The application to Electoral Commission for registration by new political party “The Party of Islam” is a cunt – especially for Labour.
Yes, you probably saw it here first folks, the application was made on 13 October.
The aims of the proposed new party will be (reproduced verbatim from Electoral Commission website):
“We are a party who has been created to help all of the minority in the land of Great Britain have a voice. We will make sure that all problems which linger in the great country of Great Britain is defeated“.
It was only a matter of time, of course, but there it is, Sir Kweer – in black and white. As of 13 October, your days are numbered. Prepare to kiss millions of votes, and your sorry arse party goodbye.
Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea
(More flesh on the bones here – Day Admin)
(Update 03/11/2023. The application has been rejected. Details here – Day Admin)
I can’t agree with the cunting, just because between this, the SNP and Lib dems, Labour’s voter base is irrevocably split.
Serves the Cunts right. It’s Satan Blair who allowed them in en masse. Now they can suck on it. Trouble is we have to suck on it as well.
It’s only a matter of time.
Labour thought that by importing millions of third world cunts their future would be secure as they would always vote Labour. Fucking traitors. The same arrogance lay behind Scottish devolution – Scotland would be a Labour fiefdom forever. Will how’s that working out you cunts.
The threats posed by Islamism, and its unholy alliance with woke, is the greatest threat faced by the West since fascism in the 30’s. In fact it is fascism.
I’m just dying to read its manifesto…
Lol. That what it will all be about. The death of everyone who is not a Mudslime bigot.
Pork scratchings will be banned
And no Pork Pies or Bacon Sandwiches ? ??
I have a copy of the Koran if you would to borrow it.
I burned mine ….. Fatwah anyone ?
Agreed, MMCM. Next time they will get a literate shill lawyer to do the paperwork correctly, probably with helpful advice from the Electoral Commission dweebs.
always happens – the parasites will eventually take-over the host. Just keeping it alive enough to feed on it.
It is the inevitable destruction of our country. There is a town somewhere in the USA, I can’t recall exactly where. The muzzers are in the majority now and have made halal slaughter legal in anyones “back yard” as the yanks say. Appalling. But it will be on its way here in the not too distant future. As the IRA worked out, democracy is a waste of time and only extreme, long term and appalling violence will change anything – and Ireland is STILL not united.
Many towns in the Midwestern United States have loudspeakers attached to utility poles. A siren sounds and alerts the residents that a tornado is approaching they should seek shelter.
In Hamtramck, Michigan these loudspeakers sound the adhan to alert the residents it’s time to bang their head on the floor and kiss the carpet.
Hamtramck is a Muslim majority city in Michigan that has largely stayed out of the Liberal MSM until they removed the Rainvow Pride Flag and forbade it’s flying anywhere in the City Limits.
The LGBTQRSTUVXYA+ community went nuts and pleaded with Mayor Amer Gahlib to allow them to fly the flag. After all they argued, we supported your election.
To wit he waived his scimitar and shouted, “Where’s the snackbar?”, scattering the degenerates and sending them back to their safe spaces.*
It also seems as if all Pride Days Parades have been cancelled for the foreseeable future.
And yes, they did indeed pass a city ordinance that allows the faithful to slaughter animals in the comfort and privacy of their own home.
A little bit of Shitholia right here in America.
But it’s all good (as the kids say), Islam is a religion of peace.
*Actually he didn’t waive his scimitar. I just added that for a bit of flavor. But the fairies dispersed quickly enough after the workers building the platform on top of city hall threw a non-binary dummy off the roof to test the practicality of their latest civic improvements.
I read about that recently, it was fucking hilarious. The left wing cunts supporting the fucking peacefuls just couldn’t understand why their support was being shit upon. I suspect even heads rolling around in the streets won’t be enough to teach these thick fuckers what the situation is.
These cunts won’t stop,doesn’t matter if it’s pro hamas rioting,local govt or national govt,they will push the boundaries and demand changes to suit them.
These rats are busy building their filthy nests,an ever growing menace all across the country,all across Europe.
Someone is in for a nasty surprise…it will be amusing to see the forces that come to play to remove the infestation.
This whole stinking mess of “multiculturalism” is a tinderbox waiting to explode.
Bring it on.
Douglas Murray has now called for deportations of all Islamist radicals before we get Enoch 2.0 or the population replace the police with their own vigilante force.
This is where liberal weaklings have led this country.
Braverman talking sense, and getting her arse kicked by the Kweer Army. Well my Labour friends, your are finished either way – either by this lot splitting your vote, or any right-minded people realising that Kweer is nto better than Corbyn.
Splendid news.
