The Garda, the Irish PM Leo Varadker, and the Dublin Riots

Unable to do their job properly and prevent children from being stabbed, they resort to the time honoured tradition of blaming the far right.

LBC News

Exactly who are this mythical far right that are responsible for all the world’s ills?
Was it the EDL that ran people over on Westminster Bridge, stabbed police outside The House of Commons, or blew children up at The Manchester arena?

No. We all know who are responsible for the unrest, so stop playing the far right get out of jail free card, and do the fucking job you get paid for you cunts.

Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire


And on a similar topic there’s this from General Cuntster

Let’s have a, kiss my blarney stone(s) cunting for Irish PM Leo Varadker.

How British are the British Isles these days? Let’s see…Humzangus McYousaf has been mentioned here on IsaC lately. British PM Fishy Rishi is also frequently mentioned here at IsaC, as is London’s own son of a rickshaw driver Suckdick Khunt.

But what about Irish PM Leo Varadkar? We don’t hear much about that cunt. Until now.

It seems another political leader in the British Isles… with Shitholian origins is having a bit of trouble understanding why the bog-trotting natives of the land he Lords over are objecting to being culturally enriched.

Recently, the Auld Sod has been enriched by a massive influx of Shitholians who, unsatisfied with living in a modern western nation (if you can call Ireland that) have taken to stabbing the aboriginals.

True to their victim mentality and like their melanin enhanced American cousins, the Smoked Irish, the spud loving Celts have taken to the streets and are carrying signs that read Irish Lives Matter…ILM as it were.

But actually, who can blame them? Shitholian Josef Pusja was recently convicted for culturally enriching Ashling Murphy with a knife as she was jogging.

Prior to that Yousef Palani, a Sitholistan Immigrant, enriched 2 Irish sword-swallowers by beheading one (oh the irony) and stabbing the other.

And now, a shitholian described only as being of Algerian descent, has sparked a wave of unrest by enriching a 5 year old girl with his knife.

So while it may seem to most reasonable people that the indigenous spud munchers have a right to be angry about continual enrichment of their society, PM Leo Varadlar, a native born son of a shitholian snake charmer, attributes their anger to hate.

Yes that’s right. Unlike the Sitholian enrichers who demonstrate their love by stabbing, the violent Fenians of the Emerald Isle only love riots and anarchy.

Fox News

With all the Shitholians invading Ireland and enriching its citizens it gives a whole new meaning to the old Fenian Anthem, Come Out You Black and Tans.

The world has gone mad.

Morrigan, Neit and Badb save us!

105 thoughts on “The Garda, the Irish PM Leo Varadker, and the Dublin Riots

  1. Can you get more ‘Far Right’ than Islam? We are told that the new Dutch PM is Far Right because he warns of Islam. That makes him centre ground really.

    And stabbing children is a very Islamic pastime.

  2. The rich politicians are just now becoming aware of the seething hatred that many normal people have for these murderous savages.

    What they don’t perhaps yet understand is that their posturing,soppy multicultural arse kissing will count for nothing if things move along at the pace they are now,if the “authorities” seem either powerless or in collusion with these hamas loving cunts then it won’t be much of a surprise if large scale vigilante activity begins..

    Everyone with any sense when faced with repeated murderous assaults by these filthy swine knows full well they don’t think like us and are prone to religious extremism,which they seem to express by stabbing children in many cases.

    North Africans are some of the worst people on the planet and harbour a real hatred for the West.

    We shod have let Mussolini get rid of the whole stinking rabble.

    PS..”An Irish citizen of 20 years” is typical bullshit from the lying cunts pretending to be journalists and broadcasters.

    Full Oven.

  3. You don’t understand. When Peacefuls go round shooting, stabbing and blowing up the Infidel it’s because of their mental elf problems. You, on the other hand, are farright and full of hate. You are on the wrong side of history…….blah blah woof woof……

    • Correct Fred.
      My nom was written before it came to light that the Algerian had suffered a head injury, which had left him with mental health issues.
      It’s an excuse rolled out now just as often as the “far right”.

      Do the mouthpiece cunts really think we fall for this constant shit?

  4. Stabbing tiny children and women. That takes guts. Similar happened in France recently. It is a peaceful thing. Like raping girls. Better get used to it. Part of living in the city. as Suck Dick Khan will tell you.

  5. Everyone listed in the header title have taken their eye off the ball.

    The poor Irish victims who were stabbed by an alleged Algerian and are all fighting for their lives.

