(Merkel through the ages – Day Admin)
A blast from the past cunting for Angela Merkel.
This body popping and everyone’s favourite German chancellor “not mine but I won’t tell”
in 2015 she opened the borders to 1,2,3 million immigrants? Who knows.
And boy has that bitten Germany on the arse.
All the love for these wonderful people is slowly evaporating.
30 billion spent on housing and welfare payments in 2023
6 out of 10 welfare recipients are Muslim men between the ages of 16 to 25.
And how many daft refugees welcome women have been sexual assaulted by these poor unfortunates.
But to be fair who could of seen that coming.
Sorry anyone who’s eyes aren’t painted on.
But fuck them we have our problems with enricher’s.
So no time for lessons to be learned..
Still I hope the award you received keeps you warm at night you traitorous cunt.
Nominated by: Barry zuckercunt
I think Silvio Berlusconi summed her up best when he called her “an unfuckable lard-arse”.
I reckon she turned the old lecher down, LL.
Check out Ang’s cleavage…quite impressive. And she’s sporting a pearl necklace, the dirty kraut strumpet:
To be fair, you might have about 40 years ago, if you could have watched her slipping erotically out of her Stasi uniform
Fairly and squarely in the ‘challenging wank’ category that’s for sure.
All that idiotic woke hippy bullshit has had a hard landing hasn’t it?
And we’re the cunts left holding the blek baby?
Well for the last twenty years the whole of Europe has been expected just to put up with immense population shift,huge added expense,huge upsurge in crime and terrorism,not to mention the obvious idiocy of welcoming your enemy into your country.
The Latest Arab-Israeli war has at last shone a light on the reality,the whole of western Europe has gigantic numbers of foreigners who actively despise us and have no plan to integrate whatsoever.
The Germans might have had to learn the hard way between 1940-45 but push those sausage eating cunts far enough and say hello to a new Adolf..
The tide might have started to turn,I hope so,there is a lot of dung for Oven.
‘…has at last shone a light on the reality…’
You know, I don’t believe it has. The delusional, thick as shit, left wing still appear to have no fucking clue what’s coming. Even in the few years I have left I reckon the UK will become a caliphate.
The problem with the Left, and in particular the so-called “Progressive” Left, is that they’re in complete denial about the problems we all knew was going to happen with regarding open borders right from the very outset!
All they want to be seen to be doing is virtue signalling. “Look at us, aren’t we humane, kind and considerate to our fellow humans!”
But those “fellow humans” have different ideas, especially those from the African continent and of course the Middle East, along with their Stone Age religious beliefs.
Inevitably, when the shit does hit the fan, the Left and the MSM will blame the “Far Right”, as they have been doing quite recently, especially in France and Ireland.
Any terrorist attacks resulting in mass deaths won’t be blamed in Muslims and Islam, but will be brushed to one side while the Left blame the Right for the root cause of the terrorist attack.
In other words Muslims blew up a department store killing 400 people, but only because they were a bit annoyed at the racist local people who refused to accept them into the community blah blah.
The Left aren’t to blame for anything!
I really think the left isn’t bothered with virtue signalling, they want to wreck the west. End of story.
Globalist marxists.
‘as ye sow, so shall ye reap’
‘The Death Star Diaries’
It stands to reason if all these do gooders had confrontations with the evil scum they allow into countries they disrupt, then obviously we wouldn’t be having one of the biggest problem the world as ever seen.
Angela Merkel
Hates her own country and its ethnic people.
Invites 3rd world rapey peacefuls over en masse without asking the German or the European people.
Your average European political leader.
What’s not to like ?
Childless cunts:
Angela “Münter” Merkel
Theresa “Hunchback” May
Nicola “No a lezza” Sturgeon
Ruth “fat bloke” Davison
“Drunkard” wanker Jüncker
“Granny-grabber” Macron
Well said.
“Do not rejoice in this defeat, you cunters. For though the world stood up and hasn`t stopped the bastards, the bitch that bore them is in heat again.” Berthold Cuncht.