I gather the Party of Islam have coined the nickname ‘The Beheaders’ for themselves. They are launching their party at a press conference and have invited Owen Jones, Dan Wootton and Huw Edwards to report on the event. It’s being held on the top floor of The Shard.
I don’t think Wootton would turn up. Owen Jones would put on his Sunday best.
The top of the Shard?
It’s a very tall building. Little Owen wants to be careful that some cunt doesn’t decide to throw him off.
‘You will obey. You will obey….Defenestrate. Defenestrate.’*
*After Terry Nation.
ooh missus, Jones, Wooton and Edwars being taken up the shard – wonder who is a sword and who is a scabard?
Mind you, I may email them and ask if they could also accommodate Daly and his “husband”/groomer/pdough
Shame the apllication was rejected. Still, probably for the best in the long term.
Islam has always been a politicised and imperialist religion. Labour and the SNP will never kowtow enough, and would have to jettison their LGBT shite to appeal to more conservative groups.
Back to postal votes for the dopes in red.
Never fear, CO, a re-submission will be made,
Oven XL.
They can all fuck off with or without a dingy.
I see we are going to have an enquiry into the drowning of some useless dinghy fuckers. The only conclusion I want to here is that there weren’t enough sent to Davy Jone’s locker.
Why is it our problem? Next we’ll be setting up an enquiry regarding list Viking longships.
I hear one of their first policies is to lower the raping age and make non-electric taxis exempt from congestion charges and green taxes.
Here’s a good vid you might enjoy.
Nah, wokism will slime its way through this and live to double-down again. The eyes will continue to swivel due to sheer effort of mental contortions.
Here’s Dianne Abbott showing how it’s done..
Pictured just before she said Chairman Mao did a lot of good.
Yes he did, killed millions of the yellow bastards.
“On balance (Mao) did more good than harm”
Thanks Arch.
Jeez! I also watched the follow on with Morgan/Murray.
Morgan needs cunting!
A fucking stupid idea on the part of the Peacefuls, they couldn’t win more than three or four seats. They’d be much better off riding on the coat tails of the established traitors in Westminster.
For the time being anyway. Their time will come. Alan’s Snackbar!
Don’t forget the wokey liberal whitey stooges that will vote for their own beheadings, FF. There millions of the cunts if the thinly disgusied pro-Hamas demos are anything to go by. The conference season will certainly be more lively. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
And the Gays for Palestine supporting their own defenestration from high towers.
One of the most disturbing elements in the rabid and despicable pro-Palestinian marches every weekend, apart from the noxious anti-semitism, is the alliance on display between Islamism and woke. As I said, this toxic brew is the greatest threat to the west since the fascism of the 30’s.
Woke is one of the most bizarre ideological trends in Western history. They fanatically subscribe to set of beliefs which are manifestly, demonstrably untrue – such as the Gays for Palestine who imagine Hamas to be supporters of gay and trans rights, or that a man can be a woman or that Britain is the most racist country on Earth.
The Oxford philosopher, Nigel Biggar, has an interesting take on this. He describes it as some sort of inverted or perverse manifestation of Christianity. Christianity praised the individual who was conscious of his own moral faults – so a virtuous man could be sinful and holy at the same time if he recognised his unworthiness. The finding of moral faults therefore became fetishised in the West and the inheritance is difficult to shake off. This is exactly the attitude of the woke – they detect “faults” in the West, even if they are not there, emphasise them for virtue signalling to demonstrate their own moral superiority and atone for the alleged moral sinfulness of western civilisation. Europe is no longer a superpower but at least it can be a “moral superpower”.
This intellectual cut de sac leads to anti-semitism, anti-white racism and all the other absurd and dangerous beliefs we see on display today. It needs to be reversed or else the West is well and truly fucked.
Sharia law is just around the corner. Heathen dogs will be held to account. Repent now.
talking of dogs, I think the XL bully ban is the thin end of the wedge to make all dog ownership difficult. Already a large park in Chelmsford has banned dogs in certain ares and they must on the lead in others. I believe this is a direct consequence of peacefuls getting on local councils.
@ LC, i like to let my council know that they are just that, a ‘council’ and i have told them on several occasions just that.
you are elected to negotiate between the counties residents and government of the day to listen to our needs and wants thats all! i also tell them that if they think they have some kind of authority over me please leave me your personal contact details and i will have a ‘common law court convened’ and you can explain to the common law jury exactly where you gained such power! never had an offer taken up yet?
The Nazis only won a few seats in 1928. Ten years later came Kristallnacht.
So begins a country of division that the ordinary, clueless and disinterested might actually take note of. If they elect MP’s to parliament even the Bolshevik Broadcasting corporation will have to state who they are and who they represent.
