Jesse Darling is the ‘artist’ who has won this years Turner Prize for her exhibition of crowd control barriers, barbed wire and tattered Union Jack flags that apparently reflect her view of the effects of austerity, Brexit, the pandemic, the “hostile environment” of immigration policy and modern British life in general.
“You have to love something to be able to critique it. I was born in this country and I’m looking at what’s going on here. I wanted to make a work that reflected that, and I wanted to make work about Britain and the British public” said Darling.
Judges gushed about her use of common objects like barriers, hazard tape, office files and net curtains “to convey a familiar yet delirious world. Invoking societal breakdown, his presentation unsettles perceived notions of labour, class, Britishness and power”.
Wow! That’s a lot to digest there. Here is me thinking it was a load of old shite that should have been thrown in a skip. I must be missing the nuances of the net curtains and the anti-pigeon spikes. Look, no-one is pretending the country is in a great state because it isn’t but this pile of crap and the waffling of arty farty bellends is both patronizing to people struggling and minimizes the very real problems we face. Maybe a piece on the attack of free speech, radical gender ideology in schools and the denigration of British history would be a more appropriate commentary?
She will now probably be considered the new enfant terrible of the British art world when really its just terrible art. My entry of a rainbow coloured dog shit with an EU flag planted in it was “thought-provoking” but ultimately lacked depth and didn’t speak to the judging panel. Maybe I should have stuck it on top of a traffic cone?
*Jesse Darling is transgender and in the write-up I refer to her as a female because biological sex is real and it isn’t my job to validate her mental disorder.
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
A lavatory overflowing with shit would be more appropriate.
“Oh jesse…darling” it’s all wonderful..
Normally people fill up other people’s skips not empty them.
And where did she get peter Sutcliffe’s hammer collection.. Ebay?
Christ imagine how teased you’d of been if your name was Jesse Darling?!!!
May as well be called Gaylord Shitdick.
I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome named Gaylaud Shitdick …..
He has a wife, you know!
That’s a very convincing moustache she’s sporting.
I’ll bet her fanny is nicer than Tracey Emin’s though.
Tracey Emin.
Desperate Dan with tits.
And a rather spectacular pair of top bollocks, as I recall!
I truly feel sorry for Emin. She’s been to hell and back as a result of cancer.
Indeed, RK.
No-one deserves the big C.
Well, apart from every single politician in both the commons and the lords.
A total fucking nightmare by the sound of it
A carefully shaved minge works every time!
‘A most worthy artistic commentary on the state of the nation in the 21st century; replete with stunning imagery and deep insight into the problems facing us today. Darling Jesse Darling is a visionary indeed’.
his presentation unsettles perceived notions of labour, class, Britishness and power.
About as much as any A-level ‘installation’ from the Hirst/Emin wannabes i went to college with and the ludicrous, naive efforts to send up ‘Dubya’ and American foreign policy.
We’re still stuck on Duchamp’s urinal 100 years later.
Jesse is just a bird .
A lezzy bird.
Trans things just a fashion thing.
The London look ?
As for artist she couldn’t draw the fuckin dole.
Just a silly cunt who doesn’t like having to do house work or having to be the one getting ploughed.
You would have been ashamed to seen fly-tipping her ‘art’ Miserable.
Good Christmas mate?
Quieter than expected LL.
Daughter was at her boyfriends in Warrington.
He started complaining of sore throat then she got it.
Possibly COVID so she stayed there due to my dad and Missus Miserables gran being vulnerable.
How about you mate?
Nice time?
I’m happiest eating turkey and watching Clint Eastwood films.
A quite one for us too Mis, my old man’s birthday today so we raised a glass to the old bugger.
Aside from that just some old film classics with proper actors. We watched Battle of the Bulge the other day and I think Where Eagles Dare is on some time this week too. What is more Christmas than Clint gunning down Nazis?
“What is more Christmas than Clint gunning down Nazis?”
Only today I said the very same thing.
Great minds..
Looks like the aftermath of the Notting hill stabfest.
Gonna spend the prize money on dentistry? I’ll kick her teeth for a tenner.
Well done LL. People can live in whatever way makes them happy (so long as they’re not hurting others) but the fact is a lot of them have a serious mental condition which they need help, not validation, for.
Not to be taken seriously. Not her, nor the crap she peddles and especially not the half-wits who fawn over her.
My mother-in-law was named Jessie. I don’t think she entertained any doubts about what sex she was.
