Everyone has their own ideas about Nazis and their ideology but in recent years the term has been hijacked by the Left as a catch-all slur to brand anyone who doesn’t conform to their narrow-minded worldview. Much like “racist” or “far-Right” it has been so diluted to mean anything they want it to mean.
The great irony is that those throwing the term around are often guilty of similar behaviour than those they are accusing. Following the EU referendum David Lammy branded Tories “Nazis” and compared Brexit to the rise of Hitler. Similarly unhinged whiny gobshite Terry Christian said that Brexit voting pensioners should be denied flu shots and forced to endure food shortages while Nigel Farage was recently debanked by NatWest for political wrongthink.
Not to be outdone, over in the U.S, congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wanted to set up the Trump Accountability Project, a leftist shit list of Trump voters designed to ostracize them from polite society for exercising their democratic rights. Meanwhile Al Jolson enthusiast Justin Trudeau was busy arresting and freezing the bank accounts of “Nazis” who took part in the Freedom Convoy, a mass protest against draconian Covid mandates. And lets not forget New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern who said “we will continue to be your single source of truth” during the response to the pandemic. If only Goebbels and the Nazi Party had had a Twitter account.
Then there is course Antifa, the sinister black clad SJW’s who do their masters bidding out on the streets. Beatings, arson, looting, rioting and shutting down political dissent ..the comparisons with Hitler’s enforcers the Brownshirts are hard to ignore.
This isn’t to compare Nazism of the 1930’s and 40’s to today because you can’t but there is a different kind of woke tyranny in the 21st century anglosphere and unfortunately there is no Winston Churchill or Franklin D. Roosevelt just cunts like Sunak and the hair sniffing Alzheimer’s riddled old twat across the pond.
Washington Post
On a lighter note, who says the Nazis didn’t have a sense of humour?
Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.
In a similar vein about how the left have changed language to suit their own narrative below from Barry zuckercunt.
Lefties changing the meaning of words to suit their narrative..
Over the past ten years we have heard so much about people and families in poverty, to highlight how wicked this government is.
I take it poverty wasn’t hitting home.
So now it destitute.
According to the guardian “no surprise there ” four million people are destitute.
Now don’t get me wrong there are people in dire straits.
But what boils my piss is every thing is taken at face value.
These people pleading poverty “oops sorry destitution ” never have their finances scrutinised.
A quick glance at their outgoings would soon put that to bed..
So being destitute nowadays is only having sky sports not the movie package..
And only one takeaway a week..
Fat mums saying how they skip meals so the kids can eat. When said cunts haven’t skipped a meal in ten years.
Victorian workhouse it ain’t..
Call me a Nazi, but say it like you mean it baby!
I say ‘no, but my grandad was as close as an Englishman could get’.
Harry Styles has just had a Nazi looking buzz cut.
‘Vere are dey, I know you are hiding zem zomevere’
When somebody asked him why he responded ‘ve vill ask ze qwestions!’.
I wonder what the silly cunts will do when Hitler 2.0 turns up?
The Far Left will have been responsible for creating the conditions for this..
So they can reap the whirlwind.
Enoch Tyndall-Hitler
I quite liked some of their architecture and the uniforms of the top brass were pretty cool. They had some decent cars too.
The Hitler Rap by Mel Brooks was good. ? Hiel, Hiel, Ziggity Hiel ?
Bryan Ferry got in trouble for admiring the work of Albert Speer, and that was before what we now call cancel culture.
Anything to do with Nazis, If you even show interest in any of it, the left will equate it with supporting the ideology. Even playing as the Germans in video/wargames, i’ve seen and heard soyboys say people are ‘too into it’, usually because of some mental bird they’re with.
Turns their head to mush, especially the geeky types who have never had a girlfriend before. They’ll say any old woke shit to impress some mental fat tart with dyed hair and metal in her face.
Mark Knopfler.
He was in Dire Straits.
* ba dum tish *
My pronouns are Doctor and Goebbels.
Characteristics of the Woke shared with Nazis –
Intolerant – check.
Bigoted – check
Authoritarian – check
Anti-free speech – check
Anti-Semetic – check
Demonising certain groups (whiteys, Jews, etc) – check
Idolising certain groups – (bless, Mudslimes) – check
Cult of personality (Corbyn/Thundercunt/ Magic Grandpa) – check
cunts – check.