We desperately need retrospective legislation that would not only immediately stop any more of these freeloading twats from pretending to be refugees and gatecrashing the UK but which would also provide powers to send back all of those already here. Going back, say, twenty years. Starting with the 60% who are Muslim men and between 16 and 25 at their date of illegally gained entry.
Time to get on the schnapps, in the Tiger tank and take it for a ride sround Berlin, with ‘Eins Zwei Polizei’ blasting out, remind the cunts of what being German is all about.
Why on earth did the silly cow think this was a good idea, if there is one thing we have known (for ever) the rag heads can even get in with each other so what chance of them getting on with anyone else.
The mass New Years Eve sexual assaults should have been the trigger to kick the fucking lot out before they had chance to get a foothold and now the only way to shift them is with bullets.
Lessons will be learned, or not.
Evidence indeed that European politicians are either:
Wilfully and knowingly corrupt treacherous cunts.
Fucking thick as pig shit, ignorant cunts.
Misguided would be a generous term, thinking that because they are leaving (fleeing) extreme ideology they are somehow moderate whereas they are actually extreme but on the wrong side (the losing side) in whichever internal conflict was happening in their particular shithole.
Most if not all are cunts looking for a free ride and would never integrate into western society
‘Left wing’ and ‘think’ are never to be used in the same sentence unless it includes ‘don’t know how to’.
I was thinking can you imagine The Guardian performing such a volte-face such as Bild?
Owen Jones and Polly Toynbee morphing into the ‘far-right’ by demanding migrants stop being rapey.
It would never happen. There could be a Cologne style mass sexual assault every NYE and STILL they would be excused and apologized for.
Angie has a “hangdog face’
Sort of like Deputy Dawg or Les Dawson getting told it’s salad for tea.
And rightfully so!!
She’ll go down in history as the one who flung open the floodgates irreparably changing Europe forever.
She couldn’t of done more damage setting off a nuclear bomb.
Her name should be spat with contempt.
It’s a bit harsh on Deputy Dawg. She looks more like a Downs woman on borrowed time who’s had a stroke. A better cartoon name would be Strokey Angela, the Mongõl Mongrel.
Droopy the cerebral palsy puppy?
A sour kraut par excellence.
Tbh, a waste of effort gobbing on mutti Merkel, the gottverdammte scheisssau!
Owen Jones biggest regret in life is that he didn’t get to vist Cologne on New year’s Eve 2015.
He had his Dirndl dress and blond pig tail wig packed along with a huge tub of anal lube but was unfortunately mugged on the way to the airport by members of the Far Right.
I read somewhere that a Kraut Santa was attacked by knife wielding jihaddiis who were shouting that it was their country now. Krauts now stewing in their own cabbage. Our turn very soon as the whole process speeds up under Sir Kweer.
Good afternoon, everyone.
Prepare ze Kriskringlegruppen for battlle!
I hope this is a return to the good old Germany we all loved so much?
Politicians with monocles and duelling scars.
Beer hall fights and torchlit rallies.
Unt a sausage and snitzel.ja?
Afternoon, MNC! You are right. The Jerrys wete much better with the coal-scuttle helmets and comedy marching. ‘Schnell, Schnell’ they would shout if anyone was caught malingering. ‘Raus, Raus’ they would bark if you got in the way of the motorcade. At least you knew where you stood. ‘Ve haff vays of making you talk!’was another favourite saying. They need to get back their zest for life.
Yeah 20,
Herr Cuntengine will be buttoning up his lederhosen as we speak!
The sound of stuka overhead,
The hearty rumble of the Panzers engine,
Right which way to the Sudeten land??
I daresay that if great Uncle Adolf hadn’t lost his marbles and invaded Russia, we’d all be speaking German now and a good thing too.
Uncle Adolf knew what to do with muzzıes and gyppos.
Ah, the good old days…
Judging by the header pic she has always been a Moose.
Challenging Wank indeed! ?
That pic top line, second from left…
She looks like a right sulky, poutly little madam who could suck a golf ball through the eye of a needle if she was in the mood.
Uncle Adolf us presently spinning at 100 mph at the Fatherlands recent Immigration Policy.