All the in depth analysis of modern art is a fucking joke , one smarmy twat says something semi intellectual about it and all the other dopey fuckers go into a brain meltdown ” do I agree and look clever like the rest of the pseudo cunts” or ” tell the truth, that its shite” and be ostracised by people I look up to because they have a talent for spouting bollocks. Just goes to show how gullible the so called educated “elite ” that look down on the masses really are. Cunts to a man .
If he/she/it wanted to do an installation to reflect modern Britain then get a large room, in one corner a group of bearded cunts in long frocks shouting Jihad, in another a group of soots stabbing each other, in the third a dinghy full of of 40 year old children and in the last a group of white people covered in shit.
There you go Darling, that should convey the right message you fucking grifting freak!
Where’s the broken glass on walls for protection ?
In the great tradition of Gainsborough,Turner and Constable..
What a fucking mess.
Art is a painting by Monet.
That’s a fucking mess.
Flytipping is a punishable offence. Calling this art should be, too.
PISS artist instead.Silly moo.Chuck her into a cement mixer.
Probably only won because it’s trans. Cunt ran off to Europe because it loves the EU and wins a prize because it’s in gender denial and hatred of the UK.
You can see why Uncles Adolf and Joe banned all this shite.
At least Hitler was a talented artist.
They say ” I know nothing about art but I know what I like”….
Well I know loads about art and I fuckin hate it.
I like all the classics
I liked the melodious voice of Art Garfunkel.
Especially twinned with midget sidekick Paul Simon.
Mr Garfunkel went on to play Sideshow Bob in the Simpsons.
I didn’t know that, Mis.
See kids, even at my age, you can get educated
By a yeti from New Mills.
Only joking.
All the best to you and yours.
I actually like that “Call me Al” music clip with Paul Simon and Chevy Chase.
It makes me laugh, every time.
The world’s greatest artist was Bob Ross.
Watching him lowers my blood pressure.
A truly Nice bloke .
Probably sneered at by the Tate modern?
Well they can wipe their arse with the rubbish Jesse creates.
Don’t forget his little friend Peapod the Pocket Squirrel!
“I’m gonna put a big ol’ tree, just here….” ?
Truley calming his show Mis
His presentation unsettles perceived notions.
Perceived notions of what constitutes a decent days work?
In the words of Catherine Tate’s gran character – “what a load of old shit”.
Another of my favourite artists
He is a delicate soul
I went as ‘Johnny’ to a Fast Show fancy dress birthday pub crawl/party back in the mid-noughties.
Looks like a cunt ✔
Spoilt cunt ✔
Knows fuck all about Brexit ✔
Stinks of piss ✔
Talks for hours about gender ✔
Physically unattractive ✔
Defends brown people ✔
Loves Greta
Has a dove tattoo ✔
Loves Greta ✔
Is that an attempted ‘tache on her top lip?
It resembles a dirty sanchez. Perhaps her bean flicking friend rubbed some runny sweat/shit mix from her groin on her top lip after some fevered scissoring?
It’s like there really is a genuine parallel universe living right beside us.
As follows….
The chair of the judges, Tate Britain director Alex Farquharson, added that his art was “bold”, “engaging” and partly a reflection on “the state of the nation”.
I mean the fact that the chair of the judges is called Farquarson is like a parody of itself. How the fuck could anybody called Farquarson have the first idea about the ‘state of the nation’
Then we have the winners quote….
He said he would use the prize money to “get some dentistry [and] I’ll probably pay my rent.”
Just fuck off.
”I don’t know what art is but I know some things it isn’t when I see them.”
Joe Orman did it w/humour, you rancid cunt.
I don’t think that I’ve seen anything so utterly hideous in my life!
Why is it standing in front of some metalwork?
It’s not trans, it’s just an ugly dyke.
If that’s “art” then I’ve seen better stuff smeared on shithouse walls. (What type of person daubs shit on the walls of a public lavatory?)
Bog walls have always been a wonderful source of witty commentary and philosophical musing mind
My guess ?…Jackson Pollocke.Not exactly a Caravaggio grade man of the easel.
I usually defer to Brian Sewell or Roger Scruton on these matters. Too bad they’re dead, but I avoid this sort of shite like the plague.
Visual art hasn’t moved much since ‘the fountain’, and 40 years after that Warhol’s soup cans.
Postmodernism is a dead end.
The late Brian Sewell would have wiped the floor with this shite.
He had no time for bullshit like this.
He scared them all: Emin, Hirst, Perry, et al.
The Brian Sewell soundboard. great fun in at exhibitions.
*art, you clumsy boy