It’s clear who the contemporary Nazis are.
Bleks not “bless”, ffs.
Let’s not forget ‘fascist!!!!’ being thrown about willy-nilly.
I saw that perjorative being hurled at a GBNews crew by a bleach blonde soy-boy down at the pro-Hamas demo in London last night. Meanwhile some of his comrades were despoiling war memorials while the plods looked on and did nothing, but told the reporters to go away.
Of course the more they get away with, the more they’ll be emboldened, and they’ll just keep pushing the boundaries.
We really are in a bit of a mess, as previous noms have highlighted.
Morning all.
There was a tart with her face covered and the GB news bloke asked her why have you got you face covered ‘don’t speak to them’
Well the reason she had it covered is because if daddy saw her he would cut off her allowance ?
The protests could be banned under existing powers, they have been shown to have elements using ‘hate speech’ and are intimidating members of the public.
Then if the turn up the cops can get the riot gear on and give them a kicking which I am sure many if not all the front line police would love.
At the moment there’s visibly two-tier policing in operation.
Don’t know if saw it at the weekend, but a bloke watching the pro-Palestine march asked one of the coppers there why they weren’t doing anything about anti-semitic chanting and placards, not to mention pro-Hamas demonstrators.
‘There’s a lot more of them than us’ came the weary but I think very honest reply.
Meanwhile, there were plenty of arrests at the much smaller
‘far right’ demo.
If brains were dynamite – the average leftist wouldn’t have enough to blow their “I support whatever the current thing is” hat off.
If one of them accidently shot himself in the arse he’d blow his brains out.
He’d have to be a fucking good shot to hit something that small. He’d be more likely to splatter a pint of jizz all over a wall.
I once enraged a few people on Facebook by denying there was poverty in the UK, as I didn’t accept the definition given by leftist think tanks and charities and reject the idea of ‘relative poverty’
Relative to who, Richard fucking Branson?
it was over the free school meals shite and I kept doubling down, mostly out of a desire to troll the self-righteous fuckwits who are always so earnest about everything.
No surprise they’re all labour-voting public-sector/under-employed/’full-time mums’.
Lots of ‘wow.. just wow!’
Oh fuck off you pitiful cunts.
Morning CP, morning all.
…wow.. just wow!’
Blimey were they 12 years old.
Anyone using Wow as an exclaimation is a proven retard cunt.
That’s the problem these days. This lot post what they want on FB etc because they think they’re on the ‘right side of history’ and are never subjected to an alternative view. The MSM don’t give them one., and they don’t get out enough.
So when you give them the facts they have a fit. Wow!
Spot on, Cuntamus, and agreed about the contemporary definition of poverty. It’s a big improvement on the shit council house standards that my brother, many sisters and I were brought up under. While I’m on, I’d like to extend the point. Since summer ended, Facebook has been and still is encrusted with shitty ads for ‘free’ new or replacement boilers. They’re not fucking free, prudent and lifelong grafters are paying for them as well as forking out for their own. If you were too idle, stupid or both to realise that, sooner or later, you’d need to provide for winter conditions then hard fucking luck, dead beat.
A lot of these cunts were solidly Gen X as well. Bunch of superficial midwit cunts all sharing the same shallow articles from the BBC, Guardian, New York Times and Independent.
They fucking hated it when I pointed out to them inequality had increased more under Blair and Brown than under Thatcher.
All worshippers of Obama and automatic haters of Trump, not that many had any say in the matter.
I don’t think many of them had any real opinions beyond what Channel 4 News told them would make them look educated..
Needless to say, Brexit was fun.
I’ve said this before, but it’s a good idea, so please bear with me:
What the government need to do is institute some sort of Benefit, which could be used to help feed and clothe the Child.
It could be paid to the parent for the Benefit of their Child.
It needs a snappy name and I just can’t think of one…
How about ‘Fuck off, you thick, idle and feckless cunt’ benefit?
One daft old bitch that I work with was whining about Suella Braverman and her proposed policy about homeless people in tents “because they are all there by choice, aren’t they??” I pointed out that choice wasn’t really an accurate summary of the position, as with most things, it is a lot more complicated and that I preferred to describe it as a consequence of certain behaviour ( for example, if you take drugs you are likely to lose your job, health , relationships and eventually your home). I recognise there are those who aren’t there by choice, of course, but why is it these days that you can only have “nice” opinions or “nasty” opinions, and there can be no adult discussion about what really goes on.
