Once more with feeling for this mincing old toilet sniffer (London mid 1970s)? who once again fancies himself as a Middle East ¨peace¨ envoy:
Hasn´t the fawning old cunt done enough damage already in that part of the world?. How many more ¨contacts¨ does he need to secure, who much more money does he crave, how many more arseholes can he lick?
Surely the prancing old queen is far too busy ¨advising¨ his protege’ Starmer.
What with Cameron returning to the Conservatives this week, the Westminster lavatories are blocked from too much old returning shit floating around.
Nominated by W C Boggs.
Maybe Israel and hamas can use him as the rope in a tug or war contest.
the losers have to fuck cherie .
Good Lord. Cherie’s chops are so big she could enter the Guinness World record for most amount of cock in mouth.
Or watch Cherie, Abbot and Analease drink from the furry cup, all writhing around each other covered in oil on an inflatable bed, with Corbyn and Kweer dressed up in gimp suits awaiting their punishment.
I always felt B Liar looked like the Joker
Cunt. He’ll soon be dividing his time between screwing the Israelis, licking the Peaceful arse and running the British government for puppet boy Starmzy. If you thought you’d seen the last of this fuckpig you can think again. Satan is always with us.
Here’s one preventative measure one can take to avoid his reappearance:
That tea towel in the pic looks like Yasser Arafat’s
You beat me to it, CM!
You beat me to it, CM!
I’ve just read a BBC report about a Dutch party that stands on an anti-Islam platform winning the election over there. The treacherous cunts went on to say that this will ‘send shockwaves around Europe’. I don’t know about shockwaves , but round here we’ll be doing Mexican waves in sheer delight. Best news in ages and let’s have more. The BBC also reported 2022’s net UK immigration figure to be around three quarters of a million. No mention of shockwaves though. I know the meaning of mixed feelings, I’m delighted with one report and seething over the other. I’d vote for anybody who could stop this tsunami of shite further despoiling our over-urbanised brown and unpleasant land.
“Blair has strong contacts in the Gulf States”……well he fucking well should have, he has spent the last sixteen years cozying up to every dictator, autocrat, royal and sand w*og sheik. He is better connected than the Gaza Metro.
Talking of shite resurfacing and floating around the pan…
Afternoon all.
That’s Lord Shite to you RK.
I so humbly beg his lordship’s pardon CM. The fucking cunt.
It’s amazing what they can do with cryogenics these days.
I hear his wife Samantha might be a bit lonely tonight while Lord DC is in Israel giving it charlie big potatoes.
I would, if she let me, she looks like a right naughty minx.
Bet she likes the back door boogie.
No wonder he’s always grinning.
They’re all reappearing aren’t they?
Like escapees from Hell.
Next time use a lead coffin and drive a stake through their shriveled black hearts.
A special place in Hell awaits Teflon Tone.
fuck me Eddie, he’d be running it within 3 months
The season of goodwill will shortly be upon us, and I’m so looking forward to getting a card from good ol’ Tone;
Produced by Andrex, I presume.
Think about this; the photographer probably took a couple of dozen or so snaps, and the one chosen was the best of the bunch.
Blair looks demented, the cunt.
There’s a lot of rumours on here that Anthony Blair is a puddle skipper.
cries when watching the Wizard of Oz
Eats French fancies.
rides side saddle.
I don’t know about that.
I think he’s a happily married man.
I admit going on honeymoon in the gents public toilet on Hampstead heath is unusual though.
For a moment I was worried Mis was going to say a fan of ‘almond slices or Viennese whirls’.
Saw that year’s ago – makes me laugh.
Looks like he saying
“You looking at my wife you cunt. Want some?”
cherie is holding him back, he’s not worth it tone. Get me another double vodka redbull..
Vodka and Red bull?
I’m no good on that.
I think it speaks volume for the ego of the cunt to think that anybody would actually want to receive a card with his pan and that of his missus on the front.
Couple of shithouses.
Blair looks like a constipated.cardboard cutout.
Is that photo even real? Maybe photoshopped from one of his dodgy billionaire ‘contacts’ Mediterranean villas.
They look like a pair of cardboard cutouts
I always wonder Ron about people who have Christmas cards made with a picture of themselves on the front rather than a robin in a snow scene like the rest of us. I’ve seen them where they Have the mock tudor “executive” Barratt box as the background. I guess as you say, it’s an ego trip.
War criminal, murderer and richer than he could ever dream of. Every opportunist politician aspires to be another Blaircunt. That’s why we need to get rid of the lot of them. Guido Fawkes……the only bloke who walked into Parliament with honourable intent.
Where’s Guido when you need him?
The House of Commons will probably be blown up, but by some Muslim immigrant the fuckwits refuse to have a bad word said about.
I’m not really bothered about the shit this moron caused in the Middle East through destabilising it.
It’s the shit he caused to this country makes my piss boil.
Labour voters in the form of Islamic immigrants flooding into the country. Packing out the House of Lords with Labour peers to influence any legality. Then he passes a bill which treats all religion equally, whereas before, only Christianity was protected by law.
This absolute cunt should be tried for treason with a handpicked jury of ISAC members.
I guess we all know what the verdict would be.
That only leaves the sentence….
I can imagine the Israeli delight when this new Messiah descends to sort out the awful mess..
I hope the Cunt is greeted with a phosphorus grenade up its satanic arsehole.
Goodness me what an arch Cunt that thing is.
Do these old has-beens ever just go away or die?
I wish they would crawl back to their rock and pop their clogs
“Hasn´t the fawning old cunt done enough damage already in that part of the world?”
