Amanda Blanc

(Go on, do us a “Basic Instinct” you two-faced pandering tart! – Day Admin)

A no claims bonus cunting for Amanda blanc.. A rather ironic name as it turns out..

First female chief executive of insurance company Aviva has implemented a diversity drive. ” don’t they always”

Apparently senior white male recruits will have to get signed off by her and the head of personal..

Racist and sexist much luv..oops pardon me..

I don’t suppose this woke bitch minds taking white men’s money for insurance purposes..

Let’s hope this Is another bud or Gillette moment. Because I for one won’t be using these cunts ever again..

Maybe they can survive on porch monkeys and peacefuls, business.
But seeing as most of those demographics don’t insure cars, good luck you silly cunt..

Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

54 thoughts on “Amanda Blanc

  1. Sexual and racial discrimination. Isn’t that supposed to be illegal? Evidently not, as long as the victim is a heterosexual white male.

    I sold my shares in Aviva the day this story broke.

      • A bit like Yvette Cooper, who just prays that one day Ed Balls will turn black and give her a reverse cowgirl up the back passage- till then she twiddles away with her dildo , daydreaming.

        Seriously what a bloody daft way to run a company. Employ people like the local council who sounds like Peter Sellers in Goodness Gracious Me (the 1960 song, not the woke TV series of the 80s)

  2. My house insurance is up for renewal today. I won’t take up any Aviva offer, even if it is the most competitive.

    Blanc is an egregious sexist/racist, menopausal old bat.

  3. My renewal for my cars with this company is on the 30th. They have always been good, but I won’t be carrying on with them now.

  4. Well, there’s dumb, and there’s Amanda Blanc.

    Congratulations, doing a Blanc has just been added to my insult thesaurus.

  5. She’s the whitest person I’ve ever seen bar Boris Johnson,
    The albino self loathing slag.

    Apartheid against your own,
    That’ll be read out at the trial.
    I won’t be cancelling Aviva services because I never used them in the first place.
    Thought they sounded mexican.

    • Certainly a silly lightweight name lacking any sort of gravitas Mis and no doubt some marketing wolla was paid a big wedge for thinking it up. They were known as the Norwich Union for more than 200 years, a name redolent of tradition, safe and reliable, the very definition of what I want from an insurance company. Well they can fuck off now.

  6. Wonder if Her grandad was Mel Blanc?

    If so this would cut a lot of leniency with me at the trial.

  7. Why do these mad cunts hamstring themselves with all this self imposed red tape?

    Hopefully their competitors will not follow suite and successfully undermine Aviva til this wizened hag is sacked.

    What a fucking racket.

  8. Another right on virtue signalling useful idiot.

    Don’t use Aviva and won’t be in future, go woke etc….. I see Gillette are using Ex footballist and pundit Ian Wright to advertise their failed product now.

    As for Amanda, she’s so white, she’s almost as black as Gaza Lineker.

  9. Off topic comment for cunts, usually luvvie radio DJ types who keep referring to the ‘strange period’ or ‘no man’s land’ or ‘limbo’ between the end of Christmas and New Year celebrations…. Get to fuck you cretins, most people were back to work on the 27th.

    It’s only shisters in the entertainment business that don’t return to their day jobs until Jan 7th/8th
    What a bunch of dickheads and another example of how out of touch theses fuckers are.

  10. I’m going to start a list of companies I will no longer use for whatever reason. I suspect it will be a long list.

  11. Good Morning

    When will these thick, virtue signalling, idiots realise that their sole job is to produce a profit for Aviva shareholders and not to socially engineer the country. I am pleased at the response from my fellow cunters this morning, withdraw you business from them and then see what happens to their bottom line. Their only customers will be the immigrants and just try the premiums from that lot.

  12. She probably likes playing the black trombone and is hoping for a bit of top level exec spit roasting.

  13. She’s a socialist nazi just following orders from her diversity masters in the wolfsschande.

    Racism is bad unless it’s against white men.

    Diversity is the new religion.
    And like all religions there will be a body count.

  14. I can’t mind who it was that said that the white race is the first in the history of civilization to willingly commit suicide.

    With women such as this horrible cow plus the countless other examples of self loathing whites – I think he’s got a point.

    The media and the education system have played a blinder. Bravo.

  15. Wimminz chief execs. Not exactly a roaring success are they?
    The pavement ape ‘running’ John Lewis turned out to be a disaster too.
    She’s stepping down to spend more time with her tyre swing after fucking that business up.
    Perhaps Ms Blanc should do similar.
    Maybe even an audition or two for Dog Fart movies as she’s such a fan of dark meat.

    • That thought occurred to me a few minutes ago Field Marshall. There is a female CEO at Ford UK now who appears to think we will be buying electric cars soon. I presume she hadn’t noticed such events as VW stopping the line and laying people off because they can’t sell ’em. I don’t believe there aren’t capable women out there, remember Maggie Thatcher, but it seems the wrong ones are rising now for some reason.

      • There’s a man up the road in Milton Keynes Mis who has one of those brutes with a seven litre V8, probably 500 horse power. Our younger met him once and he was very honest about it. He said that in a straight line it goes like an English Electric Lightning with the heaters on but it doesn’t like corners. Strictly a toy I think. Anything in the back would be stolen when it was parked. But I’m sure, sensible lad that you are you’ll be sticking with diesel.

      • Diesel till I die Arfur.

        I could never afford one anyway,
        And missus Miserable would hit the fuckin roof if I did without consulting her!?

        But I’d love to own such a expensive toy.

    • Same goes for female MPs.

      Most are operating far below the moral and intellectual level this country deserves.

  16. Sounds racist and sexist to me. I’d have thought that it’s also likely to have a negative impact on working relations within the company. If things are so bad in the company, how did she get to become top bitch?

    Isn’t there supposed to be legislation against this sort of thing?

    Morning all.

  17. Their pension arm went woke a while back by changing the investments to a greener, fairer future (sic). Down go the profits.

  18. She’s chosen to ignore the Bud Lite/ Dylan Mulvulva debacle a few months ago so
    I hope her company profits nosedive into the abyss, the abominable trollope.

  19. 14” of black cock up her asrehole would no sort all this cunts problems Learoy give the bitch some helmet up the dirt box and make the cunt swirme

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