COP28 – Net Arseholes

Or as I prefer to call it “COPOut28”

It’s that time of year again for the so-called Great and Good to enjoy a 2 week junket in some rather expensive, warm, sunny and rich city to discuss climate change and assorted Net Zero bullshit.

The fact that they have this even every year tells you all you need to know about the level of hypocrisy at hand here. But then you could also suggest why do they all have to meet in person when video conferencing would be a far better option/example to set to us mere mortals!

Moreover, this particular event – set in Dubai (Morecambe Bay and Clacton-on-Sea councils turned the event down) is the largest ever, with well over 400,000 people due to descend and to be accommodated in 4, 5 and 6* hotels.

There really is little point in me going into detail about the whys and wherefores with regards the intentions of this circus. But the total lack of self-awareness, the herds of elephants in the room and the fact that the elites are doing the exact opposite of what they’re demanding of us mere plebs should suffice.

Moreover, why is this global event an annual thing? Why not every 2 or 3 years? Why keep on covering the same ground at different venues every frigging year?

This isn’t about Net Zero. It’s about putting the Plebs in their place once and for all.


Nominated by Technocunt.

51 thoughts on “COP28 – Net Arseholes

  1. If some cunt wanted to save the planet or whatever shit they pap on about then this “summit” needed some nuclear energy,in the shape of a tactical nuke.

  2. Even the BBCUNTS were reporting that the Arab nations were using it as an opportunity to arrange oil deals. I noticed I was paying 10 p a litre less for diesel yesterday than about 3 weeks ago so I guess they are planning to limit production so that prices will go up. That, of course, will be hailed as a great green victory.
    Meanwhile, yesterday, on the BBCUNTS were reporting that the developed nations must help those smaller countries to transition to green energy, Nigeria was cited as one those countries we should help.
    You really couldn’t make it up.

  3. Unbelievable hypocrisy, Fucking unbelievable. Private planes land cruisers Range rovers. To spend several days talking about how the average Joe must stop driving heating their homes or getting on a plane to go on holiday..

    And they wonder why no no real person takes them serious.

    A trip to Uncle Terry’s massively hot oven

  4. Every time these insidious cunts open their mouths it ends up costing me money.
    All in the name of climate change of course.
    I’d like to close these hypocrites’ mouths good and proper with a piece of 4×2. (That’s a piece of timber in this instance, not a religious follower).

    • Thank fuck for that….. On the other hand, being a 4×2 I’d happily kick their globalist arses using your piece of ligneous 4×2.

  5. One rule for us and one for them.

    What the fuck ever makes these idiots thing that 100+ nations could ever unanimously agree to anything.

    The EU couldn’t even get 20 countries to agree, so it’s a joke isn’t it?

    Nice jolly at the taxpayers expense tho’

    Especially liked the one where a Labour MP flew home for the Rwanda vote and then flew back again. Very green. Have these fuckers never heard of pairing or is that a dead concept in Parliament these days?

    • What a despicable slimy stinking ebonised ape!
      Trust Bristol to elect this sort of utter cunting piece of excrement.

  6. Two objectives

    Force wealthy countries to piss more down the the third world shitter
    Force useful idiots to ‘decarbonise’ as fast as possible to show there are ‘leaders on the global stage’

    Net result is that we the will be footing the bill while suffering power cuts.

    The gas fired stations have been saying they have been at capacity already, it only needs a couple of the tired old nuclear plants to go down and no wind in mid Jan, minus 10C and we will be fucked, just one coal fired power station left, utter fucking madness.

  7. Another enormously expensive C02 belching chin-wag for the rich and gruesome.

    Greta is right about that at least.

    Unfortunately for the cunts at TalkingShop28 and Greta, it’s all far too late.

  8. I saw some footage on the news, in the audience a fucking woman with sitting bull headdress.
    Probably invited along to do a rain dance and use heap big magic of her ancestors to save the planet.

    The only people who need to be at COP are, nope can’t think of any.

  9. It’s a big meeting to think up ways to increase taxes so their pals with the new ‘green’ industries become the only lucrative option to line all their pockets with.

    Do they think nobody notices them turning up via plane and then chowing down on beef and caviar for a few days?

