There’s good news and bad news as far as the convicted killer of little Jamie Bulger is concerned.
First the good news. Venables has had his application for release from prison denied by the Parole Board. Three reasons were stated by the Board in reaching their decision; (a) a lack of honesty on the part of ‘Honest Jon’ when dealing with professionals (b) Venables’ possession of ‘sexual imagery’ and (c) continuing threat posed to the public (no fucking shit Sherlock).
So what’s the bad news? Well the cunt’s only certain to remain in his cage for another two years, after which time he’ll presumably be eligible to apply again. Until then, his board and lodging, and such remedial treatments as are deemed necessary, will continue to be met by the taxpayer aka you and me.
Things would be so much simpler if I had my way. Mr Venables would immediately be fitted with a pair of concrete wellies, flown over the North Sea in a helicopter, and flung out.
Such a simple, elegant, and cost effective solution to my mind.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
(Am surprised the cunt didn’t plead mental ‘elf ishoos or identify as a black, lesbian, trans goldfish. That would have got him off! – Day Admin)
My cost price alternative would be a rope and a six foot drop for both those bastards.
Didn’t they have a cement tuxedo to fit young Venables, for the time being, Ron my lad ?
Maybe they should go for the ‘Not the Nine O’Clock News’ solution, and just cut off his goolies.
Quality entertainment NTNON.
Apparently the cunt went apeshit when his application was rejected.
There’s definitely screw loose there if you ask me. Proper mental elf.
Afternoon all.
Another expensive British pantomime.
These cunts should have been burnt to ash the very same day as they were pronounced guilty.
What fucking use are they?
He’ll never change, while ever he’s got a hole in his arse.
Sow the fucker up
These ‘people’ were made for your oven.
If you want be humane, give all lifers the option of spending life behind bars, or the dignified way out for all involved of a firing squad.
One option costs us £50k a year. the other costs £10 in ammunition.
Jon Venables get the £10 option by default.
Or £0 with the piano wire.
Jon was born rotten and will always be rotten.
There’s no changing that.
The little cunt should of hung at 12yrs.
He’s a danger to children.
Always will be.
I’m guessing Jon is from a long line of underclass scum,
Beggars, spongers, tappers, and pickpockets.
Why hasn’t a fellow jailbird given him a boiling water facial?
Good question Miserable.
We can only assume that Venables is kept in some form of special, isolated conditions, to ensure that he doesn’t end up looking like Freddie Krueger.
Grow up and speek Inglish, yoo stupig Little Cunt.
Has ‘The Worcestershire Warrior’ skulked out from behind his bike shed?
Careful, Mis, he’ll never back down.
Been around a while, DCI. Keeps trying to fool us by cunning name changes.
For some reason our COTY seems to have attracted his attention.
Mis will treat him appropriately, I’m sure.
Meantime, we just have to ignore the fucking tosspot.
Fan club’s back, Mis, I see.
Hehehe ?
Fancies the arse off me the ducky likkle deviant ?
You’ve made a new friend MNC ?
How nice.
I think he’s been here before under a different name Harold.
I recognise the impotent rage, bitter jealousy and smell of unwashed failure.
I don’t know what you do to wind them up so much.
Being COTY must be like having a price put on your head.
Dunno myself?
Probably the Cult of envy?
He wishes he was tall, with a nice figure,
A insightful wit,
Dazzling charisma and country cream gates.
Instead he’s overlooked by woman, by colleagues,
By family,
He’s a nobody.
Not my fault is it?!!!
Dunno how I’ve offended him the big spastic.
He’s an illiterate tosspot who lives with Mummy, and spends his days shut in his bedroom, squeezing his spots.
Pity the fool, Mis, by all means. We’re known for our compassion for the underdog, up North.
” ‘e’s bang art uv awder ”
The cast of “Bellenders”
Every episode for the last 40 years
Is it like when we used to play conkers at school and if you smashed the conker of the person who had a 3’er your conker became a 4’er?
The spineless little cunt is probably on rule 43, (nonce) i can assure you that if he was in the general prison population he would definately be ‘ napalmed’ sugar, water, boiled, whoosh!! hello nikki lauda ya cunt.
Being a cunt is the least of his faults, maybe his parents who apparently let him watch snuff movies as a small child should really be the target of this cunting.
Who will play him in the BBC mini series that is bound to be up and coming? Steve Coogan might be available.
Too old?
Bendydick Cumbercunt might ‘relish the challenge’.
Surely there’s a M’tebe who could play the part?
Oh wait. He’s evil, and so must be white.
M’tebe will be the dogged, intrepid Di who nailed the bastards.
He shouldn’t just be kept in jail, free board and meals provided. Along with countless other criminal cunts, he should be put to work producing bottom end consumer goods of the type no longer made in this country thus earning his keep and doing the country a favour by putting a stop to dependence on imports from shithouse regimes such as China.
Interesting thought.
I wonder how the cunt does get to spend his time?
Not on the internet, I’ll be bound.