    Where is the focus/outrage? Why is the MSM purposely side-lining these attacks while blaming so-called far right hooligans for hate crimes?

    If you find yourself stabbed or beheaded by some scumbag Algerian, the Left and the MSM will more or less protect him and blame you for your white privilege and hatred for migrants.

  6. Is mental health issues about to become the holy grail , seeing as it is a free pass to every backward, violent cunt that commits a crime these days..

    As for the garda I imagine they are as effective as the met these days.

    And as for Paul burrells more effeminate, mincing brother. Only open your mouth when a smelly immigrant cock is nearby.

  7. The fact that kids had been stabbed is now almost an afterthought after the media, police and this cunt had finished demonizing normal people.

    Still no name or picture of O’Mohammed, this mysterious ‘Irish citizen’. Maybe if they keep on about the ‘far-right’ they are hoping people will just forget about it.

    • Algerian by birth, upbringing and religion, so I read elsewhere.

      Known to the Gardia and had previous for damaging cars and Poseidon of a knife, allegedly of course.

      Sounds like a well rounded every day, happy go lucky Mick or Paddy….

    • It’s not just kids who have been stabbed. Veradker’s boyfriends have taken a furious bashing this week. It’s not just the Muslamic cunts who are good at penetrating.

  8. The fucking BBC had a video interview with the ‘hero’ Brazilian migrant who tackled the Knifeman. They went to great lengths to point out that the Brazilian migrant took on the Irish citizen who is in his 40s. However, whilst it was stated that the cunt had been an Irish citizen for 20 years , the BBC did not mention his place of origin or his name. How thick do they think we are?
    BTW, perhaps the powers that be should cease referring to the protestors as ‘far right’ and instead use the moe accurate term – voters.

    • The word on antisocial media is that the savage bastard had already been disarmed by a real Irishman when the Brazilian intervened. That’s not to understate the bravery of the Brazilian chap, but of course it suits the BBC’s narrative to make out an immigrant saved the day.

      • I understand from my boyos back in the olde country that the Irishman was given some quite explicit instructions not to discuss the attack with the media. Fair enough, there will presumably be a trial and all that.

        How predictable then to see the good Brazilian lad front and centre and so readily quoted.

    • Was it ever in doubt the arrogant narcissistic psychopaths who make up the political-media class would go full Pravda over this?

  9. Verukar is a truly nauseating piece of slime.

    The far left need disposing of as much as the mud slime invaders.

    Any one have poor old El Tel Venables in t’pool ?

  10. I digress. Nobody on the Clint cunt morbidity site saw Venables coming. Were they all bunged brown envelopes to keep schtum ?

  11. Protesting the invasion of your country is far right extremism, protesting drag queens in schools is far right.

    Protesting because a foreign criminal does resisting arrest far erm…..right on and good.

    Tell me I need a tin foil hat again…..

  12. I think it totally unfair to blame ‘the far right’ for the ‘troubles’ in Dublin.

    Clearly all those involved had mental health issues…

    Afternoon all.

  13. This thick as shit Irish PM is having another ‘Q*eers for Palestine’ moment. Protecting the very people who would literally encourage you to sing it from the rooftops.

  14. I heard that fucking soppy cow who used to in coronation street Tracy Brabin spout the Diversity is our Strength crap in response to the 6 or 7 hundred thousand net immigrants.
    All politicians (Leo Vader is ultra woke) seem to have the ‘head up the arse’ approach to immigration, cannot understand that filling your country with shit will eventually produce a bad smell and disease.

    Dublin like many cities has a nice centre but is surrounded by low income, low aspiration and anger and when the place is invaded people get pissed off, far right or just right.

    Here is the solution – Stop letting cunts for shitholes into your country.

  15. Leo was marching in London yesterday with a banner reading ‘Antisemitic Indian knob jockeys for Palestine’.
    Just think, if he hadn’t been under constant guard it could have been him tied up, stabbed 43 times and beheaded by an Iraqi last year.

  16. Now it’s the concerned members of Irish public that are “far right”

    Ireland, like most, if not all European countries – have had this multicultural experiment/ mass dumping on them of fighting age males, bullshit forced upon them.

    The Irish have a strong ethnocentric culture, have not ever engaged in colonialism, slavery or whatever other bollocks argument, that is readily weaponised by the insane cunts of the left to justify this utter madness.

    So what have the Irish done to deserve this?
    What have the white Irish ever done to Abdul, Mohammed and Mtembe in the historical past to deserve this?

    Considering the population size of Ireland – The Irish have had this human detritus dumped on them practically tenfold.