  10. The great Re Set is slowly arriving.Uncle Klaus will be chuckling his head off at us “plebs”. Send the lot to Uncle T’s industrial sized oven.Arrogant shit weasels ?

  11. This year as seen record coal use, guess who by… Fucking China and Fucking India.
    And yet the cunts from here and the United Sewer of America promise to go bankrupt.

  12. Just an excuse for assholes to spend money taken from tax payers, shag, do cocaine, shag more and then feed us some climate change nonsense.

      • Evening Thomas ?

        My dad’s just been out in the peaks for Sunday dinner with us.

        He was on about bikes he had as a young man.
        A DOT and a Ariel amongst them.

        He said he was on holiday with his parents in penymynydd,
        And said ” our Ronnie s on the way”
        My gran asked what he meant.

        He could hear my uncles Ariel from half mile away ?

      • He was still doing removals till he was 72 -73 and bone marrow cancer stopped him.

        He misses work,
        Lived to work,
        Only about 6ft and wiry but before the cancer was incredibly strong.

        He loves wildlife and has been feeding foxes for about 20 years,
        They wait on the track for him?
        That and going into the Highlands with my uncle eagle watching is his biggest joy.

      • Magnificent sound Tom! Reminds me of when I stood in front of a taxiing Concorde, the blade tips go supersonic and you’re hammered by a crescendo of sonic bangs. I take it you also have the later model with the twin front discs? I notice it’s piston ported as well. I had a Yamaha stroker in the sixties which had rotary induction, pretty advanced for its day.

        Pleased to hear your father is enjoying life Mis, especially as he was working until the age I am now! Wish him all the best.

  13. 400k cunts in Dubai for this conference ah, all of which have arrived via jet, so basically fuck the environment these cunt are pretending to care about.
    Don’t know if you guys are aware there is still lead in jet fuel, useless fact I know, but add that to the thousands if not more gallons of exhaust pumped into the environment just to get these fuckwits to Dubai and back and they have single handedly doubled this year’s econightmare…. Cunts

  14. How can you simultaneously reach Net Zero* while:

    1) Solving the housing crisis – building new houses is very costly on the environment: manufacture of building materials, transportation and then the actual building?
    2) Solving a transport crisis i,e. more public transport needed or better transport links (building new roads, newer buses, trains etc.)?
    3) Implementing 5G networks – all of the base station transmitters and relays needed for it to work all over the country and all the data centres needed to gather and process all of the information on the network. Smart cities might be smart but they also sound quite costly in bandwidth and energy used to keep the system running?
    4) Same question as 3 but for 6G when it arrives.

    *Now one of those terms that means whatever they need it to mean a bit like Dodgy Dave’s “Big Society” (that worked well didn’t it?)

    • Hasn’t Rishi all but admitted defeat on this cobblers?

      If he hasn’t, he should. There’s no point in it while we share an atmosphere with the Rinky Dinks.

      • He back pedalled on the whole Net Zero by 2035 pledge that the Albino Honey monster made but that was the extent of it.

  15. This is a scam of the highest order. Backed up by bought scientists, the lefty teachers and the media. Plenty of real scientific evidence debunking it, but that’s not allowed.
    Glad I wasn’t born later then I was : I don’t want to see what a monumental fuck up this will be as they attempt to go to net zero.

    • Is a scam and we’re the ones who’ll pay.

      They’ll go about life unchanged.
      Still in helicopters, private jets and motorcades.

      They can fuck right off

  16. The REAL problems the world faces, including climate change, is overpopulation, but not one of the mincing cunts at these annual bullshit talking shops would ever have the guts to say it, still less to implement plans to control it.

  17. Something to consider.

    Between 2017 and 2022, the UK’s emissions per year have dropped by 40 million tonnes.

    In the same time, China’s has increased by 1.64 billion tonnes.

    Global emissions of CO2 in 2005 when the Kyoto protocol was ‘enforced’ were 29.9 billion tonnes.
    in 2022 they were 38.5 billion tonnes.

  18. This latest shitefest has inspired me to open a unicorn breeding unit, planning permission has been applied for. All above board, some hefty grants should be coming in shortly

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