Heather Mills and VBites

(Spot the Mad Cow! – Day Admin)

Heather Mills vegan food company, VBites, has gone bust. Oh dear. Maybe the public just don’t want to buy overpriced dodgy looking crap masquerading as food anymore?

Not according to Heather though. No, this was all a dastardly plan by the meat and dairy industry spreading misinformation (what, that it tastes better?), corporate greed, the cost of living crisis, the evil Tories and…drumroll please…Brexit. No plague of frogs or a Zionist conspiracy? Her dream of turning her native north-east into the “Silicon Valley of plant-based foods” as dead as a week old kale. Mark Zuckerberg won’t be looking over his shoulder just yet.

The aforementioned reasons given are what every business has to deal with and the paying public decided that they would rather eat the packet this shite came in than enrich this whiner. Anyway didn’t this chancer shake down Macca for millions? She should of snagged herself another gullible rich sugar daddy and given her a leg-up to indulge her hobby.

Marrying a Beatle, being vegan and having one leg is all this cunt dines out on. Oh, and now failed business woman.

Let It Pea this is the last we hear of her.

Daily Telegraph

BBC News

Nominated by Liberal Liquidator with additional supporting link from Minge Juice Bottler

75 thoughts on “Heather Mills and VBites

  1. Amazed anyone took this mental, gold digging, attention seeking, vegan whore of whores seriously, honestly after fucking over the senile Makka, she then made her plan obvious by crawling under the foreskin of another senile old fuck.
    This peg legged willy warmer where even the mentally deficient vegans would give her half a chance.
    The more important thing here is identifying whoever it is she has fucked out of this latest load of cash, theres bound to be some rich dickhead who against his accountants advise bank rolled this deranged hooker in her cockamamy scheme to con him out of millions, while trying to replicate Heather McCartney, this slag has no shame.
    While we are on the subject, carnivores are here to stay and no amount of lookylikey bacon, nut roasts and green shit shakes are ever going to change that, as far as im concerned, cut out the middle man and chuck it all directly into the toilet.
    So im now deciding on a real bacon sandwich for lunch, a ribeye for tea all washed down with a alcohol included red.
    So she will be off the find the next victim who,s bank account needs lightening for the next scheme.
    So fuck you Heather Mills, keep on sucking the devils cock and waiting for the next gob full of cash……..what a dispicable cunt she is…..

    • She was actually a hooker before she lost her leg. She prefers ‘escort’, but you don’t pay some tart £6k a night for her stunning wit.

  2. The thing that saves us from most of these crackpot ideas, such as vegetarianism, is the money. Money gets tight and these expensive fripperies go out the window. The BBC link lists a number of companies who are retrenching or going broke for the same reason she has gone bust, i.e. people are no longer able or prepared to pay the fancy prices being asked in order to cover the costs incurred in the manufacture of the goods. This is the same reason electric cars won’t be going anywhere. Pun intended.

  3. Normal people have seen all the unhealthy shit that goes into this “save the planet health slop”.

  4. Beef’s plant based……
    cows eat plants
    people eat cows

    On a different note, the human gut evolved to eat meat and doesn’t do well when fed plants only

  5. I hear that the BBC is to re-instate its classic natural history series for a special, detailing her controversial and sensational history.

    Looking forward to ‘Wildlife On One; the Heather Mills Story’.

  6. Just looked up vbites – fake ham, fake cheese, fake burgers etc. Probably one of the daftest business ideas ever because vegans, drum roll, want to eat real veggies, not processed crap dressed up to look like meat.

    • I think a lot of this deceit is aimed at children, so that they’re too anaemic and depressed to put up a fight during drag queen story time.

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