    This is nothing but a grotesque, ill judged experiment playing out over swathes of Europe, aided and abetted by corrupt politicians and a disgusting treacherous media, that the public never asked to be part of.

    I’m just glad that the Irish public decided to kick off and wreck the place because it shows that at least some European cultures are still willing to make a stand. However small.

    If it had been in England for example, I imagine it would have been talked about for a couple of hours, candles lit and a few renditions of Kum ba ya/not all migrants/refugees welcome/far right to blame, then swept under the carpet until the next inevitable atrocity.

  17. “How British are the British Isles these days?”

    It’s a complicated picture, especially for foreigners.
    The British Isles is a geographical area, not a political area.
    The Republic of Ireland, where Leo Varadkar is PM (Taoiseach), is not at all British.
    It is 100% Irish.
    And a EU member.
    It has not been British for over 100 years.
    Northern Ireland is also not British.
    But it is part of the UK.
    England, Scotland and Wales are 100% British,
    And part of Europe,
    But not part of the EU.
    Hope that helps.
    Good afternoon.

    • With the good General it is hard to tell if that was just standard ‘Murican ignorance and crassness or a naff attempt to goad.

      Either way, good value for entertainment.

    • “The British Isles is a geographical area, not a political area”
      Yes indeed, MJB. Perhaps I’m getting sentimental and silly in my dotage but, on a map, and in my stupid head, Britain and Ireland look just great together.

    • Good evening,

      I asked the Admin team to edit my nomination so as not to cause controversy and confusion.

      My “How British are the British Isles?” question was more of a rhetorical device meant to illustrate that 3 of the political entities in the British Isles are headed up by elected leaders of Shitholian descent more than a literal one.

      Nonetheless, it was in fact an incorrect characterization.

      Around the world many speak of the Americas in the same fashion as I spoke of the British Isles. However, that too can be misleading.

      If the Mexican President was nominated and someone asked “How American is America?”, I too would take exception.

      The average American would not want to be associated with a bunch of greasy bean benders any more than the average Briton wants to be associated with a bunch of filthy bogtrotters.

      So I understand the objection.

      Nonetheless, the point still stands. The Emerald Isle is now the Emerald Shithole.

      My apologies to any Briton I offended.

      • Depends who you’re referring to as “a bunch of filthy Irish bogtrotters”.
        If you mean ordinary Irish people, then I (as a “Briton”) have no objection to being associated with them.
        So no offence taken.
        Good evening.

      • You are more than welcome!

        After I posted this nom, you (in a now deleted response) denied that Ireland was even a part of the British Isles.

        On your follow up post (also now deleted), you went to great lengths to say the Irish should never be associated with the British.

        Given your remarks and considering that the English and the Irish have never exactly held each other in high regard, it is understandable that I came to such an erroneous conclusion.

        So rather than agree that Leo Varadkar is a cunt, let’s come together around the one really important thing in this nom…i.e. that you are not offended by my remarks.

        In that spirit I propose that we let bygones be bygones. It’s all good. No harm, no foul. All’s well that ends well. There are better days ahead.

        Regards from the Americas.


      • I can’t speak for MJB but I’d wager he’d let bygones be bygones if you ever posted that fucking link you promised when you were good and ready.

        but on a serious note, it is concerning that his posts are getting deleted; I thought this was only something that affected the internet in Tardsville, Florida.

        Test post, test post, etc.

        Good night

      • “After I posted this nom, you (in a now deleted response) denied that Ireland was even a part of the British Isles.”

        Not so.
        I said that the Republic of Ireland was not part of the British Isles, ergo your statement that Varadkar was “another British leader” was incorrect.

        I immediately corrected myself in regard to the nature of the British Isles.

        You later accepted that Varadkar was not a “British leader” and petitioned Admin to alter what you had written to read “political leader” instead, which they kindly did.

        That said,
        I accept your gracious proposal “that we let bygones be bygones. It’s all good. No harm, no foul. All’s well that ends well. There are better days ahead.”

        We can but hope…

      • Evening MBE.
        The deleted posts in question (both mine and the general’s) were posted on the nominations page last night when he originally submitted his cunting unabridged.

      • Hey Mickey,

        His posts were deleted because he posted them on the nomination page in response to my nomination.

        They were not re-posted when my remarks were added to today’s nom.

        Nothing nefarious there.

        As for the rest of your remarks…

        I wish you a pleasant good night.

      • I think perhaps I’ll just end my participation in this part of the nomination.

        While I have enjoyed the civil discourse, there are those who might misconstrue its nature and perceive some dark undertones.

