tattooed hands and smoking roll ups like a ex prisoner.

      He should know what a snakepit the media is and gives them ammo to fire,
      Not just losing his own lucrative job on GB news but also that of religious sootie father Kelvin Roberts,
      Who stuck up for Larry and got sacked.

      The cunts a liability.
      Just a giddy posh student grant type.

      Fuck him.

      • I think the tramp stamps and roll ups make him look proper hard.

        Like that other geezer cunt – Danny Dyer.

      • Perhaps he likes visiting Portsmouth? If you’re seen without tats on your hands wrists and neck and lugging a gym bag from the boxing club, you might as well call yourself Suzy Izzard.

    • Contrary to what the Pat Condells (remember him?) of the world say about the accusation, being called a ‘racist’ has never really bothered me, and as it has, for some time, been used maliciously by the professionally offended to encompass more ‘undesirable’ opinion, becomes less meaningful with every passing year.
      I did notice the increase in use of ‘white supremacist’ a few years sgo. Perhaps the woke realise labelling everyone and everything ‘racist’ is no longer shaming enough.

  15. I like Fox, straight talking geezer, takes no shite – I’d enjoy a beer with him but would be on guard as I’m sure we’d get into a bar fight.

    Perhaps I’d take him to a gay bar for blecks only – that would be a right old giggle….

    He’s a bit of a silly sausage, isn’t he.

    I will say this though, the cunt can’t act.

  16. This country needs ‘far right’ leaders like Marine Le Pen. Wasted in France. Looks good in powder blue. She would stop the small boats; traffic too. Vote Marine and get some action. Scare the trousers off Sir Kweer. Brilliant.

    • What this country needs is French minister, Marlene Schiappa.

      At least there would be a cracking pair of tits in the House of Commons.

      • Schiappa has offended all the whinging lefties and the French Femstapo by doing a photoshoot for the Froggie version of the bunny mag.

        No ‘full monty’, alas. But she is still a horn monster as well as a woke antagonist. The woman is a a heroine.

  17. Wasn’t Fox married to that wide-mouthed pop singer who married Chris Evans when she was 17 or something? Billie PipeDown.
    Face like a satellite dish.

  18. Fox is a bit of a plonker, although I agree totally with the thrust of what he’s saying. His show on GB News was often embarrassing . He wasn’t subtle enough, could not think on his feet and usually resorted to aggression and bluster rather than debate. Despite that, I miss him and would not want him silenced. But he’s a better actor than political commentator.

    • Similar to Joey Barton. Not the most eloquent of arguments but then he is an ex-footballer and most people agreed and knew the gist of what he was saying about wimminz football and the spineless conformity of male pundits. Not everyone can be a Douglas Murry or a Jordan Peterson but at least people are speaking out.

      • I once heard Larry refer to someone as ” man”

        As in “hey chill out man”.

        I instantly despised him and made it my life’s ambition to see him crash and burn.

        Man. Like some californian at a Grateful Dead concert.

        Fuck right off.
        I mean it maaaaan✌️

      • Barton is – for once – right.
        Not unlike Graeme Souness with his ‘man’s game’ remark,
        Barton has caused the bints to chimp out and spaz about shouting ‘misogynist’.

        As we know, tarts in football can’t take or accept any opinion that deviates from their own. They carp on about progress and equality. Yet they are incapable of any sort of reasonable debate or discussion. Dare to question or find fault and they just scream and throw tantrums.

        And I think it’s hilarious when the likes of Barton and Souness cause slags like Karen Carney to go off on one and act all ‘outraged’. It’s like spraying a bluebottle with WD40.

      • It’s really simple and great fun.

        Just say that wimmin shouldn’t be anywhere near proper football and they go divvy. It’s like Nagasaki Mk II.

        Wind up the key, and watch the silly toy dance. Or watch with mirth, as the likes of Oatley and Carney squeak like demented dolls.

      • Damn right, CP.
        A real man only cries in private after:
        1) A terminal diagnosis of yourself
        2) A terminal diagnosis/death of a loved one
        3) The death of a family dog.
        That’s it, no cissy exceptions.

      • Call me a cynical cunt, but maybe he performs a bit,just to draw out the cunts on the left who mock his despair, and exposed by Peterson’s supporters as inhuman pieces of shit, although I don’t think he is that calculating.

        I know he’s had a lot of problems.

    • “But he’s a better actor than political commentator.”
      He may well be, but his acting career is over now, I would think. Who would dare to employ him after this, even if they wanted to? And the acting profession is the wokest of the woke, anyway.

      • Yes, i’ve heard many semi-famous entertainers now hustle for roles by farting out tweets supporting the latest cause on advice of their agents.
        This seems very common for young comedians who wish to get work through agencies used by the BBC for booking comics for panel detritus. Many of the young female comedians on television rarely do gigs outside of London, if at all. They’re very thin-skinned, and will remain so.

      • On the contrary. I believe Lawrence will now get every part that requires a cocky but posh Englishman to play the bad guy in every Hollywoke movie.

        A bit like Tim Curry but with tattoos

        Seriously though, I can see his acting career enjoying a messianic resurrection in some offbeat noir crime movie by Tarrantino or Richie once the heat is off.

  19. Fox should have been more diplomatic and subtle.
    He should have said to ‘Crystal’

    ‘When are you saying toodle-oo to the old todger?’

    Or, he should have called them out Father Ted style.

    ‘Fup off, yer pedrophile!’

    • Man United poor again tonight Norman.

      As toothless up top as a young Shane McGowan.

      Ironically – if they’d shown a similar defensive discipline as they did tonight in the previous group games, they’d have probably fared much better.

      • They are buggered, Herman.

        Casmeiro is pissing off in January. And I don’t blame him.
        And Ten Hag will not improve things, We don’t frighten Brentford and Brighton, never mind City or Arsenal. United are finished, unless there is a takeover. And there isn’t going to be one.

  20. In other news, the tomato gone missing on the International Space Station has been found.

    I’ve been worrying about it all day.

  21. Been pondering on Lol Fox’s remarks about that toxic Femfascist Evans, and about being repelled by the thought of shagging it. Could I imagine myself giving one to this insane misandrist chocolate knob loving witch? Errrrr….. Nah.?

    Still,on the other side of the coin, could I imagine myself screwing this one?
    Oh dear me, yes. To Kingdom fucking Come…?

    • Ava Evans is a poorly-conceived nineties sitcom character, a haughty blonde bint always going on about shagging, or not shagging.

      Think of Samantha Janus in Game On, with a nasty misandrist streak and typucal ‘mean girl’ personality.

      A female graduate of Sussex I know called her a ‘dickhead’.

  22. Where can I get voodoo dolls of Andre Onana, Marcus Rashford, Anthony Martial, and Erik Ten Twat? The box of pins and the fire are waiting…..

      • After the Bayern game last night, there was a bloke in his 50s stood on corner of Chester Road by Lou Macari’s chippy. He was stood there, angrily addressing fans. ‘Look at ten Hag!’ he shouted, to no one in particular. ‘Look at what he’s bought!’…

        Proper ‘The end is nigh’ stuff. He had my sympathy.

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