I’d do the same with all of the fuckers, Ron. No work = no visitors and a bread and water diet in solitary. Even for those who do work I’d provide just enough food to keep them sufficiently healthy to work and no more. Fuck knows what they get fed these days to enable them to spend hours in the gym and come out looking like a young Arnie and fit enough need a taser to stop them once they start breaking the law again. Which they invariably do because the prospect of going back is not much of a deterrent. As for other feckless groups in this country, we’re far too soft with them.
That’s what i’d do; take the weight-training equipment out of prisons. It’s ridiculous allowing these cunts to train to the point where they can bench press 500lbs. If they want to keep fit there’s they can do cardiovascular stuff.
Madame Guillotine for the rotten bastard.
Evil, deviant cunt of the first order.
Made in the same mould as Brady, and probably spent his early childhood inflicting outrages on animals.
The only saving grace in the whole wretched episode is that he, and that other little shit, were brought to justice before he got a real taste for torture and murder, as left unchecked he would have gone the way of Brady and Hindley for sure.
He will always be a danger to children, and should have every opportunity for release blocked.
The other one’s supposedly ‘rehabilitated’. Wonder where, and indeed who, he is now?
Could be living next door but one for all any of us knows.
John Thompson has kept his head down, since his release, unlike Venables.
This does tend to make you question the fact that Venables tried to claim Thompson was the instigator, look who’s repeatedly offended, and draw your own conclusions.
I think over time, a lot of people have questioned Venables’ assertions about Thompson.
One of the reasons that Thompson seems to have made some sort of a life for himself, and why Venables till seems to be regarded as a twisted cunt.
Thompson is alleged to be living in Canada in a same sex relationship; it is unlikely that the Canadians are aware of the Cunt’s presence.
I think hes in Cornwall Wadebridge area perhaps.
In another two years we almost certainly have a Labour government. Who knows how much further we will have sunk down the shitpan to even contemplate letting this cunt out? Minor Attracted Person will probably be a protected class by then complete with apologists, denialists and hate speech laws.
There’s plenty of weirdos out there.
World’s full of em.
Nowadays people aren’t even ashamed to take charity.
Food bank cunts.
People who think they’re cats,
People who cry over doing a 9/5 job.
The rots well and truly set in lads.
I identify as a white, hetrosexual bloke.
The last word in weirdo degeneracy these days , I believe.
It all started with that film.
White men can’t jump.
Utter bollocks.
Yet if I made a film called sooties can’t be good dad’s
Or peacefuls groom kids I’d be castigated.
Probably why I’ve never got nominated for a Oscar.
My indie film ‘Black On Black’ is currently awaiting a certificate but I’m not hopeful.
The BBFC is threatening to take a knife to it.
I remember Mis’, you didn’t even get a medal for your role in blowing up the first Death Star.
The do-gooders of thirty years ago have a lot to answer for and you know what? They would do exactly the same fucking thing today. Surely the child psychologists at the time knew this psycho was tapped, even at eleven.
What my dad, an old India service hand, would have called ‘doolally tap’.
Male lover? Eeuurrgghh…seems like Bobby acquired a taste for cock during his incarceration.
Remember prison ettiquette, Thomas;
you’re only gay if you take it.
No mention has been made of his parent/s.
They’re partly to blame for the freak they’ve created.
Did we ISACunters let our 10 year old sons stay up late watching adult horror films, entirely unsupervised?
Of course not.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
In some U.S states he and the other kid would have been sentenced to fifty or sixty years.
Only eleven? Don’t worry, we’ve got junior sized convict shackles.
Well said Thomas.
Chop it down and burn it all.
Keep Britain Tidy.
At least now that he’s staying in prison, he can form a singing duo, like Robson and Jerome, with that wanker who murdered Baby P.
Their version of ‘Unchained Melody’ would be simply divine.
With ‘Ring of Fire’ as an encore.
Should have been hung and quartered when he was a kid.The animal.
This fucker needs to be towed down the motorway until the only thing left is the rope.
Most persons would hope the shit would die in prison. Fail to see what another two years would do to the shitbag. Shoot the cunt.
Has there ever been a more deserving candidate for Terry’s oven?
I know someone who worked at Prestwich mental hospital. And that cunt Venables was there for a while. I was told that he was as nasty and as sick as people think he is. A right little bastard.
And this cunt has copped the lot where freebies are concerned.
Money, house, football tickets, holidays. You name it, he’s had it.
Should have been burned alive years ago.
The person you know has failed society by not attacking the cunt
Even calling this repugnant piece of vermin a cunt is an insult to regular cunts
Indeed OC.
Regulars on this esteemed site should perhaps retain this as the ultimate condemnation.
‘See that (insert appropriate name here), he’s a right Venables’
‘The murderer, now 41, allegedly “went mad, shouting and screaming” at the decision to deny him freedom after 30 years in detention’.
This is why the cunt should remain alive. Being executed would deprive the cunt of the psychological suffering he deserves.
There’s something in that, as long as the cunt remains securely locked away and never sees the outside again.
Forget the concrete slippers too quick?
A large pick axe and beat the fucker to death starting with his knee caps ??
I heard he went into a full on rage when he heard his parole had been turned down shows the scumbag hasn’t learnt anything while being inside let the fucker rot in jail where he belongs ??