Oh dear me. Another cunting please for Bianca Williams.
Wannabe sprinter , Olympic hopeful, Ha. And race baiting cunt.
More information has come to light regarding this poor fucker who made such a noise over being stopped by traffic plod that the officers lost their jobs.
It now transpires that on three occasions she refused to identify who was driver her car that had been seen committing traffic offences. That she already had 11 pts on her driving license. Following her latest court appearance she has been given a further 18 pts and a 6 month driving ban. Hurrah for small mercies.
Thankfully the magistrate refused her request to keep her license. She said it would cost her undue hardship. Tough shit, race baiting twat. Will any of this it get plod their jobs back. No of course it won’t.
What a self serving race baiting awful motorist this Cunt is.
Nominated by Everyonesacunt.
George Pooter is of the same mind with this
Bianca Williams, cuntess of cuntox.
Olympic hopeful,Ms Williams formerly stopped for driving offences which ended with her shameless yet inevitable production of ‘The RaCe cArd” and the dismissal of two police officers on the grounds that they couldn’t prove they smelt cannabis, has finally got her come uppance:
The fact that you denied two men of earning a crust on the spurious grounds of non-reflective racial bias has come back to bite you on the arse hasn’t it?
You’re a professional runner you say ? Well fucking run to your future appointments in Londonistan, it’s got to be quicker than vehicular transport and when the inevitable ‘stabber’ pops up you’ll be easily able to put distance between you.
You entitled sack of shit.
And more of the same, this time from Sick of it
A karma catching up with you cunting for the race card throwing cunt Bianca Williams.
On this occasion the card was denied and so she tried to toss in the Olympic hopeful card but unfortunately for her she was told to fuck off.
She was requested (police) in writing to identify the driver of a vehicle involved in a traffic incident three times but failed to do so and paid the price with her driving licence being loaded with 18 points (to add to the 11 already there) and a six month ban
It seems that, even though she lives in London, she can’t survive without a car and it will mean going to training will be difficult, ah well never mind.
What is the betting she will carry on driving while banned in the true form of her breed ?
Oh dear! Poor old Bianca. Here’s this from Pontius Cuntus
Bianca Williams, she’s a bit of a cunt isn’t she?
Not content with being a race baiting old tart who got 2 policemen fired, she also went on to say how disgusted she was with the amount of money which had been raised on a Go Fund Me page for said police officers.
Well it turns out she forgot to tell them who was driving the car, 3 times. She has also gained another 18 points to go with the 11 she already had.
Now call me a cynical cunt but why would she already have 11 points if she was such a good driver? I think the police said they pulled the car up because of the erratic way it was being driven.
Makes you wonder why the Met Police believed her and not the officers involved. could it be………….. I will leave that one for you.
Anybody know what happened about the fund that was started for the dismissed coppers? Have they seen any cash yet?
Morning all.
Black wimmin are even worse drivers than chınkies.
It is, again, our fault for being too permissive.
Oughtn’t let simians own/drive complicated things like cars.
Morning Cunt Engine.
From yesterday’s Farage nom and the huffy snowflake who said you were too “difficult” to work with. A good job he doesn’t read your IsAC posts!
Morning LL…amusingly, as I’m lead designer for my company, I have to write references from time to time…hopefully his will land in my inbox. Petty? Moi?
The very thought of it.
Sounds like he would be more happy censoring the Grauniad’s comments page.
Biwanka, just keep on running until you fuck right off.
banning her, will scupper her Olympic dream..
She needs a driving licence to tow her jerk chicken stall to the Olympic Park..
Maybe ask her part time amazon delivery driver husband to hook the towbar up..
‘Bianca’. How fucking ironic. Nera, surely.
It’s this sort of caper,along with kneeling to Blek Lies Mither and running away from riots that led us to a disgrace where coppers can be sacked for lies made up by blek cunts,all because the top brass if the police and many others are infested with far left anti British vermin.
I just wish these two “athletes” had tried to evade the police in the US,where hopefully their chimp antics would have seen them shot dead.
A complete mess.
I didn’t want the whinging cunt representing me at the Olympics anyway. She can fuck right off. Jesse Owens must be turning in his grave.
Bring back the KGB and she’ll disappear before you can say Robinsons jam labels.
How about a swap? Send her to South Africa in return for Oscar, then send him to various public toilets in Dover with a Bren gun.
Give him carte blanche with a lorry load of grenades.
She claims she wasn’t driving the Tesla, if that is true then who was driving the car, maybe Dos Santos. Whoever it was she must know but for some reason she isn’t prepared to spill the beans (can’t be a grass).
I suspect it is bullshit and she thought she could get off by just ignoring the letters and then tried ‘status’ to keep her license, here is a thought, sell the car and use the money to travel by taxi or just get an oyster like everyone else.
Wouldn’t 11 points on her licence have given her a bit of common sense about her driving, probably not because just being able to run in a straight line for 100 metres doesn’t have any bearing on intelligence, just another thick soot who can’t drive.