‘When said cunts haven’t skipped a meal in ten years.’
Of course they have, nowadays they only have 6 main meals and 14 snacks a day.
Call me Nazi and I will give you the straight arm salute ?
My response would be a simple “thank you”. Then watch the cunt turn red with apoplexy.
It’s the same for me with the statement ‘You’re racist’.
The simple answer of ‘Yes, and?’ usually shuts them right up.
I see that the leftie nazis are outraged that Douglas Murray likened what Hamas is doing to what the the Nazis did (real German ones that is). Well fuck me sideways with a feather; fancy equating a group of cunts setting out to remove the Jews from the face of the Earth with a group of cunts setting out to remove the Jews from the face of the Earth. Whatever next? Murray is clearly a nazi. Fuck right off.
Good afternoon, everyone.
I bet he got a lot of pithy put downs and ‘clap backs’ from the highly intelligent Twitterati.
Douglas Murray is brilliant. And he can lift as many shirts as he wants – he’s one of the few public intellectuals around today that speaks sense.
I find the people on social media who find Douglas Murray ‘problematic’ often all look the same; piercings, dyed hair, glasses, tattoos, phantom wisps of facial hair and list their pronouns and star sign in their bio.
i.e. fagguts
That’s a deep nom for a Thursday but I’d be up for denying the old flu shots – they’ve had it good for years now on decent pensions and I want my chance to enjoy the good when / if I get to retire, before the dinghy boys get to take everything.
Parents are calling their children Zani, without realising it’s simply the anagram of Nazi !
I would bring back smoking in pubs, tax all sugar free drinks, change the film certification system back to ‘X’ ‘AA’ and ‘A’ (anything worthy of a ‘U’ certificate would be banned), make dog owners force their animals to shit in the gutter rather than on the fucking pavement (I remember when this was normal etiquette), ban all forms of sportswear, and bring back Aztec bars. I guess I should quality for a nice black uniform and a pair of jackboots for the the kicking of whinger’s arses. Anyone want to be in my gang? Form an orderly queue. Seig Heil, mein Kameraden!
Yes by all means bring back smoking in pubs TTC. Then they’re not blowing it in my teetotal face when walking past. Change all the film certification back, then we’ll know who to arrest when a child asks “will you take me in mister.” Leave the dog shit and wait until it goes white, just because I haven’t seen any lately. Just wear old clothes if you’re feeling sporty. Black uniforms and jackboots are for stopping marches over fuck all like; JSO, gayness and all other unnecessary shite.
Okay, SS (geddit?!), I ‘ll bite. What about the Aztec bars?
The Aztec bars passed me by, TTC. I was mid twenties when it came out (have to be careful what you say here) and disappeared without me realising it. Ages between when one gave up on sweetly things.
Aztec bars yes, also Bar Six and Frys Five Centres
Raus! Raus! Auslander raus!
The Far Left are a bunch of shallow, witless cunts, who have to rely on the usual provocative labels to throw at anyone who disagrees with their myopic view of the world.
It’s all rather silly and futile to be honest. They can’t think of a cognitive argument to support their views and opinions. and hence the pathetic labelling in order to shut the conversation down.
I would have more respect for these cunts if they actually argued their case with reasoning and logical thought. But this is very rare because most of them are half-wits willing to jump on any bandwagon this is currently trending, such as these fuckwits
As much as it would support my prejudices, I do find such vox pops disingenuous, especially the ‘dumb American’ videos.
A bit of selective editing can paint any picture you want.
I’ve seen it done for EDL and BNP protests as well. Some here will remember the left chortling over ‘Muslamic ray guns’ man.
Not saying a lot of these ‘white liberals for hamas’ types aren’t massive cunts, just that it’s a tactic I don’t support.
I love the way they’re supporting a bunch of violent cunts who will, not would, throw them off a building the first chance they get.
Regarding that piece from the Mail (thanks TC)..
There’s only one cure for these dumb cunts..and the ethnic types so ardently in favour of Hamas that pollute our streets with their shite..
Ban the marches..and if they come out anyway then shoot the fuckers.