Precisely. The phrase ‘lack of self-awareness’ springs to mind.
Pedo blackmailed probs ? That scene from the Godfather springs to mind.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULcJhIoLte4&pp=ygUbZ29kZmF0aGVyIHNlbmF0b3IgYmxhY2ttYWls
Pity poor old Chris Bryant and Wes Streeting if Blair does rejoin the soon to be Labour government – they will be on their knees all day, every day with an extra cock to suck, like a dog eating hot chips.
Evil is as evil does.
This creature along with many other cadaverous anti British fuckers (looking at you Hesseltine)… need to quickly acquaint themselves with the reaper and line up next to ‘Paddy’ Ashdown to take turns sucking on old Nicks brimestone and sulphur soaked knob down in the depths of the underworld.
Tony Blair – Middle East Peace Envoy
Some cunt somewhere has a very twisted sense of humour.
Blair is to peace what Sir Jimmy Savile OBE was to child minding services.
Throw him on a bonfire ???.Shit weasel.
Horrible cunt, with a hideous reptile of a wife. He fucked this country up good and proper and I hope that they both die the most horrible, lingering and painful death, something which I’d be only too happy to arrange.
Cunt of the year? More like cunt of all time and, that’s up against some pretty stiff competition.
Komodo dragons.
Bitten then stalked as the heart pumps the rancid bacteria from its saliva around the body, before tumbling to their knees and being chewed on and eaten alive.
That sounds a bit too quick and easy to me. I would start by putting them in old fashioned ducking seats and, repeatedly duck them, to the point of almost drowning, in a pond of liquid pig shit, puke, piss and other nasty things. After that, some fun with a carefully applied hairdryer and soldering iron. By then, I’d be sufficiently warmed up to get on with some properly nasty things and make them beg for death. Seems like restorative justice after the shit he has caused this country.
This should be rolled out for many more too-Soros,Roth/Rocks,Satanyahu,HRC,Hussein,Abedine et al.The higher hanging fruit.
This is the type of political party/ leader the UK need’s.
“Far-right leader Geert Wilders wins Dutch election – POLITICO” https://www.politico.eu/article/far-right-leader-geert-wilders-wins-dutch-election-exit-poll/
Yep.All of our spineless weak WEF lovers are beyond a joke.Drop a nuke on Westminster.Burn the rats.
All these evil bastards who have fucked up this country for their own ends, should be thrown to wild animals, filmed and shown on a loop.
Having called Tony Blair one of the great liars of all time I feel that perhaps I should clarify my remarks. I don’t think he lies all the time. Only when his lips are moving.
As for him being a Middle East envoy? Who the fuck would believe anything this cunt says?
Colonel Gaddafi is reported to have said he felt dirty after meeting Blair during their ‘deal in the desert’ in 2004. Even murderous dictators have some standards it seems.
That’s bad! It’s akin to the time Keith Richards told Gram Parsons he should take it easy on the drugs.
This is what the Blair creature likes…!
Send the bastards back to Gaza.Courtesy of an RAF transport plane.No parachutes.
I’d give them parachute packs. But loaded with led and a few breeze blocks instead of a parachute.
I’m sure our Tone can persuade Hamas to lay down their arms and release the hostages. I reckon half a million permanent visas to The Land of Milk and Honey should do the trick. That should last long enough to get Starmtrooper into number 10 and Satan Blair into the House of Lefty Fossils.
I can see him sitting there, in his robes, next to Kinnock, Prescott, Smooth Dave Cameron, Hezzelslime and other assorted Quislings while King Chimpboy announces the new Caliphate.
You know it makes sense!
I wish someone would take the “air” out of Blair.
Festering bag of infected sputum, a cancerous tumour on British political life, the combined might of 100 Joseph Bazalgettes couldn’t flush this monumental turd from public life.
How he thinks he is still relevant shows the size of his messianic ego,CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT!
oh sorry I left a CUNT off me sentence.
He is one ?%
Ex Chancellor of the Exchequer, Norman ‘Badger’ Lamont on BBC Breakfast this morning. Asked about the Autumn Budget he said “We need to balance the books following the £400 million spent on Covid Furlough”. Still good with the figures I see, ex Chancellor.
The Diane Flabbott school of mathematics
Sounds like there’s trouble in Ireland today.
Children stabbed in broad daylight by a “man”
Apparently the people who are out protesting this heinous crime are “far right lunatics” according to Sky.
Absolutely no mention of the ethnicity of the attacker – we know who the fuck it is don’t we? Attacking children is a muslim thing it seems. oh well, only another few more years and the UK will be entirely foreign.
Yes, it seems Irish old bill are as institutionally woke as our own.
Looks like the average Dubliner has a rough idea about “a man” who’s ethnicity is a closely guarded secret.
Of course he was a Mudslime. That’s why the protesters are “ far right “. But if the perpetrator had been a whitey he would be the “ far right” one and the protestors “ concerned citizens”.
The authorities are shit scared across Europe. They know that people are starting to fight back after seeing their countries destroyed by unlimited immigration. Look at the Dutch election. A storm is coming.
According to the BBC, ‘it’s not clear what caused the disturbances’
Fuck me! They even lie to themselves!
Blair has been a “ Middle East Peace Envoy” for some years now. Well how’s that worked out?
What a mincing cunt.
Who will rid us of this turbulent cunt ?
The Grim Reaper ☠️
Houses will be burned down next.
The Irish are demented cunts at the best of times, but when kids start getting stabbed by Johnny Foreigner, all bets are off.
Go Seamus !!