Always remember her catchphrase when letting in 1 million undocumented Syrians, “We can do it”. What’s this ‘We’ business? Fucking sheisser for brains hund.
We can do it
We can help
One calorie, one calorie
Zyklon B can help!
Clearly her government wanted a shit load of illiterate grateful cunts to work in their factories, she isn’t ( unlike our powers at be) a thicko.
Therefore one must assume, like all Western economies they are desperate for workers and do not give a flying fuck about “where they come from/ where they live” . Not near the politicos though.
So, suck it up tell your grandchildren to look forward to a , fucked up muddled up multicultural shit hole…
When in 1957 Harold MC millan said ” you’ve never had it so good” he was right because once the sixties arrived it’s been downhill ever since….!
The fifties were a right fuckin bore.
We had it loads better in the sixties!
The golden decade.
Come the mid seventies, things went markedly downhill.
Ghana gains independence from UK 1957, fuck me. Most of Africa is heading out of the fucking place to Europe…
You couldn’t make this shit situation up….!
On the contrary, Germany’s fortune is not based on the financial sector and a service industry of low-skilled midwits like ours, but manufacturing using a skilled labour force, many of who are approaching retirement.
You can’t just train a generation of engineers overnight, especislly if the believe their prophet flew to heaven of a winged horse and prefer raping snd stabbing the indigenous population.
Germany is heading down the toilet.
The amount they reproduce, your looking at 20 million in 30 years time? Lebensraum indeed.
OT…but I keep thinking about what a cracking hand job goal-keeping bint Mary Earps could administer with those ham-like muscular arms!
If Laurel offered, your cock would shrink like a hibernating dormouse, Mr Cunt Engine.
BBC Sport
He looks like Meatloaf, the degenerate cheating coward.
She’d pull it out roots an all.
Likewise Kate Winslet, look for image in her Badgley Mischka halter-neck dress. Fuck me, what a scorcher she is. A stunning face, and at least the upper half of a lifeguard. Also a mermaid, lovely when dripping wet.
They should have kept that wall up forever.
After their antics between 1933-1945, Germany should have been policed for all time.
I lived in West Germany for a couple of years and it was great. But renunification spelled trouble, and so it came to pass. A complete Germany always causes some sort of political and social trouble.
Had that wall been kept up, we would never have heard of that Merkel slag. And, if the USSR and the Iron Curtain still existed, dear old Blighty would not be infested with Dooshkas and other assorted eurofilth.
We would have been spared David Hasselhoff’s ‘Looking For Freedom’ too Norman.
They should have chucked him over the wall to the commies.
In the sixties and seventies Norman, there was a widely held view, particularly in the upper echelons of the military, that the real threat to which we should give the closest attention was German reunification. As unacceptable a view now as suggesting people cannot change sex. Then again it’s difficult to conceive of a military threat from Germany in the foreseeable future. It seems that the Germans have just settled for turning own country into a cesspit.
The USSR was fucked by then.
i’m surprised it lasted as long as it did.
OT. England and Manchester United goalkeeper Mary Earps wants “to change the world” after being named Sports Personality of the Year 2023.
Notice those Beebscum say Manchester United goalkeeper, not Manchester United wimmins goalkeeper. Fucking woke shite.
I haven’t stopped laughing yet. But, that said, she is better than United’s first team goalie, Onana the Clown.
I read somewhere that when she was Chancellor she still used to wash her own underwear.
Presumably no one else would go near it.
She should have covered her drawers in skidmarks and sold them on the internet. There are oddball types who go in for that sort of thing, esp. in Germany.
Ha ha ha ha ha Germany is a basket case.Only themselves to blame.Send the German politicians to Uncle T’s special heater.??????
The pic on the bottom left looks eerily similar to the head of a penis
Thanks to Day Admin’s picture selection for this cunting I believe the horn section here have popped a few arteries due to vast increase in blood pressure as soon as all those perverts laid eyes on sexy Merkel’s images….
Merkel has won the Kalergi award – surely the ultimate traitors accolade that they are not even shy about advertising these days.
” Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? “