Biff Bean Cancels Christmas (Market)

Biff bean, yeah you heard me right, is a cunt.

Lincoln Town Councillor and mayor, nice work if you can get it.

Has cancelled England’s oldest Christmas Market, for safety reasons.

Started in 1982 this four day market attracts 300,000 people, and generates 15 million to the city economy..

With local businesses struggling since covid, this labour cunt and his cronies decide to kick em while there down..

It also turns out biffa, visited Lincoln’s twined town in Germany and enjoyed their festive Market..

So the Notting hill stabbing and mugging festival has no safety issues ever year.
But God forbid you want some mulled wine and chestnuts.

Merry Christmas biff, hope your turkey is undercooked.

Daily Fail

gb news

Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

61 thoughts on “Biff Bean Cancels Christmas (Market)

  1. Biff Bean.

    Sounds like a fucking cartoon villain.Twat.

    *Merry Xmas to cunters far and wide!*

    Special thanks to Admin for keeping the show on the road for another year.

    Have a good one. Ho fucking ho!


  2. This is the sort of hypocritical cunt I loathe. Enjoys stuff himself but denies it to the peasants. I’d skip the turkey and spit roast this bastard over a pit of smouldering illegals.

  3. Before the large quantities of gin overcome my sensibilities, have a great fucking holiday season, yeah Christmas. Thanks to admin for keeping on top of a site that provides us mardy fuckers with entertainment and a means of maintaining some semblance of sanity. Even if the noms are sometimes enough to evaporate a solid post-steak turd.

    Have a good one all.

  4. Notting Hill is fair game where as a Christmas market full of old dears is a danger

    Nail on the head Baz.

    One can only imagine the furore should they attempt to cancel an EID (or whatever the fuck they call it) festival or the much loved Notting Hill stab fest in the name of safety.

    Yet another example of Christianity and the ethnic majority of this country being treat with disdain.

    Hypocrisy ridden cowardly bastards all.

    Christmas Oven

    • I’d like to add that the typical Tory response to this Labour bullshit, is an economic argument.

      “Oooh but it hurts business” blah fucking blah.

      It’s much deeper than that I’m afraid yet these dimwitted treacherous cunts just don’t see it, or want to see it.

  5. Seconding Ron’s appreciation for the admins and wishing everyone a happy Christmas. Except Biffa. Typical modern cancel culture arsehole. These things always work themselves out : if it gets too popular and overcrowded, some of the people go somewhere else the next year. What was Biffa expecting? A Pakistan style stampede?

    (Thank you for your compliments and good wishes. It is most welcome. But remember, this site is only as good as the nominations and comments that come in. Without you we wouldn’t exist. So thank you for your contributions and have a great Christmas – the Admin Team)

  6. Yes, but they put inflatable monsters on buildings near the cathedral and castle. That really dragged in visitors. Biffa Bacon is a true visionary.

  7. Currently heading the Telegraph website:
    ‘Christmas Eve footfall down by a third as shoppers shun the high street.’

    Well done Biffa, you stupid cunt. What are you going to do with all those vacant shops next year?

    • A massive loss in revenue to the council for one thing; especially business rates and parking charges.

      Increase in unemployment, which means less spending power and disposable income. And more dependency on the State and therefore a burden on the Taxpayer.

      Yeah, well done, Biffo, you stupid myopic twat. Not that you’ll care because you’ll be well taken care of with a nice pension and pay off.

  8. Well I hope the town is overwhelmed with a Pro-Pally demo or an Alphabet demo with thousands descending on his grubby little High Streets.

    Then what will the fat fuck say about that!

  9. Maybe Biffa foresees mass sexual assault by the dinghy vermin who are going to be housed at RAF Scampton and bussed daily into Lincoln.
    Worried about a repeat of New Year’s Eve in Cologne perhaps?

  10. Not so much “Who ate all the pies?” More like “Who ate all the pie shops?”

    Fuck Fuck, Biffa

  11. Merry Christmas admins..

    I had been quietly seething over the supposed cancellation of this nomination like Ebenezer scrooge.

    God bless everyone.

    And death to all foreigner’s.

    • Bit harsh, don’t you think? A few select foreigners to start with and go from there? Perhaps Rishi, Cunt Khant, you know, the useless fuckers?

  12. Seeing as no-one has ever heard of this cunt, It seems that he had to gain attention by doing something cuntish.
    All the cunt is ever going to be remembered for, (if at all), is ruining Christmas for Lincoln.

  13. Who funded your jolly over to Germany Biff? How many cronies and ‘signifacunty others’ went along for the ride Biff?
    Who the fuck paid for it Biff?

    The residents and traders of Lincoln should be gift wrapping bricks and delivering them through town hall via Express Window delivery.

  14. Lincoln Christmas market was always a good afternoon out with the kids. Pricey? Yes. Crowed? Yes but a top afternoon out crawling around the stalls with the smell of chestnuts. Biff you are a total arse. A Cunt is to good for you.

  15. Typical local Councillor,a self important and unaccountable cunt.

    No doubt when he’ll start screaming for “more govt funds” when his shithouse council goes bankrupt.

    These arseholes couldn’t run a bath but just so long as anything British is undermined and ruined eh?

    Double Christmas Oven.

    With stuffing.

    • A merry Christmas to all and thanks to admin for not handing us in to Bill Gates.

      The wizened old cunt.