They enemy within will be ,at last.
Visible to all….☠️
Note: unlike Hamas & the IRA In this country the indigenous population will be able to spot them even though the gutless cunts won’t put on a uniform.
We just make note of who attends the mosque’s ….!
here you go:
Suella Dakiman is proper fucked isn’t she:
Place your bets my fellow cunters. £50 says she will be out by Monday.
I don’t think the Met have enough friends in the civil service to force a witch hunt. She’s only atracked Plod, who everyone fucking hates these days.
Gove to take over?
Fuck me.
It’s the blue coats who I reckon who are to turn on her – they already know the other Daki (our alleged leader) is fucked and he’s looking like a poster boy with big ears.
Two dakies with one stone would be nice mind you.
It’s also the BBC wishing it was so.
I do not disagree CP. I reckon Kweer has been noshing Linecunt to push his agenda through.
She is the only one in the cuntservative party with any balls, if the rest had any balls they would use emergency power to ban the pro Hamas March this Saturday, bus loads of P*ki cunts coming from Leicester, Dewsbury, Batley…
Bound to be a fucking shit show.
Lot’s of curry mind you.
SOI – she’s desperate to be the next leader, clear as my hairy balls.
The next leader will be another fucking limp wristed cunt ?
The irony is that we have the police hating left claiming that Suella is undermining the authority of the police which is exactly what the left has been doing for decades.
The launch off this party is bound to go off in a big bang.
Morning all.
Guy Fawkes MK2.
The French have the right idea with strict separation of religion and state. But for how long?
Why didn’t they just call themselves ISIS, bound to be approved ?
I read their so called statement of intent a couple of weeks ago where they used the word lingure instead of linger. The cunts can’t even get their spelling correct for their manifesto.
I wasn’t sure if they were on about pasta, women’s underpants or lingering?
Infidelgastro – been meaning to ask whose tities those are against your thumbnail image ???.
I’m sorry I can’t answer that as I promised Mrs Infidel that I wouldn’t tell anyone.
I’ve been meaning to tell you…tell that stinking Frog bitch to shave her fucking pits!
well, most of them can’t even talk properly.
Bet this sweaty sock was watching porn via a VPN site when in Morocco, utterly disgraceful.
yay! I’ll pay it out my expense allowance – which is yours anyway!!!
‘We will make sure that all problems which lingure (sic) in the great country of Great Britain is defeated’ – for ‘problems’ read us.
“We will make sure that all problems which linger in the great country of Great Britain is defeated“. Their own words. Great! Does it mean that every one of the foul-arsed cunts is going to blow himself up starting with the sadistic and hypocritical black tea cosy headed, four eyed, grey bearded and finger jabbing shitstirrers in chief? Let’s hope so.
Order your curry Friday night and warm it up Saturday night.Otherwise you will be well fucked trying to order one Saturday The whole of the cunts will be in London protesting ??
Perhaps the same will be true for Kebabs although microwave warmed up lamb donner tastes like Ghandi’s flip flop.
I imagine every MP gets elected by 60 thousand more votes than there is voters.
We are the toilet bowl of the world.Flamethrower the water rats.Shit gibbons.
Camel riding jizz monkeys.
Now now everyone; let’s all stay calm and not lose our heads over this…
I must take exception to the use of the phrase Shit Gibbons to describe the Peacefuls.
While it is true that many carpet kissers hail from Darkest Africa, not all of them have an elevated melanin content. Those that do are properly referred to (here in the states) as Jungle Bunnies or Porch Monkeys regardless of their pagan / heathen beliefs.
Camel riding, goat fucking followers of The Prophet are properly referred to as Sand Niqqers.
The late great Sir Ian Holm as Zerah at the end of Zefferelli’s Jesus of Nazareth.
‘Now, it begins. It all begins….’
White English are doomed – these delightful people out-breed us, ignore our rules of law, keep themselves apart from us and will soon rule us democratically. It’s happening all over Europe and it’s unstoppable.
We’d be better advised to see how Putin has found a way to accommodate the different religions and keep the peace in Russia – here it’s likely there’ll be civil war.
Might as well convert now – before being forced to in 5 years time. You know it makes sense.
The country is fucked with the cunts that are running it a fucking Indian in charge a fucking Muslim running London what the fuck happened to this once great country that ruled the world. Time for us to take back control of this fucking circus
That shithead Lineker, that auld wytch on BBC News, and all these other cunts, going on about this weekend’s protests being about unity and peace. My arse.
Will there be any Israeli flags or banners there? Will they even be allowed?
I think we know the answer to both those questions.?
Oh well shit happens when people don’t listen. That’s my take on matters. get ready to worship Allah