        Besides, this type of discourse tends to distract from the nomination and might lead some to think there is genuine dislike between myself and some other posters.

        Have a pleasant evening all, and regards from the Americas.

      • @GC
        Oh, and I certainly never “went to great lengths to say the Irish should never be associated with the British.”
        Besides, unlike you, I rarely go to great lengths to say anything.

  18. As they used the term ‘lunatics’ to describe those kicking off in Dublin, I’m very interested to know what word they would use for the attacker.
    ‘Moderate’ most likely.
    It seems to have escaped the media, and probably the Garda, that the fucker is still on the loose.
    What should the the public do if they are approached by this nutter? Sign a written affidavit that they won’t reveal his ethnicity on pain of prosecution would be my guess.

  19. As soon as they arrive on our shores herd them all into RAF transport planes and push the lot out over Algeria(no parachutes).Filth.

  20. I see Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (real name Tommy Robinson) has been arrested today for not wanting to suck filthy muzzıe dick, unlike the disgraceful met police who can’t Suqdiq hard enough.
    Fucking pig traitors.

    • Afternoon Mr Cunt Engine. The fucking fatso police can’t wait to arrest pro-Israeli demonstrators. ‘Just following orders’ innit. BBC staffers will be wanking off so hard that there will be rivers of self-righteous spunk flowing from Portland Place.

      • According to meeja outlets Mr Robinson has been arrested at an anti-semitism march. That should be an anti-anti-semitsm march, fuckwits.

    • He is the Far Right, the only Far Right and nothing but the Far Right.

      His presence could cause the entire world to end.

      Yesterday the woman who reports for GB News was surrounded by ‘rag heads’ or rag head sympathisers and intimidated, the Police have recorded an incident report. ?

  21. I see the traitor Verradakuunt has exposed himself again today. His Hamas pals released a nine year old girl of Irish origin and the Gupta tweets “she was lost and now has been found.”
    No cunt, she didn’t wander off and was found in a park by your Garda heroes. She was kidnapped and probably raped by your subhuman friends. Get it right you WEF fucking bastard. You ain’t fooling anyone.

  22. Our highly transparent and honest media might’ve noticed a few of the ‘far right’ rioters and looters were also architects and barristers of a darker hue.

    Their eyes must be swivelling like eheels on fruit machines at the cognitive dissonance.

    Conor ‘old man sucker puncher’ McGregor has redeemed himself a little by attacking the gaslit response of the chicken-shits in power.

  23. It often turns out that these evil bastards act under the influence of mental health ‘issues’ (a cunt’s word if ever I saw one). I’ve searched high and low on line and found no reference to ‘issues’ that cause those affected to stab/blow up/behead/groom for sexual gratification persons of one, and only one, race. Perhaps it’s more of a religious than a medical condition.

  24. Leo Varadkar is homosexual. (I don’t use the expression “gay”, most of those I’ve ever known have been miserable bastards.) His father was from Bombay. He was elected to Tea shop by his mates rather than the party members, same way we got Rishi. He had the nerve once to call a former Tea shop “cunning and devious”. The old saying “pot calling kettle black arse” comes to mind. Lists all I want to know really, nothing to add.

  25. The British government, the Irish government, the British police, the Garda, the BBC, RTE, the MSM can all get to fuck,

    The religion of peace, the far right, mental health issues, a British/Irish/Norwegian citizen….

    It doesn’t work any more!

  26. How many of us on here called it right when the people of Dublin outraged by foreign scum stabbing little kids would be labelled ‘Far Right’ by the politicos?

    I guessed and I’m betting most did.

    Like those in Wales that were also Far Right.

    Got there quick didn’t they?
    maybe the far right have helicopters?

    And these Far Right,
    what’s the name of the organisation?

    They used to have names?
    nowadays they just call themselves the far right?

    Get to Fuck?
    You think we’ve just hatched from eggs?!!!

    • As I said the other day Mis, the ‘far right’ deploy quicker than the SAS.
      Stabbings at 1.30, organised far right ‘lunatics’kicking off by 6pm.
      I’d love to see a police intelligence report into these far right organisations. I bet it’d be full of blank pages.
      Because they don’t exist you fat, lazy, lilly livered cunts!

  27. The Irish struggled for three hundred and fifty years to get the hated Brits out of their country and then go and vote for this piece of shit and allow themselves to be invaded by savages who want them all dead.
    Mind you, we’re no better. I think of all those white headstones in France and Belgium, plenty of Irish among them, and it’s enough to make you weep.

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