I really hope she carries on driving and gets caught, entitled cunt.
She must’ve graduated from the Dawn Butler School of Driving, but forgot the “essentials” list during her “race card” class.
Rule #1 If stopped, take a photo, flip it to make it look like you were driving, then say it was “wayyyy-ciism, innit”.
At last, amid all the doom and gloom, a good-news story. I’m surprised the BBC reported it, though.
Where are the vigilantes these days. The law would be more lenient today, due to the irony of sacking police for doing what they’re supposed to do. Soon there’ll be enough dismissed frustrated officers, who can get a gang together and call them something like “The Real Police”.
I was delighted when I saw this new about her new misfortunates and it makes me think that nig and nog were completely out of order for getting two officer sacked, fucking race baiting jungle monkeys.
With this cunts previous and current additional points this makes me feel the coppers shoudl be vindicated, reinstated, her partner Ricardo dos Cuntos from Portugal shoudl be shipped out of the UK (I question whether he is really from Portugal and not originally from one of their slave colonies – I go to Portugal often and you don’t see many of the shoe shine boys who are ‘Portuguese’).
It makes me feel warm, like spiced cider that this bint is getting her come uppance and totally deserved.
That warm feeling Cuntus, are you sure you haven’t pissed yourself from sheer delight? I almost did.
Damn, you got me – cider and piss are very similar in colour…
The cheap ones even taste the same. So I’m told.
Expect protest marches on the streets of London demanding the driving ban to be lifted due to institutional racism and blah blah blah.
No doubt Gary fucking Lineker will out there protesting and bending his knee, the opportunistic cunt.
I hope he is as it’s highly likely the newly banned blek will run him over on the way to pick up drugs and chiggun.
unintentionally of course,please refer to Mr Cunt Engines learned first post on this topic.
No, Linecunt will offer them a place to live, within his mansion.
I’m continuing on my whole life without censorship, (which I’ve always considered normal) in a quiet little seaside Town. Its been quite satisfying.
A story to warm the cockles of an English heart. Boo fucking hoo Bianca.
Perhaps the IOC should introduce a new sporting event – Joy Riding.
Williams would be rather good at that. Even more so if they added “Race Grifting” – she’d get gold, silver and fucking bronze!
Unfortunately it would never work TC.
Any of the cunts that didn’t win gold would stage a riot in the stadium,claim it was slavery or summat then the IOC would hold an enquiry then give everyone a gold medal the size of an HGV wheel whilst kneeling in forgiveness.
Well come the next Olympics the wimminz will find their events even harder to compete in due to the arrival of transwomen muscling in and taking all the top 3 places.
Then what will the likes of Williams and the Feminazis say about that?
hopefully when she get it back she races into a 40 tonner, the cunt.
What fucks me off also is the amount of Tax Payers money yet again being wasted. £1000’s to train the two Police Officers up. To then be sacked on “he said, she said” unprovable bullshit. £1000’s investigating her ‘complaint’. We’re just a left wing, socialist basket case with a magic money tree. Sick of it all.
Didn’t the race bating CUNT threaten to go and live in Portugal with her poncy boyfriend?
That would be most agreeable.
Hopefully they will give the Portuguese federal police the run around. Mouth off a load of ‘dindunuffins’, then discover that not all police forces are as pleasant and polite as ours.
A relentless beating with a police baton tends to knock that chip off their shoulder very quickly.
Most people thought she was a cunt anyway
Blacks can’t drive-.FACT.
black women are even worse
it’s to do with the frontal cortex that’s used in the Brain for motor skills.
They don’t have one.
whereas me, well mines highly developed.
Some scientist egghead cunt wanted me to donate it to the British museum when I die.
Why is it if a blambo is stopped they have to chimp out and check the race card about/ Why did you sfop me? You were driving like a cunt. Is it cuz ise blick? No you broke the law.
Hats off to the US police, if an uppity goes off on one they get snuffed out.
??????.Tough.Silly chimp.Piss off to Portugal.
They don’t want her either.
How convenient that she earns a living from running, if it wasn’t for Athletics,Porn,Music and Drugs how would the African type creatures make a living.?
Any bets the UN will chuck their twopenorth in and say her sentence was “unduly severe?”
Did she mention the mental elf?
Missed a trick there, if she didn’t.
In all seriousness, I reckon the uppity cow withheld the name of the driver because it was the boyfriend. Who wasn’t insured on the Tesla either.
His job as a part time Amazon delivery driver is what most likely pays the bills and he probably requires a clean licence to remain employed.
Her part time job as a tennis coach isn’t going to pay much and I’ll bet they’re scrounging off the universal credit in pursuit of the Olympic dream of running, jumping and throwing shit.
Fucking losers.
Great example to the UK youth and a class roles model, some spoon who lies like a fucking flat fish.
Run at the sound of a gunshot, she must be from London…