I lay the blame squarely at the feet of the masses new opiate the social media, it gives the fucking gullible and thick sheep their chance to put their heads above the common herd for a micro second of what is probably a mundane life of being insignificant and ignored all in the pursuit of likes and lols. Social media is the festering sewage of the internet bolstering the egos of fuckwits, the like minded preaching to the like minded whirling each other into a frenzy of rage and stupidity.
Need another Bazalgette to do the same with virtual internet shit as the original did with the real effluent.
Bring back Enoch. he knew what was right.
EVERYONE knew he was right. The libtards and leftards just didn’t want the truth to be said.
The Donald upset the leftist career politicians gravy train. This wasn’t allowed to continue. He challenged the status quo, had fresh ideas because he’s a businessman first, and was a nationalist and patriot. These are anathema to the left. He was on a losing battle from the start, even more so when he got the economy moving in the right direction, using dialogue instead of war and putting his country first.
We can’t have a US President who doesn’t start wars.
Much better to have one who doesn’t know who he is or where he is most of the time. He’s much easier to control and manipulate by those behind the scenes.
Sounds like Anti-marmite.
You alright, Miles?
Even when you are a self confessed anti-Semite?
Afternoon MP.
The wimp Mark Roll-ups said no offence was committed when the pro Palestine cunt climb onto the royal artillery monument, well obviously, he wasn’t carrying a Union Jack.
As well as being a ‘fascist’, I think I’m on ‘the wrong side of history’ as well.
At least according to all those ‘progressive’ woke types who think they possess some particular knowledge or insight which gives them the moral high ground on any issue. Stands to reason that they must be right.
why’s everyone so down on the Nazis?
no nonsense, tough on crime, stylish, art lovers,
made good stuff,
some might of been anti-Semitic but most were just decent ordinary lads.
like Tommy Cuntengines grandad.?
Good company cars
Hugo Boss work clothes…
Quite right, MNC. It is about time that nice Mr A Hilter was given a second chance. A month long BBC retrospective should do the trick. It could focus on his inclusiveness, his green credentials, and job creation schemes. He was a practicing vegetarian, loved children and walks in the countryside. He also knew howto put on a show. None of that juggling or female impersonator shit, just lots of marching around and singing. Brilliant. What’s not to like? Maybe I am missing something?
Loads of ale served in the bier keller by buxom wenches while the boys enjoyed a good old sing-song, smart uniforms to swagger about in and impress the ladies, torchlight parades and bonfires, bit of harmless glassbreaking…
Those were the days Twenty.
As luck would have, Ron, it there is a reunion of old Panzer enthusiasts at the Schloss Von Hildenburger in Transylvania over New Year. Tickets are available from all the usual SA outlets. Gays welcome.
Any concessions for seniors?
Been to several Oktoberfests in Germany over the years.
Huge steins of beer, served by gorgeous German ladies with big knockers.
With lasses like this one.
Uber Alles.
Substitute the picture for any “mullah / Iman/ single religious state” and low and behold.
Whenever someone comes at the left with their arch nemesis fact and logic, they will retort with ‘You’re a Nazi’.
Completely missing the fact that the NSDAP (T he Nazi party) were in fact socialists.
Try and explain this to them, very slowly and using nothing but fact and logic and their heads explode.
I do this for entertainment when I’m bored. particularly to blue hair fuckwits with a Che Guevara t-shirt.
Che Guevara t-shirt!
Excellent, five golden stars for that one, Odin.
And phags in Rainbow Che T-Shirts.?
They do know he killed gays for fun?
Course they don’t. They are thick as pigshit.
Just like the demented Femstapo loonies and Me Too.
Ask them who actually founded Me Too and why.
They act like the 2001 Apemen with the Monolith.
I sit in strange place. my grandfather survived the holocaust. Romania jew.
But I’m anti zionist and pro Palestinian.
I hate Hamas the donkey fuckers and the crimes they committed. Not to mention I hate Israelis as they are the most stuck up fuckwits you could ever meet. I’m not left wing or right wing.
But give me a Hugo boss uniform and I’d happily send the Traveler community to the left for a shower and processing. My other grandparents were Irish and English Gipsies.
I’m a very confused cunt.
You are a bona fide poster boy for multiculturalism, and I claim my £5.
Yes, you are.
The Nazis were ahead of their time in the music industry.
Adolf had some killer dance moves.
The 1939-45 European Anarchy Tour is still talked about to this day.
As you were.
Strangely enough, that made me wish I’d been able to blow his brains out personally.