    • We had the 2024 bin rota from Bristol City Council through the door a couple of days ago and they were kind enough to tell us we can dispose of “holiday cards” in the recycling – the lengths they go to to not mention Christmas is ridiculous – brain-dead pusillanimous communist cunts.

  16. Just go a head and ignore the cunt. All he can do is ring a bell for attention. Disarm him and tell the fat cunt to go and spoil someone else’s Christmas.

  17. When are people going to put these cunts in their place. Local council or dictatorships. If the people want a Christmas market they should have one. The local council should then do what needs to be done to ensure it goes off smoothly.

    Pieces of shit.

    • Why would the council listen to the people? Anybody would think this is a democracy. It’s far from it.

  18. Mr Bean can suck my sage and onion flavoured bellend the sour old cunt.

    He doesn’t want your custom?
    Fuck him

    Go Christmas markets elsewhere!
    Watch out for snipers and knife attackers.

    In fact take a weapon yourself.
    Safe travels.

  19. Tells you everything about the mind set of these cunts. The local authorities are going down like dominoes, declaring bankruptcy one after another. In the next breath they lay the blame on central government for not giving them enough money. Where the fuck do they think the money comes from? The money always being there, come hell or high water is now so ingrained it’s burned into their DNA. As so many cunters have pointed out, if closure on safety grounds is the criterion the Notting Hill insurrection, sorry “carnival”, would have been closed down years ago. But we all know why it wasn’t. Fuck the brainless cunts. Illustrates why no left wing regime has survived in the long term. The Soviet Union, the longest lived I know of, managed Seventy years and went down the shitter in spectacular fashion and we now have the crazy situation where Venezuela, sitting on the world’s largest known oil reserves when global demand for oil versus supply is on a knife edge is in such shit order everyone who can walk is leaving the country. Fuck ’em, fuck ’em all.

    OT, it is reported the Iranian regime are threatening to close the straits of Gibraltar!
    I truly, sincerely hope they try!

    Rant over, sorry. My thanks to admin, you are too modest.

    And a merry Christmas everyone.

    • And another thing, the local authorities are warning they will only be able to do what is legally required of them. Why the fuck should they be spending our money outside of such requirement? After all they take our money off us by law. To repeat myself, fuck ’em.

  20. Fucking Liebour cunt. This is the sort of thing we can expect in spades once Sir Kweer slithers into power next year. Everything will be sacrificed on the altar of the Trans, Immie and Eco gods (a bit like now really, but on acid).

    Merry Christmas to all fellow cunters, and to all the heroes in Admin. Their sterling service in the cause of free-speech is much appreciated. I’m off to watch some shit called ‘Monarch: Legacy of Monsters’..

    • Life would certainly be a lot less colourful without ISAC.
      Every year, I’m amazed by a) the selfless work the Admins put in and b) the fact that we’re still on the air!
      If ISAC went down, and with nowhere to air my grievances and waffle all my disgraceful pẹrvẹrsıty, I’d probably actually start bumping people off!

      • Due to reckless alcohol consumption. I thought you’d typed ‘ bumming people off ‘

        Profuse apologies proffered, good sir.

        I still think you’re a filthy, depraved cunt.

        Get To Fuck.

      • Jack,
        It’s the German in him.
        He can’t help it.

        That Biff Bean in the header pic?
        He looks a fuckin state doesn’t he?

        Dress your age you cunt.
        All that bling and funny cap?
        Is he related to that sex case Tim Westwood?

        Easy Dawg!

      • MNC. That Biff, he’s got more chins than a Beijing phone book.

        Fook me, this typings getting hard.

        It’s only half six and Ethel’s already in a coma.

        The hound is the only responsible adult in The Rookery.

      • She’s snoring her cunt off.

        I’ll have another After Eight.

        Even though it’s not even seven o clock.

      • All the best for yuletide Jack ?

        After Eights?
        Toothpaste smeared on a mars bar makes a good alternative.
        Or putting a handful of polo mints in your cocoa.

      • Yuletide ?

        That’s the ticket.

        If you’d wished me Merry Christmas I’d have snorted in derision.

        Yuletide greetings MNC.?

        Aye, Yuletide.

        The festival of The North.

  21. Jesus, what a prize cunt. Has the local imam got his hand up his arse? Merry Christmas to you cunters admin and the people who make this site possible, an oasis of sanity in an increasingly mad world.

  22. Is he some sort of pound shop town crier out of a panto?

    Fuck sake, look at the state of it. Faux fur, Ratner style cheap jewellery and it looks like he stole the anti Macassar off his Nan’s sofa to use as a cravat.

    Could have at least attempted a shave before donning his laughable rags of office too.

    Scruffy socialist cunt.

  23. Looks like a cunt .dresses like a cuntno wonder the country fucked when morons like this are in charge who elected the fucking weirdo

  24. Were most of the visitors to this successful retail enterprise, white folk ?

    The despicable fat cunt.

    Festive oven, with all the trimmings ?

  25. A Happy Christmas to all you wierdos and depraved perverts that have had me chuckling and laughing out loud this year. I salute you.

  26. What a fucking killjoy!

    Could give Scrooge lessons on how to piss on the bonfire.

    Good nom, Barry.

  27. Yultide greetings fellow Cunters and all Admin bods.
    Can’t wait to hear King Jug Ears drone on about stuff tomorrow – not.
    His Mum was a hard act to follow. ?

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