The Red Arrows (2) and the Oppression of The Wimminz

(Blimey, no wimminz to be seen here! – Day Admin)

Oh dear, these “strong and independent” wimminz we are all told about can’t take a bit of sexual banter and cheeky cunts getting a bit “handy” without crying like……err……well like girls to be honest.

I’ve worked with and known plenty of birds who don’t take shit from anyone ; you cross the line and you get called a wanker, slapped round the chops or kneed in the bollocks.

None of them ran to HR …… but that was before compo was invented of course.
These wimminz want to be in the military and to be EQUAL but they can’t cope with normal, everyday banter and behaviour.

What are they going to do when Charlie Chan or Johnny Abdul turns up and insists on a three way, all holes filled? Moan to the fucking BBC?

Good luck with that one bitches.

LBC News

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

With helpful link provided by: Herman Jelmet

50 thoughts on “The Red Arrows (2) and the Oppression of The Wimminz

  1. It’s a shit idea holding the Armed Forces to the same sort of standards as the local council office.

    These are highly trained personnel willing to fight and die fighting the enemy.

    Unfortunately a set of cunts turned up with a big book of rules and started an “enquiry”,no doubt with more rules about compensation.

    What a total load of shit.

    • Given the way everything the people thought they were dying for has been shit on by successive governments I’m surprised anyone is willing to put their lives on the line anymore.

      Turns out fighting for your country equates to fighting to keep your country’s elite in the driving seat and nothing more.

      • Oh, and don’t forget that if you actually hurt anybody whilst protecting that fucking elite they will charge you with something. It’s only a matter of time before the SAS will be the ultimate group of puffs singing ‘Don’t look back in anger’ at their enemies before throwing flowers at them. And that’ll be the ones that aren’t women or gay.

  2. more strong women blubbing, get a sense of humour..

    Exposing your genitals never did huw Edwards any harm, six months paid leave In a luxury spar..

  3. should be more like the Met, controlled by Hamas. I hope you have all seen the photo with the mini terrorist.
    Stella told the truth now sacked.

    • Braverman has bigger balls than the rest of them put together.

      Maybe she should fuck off the Tories and join the Red Arrows?

  4. Stop the press DAVE CAM is back, swinging his big brexit dick.

    Is this the best we can do. Cunt fucks up this country giving a referendum he never wanted but did it to appease the party faithful (most conservative voters that I now who voted yes have had a major change of heart).

    This led the way for another three cunts to be the guardian of this fine shithole, which has culminated in the Daki prince running things (he reminds me or kermit, but dakified).

    double whammy for Cam the man, made a peer too – met his wife gave him a good noshing last week, sucking her lord off.

    • Cameron…
      The arrogant cunt who kicked off the chaos we’ve had to endure since 2016.
      Now representing this country on the world stage…?
      Fuck me!
      Thought this country couldn’t sink any lower.

  5. I’ve met my fair share of RAF pilots and they were mostly weird poshos but I’d not have them down as capable of doing half of what that enquiry says. The only bit with a ring of truth would be the ‘alcohol-fueled’ culture and therein lies the problem.

    If a military lass thinks every arse-slap or lewd comment comes out of thin-air then perhaps they should look a bit closer at their own boozy conduct.

    I’ve witnessed perhaps one example of unsolicited groping in a mess, which was dealt with on the spot with a firm ‘fuck off’ from the lass.

    Just pretend to be a dyke, like 80% of serving women, and the blokes will leave you alone.

    The bull-dykes on the other hand….

  6. There appears to be 5 more “ladies” in the back ranks besides the one seen by Sam.
    Bit like wheres Willie(less).

  7. I recall some limp wrists complaining that the army didn’t provide them with vegan boots.
    You just have to hope that the shooting never starts.

  8. I had a roaring night of passion with a WAAF, many years ago. ??

    Sneaked into the WAAF block, a slick operation, like The Great Escape in reverse.

    The dear creature banged like a shithouse door in a gale.

    She very kindly left her cap on, as requested.

    Most agreeable. ?

  9. Back to the old days

    Blokes doing bloke stuff
    Fag ash Lil with the tea trolley
    Fit birds in the typing pool all gagging for it.

    The natural order for the world.

    • I thought the Red Arrows were only employing da darkies nowadays, or is that the RAF? Can they even do banter?

      Wimminz Red Arrow: This cockpit has a big stick. And what vibrations. I’m just going to open up my backk doors, over.

      Gbeppe: Ooga.

      • Pop, click, whistle…..

        Radio interference or important communication ?

        We’ll never know…………..

    • Indeed, a much happier and simpler world where nobody had to tread on eggshells to prevent offending the permanently offended.

      A couple of weeks back, all the men got dragged into the board room for a talking to, because some splitarse piece of tick box window dressing had taken offence to something ‘a man’ had said to her. No mention of who said what, but we all needed to be extra careful not to offend the wimminz….In a fucking construction company.

      Turns out it was a project director told one annoying, thick stuck up cunt in marketing to fuck off because she was being an annoying, thick stuck up cunt.

      Nice tits though.

      • That’s what you want, nice tits and tight lipped, not a fucking gobby tart…. Milk and two sugars luv.

      • We have a few of these.

        Great to look at, until they open their mouths and say something completely retarded.

        Some director is definitely hanging out the back of them, because they serve absolutely no other purpose.

        ‘Get your knickers on and fetch me a cuppa luv. Got a board meeting in 15 minutes’.

  10. Flashing genitalia at work isn’t on. Unless you work in a strip club.
    But what’s this ‘alcohol-fuelled’ environment that they’re complaining about? People having a laugh? Or is it because a certain demographic don’t like that either?

  11. Give them their own fucking unit (pun intended) and maybe that’ll stop the alleged abuse.

    The Red Tampons

    • At the risk of this already happened, they would probably want the smoke trails rainbow coloured for the Gays too.

  12. Not to worry, the RAF no longer wants useless white men anyway.
    The 5 ft-tall Pakistani women who replace them won’t pass a basic physical so it’s a great excuse to scrap the Arrows altogether. Extend it to all components of the armed forces. No ‘useless white men’ need apply. Sell everything to India Ukraine and Sweden, possibly South Africa.

    Those carriers are sitting ducks anyway.

    • Personally, I would like to jet my toss up Greta’s rusty sheriff’s badge just to see the look of surprise through the eyeholes in the paper bag I would make her wear.

  13. I’d like to see a topless Red Arrows TV programme. like topless darts, but better – those were the days.

    Scenes of topless woman, in planes, performing ariel stunts and watching their juggs bounce all around, fighting the G-Forces.

    I’d pay good cash to watch that.

  14. I don’t actually mind the idea of a woman flying a plane. It’s parking the fucker that worries me.

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