David Fuller [2]

Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.

Or in this instance the disgusting behaviour of David Fuller who abused corpses of women in Kent and Sussex Hospital and Tunbridge Wells Hospital.

Daily Fail Link.

This necrophiliac carried out his sordid behaviour on more than 100 bodies over a span of 15 years thanks to no-one questioning his abnormal extra curricular visits to the morgue.
To make matters worse, when he ran out of bodies the cunt made his own by murdering two women.

Every so often there’s a cunt who redefines the limits of cuntishness. This sick bastard is one of them.

Nominated by : Duke of Cuntshire

60 thoughts on “David Fuller [2]

  1. He’ll probably end up in the Jimmy Savile Memorial Wing at Broadmoor.

    Sick cunt should get my own favoured, humane punishment; concrete welly, thrown out of helicopter over North Sea.

    Morning all.

  2. Him and the cow fucker could be the new ant and dic..
    Definitely get more laughs..

    I’m a necrophiliac get me in here..

  3. A right cunt and a fucking looney.
    No doubt about that.

    Couldn’t the police find a few of his abused victims without any living relatives and convicted him with that evidence?

    Contacting the living relatives of the 101 victims so that they can be traumatised by his behaviour seems insensitive and unnecessary to me.

    • That’s the kind of thing the police love doing. Especially going to the wrong house with tragic news.

      Why do the police carry all that technical equipment on their person, when they do nothing with it. They did more in the old days with a truncheon and whistle.

    • I know it isn’t easy to find the ideal partner these days, but yesterday we got a cow fucker and today it’s a dead body shagger. Four hundred and forty four visits to the mortuary in twelve months? I’m reminded of a line from Homicide: Life On The Street – “This guy was truly horny”. I wouldn’t want to be sharing a cell with Mr Fuller. They’ll park it anywhere, some of these bent bastards.

  4. He’ll be receiving the same treatment in prison, only half dead. Just hope he doesn’t enjoy it as much.

    • I was rather hoping someone in prison would nobble him and fuck his corpse for good measure…

  5. ‘Attended the TTCE College of the Macabre’.
    Failed the exam in leading the dead old woman’s body in a ballroom dancing to Khachaturian’s Masquerade

  6. Tunbridge Wells Hospital like all NHS trusts “take a strict zero tolerance policy towards discrimination, harassment and any other form of exclusion”.

    Necrophilia, not so much.

  7. And to think, bet he bragged in the boozer

    ” Oh I’ve shagged well over a hundred lasses me lads.
    I’m a regular little Bryan Ferry me!”

  8. Astounded, revolted, outraged? Yes of course, all of those emotions. But should we be surprised? Perverse behaviour regarded as beyond the pale a few years ago is now not merely tolerated, but celebrated. I would guess kiddy fiddling will be the next step before cadaver fucking hits the main stream.

    • Kiddy diddling is tolerated in the upper classes.

      Just look at the activities at Fettes, on Jersey and Ireland with Dicky Mountbatten. Politicians of all parties visiting children’s homes.

      All of this talk of ‘Safeguarding’ is pure toss. The authorities will still turn a blind eye if the offending peter file is influential or surrounded with powerful friends.

    • Don’t forget, they’re already trying to downgrade pædophilia by calling it “a minor attracted person”.
      If you don’t believe me, ask Harriet Harman.

    • I note Mr Fuller has a ‘ comb over’ to hide his baldness.

      Ashamed of being bald but quite happy to be taters deep in a corpse!!

      Sort out your priorities Dave.

      You slap head.

  9. Seems like there’s a long line of total fucking lunatics in this country getting coddled by the prison service..

    This vile cunt should have been dragged from prison to court and back again tied in chains behind the prison van.

    When inevitably found guilty hanged the same day.

    Keep Britain Tidy.

  10. Busy weekend coming up for the alphabet mongs … First the second ‘b’ for beastiality reqd., and now a fucking ‘n’ for necrophiliacs … or I suppose the situation-‘mitigating’ – A.P. tactic will be called into play … BAPs ‘n’ CAPS (Bovine/beast attracted persons, Cadaver attracted persons) .. hide for safety in the big group of societal detritus, folks, .. no cunts refused (M.A.P.’s on the down low for just another little while *wink*, nudge)

    Just waiting for the first cunt caught with a crossover kink .. ACAP’s ; animal corpse attracted persons…

    What new colours to celebrate these wonderful individuals, though? ….

  11. Crimes like this will get more frequent with the degeneracy being taught in Schools to kids as young as five. You reap what you sow. I know Putin is a bit of a cunt but none of this bullshit is tolerated in their society. He’s right when he says the West is decadent. For fucks sake, you’re either a man or a woman. Nob or Fanny. It’s not fucking rocket science,

    • Putin often alludes to the satanistic elements of the west as well as the ‘decadence’ of which child abuse especially is a constituent part and he’s correct.

      Ukraine has long been a child trafficking hub as children are the most valuable ‘commodity’ on the planet.The ‘high’ from their adrenalised blood is said to be akin to Heroin and LSD combined but impossible to withdraw from so they need and get regular supplies for this very reason.

      Pervert-satanist Anthony Blunt and his fellow travellers bear testimony to the higher echelons of pedastry/satanism which is often the very currency of control.(blackmail especially)

      Not for the faint of heart to delve into but soon things such as ‘Pizzagate’ and ‘Frazzledrip’ will be disclosed and the true nature of ‘western power’ will be known.

  12. Now I’ve read the link, ..818,000 photos ? … cunt was lucky digital was invented or it would have cost him a fucking fortune at the photo-printing place cumulatively.

    It’s a societal shame, joking aside, that such a proven-guilty sub-human is allowed live on, at future costs(to others none of whom get a say in the matter) both monetary and resourcewise, instead of being taken off the board. And all the rest (criminals of varying degrees) of course.

    Once more, I find myself preaching to the IAC choir….

    • Love that expression “taken off the board” Cunt ’em all. I think Syd Silverman was fortunate in getting his bill to abolish capital punishment through in 1965. I feel he would have had a much harder time following the development of DNA profiling.

  13. It won’t be too long before necrophiliacs are added to the Alphabet list LGBTQN+ given that they’re a minority group who demand equal rights!

    “I demand to fuck a corpse!” as they protests through the streets of London.

    Next it will be Peter Files wanting same.

    “I demand to fuck a child!”

    Then it will be some other sicko group – perhaps that bloke from a previous nom who fucked cows.

    “I demand to fuck animals”

    Of course lines will be drawn on Lizzo, Diane Abbott and Annalese Dodds. Only the sickest of the sick would want to sink to those disgusting depths of inhuman depravity! (Although for some reason I can’t help think that our very own Thomas the Cunt Engine, might just try his luck!)

  14. This sub-human was an electrician. Conjures up visions of the loony putting Frankenstein bolts on the cadavers. What did the hospital think he was doing in the morgue at all hours? Checking the lights were working inside the fridges?

  15. Digression: Was really disappointed with the sports personality winner, who won fuck all, wasn’t transcendental. Suppose we’ll have to wait another year for that to happen.

    • Agreed.Saw the last 10 minutes.Sweary Mary possess Popeye arms!My God!She would easily crush you!Not for me ?

    • There was a recent canine rapist in the news a few months ago if memory serves.English or Australian.Not that it matters ?

  16. Hang the cunt no more diddling and killing.I find it more than sickening thar shit like this is allowed to live, at our expense of course. I’m hoping for a nasty medical condition that would take the cunt out very soon

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